Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 기타
Superloading yield surface concept is newly introduced together with subloading yield surface conception in order to describe full gradation continuously of the mechanical behavior of soils from typical sand through intermediate soil to typical clay (All Soils). Finite deformation theory has been applied to the soil skeleton-pore water coupled continuum mechanics, which enables us to discuss things in a perpetual stream from stable state to unstable state like from deformation to failure and vice versa like from liquefaction to post liquefaction consolidation of sand (All States). Incremental form of the equation of motion has been employed in the continuum mechanics in order to incorporate a rate type constitutive equation, which is "All Round" enough to predict ground behavior under both static and dynamic conditions. The present paper is the shortened version of the lecture note delivered in 2008 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Conference, Science Council Japan, but with newly developed application examples.
This paper describes an adaptive management approach for predicting, monitoring, and controlling ground movements associated with excavations in urban areas. Successful use of monitoring data to update performance predictions of supported excavations depends equally on reasonable numerical simulations of performance, the type of monitoring data used as observations, and the optimization techniques used to minimize the difference between predictions and observed performance. This paper summarizes each of these factors and emphasizes their inter-dependence. Numerical considerations are described, including the initial stress and boundary conditions, the importance of reasonable representation of the construction process, and factors affecting the selection of the constitutive model. Monitoring data that can be used in conjunction with current numerical capabilities are discussed, including laser scanning and webcams for developing an accurate record of construction activities, and automated and remote instrumentations to measure movements. Self-updating numerical models that have been successfully used to compute anticipated ground movements, update predictions of field observations and to learn from field observations are summarized. Applications of these techniques from case studies are presented to illustrate the capabilities of this approach.
This paper studied the safety management network system of infrastructure which constructed smart sensors, closed-circuit television(CCTV) and monitoring system. This safety management of infrastructure applied to bridge, cut slop and tunnel, embankment etc. The system applied to technologies of standardization guidelines, data acquirement technologies, data analysis and judgment technologies, system integration setup technology, and IT technologies. It was constructed safety management network system of various infrastructure to improve efficient management and operation for many infrastructure. Integrated safety management network system of infrastructure consisted of the real-time structural health monitoring system of each infrastructure, integrated control center, measured data transmission using i of tet web-based, collecting data using sf ver, early alarm system which the dangerous event of infrastructure occurred. Integrated control center consisted of conference room, control room to manage and analysis the data, server room to present the measured data and to collect the raw data. Early alarm system proposed realization of warning and response within 5 minute or less through development of sensor-based progress report and propagation automation system using the media such as MMS, VMS, EMS, FMS, SMS and web services of report and propagation. Based on this, the most effective u-Infrastructure Safety Management System is expected to be stably established at a less cost, thus making people's life more comfortable. Information obtained from such systems could be useful for maintenance or structural safety evaluation of existing structures, rapid evaluation of conditions of damaged structures after an earthquake, estimation of residual life of structures, repair and retrofitting of structures, maintenance, management or rehabilitation of historical structures.
Incheon Bridge, 18.4 km long sea-crossing bridge, will be opened to the traffic in October 2009 and this will be the new landmark of the gearing up north-east Asia as well as the largest & longest bridge of Korea. Incheon Bridge is the integrated set of several special featured bridges including a magnificent cable-stayed girder bridge which has a main span of 800 m width to cross the navigation channel in and out of the Port of Incheon. Incheon Bridge is making an epoch of long-span bridge designs thanks to the fully application of the AASHTO LRFD (load & resistance factor design) to both the superstructures and the substructures. A state-of-the-art of the geotechnologies which were applied to the Incheon Bridge construction project is introduced. The most Large-diameter drilled shafts were penetrated into the bedrock to support the colossal superstructures. The bearing capacity and deformational characteristics of the foundations were verified through the world's largest static pile load test. 8 full-scale pilot piles were tested in both offshore site and onshore area prior to the commencement of constructions. Compressible load beyond 30,000 tonf pressed a single 3 m diameter foundation pile by means of bi-directional loading method including the Osterberg cell techniques. Detailed site investigation to characterize the subsurface properties had been carried out. Geotextile tubes, tied sheet pile walls, and trestles were utilized to overcome the very large tidal difference between ebb and flow at the foreshore site. 44 circular-cell type dolphins surround the piers near the navigation channel to protect the bridge against the collision with aberrant vessels. Each dolphin structure consists of the flat sheet piled wall and infilled aggregates to absorb the collision impact. Geo-centrifugal tests were performed to evaluate the behavior of the dolphin in the seabed and to verify the numerical model for the design. Rip-rap embankments on the seabed are expected to prevent the scouring of the foundation. Prefabricated vertical drains, sand compaction piles, deep cement mixings, horizontal natural-fiber drains, and other subsidiary methods were used to improve the soft ground for the site of abutments, toll plazas, and access roads. Light-weight backfill using EPS blocks helps to reduce the earth pressure behind the abutment on the soft ground. Some kinds of reinforced earth like as MSE using geosynthetics were utilized for the ring wall of the abutment. Soil steel bridges made of corrugated steel plates and engineered backfills were constructed for the open-cut tunnel and the culvert. Diverse experiences of advanced designs and constructions from the Incheon Bridge project have been propagated by relevant engineers and it is strongly expected that significant achievements in geotechnical engineering through this project will contribute to the national development of the longspan bridge technologies remarkably.
Large diameter bored pile was selected as the foundation type for Taipei 101. The pile construction method and specific construction procedures were determined based on the results of trial installation and pile load tests. The baseline for foundation design was established using the friction versus depth characteristics of each ground layer obtained from the pile load tests. As the ground profile and depth to the top of rock formation varied significantly on this site, the pile length, bearing capacity and settlement for single pile were analyzed using the information interpreted from adjacent boreholes. The post grouting at pile tip was mandatory for pile construction. Nevertheless, it was treated as a measure reducing the influence of construction uncertainties and providing extra safety for the foundation system.
A 151 storey super high-rise building located in an area of reclaimed land constructed over soft marine clay in Songdo, Korea is currently under design. This paper describes the design process of the foundation system of the supertall tower, which is required to support the large building vertical and lateral loads and to restrain the horizontal displacement due to wind and seismic forces. The behaviour of the foundation system due to these loads and foundation stiffness influence the design of the building super structure, displacement of the tower, as well as the raft foundation design. Therefore, the design takes in account the interactions between soil, foundation and super structure, so as to achieve a safe and efficient building performance. The site lies entirely within an area of reclamation underlain by up to 20m of soft to firm marine silty clay, which overlies residual soil and a profile of weathered rock. The nature of the foundation rock materials are highly complex and are interpreted as possible roof pendant metamorphic rocks, which within about 50m from the surface have been affected by weathering which has reduced their strength. The presence of closely spaced joints, sheared and crushed zones within the rock has resulted in deeper areas of weathering of over 80m present within the building footprint. The foundation design process described includes the initial stages of geotechnical site characterization using the results of investigation boreholes and geotechnical parameter selection, and a series of detailed two- and three-dimensional numerical analysis for the Tower foundation comprising over 172 bored piles of varying length. The effect of the overall foundation stiffness and rotation under wind and seismic load is also discussed since the foundation rotation has a direct impact on the overall displacement of the tower.
This paper presents case histories and research projects related to geotechnical challenges at waste landfill sites in Japan. Due to the limitation of inland space available to waste disposal, coastal landfills and the associated containment systems are important considerations, particularly for metropolitan areas. Experimental works on heavy metals mobility using a large column to simulate the redox potential at the coastal landfill sites are introduced. After the closure of landfill sites, they are expected to be utilized as new land space, since new space is difficult to find in urban area. In the redevelopment of such closed landfill sites, there are possibilities of environmental risks, such as generation of toxic gas and leachate, differential settlement of the waste layer, damage to the lining system. Whether the pile installation through the clay layer acting as a landfill bottom barrier is environmentally acceptable or not has been a great concern in the redevelopment of closed waste landfill sites in particular coastal landfill sites. An analytical study to evaluate the cost-effective remedial option for a dumped waste site located along a landslide area, where cut-off wall keyed into the aquitard might elevate groundwater level and thus may not be employed, is presented.
Since its opening in 1992, Sudokwon Landfill has become a landfill in which wastes generated from more than 22 million people are treated and disposed of. Its first phase landfill was closed in 2000 and the second phase landfill is in operation since then. The Korean environmental policies on refuse have drastically evolved for the last decade or so. From merely safe containment of wastes, the utilization of them as a source for energy generation and the minimization of waste volume to be filled in landfills are in the mainstream. Keeping in pace with the new trends, several challenging projects are in their way to blossom in Sudokwon Landfill. This paper briefs some important activities in the landfill. They are (1) geotechnical issues related to the construction and maintenance of the
$1^{st}$ and$2^{nd}$ Landfills and (2) landfill gas and bioreactor which are recently emerging in the market. -
In geotechnical engineering, the mechanical characteristics of soil, the main material of geotechnical engineering, is highly related to the confining stress. Reduced-scale physical modeling is often conducted to evaluate the performance or to verify the behavior of the geotechnical systems. However, reduced-scale physical modeling cannot replicate the behavior of the full-scale prototype because the reduced-scale causes difference of self weight stress level. Geotechnical centrifuges are commonly used for physical model tests to compensate the model for the stress level. Physical modeling techniques using centrifuge are widely adopted in most of geotechnical engineering fields these days due to its various advantages. In this paper, fundamentals of geotechnical centrifuge modeling and its application area are explained. State-of-the-art geotechnical centrifuge equipment is also described as an example of KOCED geotechnical centrifuge facility at KAIST.
In this study, properties of shear wave velocity of core zone in filldams are analyzed. Shear wave velocity is derived using analysis of surface wave method that can be used nondestructively on the surface of filldams. These values are acquired through the tests for the core zone of six filldams by SASW and HWAW methods. Existing 2 more results are added. Shear wave velocity according to the depth and confining pressure are estimated, respectively. These analytical results are compared with the frequently used empirical method by Sawada and Takahashi.
In this study, the characteristics of pullout behavior of Pressurized light-weight steel Anchor was investigated through centrifuge model tests considering pull-out angle
$0^{\circ}$ with changing undrained shearstrength(0~1, 2~4, 5~7kPa) of clay. According to the results of tests, the yield pullout load of clay ground was gradually increased up to 30% as undrained shear strength was increased. Therefore, it was known that the yield pullout load was affected by increasing the undrained shear strength, in addition, the pattern of behavior was not changed. -
Infiltration of rainfall causes railway slopes to be unstable and may result in failure. Basic relationship between the rainfall and stability of railway embankment is defined to analyze its stability by rainfall. An experimental study for defining of infiltration rate of rainfall into slope is conducted in the lab. The results of Rainfall infiltration show that rainfall infiltration is not equal to infiltration as like reservoir because rate of rainfall infiltration is controlled by slope angle. Based on these results, boundary condition of rainfall is altered and various numerical analysis are performed. The variation of shear strength, the degree of saturation and pore-water pressure for railway slope during rainfall can be predicted and the safety factor of railway slope can be expressed as the function of rainfall amount, namely rainfall index. And suggested rainfall index is compared with the rail transport operation control which is used in KORAIL. It is judged that this rainfall index can be a good tool for the rail-transport operation control.
Based on the data obtained from field investigation and soil testing to slope hazards occurrence section and non-occurrence section in crystalline rocks like gneiss, granite, and so on, a prediction model was developed by the use of a decision tree model. The classification standard of the selected prediction model is composed of the slope angle, the coefficient of permeability and the void ratio in the order. The computer program, SHAPP ver. 1.0 for prediction of slope hazards around an important national facilities using GIS technique and the developed model. To prove the developed prediction model and the computer program, the field data surveyed from Jumunjin, Gangneung city were compared with the prediction result in the same site. As the result of comparison, the real occurrence location of slope hazards was similar to the predicted section. Through the continuous study, the accuracy about prediction result of slope hazards will be upgraded and the computer program will be commonly used in practical.
Localized rainfall due to abnormal climate has caused extensive damages killing several tens to hundreds of people for yearly basis. The typhoon 'Lusa' of year 2002 has resulted 5,400 billion won of property damage and the damages for roads were approximated to be 2,860 billion won at 12,377 locations holding 53% damage of total. The recent typhoon, 'Aewinia' of yeat 2006 caused the 1,400 billion-won property damage including sweeping and flooding of 127 roads and 65 rivers, respectively. There are needs to minimize the damages for important structures for repeated heavy rainfalls every year and, especially, because debris flow might be a main cause of road damage, the design criteria and guideline for roads are required to be improved. Therefore, this paper presented design method of debris-flow control structure for road protection.
About twenty ancient reservoirs in Korea have been the subjects of the archaeological investigation. Some of them have been still remained today, but among them, only Byeokgolje of Gimje city(金堤碧骨堤) and Cheongje of Yeongcheon(永川菁堤) have been verified when they were constructed. According to the investigation, the first reservoir in Korea is Jeojeons-ri reservoir of Andong city(安東 苧田里 貯水池). The aim of this study is investigating the reservoirs by their historical values to preserve and utilize them.
This paper describes an overview of technology and research of dam and levee in Korea. In order to trace the development of dam and levee construction technology, history of design and construction of them is briefly reviewed, and their statistics including type, number and purpose of those hydraulic structures in Korea are dealt with. Furthermore, current status of research on the mentioned structures is also reviewed based on the papers published in Korean societies such as Korean Society of Civil Engineers and Korean Geotechnical Society. Finally state-of-the-art equipment and technology to investigate the safety conditions, and hence to enhance or rehabilitate their stability and dam and levee systems, respectively, are introduced here.
