Let X and Y be vector spaces. It is shown that a mapping $f\;:\;X{\rightarrow}Y$ satisfies the functional equation $$mn_{mn-2}C_{k-2}f(\frac {x_1+...+x_{mn}} {mn})$$ $(\ddagger)\;+mn_{mn-2}C_{k-1}\;\sum\limits_{i=1}^n\;f(\frac {x_{mi-m+1}+...+x_{mi}} {m}) =k\;{\sum\limits_{1{\leq}i_1<... if and only if the mapping $f : X{\rightarrow}Y$ is additive, and we prove the Cauchy-Rassias stability of the functional equation $(\ddagger)$ in Banach modules over a unital $C^*-algebra$. Let A and B be unital $C^*-algebra$ or Lie $JC^*-algebra$. As an application, we show that every almost homomorphism h : $A{\rightarrow}B$ of A into B is a homomorphism when $h(2^d{\mu}y) = h(2^d{\mu})h(y)\;or\;h(2^d{\mu}\;o\;y)=h(2^d{\mu})\;o\;h(y)$ for all unitaries ${\mu}{\in}A,\;all\;y{\in}A$, and d = 0,1,2,..., and that every almost linear almost multiplicative mapping $h:\;A{\rightarrow}B$ is a homomorphism when h(2x)=2h(x) for all $x{\in}A$. Moreover, we prove the Cauchy-Rassias stability of homomorphisms in $C^*-algebras$ or in Lie $JC^*-algebras$, and of Lie $JC^*-algebra$ derivations in Lie $JC^*-algebras$.