Variations in the discharge rates of drip emittes were examined to find the effects of operation pressure and the tube length and to evaluate performance of the emitters. Several point-source emitters were selected such as pressure compensated, anti-leak pressure compensated, turbulent flow regulated, flow regulated, ready-made dripper, and spaghetti. Combination of operation pressure and tube length were compared. The microirrigatioon system was operated at pressures of 0.5 , 1.0 , 1.5 and 2.0 bar. The discharge from emitters wer collected at every ten meters along the lateral tube and weighted. In order to evaluate the drip emitters performance coeffcient of discharge variation , statistical uniformity, and emission uniformity were calculated. No significant variation in discharge along drip tube resulted with all emitters. There is no trend of variatiiono of discharge rate from pressure compensated emitters with increase in operation pressures. But discharge rate from other types of emitters increased with increase in operation pressures. The nominal discharge of each emitter was secured at pressure of 1.0 bar, Evaluation using statiscal and emission uniformity coefficients indicated that most of the emitters excepts tubulent flow regulated emitter and ready-made dripper performed at excellent level.