In recent years, the cutting and banking areas along the railway in Korea are exposed to the erosion problem during every year. The reinforcement is a composite construction material in which the strength of engineering fill is enhanced by the addition of strong tensile reinforcement in many different types. Various problems of the railway infrastructure have occurred due to the differential settlement, frost heaving, mud pumping, lack of bearing capacity, partially loss of embankment. In advanced countries, railway roadbed reinforcement is applied to solve these problems on railway roadbed. This paper presents the solution of such problems by means of the engineering works incorporated with railway reinforcement infrastructures such as geotextile bag method, existing grouting method, geocell, reinforced earth, soil nailing and so on.
To enhance the application of the reinforced retaining walls in the railway industry, this paper suggested a type of reinforcement subgrade with short reinforcement and rigid facing. To become popular the reinforced retaining walls in the industry, the deformation of retaining walls should be controlled below some limited level. In this paper, small scale and full scale tests of the proposed retaining walls were performed and their deformation characteristics were evaluated. Even though it has short reinforcement, the rigid type retaining wall had small deformation to the external train loading than the segmental type retaining wall had.
The present paper analyzes and discusses the effect of facing system and staged construction in GRS (geosynethetic reinforced soil) walls for railway structures throughout various case analyses. The result shows that postconstruction facing system by staged construction procedures is more advantageous for railway structure construction than preconstruction and simultaneous construction facing system with reinforced soil.
Field investigation was performed right after the occurrence of debris flow at Jinbu area. Geomorphic and geotechnical characteristics were investigated and rain fall data were collected. Based on these data, seepage and slope stability analysis was performed to verify the behavior of ground water and factor of safety of the slope according to the rainfall intensity and time. As a results, the minimum value of factor of safety achieved in long time after the moment of maximum precipitation rate. And it is confirmed that the factor of safety is susceptible to ground water level rather than rainfall intensity.
Noise & vibration-free screw pile method is being developed for solution of noise and vibration problem in existing pile method. In this paper, prior to pilot test construction, conditions which a PHC pile and a screw PHC pile were constructed into ground were modeled by finite element code and through the parametric study in cohesive soils, the behaviors of two kinds of pile according to soil characteristics were compared.
In this study, a series of numerical analysis has been accomplished on the thermal performance and sectional efficiency of a closed-loop vertical ground heat exchanger (U-loop) in a geothermal heat pump system (GHP) considering the circulating fluid, pipe, grout and soil formation. A finite element analysis program, ABAQUS, was employed to evaluate the temperature distribution on the cross section of the U-loop system involving HDPE pipe/grout/formation and to compare sectional efficiency between the conventional U-loop and a new latticed HDPE pipe system. Especially, the latticed pipe is equipped with a thermal insulation zone in order to reduce thermal interference between the inflow pipe and the outflow pipe. Also, a thermal stress analysis was performed with the aid of ABAQUS. 3-D finite volume analysis program, FLUENT, was adapted to analyze a coupled system between fluid circulation in the pipe and heat transfer and simulate an operating process of the closed-loop vertical ground heat exchanger. In this analysis, the effect of the thermal properties of grout, rate of circulation pump, distance between the inflow pipe and the outflow pipe, and the effectiveness of the latticed HDPE pipe system are taken into account.
Numerical analysis has been performed to estimate maximum settlement and maximum horizontal displacement due to tunnel excavation varying ground condition, tunnel depth and diameter, and construction condition (volume loss at excavation face). The maximum surface settlement from the numerical analysis has been compared with the maximum settlement at tunnel crown considering ground condition, tunnel depth and diameter, and construction condition, and it has been also compared with the maximum horizontal displacement. The results from the numerical analysis have been compared with field measurements to confirm the applicability and validity of the results and by this comparison it is believed that the numerical results in this study can be utilized practically in analyzing the ground movements due to tunnel excavation.
The steel pipe of steel-concrete composite piles increases the pile strength and induces the ductile failure by constraining the deformation of the inner concrete. In this research, the load-movement relations and the reinforcement effect by the outer steel pipe in the steel-concrete composite pile were analyzed by performing three-dimensional numerical analyses, which can simulate the yielding behavior of the pile material and the elasto-plastic behavior of soils. The parameters analyzed in the study include three pile materials of steel, concrete and composite, pile diameter and loading direction. As the results, the axial capacity of the composite pile was 1.9 times larger than that of the steel pipe pile and similar with that of the concrete pile. At the allowable movement criteria, the horizontal capacity of the composite pile was 1.46 times larger than that of the steel pile and 1.25 times larger than that of the concrete pile. In addition, the horizontal movement at the pile head of the composite pile was about 78% of that of the steel pile and about 53% of that of the concrete pile, which showed that the movement reduction effect of the composite pile was significant and enables the economical design of drilled shafts.
Large quantity of extra soils discharged from excavation site in Songdo area can be treated by hardening agents and utilized in surface stabilized layer overlying thick reclaimed soft soil deposit. Though surface layer stabilization method using cement or lime for very soft soils has been studied in recent years, but studies on moderately soft clayey silt has not been tried. The purpose of this research is to investigate optimum mixing condition for stabilizing Songdo marine soil with low plasiticity. The optimum mixing conditions of hardening agents with Songdo soil such as kind of agents, mixing ratio, initial water content and curing time are investigated by uniaxial compression test and laboratory vane test. The results indicate that strength increases with high mixing ratio and long curing time, while decreases drastically under certain water content before mixing. Finally, optimum mixing condition considering economic efficiency and workability with test results was proposed.
This study concerns bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundations on jointed rock mass. The main focus of this research lies on getting insight into the applicability of bearing capacity estimation methods developed by other researchers. First, an extensive literature review was performed on previous studies concerning bearing capacity of foundation on jointed rock mass. Second, a parametric study on a number of jointed rock conditions using the finite-element analysis. The results of the analysis were then compared with those computed by the bearing capacity estimation method.
Top-Base Foundation(TBF) was developed in Japan as a factory made concrete product. It is actively used in 6,000 sites by the end of 1980s in Japan and applied for a domestic patent in 1985. It is a shallow foundation whose effectiveness is proven by many relevant researchers and engineers. TBF was introduced to Korea in 1991 and has been applied mainly to architectural structures to date. Currently, the effectiveness in bearing capacity and settlement of TBF is being underestimated for civil engineering structures. Characteristics of Top-Base Foundation studied in Japan and Korea is known as follows: (1) as concrete part and crushed stone behave together, they perform the function of rigid mat; (2) the conical part and pile part of TBF disperses load by interaction with the crushed stone; (3) by preventing lateral strain and differential settlement on lower ground, it improves bearing capacity and constrains settlement at the same time. In Korea, it is used mostly in clayey soft grounds. The formula of bearing capacity and settlement of TBF suggested in Japan give the values of the underestimated. bearing capacity while its settlement is overestimated in comparison with the values measured from the field loading test. Therefore, in this study, the stress delivery mechanism of Top-Base Foundation developed in Japan and Floating Top Base developed in Korea is investigated through numerical analysis and laboratory model test.
In this study, the joint part of non-welding composite pile is investigated by a three dimensional finite element analysis. Special attention is given to the overall stress distribution under lateral, axial and tensional load conditions. Through comparisons with allowable stress of materials, a simple method is proposed to estimate the ultimate load condition of joint part. The appropriate design method is suggested and highlighted through the numerical analysis.
As soft grounds have complex engineering properties that the load bearing capacity is low and high compressibility, it needs to solve this problems prior to structures are constructed by the method of improvement of soft ground. Generally, the sand mat is used to as a horizontal drain material and loading base for soft ground improvement work. However, as the natural environment can be damaged by sand pickings of large quantity and the volume which is enormous and an amount of demanded sand is increased, it is state of short in supply. This paper presents the result of field experimental test to use Precious Slag Ball to solve these issues instead of sand mat as the replacing material. This study evaluated the performance of Precious Slag Ball as a sand mat in terms of discharge capacity, settlement, and settlement through the K-Embank program.
In this study, seismic analysis is performed using simplified method, analytical solution and numerical analysis based on one-dimensional seismic site response analysis. The results show that analytical solution of tunnel response is predicted more conservative than numerical solution. And simplified method is not appropriate for seismic analysis of tunnel response. In addition, it is reasonable to determine shear-modulus reduction ratio performing seismic site response analysis to consider ground nonlinear-behavior.
Cemented soils or concrete are usually cured under moisture conditions and their strength increases with curing time. An insufficient supply of water to cemented soils can contribute to hydration process during curing, which results in the variation of bonding strength of cemented soils. In this study, by the consideration of in situ water supply conditions, cemented sand with cement ratio less than 20% was prepared by air dry, wrapped, and underwater conditions. A series of unconfined compression tests were carried out to evaluate the effect of curing conditions on the strength of cemented soils. The strength of air dry curing specimen was higher than those of wrapped cured specimen when cement ratio was less than 10%, whereas it was lower when cement ratio was greater than 10%. Regardless of cement ratio, air dry cured specimens were stronger than underwater cured specimens. A strength increase ratio with cement ratio was calculated based on the strength of 4% cemented specimen. The strength increase ratio of air dry cured specimen was lowest and that of wrapped and underwater cured ones increased by square. Strength of air dry cured specimen dropped to maximum 30% after wetting when cement ratio was low. However, regardless of cement ratio, strength of wrapped specimens dropped to an average 10% after wetting.
Cementation phenomenon has a huge influence on geotechnical stiffness and strength under low confining pressure. The goal of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of stiffness according to the depth. The piezo disk elements are installed at each layer of the cell for the detection of the compressional waves. The change of compressional wave velocity is classified by three stages. The compressional wave velocities are shown different according to the depth. The compressional wave velocity is especially influenced by cementation, effective stress, and coordinate number. Furthermore, the electrical conductivity and cone tip resistance are measured according to the depth. The electrical conductivity and the cone tip resistance show the similar trend with the compressional wave velocity. This study shows that the cementation by salt is affected by the depth on the granular materials.
In this study, the mechanical behavior of very soft ground that is reinforced on the surface has been investigated with the aid of a series of numerical analyses. Key material properties of each dredged soft ground, reinforcement and backfill sand mat have been parametrically estimated in the numerical analysis. Along with the result of the study previously performed, a series of in-situ loading conditions and settlement exerted by surface reinforcing operation by construction vehicles has been numerically simulated. These result have been used to evaluate the limit bearing capacity for the unreinforced and reinforced soft ground. Also, the results of the numerical analysis obtained in this research were compared with Yamanouchi's empirical correlation for the limit bearing capacity. Engineering charts listed in this paper for estimating the limit bearing capacity provide field engineers with preliminary design tool for surface reinforcement of very soft ground.
사질토의 최대/최소 밀도는 사질토 지반의 중요한 물리적 특성인 상대밀도를 결정할 때 이용된다. 그러나 최대/최소 밀도를 결정하는 방법에는 여러 가지가 있으며, 각 방법들에 따라 결정되는 값도 달라진다. 본 시험에서는 여러 시험방법의 최대/최소 밀도를 비교하는 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구에서 적용된 최대밀도 결정방법은 ASTM, JIS, Simplified 방법 및 Air pluviation 방법이며, 최소밀도 결정방법은 ASTM, JIS 및 Slurry 방법이다. 시험모래는 부산지역에서 얻어진 3가지 모래시료를 이용하였다. 시험 결과, Air pluviation 방법이 가장 큰 최대 밀도값을 주었으며, JIS 방법이 가장 작은 최소 밀도를 나타내었다. 또한 최대밀도를 위하여 JIS 및 Simplified 방법으로 적용한 후 추가적인 다짐을 수행한 결과, Simplified 방법이 입자의 파괴나 입자간의 분리효과 없이 가장 큰 최대밀도를 나타내었다.
얕은기초의 침하량은 기초강성에 따라 크게 좌우되지만 기존의 이론적인 연구결과는 실무에 적 하기에 불충분하였다. 그러므로, 본 연구에서는 3차원 수치해석법을 이용하여 직사각형 기초의 길이비에 따른 강성 보정계수를 산정하고자 하였다. 우선, Mayne & Poulos(1999)가 정사각형 기초에 대하여 제안한 강성 보정계수와 비교하여 본 수치해석 기법의 적용성을 검증하였다. 그리고, 검증된 수치해석 기법을 적용하여 직사각형 기초의 길이비를 L/B=1, 2, 5로 달리하여 해석을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 동일한 기초강성에서 기초의 길이비(L/B)가 증가함에 따라 강성 보정계수 값이 점차 증가하는 결과를 보여주었다. 그러나 L/B=5 인 경우에는 강성계수가 10이상 되더라도 기초는 완전강성 거동을 보이지 않았다.
Dredging and Reclamation which have been conducted steadily for creation of new coastal area have demerit that takes a long time. Hence, a lot of researches on acceleration of self-weight consolidation is proceeding continuously. In this paper, 30 cases of laboratory self-weight consolidation tests were conducted to understand application of PDF method, one of the self-weight consolidation acceleration methods, to domestic dredged soils. Acceleration effect of self-weight consolidation was confirmed through comparison and analysis on completion time and settlement of self-weight consolidation for none installed case and 4 kinds of common used PBD installed cases.
In this study, by the consideration of in situ curing conditions, cemented sand with cement ratio less than 20% is prepared by air dry condition and then wetted. A series of unconfined compression tests are carried out to evaluate the effect of wetting on the strength of cemented soils. Strength of air dry cured specimen drops to maximum 30% after wetting at the end of curing period when cement ratio is low. However, regardless of cement ratio, strength of repetitively wetted specimens during curing increases as the number of wetting increases. The results of this study can predict the strength variation of cemented sand depending on wetting conditions in the field, which can guarantee the safety of geotechnical structures such as dam.
In this study, the base mixing ratio was determinated to estimate the optimal mixing ratio of material with a change of mixing ratio of micro cement, sand, foaming agent, plasticizer by testing the unconfined compressive strength test. The unconfined compressive strength test was performed to grasp a engineering characteristics of with a change of micro cement, bubble. The results of test, the unconfined compressive strength increased with a micro cement's increase and bubble's decrease. In the future, it will be secured that is reliable datas from laboratory of various condition and in-situ tests to develop optimal lightweight foamed concrete.
