Purpose: The study was to assess marital satisfaction. needs for help, and stress of immigrant women. Method: The study employed a descriptive design of data collection. Structured Questionaires were given to the subjects; 144 women who immigrated to Korea through marriage. The data were then analyzed using $x^2$-test, one way ANOVA, and Pearson's Correlation. Results: Stress of immigrant women was significantly different according to their nationality. Housework was the highest among stress domains, the next were finance, husband, parents in law, health, children, and friends. Among these, the subject's stress was significantly correlated to the domains of husband and parents in law. The level of immigrant women's marital satisfaction was significantly different according to their job. Immigrant women's Korean proficiency was correlated to marital satisfaction and their marital satisfaction was significantly correlated to stress. Needs for help of immigrant women were rated in the following order : communication, the raising of children, culture and institution, finance, employment, socialization, marriage problem, discrimination, and self development. Conclusion: The findings of this study could be useful to help develop new programmes, and to support existing projects that help immigrant women integrate into Korean society.