Journal of Practical Engineering Education (실천공학교육논문지)
Korean Institute for Pratical Engineering Education (KIPEE)
- 연3회간
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- 2288-405X(pISSN)
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- 2288-4068(eISSN)
Aim & Scope
실천공학교육 논문지 (J. Pract. Eng. Educ., JPEE)는 (사)한국실천공학교육학회의 공식 논문지이다. 실천공학교육 논문지는 엄격한 심사를 거쳐 1년에 3회 4월, 8월, 12월에 출간되는 공식 논문지이며 자유롭게 열람할 수 있도록 제공된다. JPEE의 목적은 실천공학교육대한 혁신적이고 실용적인 교육방법론 및 교수법, 교육장비 및 매체, 산학연계교육, 평생능력개발 등을 주도적으로 연구하여 그 결과를 보급하고 확산하는데 있다. Journal of Practical Engineering Education (J. Pract. Eng. Educ., JPEE) is an official journal of the Korea Institute of Practical Engineering Education (KIPEE). It is a peer reviewed and open access journal that is published in April, August and December. Its objective is to provide rapid publications of original and significant contributions and it covers all areas relations engineering educations including following areas: engineering education methodology, practical engineering teaching method, educational media, training for industry-academia partnership and lifelong capability development. KSCI KCI