An influence factors for soundness evaluation of river levee include resistibility and embankment for piping of ground consisting embankment in case piping, permeability coefficient of ground, height of embankment, the width of crest, material characteristics of embankment and foundation ground, shape of embankment slope, an influence for penetration of rainfall or river water in case slope stability. In this study, it was operated a feasibility investigation of existing design result, stability evaluation for permeability coefficient use and permeability coefficient change of foundation ground to investigate an influence in line with permeability coefficient change for result of river levee penetration analysis. The evaluation results of influence factors, the permeability coefficient used in design and it was evaluated influence in safety factor of piping. After the evaluation of influence factors, the permeability coefficient used in the design appears with the fact that differs in a design report about same soil, Accordingly, the stability investigation of embankment by application of literature data can affect stability evaluation results by change factors like a permeability coefficient, void ratio. It should be certainly used material properties by a test in soundness evaluation of river levee.
This study had propose that a characteristic of recently developed Silicasol to make a close in this study, grouting material usually used portland cement and a characteristic is compared between Silicasol and sodium silicate in this study, examined strength and environmentally friendly for compare characteristics of sodium silicate and Silicasol through unconfined compressive strength, SEM analysis, Permeability test, Chemical Resistance test, leaching test etc. In the test, I gained that unconfined compressive strength of Silicasol three times promoted than sodium silicate Within 72 hours and I gined through analysis of SEM that Silicasol is more compactivetive than sodium silicate. In the result of test, it was found to be a environmentally friendly material as the toatal amount of eluviated elementary had small quantity.
Several domestic and foreign design methods for rock socketed drilled shafts were introduced in this study. In order to verify these design methods, the results of field pile load tests were compared with predicted capacities using them. Based on this study, AASHTO(1996) and FHWA(1999) design methods tend to underestimate, and CFEM(2006) and NAVFAC(1982) tend to overestimate. The difference between the predicted and measured values was caused by reflecting different rock socket geometry and also different rock properties in each design method.
A lot of long-span marine bridge, which connects land to island or island to island, are being designed and constructed lately in south-west coast in South Korea. In the past, caisson foundations in marine were mainly adopted in construction and stability aspect, however, nowadays with development of pile construction technology, drilled shaft foundations are mainly adopted. As the long span cable stayed bridge and suspension bridge applied with lots of loads are being designed, the scale of pile foundations are getting larger. As the construction cost of substructure including foundation in marine bridges is too high, the appropriate evaluation of the axial bearing capacity of pile becomes a core factor to decide the construction cost of foundation if the drilled shaft is adopted as foundation type of bridge. The evaluation values of skin friction and end bearing capacity of drilled shaft in weathered rock suggested in south Korea are only to introduce the foreign specifications, and most of them are designed in a kind of hard soil layer. Also the allowable load of pile section is less than the expected bearing capacity of pile in the soil condition since the allowable capacity of pile is undervalued. Recently in order to improve this factor the bi-axial hydraulic load test of pile was taken, the data of load transfer analysis of pile, unit of skin friction and end bearing capacity are accumulated. In our country, the design of piles are made with ASD, however, LRFD considering service, strength and extreme state was adopted in Incheon Grand Bridge implemented with BTL, and the research to systematize the resistance coefficient appropriate at home country are being progressed.
Joeng, Gyeong-Hwan;Jung, Dong-Young;Kim, Young-Man;Jung, Sun-Tae;Kim, Dong-Jun;Kim, Min-Sung 554
The trend of current urban redevelopment and new city development project shows that the superstructure of building is getting larger and higher in consequence of a limited plottage condition. For this reason, it is definitely required to extend pile diameter and install more deep foundation(Mega foundation) to support superstructure. The existing precast pile construction method causes construction-related problems such as increasing quantities, difficulty of storage & transportation material and decreasing design load while construct pile in deep foundation. The drilled shaft method has applied to minimize those problems. This article will be presented construction case study of design & construction of R.C.D method for a large building foundation work on the inside and outside of the country. -
Due to the uneasy controllable qualities of the substructures such as pile and foundation, which are laid on underground, geotechnical engineers have applied conservative criteria to them. Therefore, the specification criterion of cast-in-situ concrete pile, which allows only one fourth of the compressive strength of structural capacity, has forced geotechnical designers to consider the most uneconomical design regardless of satisfying the grade of quality-control, required performance, construction cost and so on. Thus, in this study, we proposed the less conservative criteria on the strength of concrete pile, based on the experimental testing results of cast-in-situ concrete piles.
심부암반에 건설되는 지하공동의 형상과 규모는 지질구조, 암반조건 및 건설방법 (굴착, 보 강)에 따라 변화될 수 있으므로 이전에 사용해오던 공동의 크기와 형상을 그대로 답습하는 관행을 탈피하고 지하공동이 갖고 있는 특수한 용도와 목적에 따라 대형화, 심부화 추세로 가고 있는 지하공동의 설계개념을 수립하여야 한다.
One of the critical design problems involved in deep tunnelling in brittle rock, is the creation of surface spalling damage and breakouts. If weak fault zone is developed in deep tunnel, squeezing problem is added to the problems. According to the results of ground investigation in the study area, hard granitic rockmass and distinguished high angle fault zone are distributed on the tunnel level over 400m depth. To analyse the probability of brittle failure and squeezing, ground characterization with special lab. and field test were carried out. By the results, probability of brittle failures like spalling and rock burst is very low. But squeezing may be probable, if weak fault zone observed surface and drill core is extended to designed tunnel level.
This paper presents some important issues in modeling rock behaviour around an underground opening at depth which characterized as stress-induced fractural failure of rock. Unlike other conventional modeling approaches, stress-induced rock failure is highly complex process due to its own heterogeneous and discrete natures. Because of this complexity, many researchers has been struggled to mimic such processes as close as possible to reality with various approaches in both analytical, and numerical approaches for past few decades. Such approaches which are based on continuum mechanics, analytical fracture mechanics, and DEM(Discrete Element Method) were explored in this paper, and fundamental shortcomings for each approaches were illustrated here. In addition, DEM approach using
$PFC^{2D}$ (Particle Flow Code) was also implemented and illuminated in this paper and discuss the improvement and considerations for the future research. -
대심도 암반을 굴착함에 따라 암석강도 및 암반응력 등의 특성에 따라 Rockburst 등과 같은 취성파괴 및 Squeezing 등과 거동을 나타낼 수 있으며, 이러한 대심도 암반거동은 터널 및 지하 공동 시공중 위험요소로 작용하여 안정성에 심각한 영향을 줄 수 있다. 따라서 대심도 암반구간에 터널을 건설하는 경우에는 합리적인 설계 및 시공을 달성하기 위해서는 대심도 암반에 대한 지질 및 암반특성을 정확히 이해하는 것이 필요하며, 대심도 암반특성에 적합한 보강 및 시공대책을 수립하도록 하여야 한다. 본 고에서는 대심도 암반구간에서의 위험도 평가 및 터널 설계사례를 검토하여, 대심도 암반특성을 고려한 터널구조물 설계시 합리적인 방안을 도출하고자 하였다.
원유 비축기지 저장공동과 같이 상하로 긴 형상의 대규모 공동에서 횡방향의 지압이 과도하게 작용하면 천정부의 응력집중과 측벽의 암반 변위가 과도하게 발생하여 저장공동의 불안정 요인이 된다. 특히 지압의 절대 크기가 암반 강도의 일정 비율 이상이 되면 응력 집중에 의한 암반의 취성 파괴를 유발하고, 이러한 현상은 터널 굴착 시 발생하는 파괴음(popping)과, 굴착면에 평행한 형태로 암편이 탈락하는 취성파괴(spalling) 현상을 동반한다. 이 글에서는 대규모 지하저장공동 굴착시 실제 발생한 과지압으로 인한 문제 사례에 대해 소개한다. 저장공동 굴착시 관찰된 암편 및 숏크리트 탈락과 균열 발생 현상을 관찰하고 암반 계측결과 분석을 통해 과지압의 현상을 진단하였다. 과지압 구간의 현재 상태 및 원안 설계안에 대해 연속체 및 불연속체 안정성 해석을 실시하여 문제의 심각성을 평가하였다. 이를 통해 굴착 형상 변경 및 특수 보강 방안을 제안하였으며 제안된 안의 보강효과에 대한 수치해석 평가 결과를 재검토 하였다. 이들 결과를 종합하여 과지압구간 보강안을 도출하였으며 상시 안정성 감시 대책으로 현장 암반의 미소파괴음 계측 방안을 제시하였다.
The necessary consequence by the rapid economic growth in large-scale urban excavation is increasing. If the site is the congested in downtown, the scale of excavation will get the large-scale and the extreme depth. We have achieved a high level technology internationally by the design and construction of underground excavation since 1980's. But the accidents during excavation are frequently occurring. So, this demage instigates the human life loss as well as economical loss. The recent accident is come about the damage for public facilities such as the railroad, subway and etc. in addition to the loss of life and property. For these reasons, the recent accident is being caused the damage of copious social overhead capital. The reasons of collapse during excavation can be classified roughly into the administrative part(sanction, permission), the investigation and design, the construction and management and etc. In this study the close check for the cases of the recent collapse is performed and the improvement course for the prevention of collapse is found.
There are a great number of man-made and natural slopes in many parts of the world including Hong Kong and Mainland China. For example, there are over 40,000 slopes in Hong Kong registered by the Hong Kong Government. Landslides due to slope failures can often cause catastrophes that involve the loss of both lives and important facilities. GPS has been demonstrated to have great potentials for use in monitoring slope stability and landslides. However, the high hardware cost of GPS has limited the wide spread use of GPS for such applications. The multi-antenna GPS technology initiated by the research group and our collaborators has significantly reduced the cost of GPS and provided a solution to a number of associated problems such as data management and power supply. This paper discusses practical applications of multi-antenna GPS technology in slope monitoring, including system design, setting up, data transmission and management, and data quality analysis and control. Some slope monitoring examples are given to illustrate the points discussed.
Neighboring construction becomes mainstream of Ground excavation in downtown area. This causes the displacement, deformation, stress condition, etc of the ground surroundings. Therefore Neighboring construction have an effect on Neighboring structure. All these years a lot of Neighboring construction carried out, and the accumulation of technology also get accomplished. But earth retaining structure collapse happens yet. Types of earth retaining structure collapse are 12. 1. Failure of anchor or strut system, 2. Insufficiency of penetration, 3. H-pile Failure on excessive bending moment, 4. Slope sliding failure, 5. Excessive settlement of the back, 6. Deflection of H-pile, 7. Joint failure of coupled H-pile, 8. Rock failure when H-pile penetration is rock mass, 9. Plane arrangement of support systems are mechanically weak, 10. Boiling, 11. Heaving, 12. Over excavation. But field collapses are difficult for classification according to the type, because collapse process are complex with various types. When we consider the 12 collapse field, insufficient recognition of ground condition is 4 case. Thorough construction management prevents from fault construction. For limitations of soil survey, It is difficult to estimate ground condition exactly. Therefore, it should estimate the safety of earth retaining system, plan for necessary reinforcement, according to measurement and observation continuously.
Accidents during ground excavation and temporary or permanent structure construction have always occurred regardless of how much technology improved. Many causes can be derived from various cases and technical revision has always been a matter of interest to the geotechnicians. But the legal procedures that follow the construction accidents have scarcely been studied by the geotechnical society even though it influences most on the everyday lives of the parties of interest. In this respect, this paper describes the current judicial system, law and legal practices for ground excavation related accidents along with several case studies on judicial precedents and presents methods that should be taken to improve the current judicial system.
While the budget has been allocated more for repairs and reinforcements, casualties are gradually increased due to slope disaster. Slope disaster causes road damaged as well as casualties. It also causes significant social and economic loss. The measurement device, which is installed inside ground of slope like inclinometer, has the high loss rate when slope is being slided. The electric type and the vibrating wire type have low durability because of corrosion. To cover the demerit of the present slope monitoring, the measurement method using the Multi-Antenna GPS has been developed. The Multi-Antenna GPS has been installed in the local slope as the regular monitoring system for slope. Although the initial cost of the Multi-Antenna GPS for installation is high, the additional cost is low. So it is the suitable method for large slope. The regular monitoring system using the Multi-Antenna GPS is the suitable measurement method for watching slope collapse, which is occurred widely, because it is economical, has high durability, and collects data with high resolution.
공정과 공사비는 건설 프로젝트의 관리에 있어서 매우 중요한 두 가지 요소로써, 그동안 이들을 통합 관리하려는 노력이 많이 이루어져 왔으나 국내의 국가계약법에 따른 내역체계의 한계점과 내역 및 WBS 표준화 작업의 미흡으로 인해 실제 시행에 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구에서는 최신관리기법인 BIM의 객체기반 3D 모델링 정보를 이용하여 비용과 일정정보를 연계하여 관리하는 방안을 제시하였다. 먼저 프로젝트 구성정보를 비용, 일정, 구조물의 부위별 구성요소로 나누고 각 구성정보에 의한 분류체계의 특징을 분석하였고, 국내의 내역중심 관리체계와 전체적인 관리 시스템 상의 한계를 감안하여 제약조건을 설정하고 작업분류체계(WBS)를 통한 일정정보를 중심으로 비용과 3D 모델링의 부위별 객체들을 연계하는 방안을 제시하였다. 제시된 방안의 검증을 위하여 대림산업에서 시공중인 청풍대교 현장에 대하여 사례연구를 실시하였으며, 이를 통하여 일정변화에 따른 시각화 및 비용예측 등의 기대효과를 확인하고 한계점 및 향후 추가 연구사항들을 가늠해볼 수 있었다.
