Let C[0, T] denote a generalized analogue of Wiener space, the space of real-valued continuous functions on the interval [0, T]. Define $Z_{\vec{e},n}$ : C[0, T] → ℝn+1 by $$Z_{\vec{e},n}(x)=\(x(0),\;{\int}_0^T\;e_1(t)dx(t),{\cdots},\;{\int}_0^T\;e_n(t)dx(t)\)$$, where e1,…, en are of bounded variations on [0, T]. In this paper we derive a simple evaluation formula for Radon-Nikodym derivatives similar to the conditional expectations of functions on C[0, T] with the conditioning function $Z_{\vec{e},n}$ which has an initial weight and a kind of drift. As applications of the formula, we evaluate the Radon-Nikodym derivatives of various functions on C[0, T] which are of interested in Feynman integration theory and quantum mechanics. This work generalizes and simplifies the existing results, that is, the simple formulas with the conditioning functions related to the partitions of time interval [0, T].