It had found that, as a result of cross-hole tonic logging test, concrete was not filled partially within the bottom 2.0 m of the large diameter (Ø= 2,500mm) rock socketed pile, MP20-P11(socket diameter (Ø= 2,200mm), which was a pile among piles group supporting a pier of Kwangan Grand Bridge. The pile was repaired by the combined cement grout injected through the pipes for the cross-hole sonic logging test and the bore holes for core samples. A month after the cement grouting, repairing was checked by coring and cross-hole sonic logging then 3 times of grouting and 2 times of coring were, in turns, peformed, then repairing was completed successfully. The vertical compressive capacity of the repaired large diameter socketed pile was evaluated by several formulas and software ROCKET, and was more conservative than design load (1,882 ton) of MP20-P11. It is expected that, in the case of the battered socketed piles, it could be more reasonable to analyze the behaviors of a battered pile using 3-D model. A 3-D analysis will be peformed in the future study.