Given a sequence of cross-sectional curves, the skinning method generates a freeform surface that interpolates the given curves in that sequence. This thesis presents a construction method of a B-spline skinning surface that is fair and satisfies volume constraints. The fairness metric is based on the parametric energy functional of a surface. The degrees of freedom in surface control are closely related lo control points in the skinning direction. The algorithm fur finding a skinning surface consists of two step. In the first step, an initial fair surface is generated without volume constraints and one coordinate of each control point is fixed. In the second step, a final surface that meets all constraints is constucted by rearranging the other coordinates of each control point that defines the initial surface A variational Lagrange optimization method produces a system of nonlinear equations, which can be solved numerically. Moreover, the reparametrization of given sectional curves is important for the construction of a reasonable skinning surface. This thesis also presents an intuitive metric for reparametrization and gives some examples that are optimized with respect to that metric.