한국통신학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference) (Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference)
한국통신학회 (The Korean Institute of Commucations and Information Sciences)
- 기타
한국통신학회 1988년도 추계학술발표회 논문집
본 논문에서는 안내원의 작업처리시간을 줄이기 위한 방법으로 DDX-1A를 이용한 자동호 분배 장치에 자도음성안내 기능을 구현하기 위한 T-level Prncessor 인 PCP (Protocol Convert Processor) VCP(Voice Contro Processor)와 B-level Processor Avru(voice Response)와 B-level Processor AVRU(Automatic Voice Response Unit)의 H/W 기능 및 상호 interface 에 관하여 고찰한다.
In this paper packet-swap Accptant Queveing system with synchronous single server and finite storage space is proposed for throughput improvement. Queueling systems are analyzed with Minisint Approximation reported by J.F CHANG and R.F Chang. Comparison between PSA. Queveing system and First-Come First Acceptant Queveing system via throughput and blocking probabilliy of test octet was performed The comparison showed that PAS Queweing system perfumes better than j.F ChANG’s Queveing system.
In this paper we studied about the effects of tuning stuvs on attenuation and phase shift for micro strip feedlines Result of the analysis are good agreement with those of experiments. We found that a better way to increase the phase shift and to dectrease the attenuation may be to use multiple stubs of distances.
In mobile radio communication system involving geostationary satellites the field intensity of electromagnetic wave varies with frequency shape and location of an obstacle between a tramamitter and a receiver. In this paper a ring type obstacle between the propagation paths is presented. On the basis of Fresnel diffraction theory, the field intensity varying with ring-type obstacle’s radius is obtained by computer simulation.]
Previous antenna design formula produce some errumenous resulitat the high frequency(above x-band.) This is because of the dispersion effect. Surface wave and higher order modes We propose exact design formula which gives errors less then 0.5% at the above x-band Exper imental investigations also prove the exactness of the proposed formual Further investigations should be done to give the relations between surface wave poles higer mides and resonant frequency.
The radiation characteristics of corrugated conical horn antenna is calculated. The electromagnetic field equations which are satisfied with boundary conditions in courrugated horn are derived. Using the eqvivalent principle, the formularsof radiation pattern are obtaind. The experiments on 8.0 ~ 13.8 GHz frequency range agree well with the theoretical results.
In this paper the intensity variation of electromagnedtic wave is computed with Huygens Fresnel’s theory using diffraction plaenomethon. An obstacle or an aperture with pertangular type between a transmitter and a receiver is consider and the frequency is selcetde in a car phone system band(870~1500MHz) For numerical analysis Fresnel integral equation is developed which is based on the Kirchhoff’s diffraction theory. The result with the obstacle’s dimension from finite value to extremely large confirms the validity of computer simulation.
A finite-element method in order to invesligate the propagation characteristics of waveguide is used and most of varjational expressione of the propagation constant are a funetional of frequency. Consequently, if the permeability or permitlivity of the medium is a funetion of frequency the calculation becomes almost impossible. In this paper our method can be applied to the case where the permittivity or permeability of the media is a function of frequency and is useful for the analysis of any arbitrality dielectric wavegudie.
대덕 연구 단지를 시범 대상으로 하여 구축되는 본 지역 정보 통신망은 IEEE 802.5 규격을 사용하여 광접속 장치 및 망접속 장치를 개발하고 시범망을 구축하여 테스트를 수행하며, 전송매체나 node의 fault 시 loop 를 형성하거나 고장난 지점을 bypass 시키는 기능이 잇어 망의 신뢰도를 향상시킬 수 있다. 또한 다양한 서비스 제공을 위하여 프로토콜 계층 구조는 OSI의 7 layer 개념을 기초로 하여 여러 이기종 컴퓨터를 접속할 수 있도록 구성한다.
대덕망에 Osi 프로토콜을 구현하기 위한 일련의 작업들은 ETRI의 Osi Group 에 의해서 1985년경부터 시작이 되었다. 현재 Osi의 FTAM(File transfer Access and Managenemt) 프로토콜과 ACSE (Association Control Service Element) presentation 계층 session 계층이 상위계층 프로토콜로 구현되었으며, 상위 계층에서 필요한 통신 서비스를 제공하귀 위해서 transport 계층 및 대덕 man의 통신 서비스를 이용하기 위한 intertiace 들이 구혀되었다. 이러한 interface는 순차적으로 jualring optical cable을 control 하여 대덕 man에 위치한 node들 사이에 Osi 상위계층 프로토콜의 서비스를 제공하게 된다.