Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference (한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집)
- 기타
Reliable predictions of the movement of earth retaining structures and the ground adjacent to braced walls in urban excavation are often difficult due to many variable factors. The ground settlement and the damage of adjacent structures in urban excavation has been an important issue. Therefore, the stability of the adjacent structures must be secured with the excavation support and research on the protection of adjacent structure is necessary. This study showed an urban excavation case and introduce observation method for case of damage behavior in urban excavation.
This paper concerns the assessment of impact of deep excavation on surrounding environment with emphasis on the groundwater lowering. Fundamentals of ground excavation and groundwater interaction were reviewed and the stress-pore pressure coupled analysis approach as a tool for assessment was introduced. A case study concerning the use of coupled analysis for deep excavation design was presented. Implications of the finding from from this study were discussed.
목적구조물의 건설을 위한 지반굴착시 지반거동에 대하여 보다 현실적이고 개념적으로 제시하여 정보화시공시 보다 안전시공을 위하여 지분굴착에 따른 지반거동에 대한 이해를 도모하고 신속한 문제해결 기술에 활용되도록 하였다. 굴착시에 대하여서는 개착 뿐만 아니라 터널의 굴착도 포함하여 지반거동을 이해하기위한 기본개념과 아울러 지반거동에 대한 정성적인 분석기법에 대하여서도 제시하였다.
ESCP Project showed an urban excavation case and introduced design method for case of Soil-Structure behavior in urban excavation. In this case, a retaining structures design to analysis the behavior of retaining wall and adjacent structures in urban excavations was applied by using a Elasto-plastic beam and limit Equilibrium analysis and soil-structure interaction analysis. Reliable design of earth retaining structures and the ground adjacent to braced wall in urban excavation are often difficult due to many variable factors. The ground settlement and the damage of adjacent structures in urban excavation has been an imprtant issue. Therefore, the stability of the adjacent structures must be secured with the excavation support and research on the protection of adjacent structure is necessary.
In case of soil nailing system, there have been many attempts to expand into slope and temporary earth retaining system stabilization method since the first ground excavation earth retaining system construction in 1993. Recently, jointing wall, underground wall of buildings and excavation earth retaining wall, construction were increasingly applied for effective utilization of the limited underground space and land application maximized. However, the application of joining wall into retaining wall or building by temporary soil nailing system and design of permanent wall were performed by using Rankine earth pressure theory without considering the distribution of earth pressure in the soil nailing. In this study was performed to introduce the design case by 'Two-Body Translation mechanism (TBTM)' to be able to consider distribution of earth pressure in the soil nailing when designing the permanent jointing wall using soil nailing system for effective utilization of ground space. Also, this study attempts to evaluate the earth pressure change, decreasing effect of wall displacement and increasing effect of stability when advanced soil nailing system is constructed using
$FLAC^{2D}$ ${\nu}er.$ 3.30 program and 'Two-Body Translation mechanism'. -
Over the past decade, major advances have occurred in both understanding and practice with regard to assessment and mitigation of hazard area associated with seismically induced soil liquefaction. In this paper, assessment of liquefaction resistance of soil are reviewed from the recent researches. In addition site characteristics investigation methods and tests for seismic design and liquefaction analysis are reviewed. Finally, introduction and characteristics of remedial measures against soil liquefaction are reviewed briefly.
Korea has been suffering from various natural disasters. Slope-stability related disasters such as landslides usually occur during typhoon and torrential rain season. Types of slope-stability related disasters can be classified as failures in cut slopes along constructed roads, landslides in natural terrain, and retaining structure failures in urban area. This paper summarizes human casualties for the last 29 years in Korea, reviews field studies for the disaster sites that caused human casualties due to torrential rains in the Summer of 2005, analyzes causes of slope-stability related disasters and includes recommendations for an effective management system.
Korea is affected by typhoon 2-3 times a year, and 50
${\sim}$ 60 % of annual rainfall is concentrated during summer with heavy daily precipitation. Recently such natural conditions cause many of failures or damages of reservoirs and embankments. Overflow by heavy flood is the main cause that results 54.2 % of total embankment failures with damages of spillway, outlet channel and stilling basin. Since damages by overflow are triggered by scour of soils nearby the structures, use of proper backfill materials with great resistance against erosion should be considered and application of suitable construction method to protect erosion may be adopted. Most failures of levee are caused by piping along the surface of cross-structure underneath levee. Such failures may be protected by deep consideration of piping at the stage of design and good quality control during construction. Sufficient magnitude of spillway and outlet channel is the ideal way to prevent failures by the flood. For existing structures, remodeling with reinforcement to protect against flood with review of required storage of dam should be considered. -
In this paper, the behaviors of tunnel damaged by fire, the diagnostic techniques for evaluating tunnel stability are presented. Also two fireproof construction methods are recommended. Three tunnels damaged by fire were analyzed to evaluate the structural stability. From the these analyzed, it is recommended that surface checking, rebound number of concrete by Schmidt Hammer, and carbonation of concrete are essential to evaluate the engineering properties of concrete in tunnel structure damaged by fire. On the basis of case studies of tunnel fire collected by ITA, the change of concrete and steel strengths by fire are explained, and numerical analysis, which was performed on culvert and circle tunnel, shows that distribution of temperature in the tunnel is dependant upon tunnel shape. Two fireproof construction methods using panel and punching metal are introduced to protect the tunnel by fire.
