A Study on Mapping of Liquefaction Hazard at a Megalopolis in Korea

국내 광역 단위 지역의 액상화 재해도 작성을 위한 연구

  • Choi, Jae-Soon (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Seokyeong University) ;
  • Ku, Tai-Jin (Dept. of Urban & Environmental System Engineering, Seokyeong University)
  • 최재순 (서경대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 구태진 (서경대학교 도시환경시스템공학과)
  • Published : 2009.09.25


Liquefaction hazard caused by earthquake is the damage in a wide range. Until now, liquefaction hazard potential at a small area or most structure in Korea was assessed by modified Seed & Idriss method. However, it has been known that this method is not proper for metropolitan area due to a lot of time and data to perform the related ground response analyses such as Shake program. For these reasons, the current method has been used facilities or structures, not metropolitan area. In this study, several contents in seismic design of Eurocode and Korean seismic design standard for Port and Harbor were introduced and applied for assessing the liquefaction potential and mapping the liquefaction hazard by LPI(Liquefaction Potential Index). Finally, Ulsan metropolitan city was practically drawn in two dimensional space.
