Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data for university students to develop program for achieving successful developmental task. Method: The subjects involved this study were 462 1-4th grade university students located at Kangwon-Do & Chungchung-Do. Data were measured using Global assessment of recent stress scale, CES-D and Self-esteem scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 17.0 program that included mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, Sheffe test and Pearson correlation coefficients. Results: 1) The mean score of the degree of perceived stress was 4.17(${\pm}1.43$), depression was .92(${\pm}.47$), and self esteem was 2.89(${\pm}.48$). 2) There were significant differences in the degree of stress according to gender(t=2.03, p=.043), level of living(F=3.55, p=.029). Likewise, there were significant differences in the degree of depression according to gender(t=3.35, p=.001), age(t=2.15, p=.032), level of living(F=3.38, p=.035) and in the degree of self-esteem there were significant difference according to gender(t=3.64, p<.001), age(t=2.81, p=.005), participation of regular meeting or not(t=3.14, p=.002), frequency of alcohol drinking(F=5.59, p=.004), onset age of alcohol drinking(t=2.43, p=.016). 4) There was a significant relationship between stress and depression(r=.556, p<.001), self-esteem (r=-.423, p<.001). Also, there was a significant relationship between depression and self esteem(r=-.667, p<.001). Conclusions: Nursing interventions and educational programs which can help the students to accomplish the developmental tasks required.