During the tunnel construction the major failure mode can be categorized as: tunnel failure just after the tunnel excavation without support, failure after application of shotcrete and finally failure after setting the concrete lining. The failure mode just after the tunnel excavation without support, can be further classified as : bench failure, crown failure, face failure, full face failure, failure due to weak strata and failure due to overburden. Moreover the failure after application of shotcrete is classified as heading face failure, settlement of shotcrete support, local failure of shotcrete lining and invert shotcrete. To find out the major causes of tunnel collapse, the investigation was done in case of the second phase of Seoul subway construction. The investigation results depicted that the major causes of tunnel collapse were due to the weak layer of rock/fault and sudden influx of ground water from the tunnel crown. While the investigation results of the mountain road tunnels construction have shown that the major causes of tunnel failure were inadequate analysis of tunnel face mapping results, intersection of faults and limestone cavities. In this paper some recent measurement in order to mitigate such tunnel collapse are presented
In this paper, site response analyses were performed based on equivalent linear technique using the shear wave velocity profiles of 162 sites collected around the Korean peninsula. The site characteristics, particularly the shear wave velocities and the depth to the bedrock, are compared to those in the western United States. The results show that the site-response coefficients based on the mean shear velocity of the top 30m (
$V_{S30}$ ) suggested in the current code underestimates the motion in short-period ranges and overestimates the motion in mid-period ranges. Also the current Korean code based on UBC is required to be modified considering site characteristics in Korea for the reliable estimation of site amplification. From the results of numerical estimations, new regression curves were derived between site coefficients ($F_a$ and$F_v$ ) and the fundamental site periods, and site coefficients were grouped based on site periods in the regions of shallow bedrock. The standard deviations of the proposed method was reasonable compared to site classification based on$V_{S30}$ . Finally, new site classification system is recommended based on site periods for regions of shallow bedrock depth in Korea. -
Generally, the instrumentation scheme for urban excavation projects consist of a series of tools such as inclinometer piezometer, loadcell, tiltmeter etc. Because almost every equipments are placed along several typical lines, it is impossible to evaluate the whole behavior of structures and adjacent buildings simultaneously. With laser scanning technique developed for surveying, all visible structures are scanned in the form of 3D digital data in a time schedule as planned. It can be analysed effectively the movements for all area affected by excavation even the spots in where no instrumentation tools. Although there are some parts to be refined such as scanning error, proper analysing software, it gives many advantages for realistic instrumentation works in the near future.
Recently, because of environment, cost, supply and demand factors, though applying sea-sand as horizontal drains is getting difficult that usage of Gravel has been growing in large size of construction sites, Study on engineering properties and behavior characteristics of Gravel stratum is not thoroughgoing enough. We have applied Gravel Mat as the horizontal drains in O O construction site. We also conducted several field tests such as Material property test, Geosynthetics damage test with Repeated load, Discharge capacity test performed by inflow of upper soil and In-situ PBD Penetration test to review the application of Gravel Mat. Test results show that Gravel Mat is not only advantageous in Trafficability and Water drainage by Consolidation due to its great Internal friction angle and Permeability, but also easy to penetrate with Mandrel and has great discharge capacity and guarantee of the stability against geosynthetics damage at the same time. With these benefits Gravel Mat shows great application in fields.
Square patterned jet grouting technique is the soil improvement method that shakes the special end monitor left and right like as tail fin and mixing the soil and cement paste after cutting the soil in square shape by injecting the cement paste from installed two nozzles. The structure shape by jet grouting technique can be constructed in various shapes and sizes like as square, circle, and sector form designed by an engineer. Also, it can be constructed without waste material and reduced a construction time of work economically. In this study, the applicability of Square Jet Grouting to reduce permeability is estimated by FEM analysis and in-situ test in many cases which are various coefficient of permeability and breadth of grouting structure.
Overbreak or underbreak is one of the most important factors in evaluation the results of a tunnel blasting. Overbreak, which depends on the quality of rock, the type and quantity of explosives, and the method and condition of drilling, has been a target of challenge to many blasting engineers as it is connected with economic directly. Drilling is generally known as a primary one of overbreak producing factors. So, This study presented the practical solution to reduce overbreak, which was caused by drilling, through the analyses of how to make a drilling process accurate and how to evaluate the effect of each drilling method. Thus, this solution would give a quantitative analysis of overbreak and provide the information of how to reduce the quantity of overbreak. Moreover, for verifying this solution, we applied it to a tunnel project and then have found out that the quantity of overbreak decreased to approximately 10-40% compared with the previous way of overbreak control.
We have analyzed the stability for cut-slopes at main street 3-2 line section in Pa-ju local industrial complex. After studying an additional boring test, laboratory test and face mapping etc., we have determined the extent of reinforcement, slope inclinations and soil strength parameter from the analysis of test results. After changing the inclination of slopes for ground limit and carrying out the analysis of slope stability, we applied the Mass Nailing Method to the site because of need for reinforcement to soil and weathered rock slopes. In slope for soft and hard rock sections, we also reinforced the sections that are difficult to obtain the safety without reinforcement in alteration zone.
The economic growth brought the demand of bridge connected to island and land increasingly in Korea. Therefore, Civil engineer has faced a lot of problem to be considered such as structural stability, economic feasibility and constructional method. At the bridge site to be constructed, the depth of water is about 24m, the thickness of weathered rock overlaying bed rock is thicker than 36m. If open caisson foundation is supported in bed rock, the hight of foundation is about 60m. It is difficult to construct in these conditions. If open caisson foundation is supported in weathered rock, the size of the foundation should be increased. And If we apply the pile foundation, the higher construction cost will be needed. Under the circumstances, we need a new foundation type-composite foundation that is consisted of open caisson and cast-in-place piles. Because the design concept of composite foundation is not presented in Korea Bridge Design Standard, we are willing to clear the bearing behavior of composite foundation by numerical analysis in this paper.
Yoon, Woon-Sang;Jeong, Ui-Jin;Park, Jeong-Hoon;Kim, Choon-Sik;Ann, Kyeong-Chol;Kim, Taek-Kon 231
Incompetent sediments and competent volcanics are consisted of the Cenozoic geology in Korea. Although the Cenozoic area is small, it is necessary to special interesting for ground of these geological material. The Cenozoic geology shows heterogeneous characteristics. We can look at the weak Cenozoic sedimentary rocks under the hard Cenozoic basalt in the area. Some Cenozoic un(or half)-consolidated soft sediments have large, heavy and hard boulders. Some volcanics and tuffaceous sediments have swelling clays. These characteristics give very difficult problems to engineering geologists and civil engineers. -
slaking 은 굴착에 의해 노출된 암반에서 발생하는 강도저하 및 입자간의 결합력 약화에 의해 암반이 세립화하는 현상이다. 이러한 slaking은 특히 퇴적암으로 구성된 암반사변의 안정성에 영향을 미치는 중요한 인자로 작용한다. slaking에 의한 암반사면의 불안정성은 신생대의 이질암이나 미고결 응회암에서와 같이 암반 자체의 강도 저하 및 결합력 약화에 의해 발생하는 붕괴현상과 차별풍화에 의해 이암 등이 급속도로 쇄굴 및 풍화되어 상부에 놓여 있는 암석이 낙석 등의 형태로 붕괴되는 현상으로 구분할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 이암의 차별풍화에 의해 사면의 불안정성이 유발되는 연구지역을 대상으로 풍화 및 쇄굴 속도와 slake의 상관관계를 밝히고자하였다. 이를 위하여 slake test와 slake durability test를 수행하였으며 slake durability index를 획득하였다. 실험을 통해 획득된 slake durability index를 연간 쇄굴속도와 비교하여 상관관계를 검토하였으며 기존의 연구결과와 비교하여 slake durability index를 활용하여 쇄굴 정도를 예측할 수 있는 가능성을 제시하였다.