FBG sensor system is applied to the concrete lining structure in Taegu subway. Near the structure, the power cable tunnel construction started. We wanted to measure the deformation of the structure due to the construction by the FBG sensor. The applied sensor has the gauge length of 1 meter to overcome the inhomogeneity of the concrete material with enough length. In order to fix tightly to the structure, the partially stripped parts of the sensor glued to the package and slip phenomenon between fiber and acrylate jacket was prevented. Prestrain of the sensor was imposed by controlling the two fixed points with bolts and nuts in order to measure compressive strain as well as tensile strain. The behavior of subway lining structure could be monitored very well.
절토비탈면의 붕괴는 주로 지질구조 적으로 취약한 구간에서 강우, 지진, 발파진동, 굴착 등의 외적인 요인이 작용하였을 때 비탈면의 붕괴가 수반되는 경우가 많으며 내적인 요인으로 작용하는 지질구조는 구조선의 종류에 따라 붕괴규모나 붕괴양상에서 상당한 차이를 보이는 특성을 보인다. 특히, 비탈면 붕괴는 단층이나 점토가 충전된 구조선에서 문제가 많이 발생되고 방향성이 뚜렷한 엽리 및 절리에서 붕괴가 빈번한 실정이다. 단층은 일반적으로 모든 암종에서 나타나는 지질구조이나 특히, 변성암중 편마암에서 붕괴빈도가 빈번하게 발생되고 점토층이 수반되는 경우에 심하다. 본 논문은 공사당시 비교적 규모가 크게 붕괴가 발생된 붕적층 절토 비탈면과 단층파쇄대 및 암질불량의 비탈면의 붕괴사례의 안정검토 사례를 소개하고자 한다.
2009년 7월 초순 집중호우로 인하여 남부지방에 많은 산사태가 발생하였다. 사면 붕괴의 직접적인 원인은 집중강우에 의한 것이나, 붕괴 원인 파악과 붕괴 현황에 대하여 조사하고 자료를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 소방방재청의 요청에 따라 현지조사를 실시하고 수집된 자료에 기인한 것이다.
The abrupt failure of slope caused by a concentrated rainfall would be a disaster in this country. Specially, the soil slope may be collapsed by the rainfall seepage, however, there is not much information for the mechanism of slope failure during rainfall. As analyzing the stability of slope by rainfall, the conventional method is to put the ground-water level on the surface of slope. However, it may provide the over-reinforcement for the slope stability. Futhermore, although over-reinforcement for the slope was fulfilled, the possibility of potential slope failure still exists. In this study, the slope stability by the conventional design method and the causes of unstable slope during rainfall were investigated. To analyze the slope stability by rainfall, the computer program SEEP/W for the analysis of seepage was used. As changing the intensity and duration of rainfall in SEEP/W, the analysis were performed. After completion of analysis, the porewater pressure data from SEEP/W was applied to SLOPE/W. As a results of this analysis, it is not reasonable that the groundwater level is going up to the surface of slope during rainfall. Therefore, the conventional reinforcement for the slope stability is not obvious to satisfy the criterion safety factor during rainfall. The reasonable counterplan is to install drainage hole on the surface of slope in order to prevent erosion and debris flow.
The anchor is used extensively for a cutting slope, an earth retaining wall, an uplift resistance of sub-structures and so on at civil engineering projects and is classified by aim in use, tendon material, and ground/tension fixing type. It can be distinguished extensively into friction type, bearing type, and complex type by ground fixing type. Generally, bond length of friction type anchor has application to 3~10m depending on the friction-resistance characteristics. In this study, 'DEW(double enlargement wedge) bearing type anchor' of new concept is devised. The bond length is about 0.6~0.8m. It can be used on the ground to have the strength characteristics above it of weathered rock. There are merits which are 'period reduction' and 'cost saving' through the minimum of the boring length. In addition, it is so called environmentally friendly Methods because it can reduce the quantity of carbon dioxide through the reducing drilling machine operation time.
It is essential to carry out site investigations such as SPT, CPT sampling etc. to understand the characteristics of soil deposits. However, the results deduced only from the engineering standpoint have limited information to fully understand ground characteristics. In this study, it is discussed site investigation results on Youngjong deposits obtained from not only the geotechnical standpoint, but also geotechnical and geological mixed standpoint to understand correct characteristics of Youngjong soil deposit.
To address the importance of geotechnical investigation, failure cases are taken up for consideration. One of them awaken this country to the importance of exact geotechnical investigation at the cost of many lives. Other failures were also occurred as the result of insufficient geotechnical investigation or missing some facts given by geotechnical investigation. A case which shows the unpredicted and unaccustomed settlement at bridge abutment introduced to emphasize the importance of exploring unknown nature of local soils.
풍화된 엽리는 연장성이 크고 거칠기가 적어서 치명적인 활동면으로 작용할 수 있다.
$\bigcirc\bigcirc$ 도로공사 현장에 발생된 대절토 사면의 붕괴는 엽리와 평행한 단층면의 활동에 의한 것으로 후기 풍화에 의해 단층면에 녹니석 점토 성분이 충진 되면서 절취에 의해 변경된 지반환경을 수용치 못하고 갑작스런 붕괴가 발생된 사례이다. 붕괴사면의 안정화 방안을 수립하기 위해서는 내부 엽리구조의 3차원 분포를 정확히 파악하는 것이 매우 중요하였다. 이를 위하여 사면에 격자 형태로 10개의 시추를 수행하였으며, 각 시추공에서 시추공영상촬영을 수행하였고, 그 결과를 15개의 단면에 투영하여 사면 내부에 분포하는 엽리, 절리, 단층의 3차원 배열을 분석하였다. 분석 방법으로는 측정된 시추공의 면구조를 절취면에 투영하기 위하여 개발된 Fracjection을 사용하였다. 투영분석 결과 평면에 투영된 엽리의 구조들은 엽리의 주향이 사면의 좌측으로 가면서 사면 내부로 깊어짐을 보여주고 있어서 사면의 우측에서 붕괴된 지질구조는 현 붕괴면 위치와 사면의 좌측 부분에 또 하나의 쐐기파괴 위험성이 존재함이 조사되었다. 전기한 지질 구조의 3차원 조사자료를 기초로 예상 활동면이 설정되었으며, 그 활동면을 기초로 한계평형 분석을 수행하여 현 사면의 경사 완화와 앵커 및 억지말뚝과 피암터널의 설계방안 등이 검토 되었다. -
It is essential to carry out appropriate site investigations for the accurate prediction of the geo-structure. However, the importance of the site investigation is often overlooked due to the time and expense constraints. In this study, several cases of geotechnical design perfromed in United States are introduced with the lessons about how the site investigations are planned, performed and applied for the actual design parameter determination. Based on the case studies presented herein, experienced geotechnical engineer should participate in site investigations from the planning stage through the final boring logs and utilize all the laboratory and field tests to have consistent input parameters for the soil constitutive models. Furthermore, it is also desired to have close relationship between construction industry and the academia to compensate their needs.
This paper presents procedure and prediction method of internal and external stabilities when designing D.C.M, with main factors to be considered, such as chemical reaction of additive, physical properties of stabilized body and mixing strength. Results show that through case studies, a design unconfined compressive strength of stabilized body (hereafter referred to as 'compressive strength') directly depends on the quantity of cement, which is decided by laboratory test, and the compressive strength enormously affects internal and external stabilities. So laboratory mixing test to obtain the compressive strength for design allowable stress should be given careful considerations.
Deep mixing method has been used for ground improvement and foundation system for embankment, port and harbor foundations, retaining wall, and liquefaction mitigations. It has attractive benefits because it is not only improved strength of soft ground but superior for prevention of settlement. However, the quality controls of improved mass affect to the efficiency of the deep mixing method is not properly established. These effects vary depending upon the construction environments and conditions of agitation in consideration of an agitator. The strength and shape of the improved column are not unique and these are affected by mechanical properties of agitators. In this study, in order to investigate the efficiency of deep mixing method for ground improvement on a soft clay ground, experimental studies are performed considering mechanical properties of agitator; the location of exit-hole of admixtures, an angle of mixing wing and a speed of revolution. The experiments are conducted with the simulated apparatus for deep mixing plant that reduced the scale in 1:8 of the real plant. According to the results, the diameter and shape of improved column mass vary depending on the mechanical properties and operating conditions of agitator. Its quality is better when the exit-hole of admixtures is located in the mixing wing, when an angle of mixing wing is large, and when the speed of revolution is rapid.
Kang, Yeoun-Ike;Shim, Min-Bo;Shim, Sung-Hyun;Kim, Ha-Young;Shim, Jae-Bum;Chun, Youn-Chul;Yoon, Jung-Ik 815
The paper presents a case study addressing the design and construction aspects for DCM(Deep Cement Mixing) method employed as the foundation of a caisson type breakwater with heavy weight(10,700 ton/EA) and a high design wave height($H_{1/3}$ =8.7m). The DCM was designed for the project(Ulsan New Port North Breakwater Phase 1) by optimizing the pattern of DCM columns with a combination of short and long columns (i.e., block type(upper 3m)+wall type(lower)) and considering overlapped section between columns as a critical section against shear force where the coefficient of effective width of treated column($\alpha$ ) was estimated with caution. It was shown that the value can be 0.9 under the condition with the overlapped width of 30cm. In addition to that, a field trial test was performed after improving conventional DCM equipment (e.g., mixing blades, cement paste supplying pipes, multi auger motor, etc.) to establish a standardized DCM construction cycle (withdrawal rate of mixing blades) which can provide the prescribed strength. The result of the field strength test for cored DCM specimens shows that the averaged strength is larger than the target strength and the distribution of the strength(with a defect rate of 7%) also satisfies with the quality control normal distribution curve which allows defect rate of 15.9%. -
Alluvial soil is one of the most difficult grounds for tunneling works due to the insufficient ground strength and excessive ground water inflow. Dduk island in Seoul has a wide alluvium developed by two rivers, Han and Jung-Ryang. Subway tunnel of
$\bigcirc\bigcirc$ line planed across Dduk island has highly poor ground conditions due to small cover and deeply developed alluvium. Moreover, much part of this tunnel is located parallel to the bridge foundations of another railway with a small horizontal distance. Original design was done in 2002 and construction has been in progress. During the construction, tunnel design has been partly changed and adjusted for the complex ground condition and the demand from related organizations. This paper intend to introduce the urban tunnel design and construction in alluvial soils. This line could be divided three sections(A, B, C) according to ground and adjacent conditions. Section A is featured by mixed tunnel faces consisted with alluvial soils and weathered or weak rocks. The feature of section B is that tunnel underpasses near the bridge foundations of another subway. Lastly, section C with a very short length is the most difficult construction conditions due to the small cover, poor ground, obstacles on and underneath ground surface. -
In this study, a database composed by 46 cases of tunnel collapses has been built up. Based on the database, comprehensive data analysis is carried out, providing us a number of the technical lessons, which can be considered in future design and construction to minimize possibility of tunnel collapse disaster. For making a better understanding, the technical lessons are given in two divisions: mountain tunnel and urban tunnel. Tunnel collapses taking place in the former tunnel are generally due to bad discontinuity condition of jointed rock mass. Otherwise, urban tunnel has weak condition generally on ground water and weathering of ground. Most of technical comments given in this paper are made based on the cases of tunnel collapses only used in this study, so that the comments seems to be hard to be available to all the tunnelling cases. However, the comment should be valuable technical lessons for tunnel engineers to consider in tunnel design or construction.
Recently, Tunnel in soil has been designed frequently because Mountain Tunnel has been increased rapidly due to straight of horizontal curve and residents' complaints, tunnel portal has been planned at closed to surface for minimization of environmental damage. To excavate tunnel in soil, where displacement and crushing occur in tunnel face and crown because of unstable ground condition, appropriate reinforcement method needed. On this paper, through design and construction of the soil tunnel, consider application of reinforcement method, economical efficiency and stability.
The engineering characteristics and the reinforcement effect of the elephant foot method were discussed with parametric study. The elephant foot method is adopted to support the loads transferred from tunnel crown and improve bearing capacity of elephant foot in poor ground condition. The evaluation of reinforcement effect, which has the mechanical relationship between ground condition, footing size and reinforcement system, was carried out through the previous research and numerical analysis. In addition, the simple design chart was proposed to estimate the applicability of the elephant foot reinforcement method. It will be practical for the engineer to determine the optimum reinforcement method for safe tunnelling in soft ground condition.
Shaking table tests are performed to evaluate the dynamic group pile effect in fine sand. Single pile tests and
$2{\times}4$ group pile tests are performed on 3D pile spacing. Dynamic p-y backbone curves are obtained to evaluate dynamic group pile effect by using dynamic p-y curve of single pile. And dynamic group pile p-multiplier is estimated by dynamic p-y backbone curve. Dynamic p-multiplier can be calculated by using subground reaction ratio of dynamic p-y backbone curve which is the same displacement of p-y curve peak point As the result, dynamic group pile effects are evaluated in terms of a shaking frequency, a shaking acceleration, and a relative density. Dynamic group pile p-multiplier is the largest at lead pile, and the value decrease at middle pile and trail pile. p multiplier increases as increasing input acceleration and decreasing relative density. This results coincide with NCHRP's research which suggest p multiplier increases as increasing pile cap displacement. -
The bi-directional pile load test with variable end plate overcomes the shortcoming of the Osterberg cell test. It is possible that the ultimate bearing capacity of the bi-direction can be known by using the loading of the end plate and two step procedures. The first step is to confirming end bearing capacity with variable end plate and the second step is similar to the conventional O-cell test. In the study, To calculate ultimate capacity of bi-directional load test using model with the pile with variable end plate O-cell, operated with end plate of 3 type on sand layer according to the relative density, loose, medium and dense conditions.
A high rock embankment by means of dynamic compaction has hardly carried out in domestic area. For the successful accomplishment of such a high rock embankment, construction quality and measurement control are conducted. Plate loading tests are carried out to verify the bearing capacity and safety against the long term settlement. In addition, settlement of each layer is measured in order to verify the effect of dynamic compaction and to predict long term settlement.
