In this paper, we will consider certain amalgamated free product structure in crossed product algebras. Let M be a von Neumann algebra acting on a Hilbert space Hand G, a group and let ${\alpha}$ : G${\rightarrow}$ AutM be an action of G on M, where AutM is the group of all automorphisms on M. Then the crossed product $\mathbb{M}=M{\times}{\alpha}$ G of M and G with respect to ${\alpha}$ is a von Neumann algebra acting on $H{\bigotimes}{\iota}^2(G)$, generated by M and $(u_g)_g{\in}G$, where $u_g$ is the unitary representation of g on ${\iota}^2(G)$. We show that $M{\times}{\alpha}(G_1\;*\;G_2)=(M\;{\times}{\alpha}\;G_1)\;*_M\;(M\;{\times}{\alpha}\;G_2)$. We compute moments and cumulants of operators in $\mathbb{M}$. By doing that, we can verify that there is a close relation between Group Freeness and Amalgamated Freeness under the crossed product. As an application, we can show that if $F_N$ is the free group with N-generators, then the crossed product algebra $L_M(F_n){\equiv}M\;{\times}{\alpha}\;F_n$ satisfies that $$L_M(F_n)=L_M(F_{{\kappa}1})\;*_M\;L_M(F_{{\kappa}2})$$, whenerver $n={\kappa}_1+{\kappa}_2\;for\;n,\;{\kappa}_1,\;{\kappa}_2{\in}\mathbb{N}$.