이암층 역암층 그리고 화산암층과 같은 특수지질 불량구간에서 터널과 암반사면의 합리적인 시공을 달성하기 위해서는 먼저 대상지질에 대한 지질조건과 암반특성을 정확히 이해하는 것이 필요하며, 이를 바탕으로 지반특성에 적합한 보강대책을 수립하도록 하여야 한다. 본 고에서는 포항지역과 경주지역에서의 미고결 이암 및 역암층 그리고 제주도 화산암층에서의 암반 구조물에 대한 설계 및 시공사례를 검토하고 전형적인 미고결 지층으로 알려진 신생대 지층에서의 터널과 암반과 같은 암반구조물에 대한 설계 및 시공상의 제반 문제점을 고찰하므로서 이에 대한 합리적인 대책을 수립하고자 하였다.
유지관리에 있어서 가장 중요한 것은 예방정비이며 유지관리에 목적 또한 예방정비에 있다고 하겠다. 그러므로 최근의 여러 상황으로 미루어 절토사면의 예방정비라고 측면이 어느 때보다도 강조되는 시기라고 하지 않을 수 없으며 본 논문은 여러 가지 사면의 유지관리 소홀로 발생되는 사례를 통해 유지관리시의 문제점 들을 살펴보았다. 그리고 향후 사면의 유지관리를 통해 붕괴에 대해 적극적 대처방안을 모색하고 유지관리 부서 및 담당자들에게 도움이 되었으면 하고 추후 유지관리에 대한 많은 연구가 이루어졌으면 한다.
The Cenozoic Era consists of two period , the Tertiary and the Quaternary Period. Weak rock types may include areas containing: 1) poorly cemented or uncemented sediments, 2) highly weathered rock, or 3) fault lines. Especially this paper deal with poorly cemented or uncemented sedimentary rocks in slope. Mechanical weathering is caused by physical processes such as absorption and release of water, and changes in temperature and stress at or near the exposed rock surface. It results in the opening of discontinuities, the formation of new discontinuities by rock fracture, the opening of grain boundaries, and the fracture or cleavage of individual mineral grains. Decomposition causes some silicate minerals such as feldspars to change to clay minerals. There was a strong negative correlation between water absorption and important engineering properties such as strength and durability.
The CSG(Cemented Sand and Gravel) method is construction technique using as raw materials earth and gravel generated from a local construction site, mixing them with cement and rolling with vibration rollers. Recently, The use of this method for cofferdam and large dam is gradually increasing in Japan. The purpose of an CSG mix design is to develop project specific properties to meet the structure design requirements. But uniform mix design of CSG method has not yet been established. The experience of practitioners from the geotechnical and concrete disciplines has given rise to two genernal approaches to mix design for CSG. This paper reports the concept of how to set the mix design according to modified Proctor compaction test process and the test results on properties such as compaction, compressive strength and modulus of elasticity that obtained by unconfined compression test.
In this study, settlement characteristics of 38 CFRD was investigated from monitoring data and the method to estimate the dam settlements considering valley shape during constructions was proposed. The construction modulus of dam was found to be dependent on void ratios and valley shape factor. The construction modulus varied with valley shape and decreased with increasing void ratio. Also, the modulus was increased when the shape coefficient was less than 4. The settlement investigation results showed that the total settlement was proportional to the value of the settlement coefficient multiplied by the shape coefficient divided by void ratio.
For seismic response analysis of rockfill dam, dynamic material properties, by field test, are needed. Density and elastic wave profiles have to be known to get an information of the material properties of structure. In this study, various field tests are applied to the example of rockfill dam to get an information of dynamic material properties and seismic safety is evaluated by seismic response analysis with the result of field tests.
Nowadays, there so many fire accidents happened in subways and tunnels, buildings. In this paper, the behaviors of subway damaged by fire, the fire protection techniques for evaluating subway structures stability are presented. To protect the tunnel by fire, flame detector method is resonable.
The use of diverse methods for the retaining system has been continuously increased in order to maintain the stability during excavation. However, ground anchor system occasionally may have the restriction in urban excavation sites nearby the existing structures because of space limitation. In this case, soil nailing system with relatively short length of nails could be efficiently useful as an alternative method. The general soil nailing support system, however, may result in excessive deformations particularly in excavating the zone of weak soils or nearby the existing structures. Therefore, applying the pretension force to the soil nails then could play important roles to reduce deformations mainly in an upper part of the nailed-soil excavation system as well as to improve the local slope stability. In this study, a newly modified soil nailing technology named as the PSN(Pretention Soil Nailing) is developed to reduce both facing displacements and ground surface settlements during top-down excavation process as well as to increase the global slope stability. Up to now, the PSN system has been investigated mainly focusing on an establishment of the design procedure. In the present study, the field tests including pull-out tests were fulfilled to investigate the behavior of characteristics for PSN system. All results of tests were also analyzed to provide a fundamental and efficient design.
Reliable predictions of the movement of earth retaining structures and the ground adjacent to braced walls in urban excavation are often difficult due to many variable factors. The ground settlement and the damage of adjacent structures in urban excavation has been an important issue. Therefore, the stability of the adjacent structures must be secured with the excavation support and research on the protection of adjacent structure is necessary. This study showed a countermeasure method for case of damage behavior in urban excavation.
In the braced excavations, careful consideration must be given to the risks of progressive collapse of the entire support system due to failure of a single member. The existing connection methods of the excavation support system results in many problems during construction. To overcome these, simple joint method is proposed in this study. The full scale test and the numerical analysis using finite element method were performed to verify the safety of them. As results, simple joint method was good effective to increase strength. And it was good effective to decrease in numbers of bolt. Also, new method is cheaper than existing connection methods and a good construction as well.