This paper presents the analysis result of load-transfer mechanism and pile movements associated with the development of frictional resistance to understand the engineering characteristics of micropile behavior. An field load tests were performed for two different types of micropiles and they are (i) thread bar reinforcement with D=50mm and (ii) hollow steel pipe reinforcement with
$D_{out}$ =82.5mm and$D_{in}$ =60.5mm and wrapped with woven geotextile for post-grouting. The load test results indicated that micropiling with pressured grouting provided better load-transfer characteristics than micropiling with gravity grouting under both compressive and tensile loading conditions in that unit skin frictional resistance is well distributed along installation depth. The unit weight and unconfined compressive strength of cured grout were obtained for each piling method. The strength and unit weight of micropile with pressured grouting was higher than those with gravity grouting. The fact that load bearing quality with pressured grouting is better than that of gravity grouting could be attributed to the dense mutual adhesion between surrounding ground and pile due to pressurized grouting method and better grout quality. -
1-g shaking table test is conducted to evaluate the dynamic behavior of a soil-structure system under seismic loading condition. A consistent similitude law between the model and prototype is needed to predict the behavior of the prototype structure, quantitatively. The natural frequency of geomaterial decreases with the increase of shaking intensity because of the non-linear property of the geomaterial. This phenomenon affects the applicability of similitude laws in 1-g shaking table tests. In this study, a simple method is suggested to determine the frequency of the input motions in 1-g tests in order to enhance the applicability of similitude laws. Modified input frequency is calculated using the frequency ratio with consideration of the variation of the natural frequency according to the intensity of input ground acceleration. To verify the applicability of the suggested method, a series of 1-g shaking table tests were performed for three different sizes of model piles having an overburden mass on their heads by varying the acceleration and the frequency of input motion. The acceleration amplification ratio on the overburden mass, the lateral displacement at the pile head and the maximum bending moment along the pile depth were measured. The projected behaviors of the virtual prototype based on the measured values of the model tests, where the input frequencies were calculated by the new method, showed good consistency, verifying the applicability of the suggested method.
Fourteen model pile load tests using a calibration chamber and instrumented model pile were preformed to investigate the variation of the behaviors of driven piles in sands with soil and lateral cyclic loading conditions. Results of the model tests showed that the first loading cycle generated more than 70% of the pile head rotation developed for 50 lateral loading cycles. Lateral cyclic loading also made an increase of the ultimate lateral load capacity of piles for
$K_0$ =0.4 and an decrease for$K_0$ higher than 0.4. Higher portion of the increase or decrease in the ultimate lateral load capacity by lateral cyclic loading was generated for the first loading cycle due to densification of loosening of the soil around the pile by lateral cyclic loading. It was also observed that a two-way cyclic loading caused higher ultimate lateral load capacity of driven piles than a one-way cyclic loading. When the pile was in the ultimate state, the maximum bending moment developed in the pile increased with increasing$K_0$ value of soil and was insensitive to the magnitude and number of lateral cyclic loading. -
Generally most of pile foundations are constructed with group pile rather than single pile. The study on efficiency and bearing capacity which are major elements for rational design of this group pile has been actively progressed, whereas there are truly only a few studies of negative skin friction working on group pile due to the consolidation of ground. The purpose of this study is to determine, among the elements of negative skin friction applied to pile, the occurrence modality of negative skin friction at center, side, and corner of
$3{\times}3$ group pile using model test and, based on those observations, to propose the effective design direction of group pile. -
Axial loads and shaft resistances can be calculated by load transfer analysis using strain data with load level. In load transfer analysis, the elastic modulus of concrete is a one of the most important parameters to consider. The elastic modulus,
$E_{50}$ , suggested by ACI (American Concrete Institute), has been commonly used. However, elastic modulus of concrete shows nonlinear stress-strain characteristic, so nonlinearity should be considered in load transfer analysis. In this paper, a load transfer analysis was performed by using data obtained from bi-directional pile load tests for four cases of drilled shafts. For consideration of nonlinearity, elastic modulus was calculated by both the Fellenius method and the nonlinear method, assuming the stress-strain relation of concrete to be a quadratic function, and then, the calculated elastic modulus was applied to the estimation of shaft resistance. The calculated shaft resistances were compared with the result obtained using the constant elastic modulus of ACI code. It was found that the f-w curves are similar to each method, and elastic modulus and shaft resistances decreased as strain increased. Moreover, shaft resistances estimated from elastic modulus considering nonlinearity were 5~15% different than those obtained using the constant elastic modulus. -
In this thesis the model tests were performed to the pull-out characteristics of a suction pile subjected to a pull-out in sands. For this model tests, three different soil conditions (
$D_r$ =45, 65, 82%), three pile diameters (D=100, 150, 200mm) and three pile lengths (L=100, 150, 200mm), were changed. And the experimental results were also compared with those by the theoretical methods. The results by the experimental and theoretical analysis are as follows. The ultimate pull-out resistances increased as the relative density of sands, pile diameter, length and the ratio of pile length to diameter increased. The ultimate pull-out resistance by Meyerhof method(1973) overestimated that by the model test, but the results using the soil-pile friction angle suggested by Aas(1966) in the Meyerhof(1973) method were in good agreement with the experimental results. -
A high embankment is generally constructed by dividing into several sub-embankments. Unlike any soil embankment, a rock embankment is constructed by means of dynamic compaction. Such a sub-embankment and dynamic compaction may induce an increase of pressure at the lower part of embankment and cause a different behavior of ground from initial status. In this study, settlement of a high rock embankment is estimated using a hyperbolic model taking into construction history. The results from prediction are compared with those obtained from field measurements and large plate loading tests.
A Construction of pipe line foundation and railroad, buildings in a permafrost area requires engineering technology of ground stabilization. In the permafrost area, thermal siphons have been used to stabilize foundation by eliminating the heat of ground to the air. the thermal siphon is a passive heat transfer device that operates by convection through vaporization and condensation. The heat transfer from ground to the air is driven by a temperature difference across the unit. A buried part in ground working as vaporizing function and upper part work as condensing. In this study, buried thermal siphon around the pipe lines laid in the Vladivostok site and measuring temperature variation. It is found that the thermal siphons freezing ground faster and decrease temperature variation in winter season.
In order to control differential settlement and to secure the safety of super structure on a high rock embankment the designed static compaction is changed with dynamic compaction and piled raft method. The parameters for dynamic compaction design are obtained from a pilot test. In addition, numerical analyses are also carried out to figure out the length and quantity of piled raft that can restraint the differential settlement within allowance range.
This study proposes a simple method that uses a simple mass-spring model to predict the natural frequency of a soil-pile-structure system in sandy soil. This model includes a pair of matrixes, i.e., a mass matrix and a stiffness matrix. The mass matrix is comprised of the masses of the pile and superstructure, and the stiffness matrix is comprised of the stiffness of the pile and the spring coefficients between the pile and soil. The key issue in the evaluation of the natural frequency of a soil-pile system is the determination of the spring coefficient between the pile and soil. To determine the reasonable spring coefficient, subgrade reaction modulus, nonlinear p-y curves and elastic modulus of the soil were utilized. The location of the spring was also varied with consideration of the infinite depth of the pile. The natural frequencies calculated by using the mass-spring model were compared with those obtained from 1-g shaking table model pile tests. The comparison showed that the calculated natural frequencies match well with the results of the 1-g shaking table tests within the range of computational error when the three springs, whose coefficients were calculated using Reese's(1974) subgrade reaction modulus and Yang's (2009) dynamic p-y backbone curves, were located above the infinite depth of the pile.
대형 구조물의 기초 시공 시 구조물의 하부지반이 불균질하거나 경사진 지반 또는 일반토사와 암반이 혼재된 지지력이 급격히 변화하는 구간에서 시공되는 경우가 많으며 이와 같은 경우에는 경제적인 최적의 방안으로 직접기초와 말뚝기초를 혼용하여 사용하는 방안이 필요하다. 그러나 일반적으로 기초의 안정성 확보를 위해 보수적으로 말뚝기초를 적용하는 경우가 대부분이며 소규모의 아파트 기초현장에서는 부분적으로 이질기초가 적용되나 이에 대한 보강이나 안정성 검토는 형식적으로 이루어지는 경우가 대부분이다. 본 연구에서는 직접기초와 파일기초가 적용되는 이질기초에 대한 수치해석을 통하여 이질기초 적용 시 기초 및 하부지반에 대한 거동을 평가하여, 이질기초에 대한 적용가능성 여부 및 기초하부에서의 개략적인 거동에 대하여 고찰하고자 한다.
In general, a drilled shaft embedded in weathered rock has a large load bearing capacity. Therefore, most of the load tests are performed only up to the load level that confirms the pile design load capacity, and stopped much before the failure load of the pile is attained. If a reliable failure load value can be extracted from the premature load test data, it will be possible to greatly improve economic efficiency as well as pile design quality. The main purpose of this study is to propose a standard for judging the reliability of the failure load of piles that is obtained from extrapolated load test data. To this aim, eleven static load test data of load-displacement curves were obtained from testing of piles to their failures from 3 different field sites. For each load-displacement curve, loading was assumed as 25%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% of the actual pile bearing capacity. The limited known data were then extrapolated using the hyperbolic function, and the failure load was re-determined for each extrapolated data by the ASCE 20-96 method (1997). Statistical analysis was performed on the reliability of the re-evaluated failure loads. The results showed that if the ratio of the maximum-available displacement to the failure-load displacement exceeds 0.6, the extrapolated failure load may be regarded as reliable, having less than a conservative 20% error on average. The applicability of the proposed standard of judgment was also verified with static load test data of driven piles.
The study that unconfined compression strength of intact rock which is the most important factor to determine the bearing capacity effects discontinuities in rock mass has been carried out actively so far. However, the study which is related to lithological characters such as vesicle which is one of the primary characteristics of Basalt has barely been conducted. On this study, We have analyzed the correlation-ship between vesicle and unconfined compression strength and the effect on the bearing capacity, based on the reviewing on the changes of unconfined compression strength as the amount of vesicle of Basalt. It is impossible to analyze the amount of vesicle of Basalt as measuring unit. So it was analyzed by the ratio of the core sample's surface area and another area that vesicle takes up. Also, unconfined compression strength was calculated by point load test and unconfined compression strength test. The analysis shows that vesicle area ratio and unconfined compression strength have the exponential relationship and vesicle area ration is the factor to determine the bearing capacity of Basalt. It is considered that the reliability of calculating of the bearing capacity of Basalt will be improved as we study the correlation-ship between the vesicle area ratio and rock mass grade hereafter.
In this study, to performed laboratory model tests in order to verify on load transfer condition of drilled shaft under lateral loading. To conducted model test on polystyle drilled shaft under multi layer ground conditions. In model test, to measured the strain of drilled shaft and displacement under later loading. In order to verify on model test results, to conduct the numerical analysis.
In the past few decades, the rockfill embankment dam, which has superior workability and economy, has become a major trend. In Korea, most of the embankment dams are rockfill dams, but recently, in response to the demand for sustainable development and environmentally-friendly water resource development, the sand and gravel in streams has become a major construction material for dams, rather than the non-economic rockfill, and its application examples have also increased. In this study, a large triaxial test was performed, with construction samples of different maximum sizes, in parallel with the grading method at the 'B Dam' construction site in Korea, and the effects of the different maximum sizes on the strain of the dam construction material and on the shear strength characteristics were analyzed to provide the basic data for determining the strength characteristics of the coarse-grained materials by the maximum size.
Earth and rock fill dam is our typical dam because of their inherent flexibility and adaptability to various fundation conditions. In order to secure structural safety, rockfill materials are used angular particles obtained by blasting parent rock or rounded particles collected from river beds. Concrete-faces rockfill dams(CFRD) and Concrete-faces gravelfill dams(CFGD) have become popular in the last 20 years as s result of their good performance and low cost compared with the rockfill dam. These Dams are also constructed by the materials. A key factor in the design of the dams is the deformations induced during construction and upon reservoir filling. These can be predicted using the stress-strain and strength properties can be adequately define. However the stress-strain properties of rockfill are difficult to determine because the properties are affected by such factors as particle grading, size and shape of particles, stress conditions, and particle crushing. In our study, testing of the behavior of the rockfill materials are essential prerequisites to the realistic analysis and design of the CFGD. This paper deals with laboratory testing of particle crushing among the study.
Seapage condition by sea water may appears on sea dike due to the gap of tidal, which generated by the sealevel repeatedly moves up and down result of the change of tidal level. In this study, apparatus was developed to apply similitude after setting the critical section. It was found that the soil loss was dramatically increased by increasing hydraulic gradient step by step. Also, to understand the change of seadike which considered the changes of the change of tidal level and inside sealevel, it was executed the experiments which divided the sea level condition of inside by continually changes the sealevel difference which is outside of the high tide and ebb tide.
Using much most electricity electric resistivity survey by nondestructiveness inquiry enforcement design of country base equipment business and facilities preservation administration dimension electric resistivity survey sends and cause much effects in survey believability by electricity medium of survey personality survey contiguity that grasp base special quality by potential difference flowing current artificially in base. Is item that enforce in most in-suite although when make electric resistivity survey until present, electricity medium or effect research by electricity origination was gone much. There is shortcoming that must be difficult to know correct underground utilities establishment state in-suite in this research and do comparison examination running parallel drilling investigation to heighten believability of electric resistivity survey. Did to dam that censure data that regulate grading from construction and is censure construction which can know correctly interior base situation comparatively to electricity medium of interior and electricity eruption won of contiguity and base condition (base rock).
Many slope failures and debris flows were occurred in Jinbu area of Gangwon Province due to heavy rainfall of much more than 400mm in July, 2006. In the area, although about 3 years passed, valleys and gulleys keep their original form when the events happened. Field investigations were performed on Singi-ri and Bongsan-ri in Jinbu area to examine the characteristics of debris flow as well as slope failure. As the result, debris flows were classified as 3 types according to their characteristics analyzed by field investigations.
