A continuous linear operator T, on the space of entire functions in d variables, is PDE-preserving for a given set $\mathbb{P}\;\subseteq\;\mathbb{C}|\xi_{1},\ldots,\xi_{d}|$ of polynomials if it maps every kernel-set ker P(D), $P\;{\in}\;\mathbb{P}$, invariantly. It is clear that the set $\mathbb{O}({\mathbb{P}})$ of PDE-preserving operators for $\mathbb{P}$ forms an algebra under composition. We study and link properties and structures on the operator side $\mathbb{O}({\mathbb{P}})$ versus the corresponding family $\mathbb{P}$ of polynomials. For our purposes, we introduce notions such as the PDE-preserving hull and basic sets for a given set $\mathbb{P}$ which, roughly, is the largest, respectively a minimal, collection of polynomials that generate all the PDE-preserving operators for $\mathbb{P}$. We also describe PDE-preserving operators via a kernel theorem. We apply Hilbert's Nullstellensatz.