In this paper, a reliability-groundwater flow program is developed by coupling the 2-D finite element numerical groundwater flow program with first and second order reliability program. From the parametric study of hydraulic conductivity of soil layers, the increase of both mean and variance of hydraulic conductivity results in the increase of probability of exceeding the threshold hydraulic head. The probability of failure was more sensitive to parameters of weathered granitic soil and rock located at the middle and bottom of the excavation than those at the other locations. It can be recommended from this study that the reliability method, which can include the uncertainty of soil parameters, should be performed together with the deterministic analysis to compensate the weakness of the latter analysis for the groundwater flow problem of underground excavations.
In this study, seismic refraction survey and MASW at dam crest and down-hole test and cross hole test in the boring holes located in dam crest through the core are performed to fin out dynamic material properties, are needed to evaluate dynamic safety of rockfill dam using dynamic analysis method. From the field test and geophysical exploration, applied such as above, p-wave and s-wave velocity profile of each layer of dam body. Dynamic material properties, such as elastic modulus, shear modulus, poissong's ration, are obtained from p-wave and s-wave velocity profile and density profile from formation density logging test.
The weathering degree and shear wave velocity,
$V_S$ , were evaluated for decomposed granite layers in Hongsung, where earthquake damages have occurred. The subsurface geological layers and their$V_S$ profiles were determined, respectively, from boring investigations and seismic tests such as crosshole, downhole and SASW tests. The subsurface layers were composed of 10 to 40 m thickness of weathered residual soil and weathered rock in most sites. In the laboratory, the weathering indexes with depth were estimated based on the results of X-ray fluorescence analysis using samples obtained from field, together with the dynamic soil properties determined from resonant column tests using reconstituted specimens. According to the results, it was examined that most weathering degrees represented such as VR, Li, CIA, MWPI and WIP were decreased with increasing depth with exception of RR and CWI. For weathered residual soils in Hongsung, the$V_S's$ determined from borehole seismic tests were slightly increased with increasing depth, and were similar to those from resonant column tests. Furthermore, the$V_S$ values were independent on the weathering degrees, which were decreased with depth. -
The permeability of contaminated soil and elapsed time are important considering factors to in-situ soil remadiation. Gabr et. al. (1996) derived the solution equation of contaminant concentration ratio as initial one (C/
$C_0$ ) with time and spatial changes in contaminated area which embedded with vertical drains. The contaminant concentration ratio (C/$C_0$ ) is analyzed with time and spatial changes in three different permeability areas which are$k=l.0{\times}10^{-5,}$ $l.0{\times}l0^{-6,}$ $l.0{\times}l0^{-7}\;_{m/s}$ by using the Gabr's equation. Results from numerical analysis indicate that the ratio (C/$C_0$ ) decreases as the elapsed time increases in every point, however, remediation efficiency decreases as the analyzing point is far from injection well to extraction one and is deeper from top level of contaminated area. And also it decreases as the permeability of contaminated area decreases. Especially, the lower permeability of contaminated area effects directly on the soil remediation, in this research, under condition which the permeability of contaminated area is$l.0{\times}l0^{-7}\;_{m/s}$ , the maximum time needed to attain 90% clean up level ($t_{90}$ ) is 65,690 hours(7.5 years), it takes so much time to clean the low permeability contaminated soil. -
Soil vapor extraction(SVE) is an effective and cost efficient method of removing volatile organic compounds(VOCs) and petroleum hydrocarbons from unsaturated soils. However, soil vapor extraction becomes ineffective in soils with low gas permeability, for example soils with air permeabilities less than 1 Darcy. Prefabricated vertical drains(PVDs) have been used for dewatering fine-grained soils for more than 25 years. Incorporating PVDs in and SVE system can extend the effectiveness of SVE to lower permeability soils by shortening the air flow-paths and ultimately expediting contaminant removal. The objective of the work described herein was to effectively incorporate PVDs into a SVE remediation system and to demonstrate a PVDs enhanced SVE system at full scale. The finding from this research will facilitate the design of field PVD-SVE systems in terms by providing insight into the optimal spacing between PVDs, the radius of influence of the wells and the flow rates to be used to capture and extract gas phase contaminants.
In this study we carried out to evaluate the salinity concentration and volumetric water content of unsaturated soil column using frequency domain Reflectometry with vector network analyzer (FDR-V) measurement system. All of experiments were considered to the effect of temperature which ranges from l0
$^{\circ}C$ to 50$^{\circ}C$ increasing the interval of l0$^{\circ}C$ controlled by the constant temperature container. From the results the responses of complex dielectric constant which consist of the real part and imaginary parts have the effect of volumetric water content and concentration of salinity at 1GHz. Use of derived equations (1) and (2) can be calculated the physical parameters such as volumetric water content and salinity concentration of unsaturated media by the responses of complex dielectric constant. -
This study is to evaluate the physical and mechanical characteristics of flowable backfill and search for the optimal mixture contents of it used for constructing underground power utilities. flowable backfill is known as soil-cement slurry, void fill, and controlled low-strength material(CLSM). The benefits of CLSM include reduced equipment costs, faster construction, re-excavation in the future, and the ability to place material in confined spaces such as narrow parts nearly impossible for compaction or perimeter of underground power cables. The flowable slurry mixture made with 9 types of soil and 6 types of accelerated mixtures in the laboratory were evaluated for bleeding, flowability, heat resistance, and unconfined compressive strength to meet the aim values of this study.
The rubblization technique is breaking the aged concrete pavement slab into rubblized concrete aggregate, and use it as an base material at its original position, then builds overlay above the rubblized base. This method has been successively used in USA due to the advantage of good contructibility, cost-effectiveness as well as the capability of preventing of reflection cracks. However, constructibility and economic performance of rubblization on typical Korean concrete pavements needed to be investigate since to typical Korean concrete pavements have thick slab, as well include lean concrete subbase course. This stud explored optimum breaking depth and suggested minimum 10cm based on reflection crack simulation test. Also proper head shape and impact energy were investigated based on small breaking field tests. It was found that
$127kg/cm^2$ of stress with 52.3% of head contact area are breaking requirement. Also, Multi-head type breaker suitable for Korean condition was designed and developed. This multi-head type breaker was designed to rubblize old concrete to the suggested optimum rubblized-depth and rubblized-concrete-aggregate size to prevent reflection crack and maintain high bearing capacity. This machine was used for the test of rubblization of old concrete pavement on a non-use old concrete and a in-serviced road. In these two tests, engineering properties of rubblized base and constructability and cost were investigated. In both tests, the old concrete rubblized to targeted size and depth, and high-level bearing capacity was achieved. Also, superior constructability and lower cost compared with traditional reconstruction was examined. -
Observed field behaviors are frequently different from the behaviors predicted in the design state due to several uncertainties involved in soil properties, numerical modelling, and error of measuring system even though a sophisticated numerical analysis technique is applied to solve the consolidation behavior of drainage-installed soft deposits. In this study, genetic algorithms are applied to back-analyze the soil properties using the observed behavior of soft clay deposit composed of multi layers that shows complex consolidation characteristics. Utilizing the program, one might be able to appropriately predict the subsequent consolidation behavior from the measured data in an early stage of consolidation of multi layered soft deposits. Example analyses for drainage-installed multi-layered soft deposits are performed to examine the applicability of proposed back-analysis method.