절토사면 중 단일사면이 연장 200m, 높이 50m 이상일 경우 시설물 안전에 관한 특별법에 의거 2종 시설물로 지정되며 근래에 들어 광폭도로의 신설이 증가되어 2종 시설물에 속하는 절토사면의 개소수 또한 증가되는 상황이다. 대규모 절토사면의 경우 시공부터 유지관리까지 소규모에 비해 비교적 잘 이루어지는 상황이며, 보수 보강 공법 또한 잘 적용되어져 있다. 하지만 절취 면적이 넓고 대부분 식생 및 표면보호 등으로 인해 사면 내 육안조사가 용이하지 않다. 본 연구에서는 대규모 절토사면의 상태평가시 효율적인 평가 방안 및 평가결과에 따른 유지관리 방안을 논의하고자 한다.
Since the global warming causes debris flow damage has increased in Kangwon Area, Sediment control dam have increasingly founded to protect the damage. In spite of the realities design methods are well not established to determine type of the dam, design parameters and maintenance. Through comparison for design methods to sediment control dam in Korea, it raised some points to improve to correspond with realities. In addition, it pointed that some issues for the sediment control dams in Kangwon Area. Those are shown that unclear positions of the dams, unremoval of sediment, occurrence of seepage under the dams and uninstallation of roads to remove sediment. In addition, the countermeasure for the issues are proposed.
The shear strength has been managed as an important factor in soil mechanics. The shear strength estimation model was developed to evaluate the shear strength using only a few soil properties by the linear regression analysis model which is one of the statistical methods. The shear strength is divided into two part; one is the internal friction angle (
$\Phi$ ) and the other is the cohesion (c). Therefore, some valid soil factors among the results of soil tests are selected through the correlation analysis using SPSS and then the model are formulated by the linear regression analysis based on the relationship between factors. Also, the developed model is compared with the result of direct shear test to prove the rationality of model. As the results of analysis about relationship between soil properties and shear strength, the internal friction angle is highly influenced by the void ratio and the dry unit weight and the cohesion is mainly influenced by the void ratio, the dry unit weight and the plastic index. Meanwhile, the shear strength estimated by the developed model is similar with that of the direct shear test. Therefore, the developed model may be used to estimate the shear strength of soils in the same condition of study area. -
In this study, the pullout resistance characteristic of a wedge-shaped soil nail, made by attaching small steel sticks to the tip of a nail in a wedge shape, was investigated. It was developed to improve the overall pullout resistance capacity of the existing soil nail system, composed of nail and grout, by making the wedge provide additional pullout resistance. In order to evaluate the pullout resistance of the wedge shape-soil nail, field pullout tests were conducted, and the results were compared with those for the existing soil nail without the wedge. The field test results showed that the pullout resistance capacity of the wedge-shaped soil nail was 50% larger than that of the existing soil nail without the wedge.
This paper presents the example of landslide triggered by the failure of earth retaining wall. Close examinations such as visual inspections and non-destructive testings revealed that the earth retaining wall does not have enough strength to resist active earth pressure and ground water pressure. This fact is proved to be a direct initiation of landslide. Numerical studies including slope stability analyses and seepage analyses were performed with material properties obtained by geophysical explorations and laboratory tests. The results of numerical studies show that the overturning of the earth retaining wall affects the slope stability, leading to landslide consequently.
Many problems in geotechnical engineering such as slop failure, debris flow, ground heaving due to embankment, and lateral flow caused by liquefaction are related to large deformation rather than small deformation. Traditional numerical methods such as finite element and finite difference methods have a difficulty to solve such large deformations because they use grids. A particle method was developed for fluid dynamics. The particle method can solve large deformation problems because it uses particles to discretize differential equations. It can also include soil constitutive model and thus solve soil behavior on various boundary conditions. In this study, a particle method, which is based on particles rather than grids, is introduced and used to simulate large deformation including soil failure. The developed method can be applied for various large deformation problems in geotechnical engineering because it incorporates soil constitutive models.
절취사면의 붕괴 발생은 지질 및 지형적인 요인과 수리적인 요인 등 매우 다양한 요인들이 복합적으로 작용하여 발생한다. 이 중 수리적인 요인은 지질 및 지형적인 요인과 더불어 사면의 안정성 및 도로통행의 위험성에 중요한 요인으로 작용하고 있다. 사면내의 물은 전단강도의 저하 및 활동력의 증가를 시키며, 이는 사면의 붕괴를 유발한다. 또한 지하수의 용출수는 사면의 안정성 이외에 추가적인 도로유지관리에 문제를 일으킨다. 효율적인 방법으로 용출수 및 지표수를 제어한 사례를 제시하여 실무에 좋은 자료로 이용되고, 더 많은 사례연구가 이루어져 유사한 현장에 적용될 많은 자료가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
This study intends to develop a pulse discharge device to strengthen the pushing power by expanding the cavity of the anchor settlement to form a spheric root for the purpose of constructing the economical and stable anchor. and, a series of field test were carried out in order to check applicability of machines of pulse powered underreamed anchors. Through the experiments, the electrical characteristics of the pulse power equipment had been identified it and the dynamic pressure generated from the subsequent change had been measured. Here, the measured dynamic pressure is the cavity expansion pressure to impact on the ground around the anchor settlement. Since this pressure has effects of cavity expansion and bored surface hardening with dynamic hardening effects on the anchor settlement, it is expected that it will largely contribute the increase of pushing power with a strong frictional resistance.
The pulse powered anchor is a way to increase the capacity of ground anchor. The pulse powered anchor is an underreamed anchor by using high voltage electrokinetic pulse energy. In this study, property of cement grout for pulse powered underreamed anchor have been carried out. This study is what is the cement grout of pulse powered, for minimize seperation or sweep of cement grout when the soil layer is saturated with water.
본 연구는 국내의 초연약지반에 적용 가능한 표층보강재를 이용한 연약지반 표층처리공법을 정립시키기 위한 기초적 연구로서 표층처리공법에 사용되는 보강재의 강성도를 고려한 지 지력산정방법을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이를 위하여 직포, 지오그리드, 강봉(대나무 대채재료)을 이용하여 광폭인장시험 및 보강재의 단부 구속조건을 완전구속, 부분구속(3종류)으로 한 21 종류의 실내모형실험을 수행하였다. 실험결과, Terzaghi의 지지력이론식은 직포와 지오그리드와 같은 연성보강재 사용시에는 지지력산정이 적절하나, 대나무 망과 같은 강성도가 큰 재료에 대해서는 강성도를 적절히 표현하지 못하는 것으로 평가되었으며, 초연약지반 표층처리공법의 지지력산정방법을 Terzaghi 지지력이론식을 수정하여 강성도의 영향을 정확히 평가하는 새로운 지지력이론식을 제안하였다.
Suction Drain Method is soft ground improvement technique, in which a vacuum pressure can be directly applied to the Vertical Drain Board to promote consolidation and strengthening the soft ground. This method does not require a surcharge load, different to embankment or vertical drain method. In this study, Using Suction-CAIN program, which optimize th Suction Drain method, estimate validity Suction Drain method on deep soft ground
Recently soil improvement methods are using in many ways such as costal and soft ground of inland. Among them, sand compaction pile be widely used because of quiet few advantages. There are two ways for quality evaluation method of sand compaction pile. Especially standard penetration test is used the most general method. However, Current method have problems in that it is not consider the condition of construction site. Therefore this study is propose new quality evaluation method. Relation of N-
$\Phi$ is always not fixed but changing by condition of construction site. By through the Laboratory test we can know relationship between relative density and internal friction. Also this study propose revision for effective stress. From these study, we can acquire more accurate and reasonable result than current method. -
The compressibility of clay has been expressed e-log p' graph. In natural clay, e-log p' graph are changed by deposition condition and chemical cementation as well as Atterberg limits, whereas in reconstituted clay, it is generally known that e-log p’ curve is varied with Atterberg limits. However, e-log p' graph is possible to change according to the reconstituting methods and test conditions. In this study, consolidation tests are performed as various test condition for reconstituted Busan clay. Test results show that the relationship e/
$e_L$ and log p' is almost constant with$e_L$ . And the compression index obtained from slurry method sample is larger than one obtained from kneading method sample. Intrinsic compression line (ICL) of Busan clay is identical with ICL suggested by Burland. -
Recently this country has carried out the coast reclamation centering on the west and south coast for effective practical use of a country, considering purchase of materials and environmental problem, and carrying into effort the reclamation method after dredging the ground in the ocean. In this large scale ocean dredging reclaiming work, prediction the ground subsidence after reclaiming is very important for not only expense lose by overestimation or underestimation but also hereafter the best suited project establishment. this study carries out sedimentation and self weight consolidation in each cases and searches the features to analyze effect on kinds of soil of ground before dredging, abandonment height when it abandons momentary, void ratio, difference of abandonment height when it abandons by stages and difference of particle content of spoil.
In this study, PSD system to improve the soft ground was developed by using a horizontal drainage pipe. PSD system is direct drain method for the disappearance of excess pore-water pressure which is caused by fill on soft ground. To conduct the field test construction in order to evaluate application of the PSD system. To estimate the behavior characteristics on settlement in which constructed by PSD system and compared the behavior characteristics with the conventional soft ground improvement method result.
Piled raft foundation is commonly used for structure on deep soft soil deposit rather than end bearing piles to control differential settlement. However, it is still expensive for light weight structures. Wing-wall type foundation has been successfully applied to reduce average settlement for light weight structure. This study will further investigate this type of foundation using bench scale experiments on clay and sand. Numerical analysis and approach method are used to verify load settlement curve of wing-wall foundation on experimentally study. Furthermore, normalized settlement curves are applied to define prediction of settlement on wing-wall foundation. In the result settlement on wing-wall foundation can be effectively done by increasing the length of wall instead of number of walls and equation for calculating average settlement can be derived using normalized load settlement curve.
Recently this country has carried out the coast reclamation centering on the west and south coast for effective practical use of a country, considering purchase of materials and environmental problem, most reclaiming work is processing to spoil reclamation which is easy to secure the amount of materials. In case of weak ground that is formed by spoil reclamation like this, initial moisture content is high, as slurry state that is rarely revealed ground strength, compressibility and water permeability have been shown nonlinear change by compaction progress. Analysis of weak ground is unreasonable because the existing Terzaghi compaction theory analyzes compaction fixed number to regular invariable number for prediction of compaction state. This study computes the relation with void ratio-effective pressure and void ratio-finite transformation which is the most basic matter to predict finite strain compaction state of the south coast spoil, and analyze the basic feature to predict compaction feature of the south coast spoil reclaimed ground.
과잉간극수압의 소산 속도는 일반적으로 압밀방정식에서 정의하는 압밀계수에 의해 결정 되는데, 이 압밀계수는 투수계수와 체적압축계수의 관계로 얻어지는 흙이 특성이며 동일한 성질의 지반에서라도 측정위치에 따라 그 값의 편차가 심한 특성을 보인다. 이에 본 연구에서는 위치적 이질성이 있는 점성토 지반의 압밀과정이 균질한 지반에서의 압밀과 어떤 차이를 보이고, 위치적 이질성으로 인한 불확실성이 압밀소요시간이나 압밀속도에 미치는 영향에 대해 유한차분법을 이용한 수치적인 방법으로 고찰하였다.
In this study, cyclic triaxial tests were performed with the samples which were anisotropically consolidated using irregular earthquake loading to consider in-situ condition and seismic wave. The consolidation pressure ratio(K) was changed from 0.5 to 1.0. The Ofunato and Hachinohe wave are applied as irregular earthquake loading and liquefaction resistance strength was estimated from excess pore water pressure(EPWP) ratio. As results of the cyclic triaxial tests, buildup of EPWP ratio increased as K value increased. It shows, that the isotropically consolidated sands is more susceptible to liquefaction than anisotropically consolidated sands under equal conditions such as confining pressure and dynamic loading.
The ground work with of the research is constructed by a SCP method to improve clay ground in the sedimentary layer and sand ground in the reclamation layer at the same time as a reclaimed soft ground by reclaiming deep depth. Improved fine-grained soils in the sand ground decrease the ground improvement effect and have an influence on replacement ratio of SCP method. Fine-Grained soils which advances in sand ground reduces a from improvement effect, Makes affect in replacement ratio of SCP method. In this study, consideration about replacement ratio of sand ground, Tried to observe affects in replacement ratio of fine-grained soils SCP method of dredging reclamation ground. The result, replacement ratio which follows in the Japan Geotechnical Society experience-chart(1988) recording where fine-grained soils content will increase feebly, was visible the aspect which increases progressively, replacement ratio in compliance with Gibbs and Holts(1973) methods according to fine-grained soils increase is visible the tendency which decreases gradually with the enemy. Specially, according to case fine-grained content of Mizuno(1987) methods increases, replacement ratio suddenly was showing the trend which rises from of 50% and according to fine-grained soils increase was overestimated.
Embankment preloading, in conjunction with prefabricated vertical (PV) drains, was used to accelerate consolidation of marine clays in Pusan New Harbour project. UP to eightteen settlement plates were installed at the ground reclamated site under the embankment fill to monitor the preload performance. This analysis is carried out by five settlement prediction methods including the Asaoka, Hyperbolic, Hoshino, and back-analysis method based on optimization. The field settlement data can be analysed by settlement prediction methods to predict the ultimate settlement and the degree of consolidation of the reclaimed land under charge fill. The authors compared with the analyzed results of the methods.
Earthquake had occurred in the Korean Peninsula about 2,100 times is not well known in the world. With the true liquefaction judgment is well used to in Korea. Through liquefaction judgements were compared with specifications between Korea and Japan, it would be offered some suggestions for liquefaction judgement used in Korea. The proposals were as 1) It can be known that what kind of earthquake will make unstable state between long-term and short-term earthquake if the natural period of ground turned out. In that case, Hachinohe and Ofunato Earthquake wave will need no more. 2) Liquefaction-induced lateral flow or damage for structure should be estimate but it had not performed in Korea. 3) Heavy rain and ocean wave-induced liquefaction also should be examined thoroughly in slope or ocean, respectively.
