Let D be an integral domain with quotient field K, Pic(D) be the ideal class group of D, and X be an indeterminate. A polynomial overring of D means a subring of K[X] containing D[X]. In this paper, we study almost Dedekind domains which are polynomial overrings of a principal ideal domain D, defined by the intersection of K[X] and rank-one discrete valuation rings with quotient field K(X), and their ideal class groups. Next, let ℤ be the ring of integers, ℚ be the field of rational numbers, and 𝔊f be the set of finitely generated abelian groups (up to isomorphism). As an application, among other things, we show that there exists an overring R of ℤ[X] such that (i) R is a Bezout domain, (ii) R∩ℚ[X] is an almost Dedekind domain, (iii) Pic(R∩ℚ[X]) = $\oplus_{G{\in}G_{f}}$ G, (iv) for each G ∈ 𝔊f, there is a multiplicative subset S of ℤ such that RS ∩ ℚ[X] is a Dedekind domain with Pic(RS ∩ ℚ[X]) = G, and (v) every invertible integral ideal I of R ∩ ℚ[X] can be written uniquely as I = XnQe11···Qekk for some integer n ≥ 0, maximal ideals Qi of R∩ℚ[X], and integers ei ≠ 0. We also completely characterize the almost Dedekind polynomial overrings of ℤ containing Int(ℤ).