To resolve land demand by the development of various industries and the cityward tendency of population, the construction of ultra-soft ground that is unused in the past has been progressing with activity. The ultra-soft ground has very small shear strength and large deformation, so leads to many problems in ground improvement in construction. In order to dispose of these problems, it is necessary to develope the chemical materials that can be applied to the surface stabilization of ultra-soft ground. In this study, the new ground treatment that is using cement and SCS is compared, analyzed with existing ground treatment. In addition, through the laboratory tests that check the characteristic of congealment and strength, the application of SCS in field is affirmed.
In this study, we have compared with the differences between the extent of sampling disturbance and consolidation characteristics by experiments, which are consolidation test and have been performed with Kwang-Yang clay samples. The effects on sampling disturbance to consolidation characteristics of soft clay have been inverstigated by using soil samples obtained from large block sampling and piston sampling methods. Through a few experiments, we've got important results which are that the consoilidation parameter of large block sample(Pc, Cc, Cv) is much larger than the value of parameter of piston sample. We've also found the fact that the large block sample using the large size sampler is much better than piston sample in the quality of goods to lessen the effects on disturbance of sampling. When compared to the parameter of consolidation along with the methods of experiment, we found that the result performed by large size consolidation test is the greatest one and CRS is much better than standard consolidation test to seek for proper parameter.
The high pressure jet grouting method is mainly used in the grouting. But, this method has problems that the scale and strength of improved body is not constant with ground condition. Considering these problems, triple rod MJM that results in the high-strength effect by the technology of the injected
${\phi}7mm$ cement mortar was developed. In this MJM, the unconfined strength is estimated with the various combination ratio and engineering characteristic, strength improvement effect of improved body, was checked through the field test. It is known that the application of MJM was verified with ground and construction condition. -
The compaction pile methods with low replacement area ratio used sand(SCP) or gravel(GCP) has been usually applied to improvement of soft clay deposits. In order to design accurately compaction pile method with low replacement area ratio, it is important to understand the mechanical interaction between sand piles and clays and its mechanism during consolidation process of the composition ground. In this paper, a series of numerical analyses on composition ground improved by SCP and GCP with low replacement area ratio were carried out, in order to investigate the mechanical interaction between sand piles and clays. The applicability of numerical analyses, in which and elasto-viscoplastic consolidation finite element method was applied, could be confirmed comparing with results of a series of model tests on consolidation behaviors of composition ground improved by SCP. And,through the results of the numerical analyses, each mechanical behaviors of compaction piles and clays in the composition ground during consolidation was elucidated, together with stress sharing mechanism between compaction piles and clays.
Sodium silicate - the usual portland cement which accomplishes a cement pouring reconsideration main stream and sodium silicate(No.3) after reacting sodium silicate(No.3) with the reaction sodium silicate where oxidation natrium which is included does not react with the cement receiving stiffening water it will burn together on underwater and to become the durability lacks pouring it is recognized. From the hazard which improves an advantage it used the additive which relates in congealing and stiffening of the portland cement and sodium tripolyphosphate(STPP) addition hour initial material age(72 hours at once) which does to be revealed the at high-in-tensity is discovered while accomplishing. The effect of additives on the reactions of sodium silicate solution and cement suspesion was investigated by various physical and chemical tests, such as Si-NMR, XRD, SEM uniaxial compression test. The additives were STPP(sodium tripolyphosphate), EDTA, SUGAR. The compressive strength of sodium silicate(No.3) - cement grout with additives was about
$1.5{\sim}10$ times higher than that without additive in early age(72 hours). -
The D-ROG(Digitalized Restoring of Grouting) Method is the restoring method for structures subjected to differential settlement and tilting by means of high grout injection pressure. This study investigate effect of grouting through in field test which applied D-ROG method in different condition(overload, ground condition).
Understanding of an accurate state of consolidation of underconsolidated clay body, like a recently dredged or reclaimed clay deposits, is one of the most difficult tasks. The estimation of the consolidation status of these clay bodies is often made by laboratory tests of numerical analyses. However these methods demonstrated crucial limitations in the accurate prediction. Therefore, the predicted degree of consolidation from various techniques is verified by actual measured field data. The degree of consolidation of clay body in the East Side Hinterland of Gwangyang Port(2nd Phase) is evaluated in this study by using various techniques such as oedometer test, CPTu, numerical analysis and piezometer tests etc. And the results are compared each other to find the most reliable prediction technique. The merit and reliability of each method is discussed in detail. It is revealed from in this study that the estimation of degree of consolidation by an actual pore water pressure measurements is the most reliable technique.
Geopier soil reinforcement system which crushed aggregate is put into a hole and rammed the aggregate with tamper is a viable alternative to deep foundation to over-excavation and replacement. Also, Geopier is intermediate foundation of deep and shallow foundation. In this paper, the value of Geopier element stiffness modulus(
$K_g$ ) when designed is compared with the measured value($K_g$ ) by the in-situ modulus Load test in the field. Also, this paper presents a technology overview of system capabilities and application for foundation reinforcement of structures. -
In this study, the shaft resistance of drilled shafts socketed into weathered-and soft-rocks was examined by the constant normal stiffness(CNS) test. Large scale model tests were performed for different unconfined compressive strength, socket roughness, initial normal stress, and normal stiffness for identifying shear load transfer characteristics. Through comparisons with previous studies, it is found that the results by the present approach is good agreement with the general trend observed by existing empirical and analytical results.