In this study, a composite behavior of stone columns reinforced in soft ground, Sabkha, have been evaluated by a series of field measurements and numerical analysis. Field loading tests were performed to verify the effect of the composite ground reinforced by stone columns in Kayan, Saudi. The settlement measured in the field test was compared with the settlement calculated by the Priebe method and the numerical analysis using ABAQUS. It is found that the settlement estimated using the Priebe method significantly overestimated the settlement measured in the field test. In addition, it is confirmed that consideration of confinement effect exerted by surrounding stone columns in a numerical simulation is indispensable to estimate the settlement of composite ground.
1D Analysis have been using Design of SCP in order to improve the soft ground. But 2D Analysis is researching and developing to get more accurate results. Using 2D Analysis, suitable Numerical Analysis Model should be selected and be tested in many situations. In this study, Laboratory Model Tests are analyzed by Numerical Analysis Method. After selecting Numerical Analysis Model, it is being tested many conditions.
공동구내 설비에 대하여 공동구 관련 설치 및 유지관리 지침이 있고 지자체별 또는 공공기관별로 법적 장치가 있으나 충분한 설계기준을 반영하지 못하고 있다. 운영중인 공동구의 관리도 지자체 시설관리공단등으로 나누어져 있어 공통되고 일괄된 설치기준이나 유지관리제도도 확립되지 못하여 비효율적이다. 본 연구에서는 공동구 설계기준과 작성과 관련하여 작성방향에 대하여 살펴보고자 하였다.
공동구는 도시생활을 영위하는 데 필요한 전기, 가스, 상 하수도, 전화, 통신 등의 공공시설물을 지하매설물 형태로 설치하여 시민들의 일상생활 및 사회 경제활동의 편의성을 제공하고 안전하고 안락한 도시환경을 유지시키며, 효율적인 도시운영이 가능케 하는 공공시설물이다. 그러나, 최근 들어 여의도 공동구 화재(2000년), 여수 공동구 침수(2003년), 구리시 전력구 화재(2006)등과 같이 공동구 및 전력구에서의 화재, 혹은 침수 등에 의해 재해가 발생하여 이로 인한 국가적 경제적, 사회적 손실이 늘어가고 있다. 하지만 국내에서는 공동구내 설비를 화재 및 재해로부터 보호하기 위한 법적 장치가 미비한 실정이며, 현재 운영되고 있는 공동구의 관리 또한 시설관리공단이나 위탁관리기관 등으로 분산되어 있어 일정한 시설물 설치기준이나 유지관리제도가 정립되지 못하여 효율적인 운영이 이루어지지 않다고 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 근래 국내에서 발생한 공동구 재해사례와 공동구 관련 법규를 검토 분석하였으며, 다양화되어 가는 공동구 수용시설 조건에 부합하고 체계적이고 효율적인 공동구의 시공을 위한 공동구 건설기준 제정방안을 도출하였다.
Liquefaction hazard caused by earthquake is the damage in a wide range. Until now, liquefaction hazard potential at a small area or most structure in Korea was assessed by modified Seed & Idriss method. However, it has been known that this method is not proper for metropolitan area due to a lot of time and data to perform the related ground response analyses such as Shake program. For these reasons, the current method has been used facilities or structures, not metropolitan area. In this study, several contents in seismic design of Eurocode and Korean seismic design standard for Port and Harbor were introduced and applied for assessing the liquefaction potential and mapping the liquefaction hazard by LPI(Liquefaction Potential Index). Finally, Ulsan metropolitan city was practically drawn in two dimensional space.
Due to the improvement of the seismic hazard analysis method and the design code, dynamic analysis method is widely used. To conduct dynamic analysis, various coefficients should be designated. The time history acceleration is one of the most essential factor. However, strong earthquake motion data from the outside of the country have been used to conduct dynamic analysis without considering of the ground motion parameters. In this study, the methodology to choose appropriate input motion is developed by using time domain design spectrum matching procedure. Two examples are applied to verify the methodology. The Result shows that the methodology satisfies seismic circumstances and the design code.
Recently, the earthquakes activities are more of frequency occurred in the country. In case of nomal or large magnitude earthquakes, which cause a rising number of life loss or widespread loss of property. It must be considered how to cope with the situperty of dpmage in the country ty account of ay earthquake. Consequently, the public works have currently ensured against a lot of risk about seismism not only on large scale structures but also relatively small structures. Therefore, in this study, in order to make the seismic stability safe, it has been evaluated by the seismic performance for caisson-type breakwater. The seismic response analyses have conducted on the caisson-type breaker under long-period, short-period and artificial seismic wave. The liquefaction potential of the foundation, which is caisson-type, is also estimated by using the simplified assessment method. Finally, the result of the numerical analysis by PENTAGON 2D finite element method(FEM) program are presented for 3 cases with time-history seismic analysis under the seismic load.
One of the landslide, Debris flow means flow mixed of rocks, gravels, sand and soil with water. Debris flow occurred in summer by passed the rainy season and typhoon. Especially, Localized heavy rain derived from abnormal weather caused debris flow independent of season. It is increase to collapse of house, bridge, roads by debris flow but countermeasure studies about occurrence cause, movement pattern, damage scale about debris flow are insufficient. This study performed debris flow model experiment using dry material and calculated shock force predicted debris flow occurrence.
The tunnel excavations are used for construction of common utility tunnel, electric tunnel, communication line tunnel, water supply and public sewerage pile line in urban area. The trench cut methods were mainly used in the past, but now, tunneling method is more being used. The tunnel excavation method like as NATM, Messer-Shield, Semi-Shield Methods are being applied to small section tunnel in Korea. The actual construction results of seme-shield method are increasing due to simplified construction process and reduced noise and vibration. And also this method is being used frequently in waterway tunnel and construction of prevention flooding recently. The seme-shield method design guideline is absence except for electric line tunnel construction in Korea, because of the semi-shield method was developed in Europe and Japan. In the prescriptive design, engineer's subjects are tending to intervene, because of absence of standard and specification for details. Therefore, Design and Construction Problems of Semi-Shield Method were described and construction trouble was introduced for exam. These problem and construction troubles have to be examined thoroughly in advance.
In general steel sheet piles are used in the containment system, which are vertical barrier systems for waste disposal and landfill purposes, and roads in excavation for temporary structure. This paper presents case study of the use of an interlocking sheet pile for water and containment. Cut-off Z-type sheet pile joints are investigated to determine their permeability from the field test. Four different joint sealing materials are used in field test. The results showed joint permeability is significant time-dependent and joint-dependent. These are explored and conclusions on permeability characteristics of different sealants are noted. A case study gives a design example as well as suggestion on permeability and water tightness can be implemented in using the sheet pile barrier in civil and environment works. From the test results, the effective sealing programs of sheet pile interlocks are suggested.
For the purpose of automatic management and enhancing quality of construction, information technology has been employed in construction field recently. As a consequence, informative construction, which utilizes information technology to reduce construction time and optimize construction sequence, becomes a state-of-art field of construction. Considering this case, construction field should more actively adopt other engineering technologies of rapidly advancing fields, such as electronic, control, and informative engineering, in order to reduce construction cost and to solve environmental problems as well as to enhance construction quality. In this aspect, this paper introduces a novel research field 'Geo-mechatronics', which stands for the convergence of geotechnical engineering and mechatronics (i.e. automation of mechanics using electronic technologies). Since the ground is ubiquitous in every infrastructure construction, the Geo-mechatronics research is crucial for the development of construction technology in the future. Moreover, it is believed to that the Geo-mechatronics research will make our construction industry to be more future-oriented and internationally comparative industry.
Recently, excavations in highly congest urban area have been increased. For the excavations conducted in extremely narrow spaces, we have been developing a novel soil reinforcement system of temporary retaining walls by using deep cement mixing method. The developing method installs largerdiameter (
$\Phi$ =300~500mm) and shorter reinforcement blocks than previous reinforcement system for mobilizing friction with soils, therefore it has advantages of not only shortening the length of reinforcement system but also reducing the amount of reinforcement. In this study, we performed a numerical analysis of the new reinforcement system by using a commercial finite element program, and evaluated the behavior of the reinforced retaining wall system under various conditions of the length, the diameter, the spacing, and the angle of the reinforcement system. -
Recently, urban excavations are one of most frequent geotechnical work according to construction of a high rise building and subway. These kind of excavation affect to a adjacent ground or structure and it can trigger various severe accidents. Generally, the ground is closer to the excavation site, the deformation become larger. In this study, special ground settlement case due to adjacent ground excavation is presented and a cause of deformation is examined by various geotechnical exploration, lab-testing and numerical analysis.
In this case, powerfulness quorum of destruction side which we have expected are supposed general limit value for rock floor when retaining of earth on the section of rock floor in the urban area. For digging in the urban area, there are a lot of dislocations to be disadvantage for safety of digging ants. The displacement of the pondside didn't converged with the phase of the excavation. Also, the speed of displacement got higher than the percentages of risk in the construction. So, we put into operation Face mapping for checking special quality of dislocations which appear on the digging ants. This results were used to decide a destruction in the case of the final excavation by analyzing with other results. It was possible to know the unstable distribution of a fault line in Face Mapping and to get powerful lens of a surface of discontinuity by tests indoors and outdoors. The results were also used to make a solution. Therefore, It's a successful example using the Partial TopDown for stable digging. And it is important that Face Mapping have to be practiced for solving the uncertainty of ground organization when digging design in the urban city.
A finite element analysis was performed for new earth retention system that is a kind of truss tower with non-supported excavation. A 2D finite element model was adopted in this study to investigate the behavior of the earth retention system. Just because this non-supported truss tower system is too complex to model in 2D plain-strain condition to itself, so have to simplify it by the conception of equivalent rigidity. The horizontal displacement of the wall and lateral earth pressure distribution on the wall were computed. And it is compared with NAVFAC design manual.
Needs for underground space development and utilization have been increasing in urban area. The conventional strutting method in excavation is effective to restrain the ground movements and displacements of earth structures but inefficient for workers because of small working space. The conventional earth reinforcement methods such as earth-anchor and soil-nailing also have limitation to apply in urban area due to threats to stability of adjacent buildings around excavation boundaries. Recently, many types of earth retaining structures are being developed to overcome disadvantages of conventional excavation methods in urban area. In this study, a series of numerical analyses were performed with MIDAS GTS, geotechnical analysis program and MIDAS Civil, structural analysis design program to evaluate behavior and stability of the new type of non-supporting earth retaining structure, called Temporary Tower System (TTS), consisting of tower truss structures with much economical and spatial advantage.
The soil nailing method had used in variable construction field because of construction convenience and reinforcement effect. Especially, the removal soil nailing method is useful support system in vertical excavation. In this study, to develop the wedge type removable soil nailing method for improvement of the removal soil nailing method. Because of the reinforcement materials is most important in soil nailing method, to evaluate the mechanical characteristics during laboratory strength test in this study. To conduct bond strength test of deformed bar combined with a wedged screw inside plastic fixed socket for evaluate the strength characteristics of wedge type removable soil nailing method and evaluate the strength characteristics of fixed socket based on laboratory tests.
A SMART anchor is a kind of friction mount anchor, the load is diffused and applied to the various parts of the distributed bond length, having less impact on the grout strength, and being able to secure necessary anchoring force in relatively soft grounds. Smart anchor can have strong loads in soft and weak grounds as in rock beds.
Although rock excavation is necessary for the effective utilization of urban space, most conventional rock excavation methods, including the blasting method, cause high noise and vibration. Meanwhile, if a high pressure waterjet system is applied to excavate underground spaces in urban areas, the public grievance can be reduced by low noise and vibration. In this study, an abrasive waterjet system is designed and developed to study the influence of various performance parameters such as jet pressure, nozzle traverse speed, stand-off distance, or abrasive feed rate on waterjet excavation performance in laboratory. Using the developed waterjet system, rock drilling characteristics are identified by measuring drilling depths as a function of the jet exposure time. The drilling depth linearly increases with increasing the jet exposure time(under 60sec). Rock cutting characteristics are also obtained with various jet pressures(1600~3200kg/
$cm^2$ ) and nozzle traverse speeds(1.9~14.1mm/s): The cutting depth is nonlinearly related to the jet pressure and traverse speed. Indeed, the cutting depth increases with an increase in the jet pressure and a decrease in the nozzle traverse speed. This trend can be explained by energy transferring/loss mechanism. -
In this study, a numerical study was carried out to simulate the expansion of ground borehole by pulse discharge technology using finite element analysis. Considering the mortar in the borehole as an acoustic medium and the surrounding soil as an elasto-plastic material, the strong shock wave developed by the pulse discharge was modeled using the underwater explosion model. The ground expansion was simulated based on a coupled acoustic-structural analysis with varying properties of mortar and soil, and the behavior between acoustic-structural interface.
Ground anchor should not be used in soft clay, because anchor resistance can not be guaranteed. However, there is a way to increase the capacity of anchors. The anchor is an underreamed anchor by using high voltage electric discharge energy. In this study, a series of field test were carried out in order to find ultimate load of underreamed anchors in weathered soil at the new apartment construction site located in Inchon, Korea. Data were analyzed in order to define a relation between ultimate load and the number of electric discharge.
Necessity of removable soil nailing has been arisen in the soil nailing system because of problem such as civil petition for geotechnical environment and invasion of the ground boundary line and payments for use besides geotechnical engineering. Removable soil nailing system is improved soil nailing system that fixed socket arranged in boring hole for increasement of skin friction. In this study, field pull-out tests are carried out more 4 times considering installed distance of fixed socket and analyze skin friction behavior characteristics in fixed socket through analysis of measurements of strain gauge attached to fixed socket. Also, to evaluate application for wedge type removable soil nailing system analyzing displacement aspects through field pull-out tests by trial construction.
