Recently, the requirements of multi-resolution models of a solid model, which represent an object at multiple levels of feature detail, are increasing for engineering tasks such as analysis, network-based collaborative design, and virtual prototyping and manufacturing. The research on this area has focused on several topics: topological frameworks for representing multi-resolution solid models, criteria for the level of detail (LOD), and generation of valid models after rearrangement of features. As a solution to the feature rearrangement problem, the new concept of the effective zone of a feature is introduced in the former part of the paper. In this paper, we propose a feature-based non-manifold modeling system to provide multi-resolution models of a feature-based solid or non-manifold model on the basis of the effective feature zones. To facilitate the implementation, we introduce the class of the multi-resolution feature whose attributes contain all necessary information to build a multi-resolution solid model and extract LOD models from it. In addition, two methods are introduced to accelerate the extraction of LOD models from the multi-resolution modeling database: the one is using an NMT model, known as a merged set, to represent multi-resolution models, and the other is storing differences between adjacent LOD models to accelerate the transition to the other LOD. We also suggest the volume of the feature, regardless of feature type, as a criterion for the LOD. This criterion can be used in a wide range of applications, since there is no distinction between additive and subtractive features unlike the previous method.