We have many foundations which were constructed on the karstic areas where solution cavities and fractured zone may form under, or close to foundations. The fact that the ground under the pier foundations was reinforced with the three axial high pressure jet grouting is confirmed through out about two hundred design reports. It is necessary that evaluation of a simple application of high pressure jet grouting method on the karstic areas containing solution cavities. In this study, the improved situation and reinforcing methods of the ground under the pier foundations are proposed based on the evaluation of design reports for the express highway and No.38 national roads.
This research aims to verify the stress distribution in soil according to the composition of the soil layer in case of surface loading. For this purpose, loading tests with measurement of stresses in the soil on four kinds of layered model ground in laboratory were performed. Those are (1)homogeneous sand, (2)gravel underlain by sand, (3)sand underlain by clay and (4)gravel underlain by clay. Test results are compared and analysed for the compositions of the soil layers. based on the results obtained, it is found that the larger the difference of the strengths of upper and lower layer is, the smaller the stress in the soil in case of surface loading is.
The embedded suction anchor(ESA) is and anchor that is driven by a suction pile. The cross-sectional shape of the ESA anchor is circle. Its diameter is the same as that of the suction pile that is used to drive it into the seafloor. For the installation, the anchor is attached to the tip of the suction pile and then driven as a unit with the pile by and applied suction pressure. Once the ESA anchor reaches the desired depth, the pile is retrieved by applying a positive pressure. Finally, only the ESA anchor remains in the soil layer. This paper presents the results of centrifuge model tests to investigate ESA pullout capacity. The main parameters that have effects on the pullout capacity of ESA may include g-level, embedded depth, direction of loading, and loading point. The results of tests show that the pullout loading capacities increase as the loading point shift toward the tip of the anchors for a given loading direction. They also indicate that the loading point associated with the maximum pullout loading capacity is located at approximately 67 percent of the anchor length from the top for the horizontal load.
In the past decades, complain about ground vibration and noise induced by pile driving has been quickly increased. Because of that, auger drilled piling methods have frequently used specially in urban area. However, the present auger drilled piling methods induce inevitable ground disturbance as well as a certain degree of vibration and noise due to the final hammering. For these reasons, a new auger drilled piling method is required to be developed. This paper introduces PDT(Pulse Discharge Technology) piling method and presents the characteristics of bearing capacity. The PDT piling method is to install in-situ piles using electric power so called Pulse. The pile installed by PDT appears to be able to develop shaft and end bearing capacity efficiently.
Using the case of design to the Large diameter Bored Pile, We showed the various method to estimate the Lateral coefficient of subgrade reaction and analyzed the lateral displacement behavior according to the characteristics of sub layer distribution. According to the study, Mutual relation to the N value and the soil modulus of deformation showed 400N to 800N to the fine grained soil and weathered soil. It showed simular tendancy with the proposed expression of Schmertmann. But Weathered rock was over estimated as 4,200N.
$k_h$ to the sedimentory soil and weathered rock each showed these orded of Schmertmann-PMT-2,800N and Schmertmann-2,800N-PMT. As the factor($\alpha$ ) 4 was applied to the estimation in weathered rock,$k_h$ to the PMT was calculate as a big value. If the pile is long and the pile is surpported to the soil, Lateral displacement was in inverse proportion ratio to the value of$k_h$ . But the case of shallow soil layer(early bedrock) and the short pile, Lateral displacement was affected by the behavior of socheted pile to the bedrock not by the upper soil layer. -
국내 대부분을 차지하고 있는 NATM의 주요원리는 주변지반의 지보효과를 활용하는 터널굴착공법이다. 따라서 실제 지반조건이 원설계조건 보다 역학적으로 불량한 경우 보강공법의 적용은 필수적이라 할 수 있으나, 합리적인 설계변경은 현실적으로 쉽지 않은 실정이다. 또한 현실적인 이유로 양방향으로 터널을 관통하는 설계법과 달리 종종 1방향 굴진으로 터널을 관통하는 경우가 있다. 그러나 이러한 1방향 굴진은 불가분 굴진 종점부에서 저토피 갱구를 향하게 되므로, 지반이 연약한 경ㅇ우 막장 붕괴의 위험이 매우 높은 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 터널은 설계 시 갱구부 지반을 풍화암과 연암으로 보고 설계 하였으나, 실제 굴착 시 확인된 지층은 핵석을 포함한 실트질모래(SP-SM)로 판명되었다. 더구나 터널굴진 방향에 있어서도 양방향 굴착이 아닌 저토피 갱구를 향한 1방향 굴진을 실시하였으며, 이러한 시공 중에 터널관통을 불과 19m 남겨둔 갱구부에서 막장부괴와 동시에 상부사면 함몰이 발생하였다. 본 연구는 토사터널 갱구부 1방향 굴진 시 발생한 막장붕괴 보강사례로서, 지상보강(시멘트밀크 그라우팅)과 갱내보강(방사상 FRP보강그라우팅) 그리고 인버트폐합을 실시하여 성공적으로 터널시공을 완료한 사례연구이다. 본 사례는 향후 토사터널 갱구부의 설계와 시공에 유용한 참고자료가 될 것이다.