A new s-wave probe, called "MudFork", has been recently developed and is used in accurate measurements of shear wave velocities of soft soils. In previous researches, some instrumental defects of the probe have been reported. Bending deformation of probe is caused by small section modulus of blades, and open-ended bender elements are vulnerable to damage during penetration. Herein, we improved the MudFork to solve these problems. Field tests at Sinan, Jeollanamdo using the improved MudFork were conducted. Results from MPT are compared with the results from CPT.
For the remediation of the subsurface contaminated by nonaqueous phase liquids(NAPLs), it is important to characterize the NAPL zone properly. Conventional characterization methods provide data at discrete points. To overcome the weak points of conventional characterization methods, the partitioning tracer method has been developed and studied. The average saturation of NAPL(
$S_n$ ), which is the representative and continuous saturation value within contaminated site, can be calculated by comparing the transport of the partitioning tracers to that of the conservative tracer in the partitioning tracer method. In this study, the application of the partitioning tracer method in heterogeneous media was investigated. To represent the heterogeneous condition of subsurface, a two-dimensional soil box was divided into four layers and each layer contained different sized soils. Soils in the soil box were contaminated by the mixture of kerosene and diesel, and partitioning tracer tests were conducted before and after the contamination using methanol as conservative tracer and 4-methyl-2-pentanol, 2-ethyl-1-butanol, and hexanol as partitioning tracers. The response curves of partitioning tracers from contaminated soils were separated and retarded in comparison with those from non-contaminated soils. The contamination of soils by NAPLs, therefore, can be detected by partitioning tracer method considering these retardations of tracers. From our experiment condition, the average saturation of NAPLs calculated by partitioning tracer method using the methanol as conservative tracer and hexanol as partitioning tracer showed the highest accuracy, though all results were underestimated. Further studies, therefore, were needed for improving the accuracy using the partitioning tracer test in heterogeneous media. -
This study is conducted to investigate the possibility of the utilization of the mixed soil formed by mixing stone sludge, bentonite, and residual soil as a soil sealant sustaining both stability and capacity in the barrier system. And the mixed soil formed by mixing stone sludge, river sand is conducted to investigate the possibility of recycle. A series of tests were performed on the mixed soil(stone sludge, bentonite, Cement and residual soil) to evaluate basic properties such as compaction, compressive strength, permeability of these materials. and the stone sludge-river sand mixed soil were performed the discharge capacity tests.
This study conducted a series of drained triaxial test in order to determine the critical state parameters of a high compressible Jeju sand. Jeju sand is classified into mixed sand containing both siliceous and calcareous materials and has high extreme void ratios due to the angularity of grains and the intra-particle voids of hollow particles. It is observed that the behavior of Jeju sand is similar to that of general calcareous sand. The friction angle of Jeju sand at critical state gradually decreases with increasing the mean effective stress. Test result shows that the particle crushing resulted from stress during shear causes the reduction of void ratio at critical state.
The vibrating table method is widely used to estimate the minimum void ratio
$e_{min}$ . The existing method recommended in ASTM and KS F, however, can not consider the particle crushing during the vibrating table test. In this study, the particle cursing phenomenon was investigated by comparing vibrating table test with pluviation method using artificial sand (K-7). Vibrating table test for the artificial sand was confirmed which can crush of particle during the test. This study demonstrates that vibrating table test is an ineffective method to produce the more reliable$e_{min}$ of artificial sand. -
Probability distribution of geotechnical properties is very useful information and it is used for evaluating the geotechnical properties itself and calculating probability of failure. In this study, probability distribution of compression index, recompression index, and void ratio are evaluated, and analysis results show that all property distributions satisfy normal and log-normal distribution.
In this study, a Jeju sand, which contains both siliceous and calcareous materials, was sampled from a beach in Jeju Island. It is observed that the Jeju sand has high extreme void ratios due to the angularity of grains and the intra-particle voids of hollow particles. From cone penetration test using calibration chamber system, it is found that the cone tip resistance(
$q_c$ )-relative density(Dr)-vertical effective stress(${\sigma_v}'$ ) relation of Jeju sand almost matches to that of high compressible quartz sand. However, this correlation overestimates the relative density of a coastal sediments in Jeju Island maybe due to the cementation effect of this area. From analysis of the results of cone penetration and SPS tests at a coastal area in Jeju Island, it seems reasonable to assume that the coast of Jeju Island is a natural cemented sediments. -
Measuring dynamic properties of gravel-sized materials demands large specimens. Due to the difficulties in experiment as well as equipment, the dynamic properties of gravel-sized material has rarely been investigated. To realize free-free end condition more properly and stabilize specimen during testing with new specimen support system, a free-free resonant column testing device, which is capable of testing gravel-sized materials and constraining a specimen in free-free boundaries, is developed. We report the calibration of the equipment and preliminary testing results on Jumunjin sand. The testing data are compared with the previous data obtained from the existing fixed-free resonant column test.
This study was aimed at comparing and assessing SPT-N values both measured by automatic and manual record devices of Standard Penetration Test. As a result, energy efficiency of hammer was approximately 62.9%, meaning SPT-N value measured by automatic recording device showed relatively accurate performance that the one done by manual device. Given the relations between hit frequency of automatic recording device and intrusion, the characteristics of stratum are expected to be proved in more accurate way. Additionally, higher confidence level seems to make it preferred and quality assessment method.
Geotechnical variability is a complex feature that results from many independent sources of uncertainties, and is mainly affected by inherent variability and measurement errors. This study evaluates the coefficient of variation (COV) of soil properties at Song-do region in Korea for evaluating inherent soil variability. Since soil variability is sensitive to soil layers and soil types, the COVs by soil layers (reclaimed layer and marine layer) and the COVs by soil types (clay and silt) were separately evaluated. It is observed that geotechnical variability of marine layer and clay is relatively smaller than that of reclamation layer and silt.
Numerical analysis is a powerful method in evaluating the soil-pile-structure interaction under the dynamic loading, and this approach has been applied to the practical area due to the development of computer technology. Finite Difference Method, one of the most popular numerical methods, is sensitive to the shape and the number of mesh. However, the trial and error approach is conducted to obtain the accurate results and the reasonable simulation time because of the lack of researches about mesh size and the number. In this study, FLAC 3D v3.1 program(FDM) is used to simulate the dynamic pile model tests, and the numerical results are compared with the 1G shaking table tests results. With the different size and shape of mesh, the responses of pile behavior and the simulation time are estimated, and the optimum mesh sizes in dynamic analysis of single pile is studied.
Currently, geothermal heat pump systems are being installed in new official and commercial building, welfare facilities, and school but there are a few cases for the housing heat sink in Korea. The reason is that there are no progressive taxes for the household electrical use, no actual output for the application of geothermal technology, high initial investment. For the overall use in multi family apartment such as the Green Home etc, technology development and building of the relevant research team need to be done through preliminary study. Core subjects for overall use include cooling heating load estimation for the multi family apartment, economical efficiency of the geothermal cooling and heating system, design and construction technology of the geothermal cooling and heating system for the multi family apartment, commercialization plan, and state of the art analysis. Selection of the detailed subjects with respect to core subject, driving schedule and commercialization plan, driving system, presentation of the utilization plan.
In order to investigate on the effect of stabilization methods for rice paddies contaminated by heavy metals, a series of lab-scale model test was carried out by applying the characteristics of submerged Paddy soil. To perform the lab-scale model test, columns were made by acrylic with the dimension of diameter=10cm, thickness=0.5cm and were filled with soils which was contaminated were mixed with stabilization agents(lime stone 5% and steel refining slag 5% respectively). To manipulate the reduction condition, soils in the columns were submerged with distilled water. And then soil water and subsurface water in each column were sampled in the regular term and analysed the various physical and chemical properties.
매립지반이 주로 사질토로 구성되어 있거나 호박돌을 많이 함유하고 있는 지반이나 쓰레기 매립지반에서는 시공속도가 매우 빠르고 경제적 측면을 고려한 동다짐공법이 많이 적용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 대구서부화물역 건설공사의 쓰레기 매립층에 적용된 동다짐공법에 대하여 지반개량효과를 분석하였다. 그 결과 중추낙하다짐 적용구간에 N치는 6.5/30에서 22.5/30으로 약 349% 증가하였다. 다짐전과 후의 지반고 측정결과 중추낙하다짐공법 적용구간은 0.706~1.729m가 침하되었다. 중추낙하다짐에 의한
$\alpha$ 값은 0.25~0.48로 폐기물층에 대한 일본토질공학회(1987)의 연구결과(0.3~0.5) 및 광산폐기물에 대한 Lukas(1986)의 연구결과(0.35~0.4)와 유사한 범위를 보이고 있다. -
As a conventional line-fitting method, the Bouwer and Rice method has been popularly adopted to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer through a slug test. Because a ventical cutoff wall is usually very compressible and features a small wall thickness, the Bouwer and Rice method should be carefully used for the vertical cutoff wall. In addition, a relatively impermeable layer, called a filter cake, formed at the interface between the cutoff wall and the natural soil formation makes it difficult to use the Bouwer and Rice method directly. In order to overcome such limitations, the original Bouwer and Rice method is modified by incorporating the concept of the flow net method. In this modification, the geometry condition of cutoff walls including the filter cake is effectively considered in evaluating the hydraulic conductivity of a vertical cutoff wall.
A long-term field experiment of the selected stabilization methods(Cover system, full range and upper range treatment) was conducted to reduce the heavy metal mobility in farmland soil which was contaminated by heavy metals around abandoned mine site. Field experiments were established on the contaminated farmland with the wooden plate and filled with treated soil, which was mixed with lime stone and steel reforming slag except on control plot. Soil samples were collected and analyzed during the experiment period(about 4 months) after the installation of the plots. Field demonstration experiments results showed that the cover system and the full range treatment of the selected stabilization methods applied to the application ratio of lime stone 5% and steel refining slag 2% were effective for immobilizing heavy metal components in contaminated farmland soil.
In this study, Batch Test was carried out on the adsorption abilities to heavy metal of FWC, which occurred during the carbonization process was part of recycling methods of food waste. The heavy metals used in the experiment were lead and cadmium; mixing its solution with carbonized ratio of 50:1, respectively. The different concentrations were applied with 50, 100, 200, 400, and
$800\;{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ . When, the initial concentration is less than 200mg/l, there has been a high removal ratio of 20% to 50%. Comparing the test results on Lanmmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms, the Freundilich adsorption isotherm was well compatible. -
In recent years, the large-scale shaft have been appling in domestic mine for mass production using a large machine, the safety of mine also have been increasing. And the new trial that shotcrete of tunnel field was apply to mine support was progressed. But, the conditions of domestic mine was different from that of tunnel, so, the batch plant of tunnel could not be installed in mine field because of low economical efficiency and difficulty for selection of site. Ready-mixed Shotcrete that mixed with high quality materials and could be controled shotcrete quality is producted in plants and transported to field, so do not need to batch plant. In this study, The Field test of the Ready-mixed Shotcrete was performed in the large-scale mine and was compared with the quality of Field mix shotcrete. As the result of the Field test, compressive strength and rebound of Ready-mixed Shotcrete were superior to these of Field mix shotcrete.
A variation of pore structure of shotcrete matrix was experimented by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry, and the relation with compressive strength was also examined. As a result of the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry(MIP) test, RM-P1 Batch the macropore diameter of the RM-BFS2 and RM-BFS3 Batch than to have a relatively macropore can see a lot of long-term durability performance degradation. Also, K and N Batch the current is applied to the mine if the factors on shotcrete durability performance of the macropore volume of the entire appears to be a long-term durability performance in the fall.
When a shaft is excavated in Korea, the mechanized method such as RBM(Raise Boring Machine) or RC(Raise Climber) is used independently of depth. But usually, the mechanized method is useful for the deep depth. On the contrary, when the depth of shaft is short, the cost of excavation increase. So in the case of shaft constructon less than 100m, we need to consider more suitable method of shaft construction such as Stage-cut which is one of blasting methods. Stage-Cut is widely used in the field of shaft construction in Japan as a tool of rock excavation. The main purpose of this study is to provide technical guidance for design and construction of shafts in rock, using Stage-cut method which is suitable for 20m~80m depth shaft. In this study, Blasting tests was performed in field, according to rock classification. Finally, the stage-cut method which is suitable for the geology of Korea was developed.
The cable bolt is useful underground space support system such as mining in Europe. In spite of favorable strength characteristics, past record of the cable bolt is rarely in Korea. In this study, to evaluate the mechanically characteristics the cable bolt on tunnel support system. To conduct the laboratory strength test in order to enquire material properties as reinforcement material and numerical analysis was performed considering laboratory test results. To estimate the behavior characteristics on tunnel system in which supported by the cable bolt system and compared the behavior characteristics with the rebar rock bolt system result.
In this paper, The Ready-mixed Shotcrete which Factory with automatic production system is made Materials using synthetic fiber is evaluated the field application. Result of whole test, synthetic fiber(PP, PVA) is indicated almost equal result of steel fiber by rebound rate, compressive strength and bending test. especially, PP fiber(40mm, 12kg) is showed that bending strength and toughness is better than steel fiber, also I reason in that field application of synthetic fiber(PP, PVA) is proved.
Shear properties of geosynthetic/geosynthetic and geosynthetic/soil were evaluated from direct shear tests. The type of geosynthetic is Velcro which is effective for geosynthetic interface and make up for the weakness of sandbag. In this study, the cohesion and the angle of internal friction of each interface was estimated. The test results showed that the cohesion and the angle of internal friction of the geosynthetics depended on the amount of normal stress, the type of the geosynthetics used, and combinations of the geosynthetics and soils. Finally, by comparing the apparent cohesion and the friction angle of the geosynthetics, the applicability to design was identified.