Let $R={\oplus}_{{\alpha}{\in}{\Gamma}}R_{\alpha}$ be an integral domain graded by an arbitrary torsionless grading monoid ${\Gamma}$, ${\bar{R}}$ be the integral closure of R, H be the set of nonzero homogeneous elements of R, C(f) be the fractional ideal of R generated by the homogeneous components of $f{\in}R_H$, and $N(H)=\{f{\in}R{\mid}C(f)_v=R\}$. Let $R_H$ be a UFD. We say that a nonzero prime ideal Q of R is an upper to zero in R if $Q=fR_H{\cap}R$ for some $f{\in}R$ and that R is a graded UMT-domain if each upper to zero in R is a maximal t-ideal. In this paper, we study several ring-theoretic properties of graded UMT-domains. Among other things, we prove that if R has a unit of nonzero degree, then R is a graded UMT-domain if and only if every prime ideal of $R_{N(H)}$ is extended from a homogeneous ideal of R, if and only if ${\bar{R}}_{H{\backslash}Q}$ is a graded-$Pr{\ddot{u}}fer$ domain for all homogeneous maximal t-ideals Q of R, if and only if ${\bar{R}}_{N(H)}$ is a $Pr{\ddot{u}}fer$ domain, if and only if R is a UMT-domain.