In vicinity of Seoul, there has been water service tunnel that classified into 1st grade facility by special act for the safety control of public structures and with providing capacity equals to
$1,543{\times}10^3$ (ton/day) and inner pressure equals to$2.5-3.5kg/cm^2$ . In this research, site investigation and stability analysis for water tunnel caused by new construction of road tunnel were carried out. the ground near water tunnel were zoned into spatial area having similar geotechnical characteristics and estimating geotechnical properties for each area. The site for analysis consists of banded biotite gneiss, biotite schist and granite gneiss with spatial non-homogeneity, and for that reason weathering and fault zone were distributed with large scale. It's important thing to consider spatial ground zone and their geotechnical properties properly into stability analysis at design and construction stage. Also, using results of site investigation, stability of existing tunnel have been analyzed for Hydraulic Fracture/Jacking and deformation in detail. -
Recently, it is used to join an building to an underground shopping-area in urban. When we construct Seo-Cho Complex building which is in Seoul, we also construct an underground passage to the Gangnam underground shopping-area. But it is difficult to excavate in the downtown area, because excavations induce traffic jam and public discontent. Considering safety, a confined area, settlements, we decided to use DSM(Divided Shield Method) which is based on messer shield. This paper will produce our experience and the results provide a useful guide in a connection tunnel
Usually, Steel pipe grouting method or cut and cover method has been applied to tunnel with very shallow overburden or it is situated in valley. However, in case of lack of overburden height to reinforcement tunnel crown which is very difficult to construction. Also, application of cut and cover method that do not consider surrounding site condition causes popular enmity generation and environmental damage. It is the best alternative method that reduces the amount of excavated soil and excavate tunnel under ground to solve these problems. The tunneling method using cover structure which is to prevent a tunnel from collapse because this method can be reduce excavation area and construct tunnel under ground after set a cover structure and backfill ground. In this study, to know more effective structure type, comparative analysis was performed to behavior characters of slab and arch type construction that can be used to cover structure. Also a 2D and 3D numerical analysis have been performed to verify the stability of ground during excavation. As the result, the tunneling method using cover structure that it can be good alternative method for tunnel with shallow overburden and it through valley
Lee, Chun-Suk;Yoo, Ki-Cheong;Jung, Chan-Gyu;Song, Pyung-Hyun;Choi, Choong-Lak;Kwon, Min-Seok 570
NATM 터널에 작용하는 토압(이완하중)의 크기는 지형조건, 지질조건등에 따라 다르므로 정량적으로 산정하기에는 다소 어려움이 있으며, 실무적으로 Terzaghi(1946)가 제안한 암반의 이완하중을 적용하고 있다. Terzaghi 암반이완하중은 지형상 저토피, 편경사등을 고려하기에는 다소 무리가 있고 특히, 설계시 시공중 공용후 터널에 편토압이 작용한다고 예측하는 것은 더욱 어렵다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 저토피 편경사지형에서 터널의 문제점 보강대책방안에 대하여 종합 검토하였으며, 실제 지형상 저토피, 편경사를 이루나 암질이 양호하다고 판단되어 아칭 효과를 기대할 수 있을 것으로 예상되는 터널이 굴착과정중 설계시 추정된 지반조건과 상이하여 터널지보재(숏크리트)의 균열 및 이상 변위가 발생된 터널에서 보강대책방안으로 인버트폐합을 실시하여 안정된 터널굴착을 할 수 있었던 사례를 소개하고 저토피 편경사 지형에서 NATM 터널의 설계 시공시 유의사항에 대하여 검토하였다. -
The grouting method is widely used as the impermeable effect and ground reinforcement in construction. But, it has a problem that cement and grout material are not mixed well in the injection tip equipment and an opposite flow and interception state of the chemical grouting is happened. so, continuous work is difficult. McG method installed a special grouting and device, made possible go well mixing of grouting material and prevent flowing backward and block of nozzle also diversify powder rate of cement that is grouting material to select sutible material in layer conditions. YSS that lowered
$Na_2O$ influencing durability and circumstance is developed by gel-forming reaction material. so eco-circumstance and durability is increased by minimizing dissolution of underground water. In this study, it is assumed that seepage state of the injection material using a special injection tip equipment and a unconfined compressive strenth by mixing a various injection material of various. And it is confirmed that strenth increase effect and permeable decrease of the improved body through the test execution and field execution. -
There are many cross tunnelling methods such as NTR, TRCM, Messer Shield, Front Jacking, and Pipe Roof Method. The advantages of adopting RPS(roof panel shield) method in crossing tunnel construction with comparing other existing cross tunnelling method are needed a little space and easy to change the direction of cutting shoe during the construction of pipe roof. The numerical analysis of RPS was performed for the application in the crossing tunnel under railroad. The earth pressure distribution and settlement were predicted when the RPS method was applied during the excavation for crossing railroad tunnel construction.
In mountainous area, Two parallel tunnels have been usually recognized as a road tunnel which has benefits in aspects of cost and stability. However, Design and construction of 2-Arch road tunnel are growing recently due to environmental destruction, compensation of land and difficulty of route separation. As studies are mainly undergoing on only guaranteeing stability and developing a waterproofing-drainage system to avoid water leakage through comprehension for characteristics of 2-arch tunnel behaviors, there is a tendency to evaluate quantity of support by empirical method with a tunnel which has a complicated cross-section and lack of construction ability. In this study, therefore, we made a plan of tunnel cross-section which had shown good construction ability and developed the waterproofing-drainage system which is able to solve the water leakage problem fundamentally by analyzing precedented 2-arch tunnels and investigating their sites in and out of nation. We also determined fixed quantity of support by a large-scale model test and numerical analysis. We want to contribute to 2-arch tunnel design hereafter introducing design procedure and method applied here.
This research is experimental paper to prepare the structural safety of the upper bridge for support type on tunnel and the effect of settlement. Unit weight test and uni-axial compression test have been performed to simulate the physical property of foundation on the tunnel. Tunnel model of slip form type for centrifuge model has been developed to performed the tunnel excavation while field stress is activated. And the support type of tunnel such as umbrella arch method and large diameter steel pipe reinforce method has been tested for the centrifuge model. After the analysis of experiment, results show that internal displacement of large diameter steel pipe reinforce method is smaller than that of the umbrella arch method.
The concrete lining in tunnel performs structural and nonstructural functions. The concrete lining works as a structural member for released load and residual water pressure in NATM tunnel system. Also concrete lining used for finishing the tunnel surface. The initial crack of concrete lining is reported because of difficulties in construction process, which concrete is injected into 30
$\sim$ 40cm narrow gap between lining form and tunnel surface through 500${\times}$ 600mm small injection holes in the form. In this paper, we research a reason of initial crack occurrence by the case study of 4 lane wide span tunnel, and propose an improved method for crack minimization in construction process. We verify that the proposed method can give qualified concrete lining by carrying out the concrete injection model test and the numerical analysis of concrete flow. -
본 연구대상 사면은 연장이 300m이고 최대 사면높이가 80m에 달하는 대절토 사면으로 서 총 11 소단으로 이루어져 있으며, 전 사면에 걸쳐 Soil Nail 공법으로 보강이 되어있다. 사면 상단부에 설치된 2개의 경사계를 이용하여 주기적으로 사면의 수평방향 변위 계측을 실시하던 중, 사면 하부의 소단 굴착과정에서 상대적으로 급격한 사변경사 방향의 수평변위가 발생한 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구에서는 사면의 수평방향 변위 계측결과 분석 및 대상 사면에 대한 수치해석을 통하여 사면의 안정성 여부를 판단하고자 하였으며, 굴착단계별 수평방향 변위량 및 변위 양상을 분석함으로써 급격히 증가한 변위의 원인을 파악하였다. 수치해석을 통해 나타난 사면 굴착 단계에 따른 사면 토체의 소성영역을 도시한 결과, 사면 전체에 걸쳐 대규모 파괴면이 나타났으며 파괴활동면이 Soil Nail 로 보강된 영역의 바깥쪽에 위치하여 사면 안정성 확보를 위한 대책방안이 수립되어야 할 것으로 판단되었다. 또한 보다 자세한 원인 규명을 위한 확인 시추조사를 실시하여 하부 지층 특성을 파악하였으며, 하부에 풍화가 심하고 절리 및 균열이 심한 파쇄구간이 분포하고 있음이 확인되었다. 연구 대상 사면의 변위 계측 결과, 수치해석 결과, 확인 시추 조사 결과 및 예상되는 사면 활동의 규모 등을 고려할 때 사변의 안정성 확보를 위한 대책방안이 수립되어야 하며, 본 사면은 억지말뚝과 Ahchor 공법 적용이 가장 적절할 것으로 판단되었다.
Up to now, practical engineers applying simplicity value of rockfall block weight suggested in design manual without considering in-situ rockfall block weight which reflect joint characteristics. However, the size of rockfall block varies with joint spacing of discontinuities and influences over rockfall analysis results. In this paper, we estimate realistic rockfall block weight distribution using statistical invariances of joint spacing derived from scan-line survey result. And, we study whether this distribution is applicable in practical rockfall analysis directly. As the results of this study, rockfall analysis results that using rockfall block weight distribution estimated from scan-line survey show resonable and realistic outcomes.
Shallow slope failures in residual soil during periods of prolonged infiltration are common over the world. One of the key factors that dominate slope stability is hydrological response associated with infiltration. Hence, the soil-water profile during rainfall infiltration into unsaturated soil must me examined to evaluate slope stability. However, the hydraulic response of unsaturated soil is complicated by inherent uncertainties of the soil hydraulic properties. This study presents a methodology for assessing the effects of parameter uncertainty of hydraulic properties on the response of a analytical infiltration model using first-order reliability method. The unsaturated soil properties are considered as uncertain variables with means, standard deviations, and marginal probability distributions. Sensitivities of the probabilistic outcome to the basic uncertainties in the input random variables are provided through importance factors.
The objective of this thesis is to develop a prediction system of potential landslide sites to apply to the prevention of landslide disaster which occurred during the heavy rainfall in the rainy season. The system was developed by combining a modified slope stability analysis model and a hydrological model. The modified slope stability analysis model, which was improved from 1-D infinite slope stability analysis model, has been taken into consideration of the flexion of the hill slopes. To evaluate its applicability to the prediction of landslides, the data of actual landslides were plotted on the predicted areas on the GIS map. The matching rate of this model to the actual data was 92.4%. And the relations between wetness index and landform factors and potential landslide were analyzed.
The present study proposed to examine the appropriateness of the ground water level condition that had a significant effect on the stability of the slopes and, for this purpose, analyzed the rise of ground water level during the rainy season by applying the average daily rainfall of Seoul for the last 30 years. The result showed that the rise of ground water level was 6.0
$\sim$ 41.0% of the slope height, which suggests that the currently applied condition of ground water level is somewhat overestimated. In addition, the result of interpreting the stability of slopes during the rainy season, slopes were unstable in all conditions when the ground water level was at the ground surface and base failure occurred. This suggests the importance of ground water level condition in stability analysis. -
It is very difficult to determine the failure block scale in great rock slopes. Especially, postulating entire slope domain as a failure block without attention to discontinuity trace lenth makes very confuse and difficult to design rock slopes. In this paper, we estimate realistic failure block scale using joint system simulation method and introduce the application procedures on rock slope analysis. Besides, presenting how joint characteristics measurement and statistical analysis results are applicated to slope stability analysis design flow.
The Green Wall is the highest eco-system among a segmental retaining wall systems. Recently, the demand of high segmental retaining wall (SRW) is increased in domestic. The soil nailing system is applied in order to maintain the high SRW stability for steeper slope. However, the proper design approach that can consider the earth pressure reduction effects in soil nailing system has not been proposed. Hence, the purpose of this study was to provide the design and analysis technique of the segmental retaining wall reinforced by soil nailing. Also, in this study, various parametric studies using numerical method as shear strength reduction (SSR) technique were carried out. In the parametric study, the length ratio and the bond ratio of the soil nailing were changed to identify the earth pressure reduction effect of the retaining wall reinforced by soil nailing.
The soil nailing system at permanent slope reinforcement is used with various facing methods in Korea. Also, pressure-injected grout technique is variously applied to many structures. However, most design of the pressure-injected grout technique have been carried out empirically because of complicated mechanisms associated with the behavior of surrounding soils and the hardening process of cement grout. Therefore this study, a newly modified soil nailing technology named as the PGSN (Pressure Grouting Soil Nailing) system with fabric form is developed to increase the global stability. Up to now, the PGSN system has been estimated mainly focusing on an establishment of the design procedure. In the present study, numerical study are carried out to evaluate potential failure surface and minimum factor of safety including facing stiffness and expanded radius of cemented grout by SSR (Shear Strength Reduction) technique. Also, results of numerical analysis are carried out for the typical section of soil nails slope using
$FLAC^{2D}$ program for expanded effective radius by pressure grouting. -
This study contains actual scaled site experiments on mediation factors affecting ultimate pulling force of the buoyancy resisting anchor which is installed underground water level suffering buoyancy force and breaking mechanism. Site buoyancy test selected the buoyancy acting site where acting buoyancy to the station structure since the stream and reservoir is neighboured to the vicinity ground and executed site experiments leading to variation of anchoring length, drilling diameter and tendon diameter at the weathered rock ground. The test result showed that pulling force getting increased more and more proportionate to increase of anchoring length, drilling diameter and tendon diameter, and as a result of analysis for correlations between anchoring length-ultimate limited load and drilling diameter-ultimate load (on the basis of 254mm settlement), modulus of correlation showed very high relation 0.9 and 0.99 respectively and correlation formular showed the limited load is increasing proportionate to cubic meters of anchoring length as well as the ultimate load proportionate to alignment of drilling diameter. It is also showed that limited load increased about 42.5% from 392kN to 559kN as a result of change the tendon diameter to 36mm and 50mm.