The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society (천문학회보)
The Korean Astronomical Society (KAS)
- Semi Annual
- /
- 1226-2692(pISSN)
- Earth Science(Earth/Atmosphere/Marine/Astronomy) > Astronomy
Volume 42 Issue 2
Measurements of solar wind speed near the Sun (< 0.1 AU) are important for understanding acceleration mechanism of solar wind as well as space weather predictions, but hard to directly measure them. For the first time, we provide 2D solar wind speed maps in the LASCO field of view using three consecutive days data. By applying the Fourier convolution and inverse Fourier transform, we decompose the 3D intensity data (r, PA, t) into the 4D one (r, PA, t, v). Then, we take the weighted mean along speed to determine the solar wind speeds that gives V(r, PA, t) in every 30 min. The estimated radial speeds are consistent with those given by an artificial flow and plasma blobs. We find that the estimated speeds are moderately correlated with those from slow CMEs and those from IPS observations. A comparison of yearly solar wind speed maps in 2000 and 2009 shows that they have very remarkable differences: azimuthally uniform distribution in 2000 and bi-modal distribution (high speed near the poles and low speed near the equator) in 2009.
Since the seminal work of Perrin, physicists have understood in the context of kinetic theory how ink slowly diffuses in a glass of water. The fluctuations of the stochastic forces acting on water molecules drive the diffusion of the ink in the fluid. This is the archetype of a process described by the so-called fluctuation-dissipation theorem, which universally relates the rate of diffusion to the power spectrum of the fluctuating forces. For stars in galaxies, a similar process occurs but with two significant differences, due to the long-range nature of the gravitational interaction: (i) for the diffusion to be effective, stars need to resonate, i.e. present commensurable frequencies, otherwise they only follow the orbit imposed by their mean field; (ii) the amplitudes of the induced fluctuating forces are significantly boosted by collective effects, i.e. by the fact that, because of self-gravity, each star generates a wake in its neighbours. In the expanding universe, an overdense perturbation passing a critical threshold will collapse onto itself and, through violent relaxation and mergers, rapidly converge towards a stationary, phase-mixed and highly symmetric state, with a partially frozen orbital structure. The object is then locked in a quasi-stationary state imposed by its mean gravitational field. Of particular interests are strongly responsive colder systems which, given time and kicks, find the opportunity to significantly reshuffle their orbital structure towards more likely configurations. This presentation aims to explain this long-term reshuffling called gravity-driven secular evolution on cosmic timescales, described by extended kinetic theory. I will illustrate this with radial migration, disc thickening and the stellar cluster in the galactic centre.
Since the discovery of quasars about a half century ago, it has been an open question what triggers supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies. I will talk about AGNs and their host galaxies in the context of galaxy assembly and evolution. In particular, I will focus on the fundamental, but unanswered question whether black holes play a key role in galaxy evolution from my personal perspective.
우리나라의 천문 관측의 기록의 역사는 삼국시대 이전 선사시대까지 거슬러 올라간다. 선사시대에는 천문 현상을 바위나 건축 유물에 기록을 남기고 역사를 기록하기 시작한 이후에는 일반 역사 기록 속에 항상 함께 기록하고 있다. 특히 동양은 역사기록 자체가 인간이 남긴 자취뿐만 아니라 하늘과 땅에 일어나는 다양한 자연 현상도 함께 동시에 남겼다. 고대로부터 인간은 하늘과 땅과 항상 유기적인 관계를 갖는다고 믿었기 때문이다. 우리나라는 정사로서 가장 오래된 역사 기록인 삼국사기와 삼국유사에 일식, 혜성 출현, 별똥과 유성우, 달과 행성 운행, 초신성 관측 등 250회 이상의 천문 기록이 나타나며 대부분 실제로 일어났던 사실을 그대로 기록하고 있다. 그 후 고려사와 조선왕조실록에는 이루 헤아릴 수 없을 정도로 많은 천문 기록을 남기고 있다. 이러한 천문 기록뿐만 아니라 일찍부터 중국으로부터 역법을 도입하여 천체 운행을 이용하여 우리 생활에 필요한 시각법을 사용하고 달력을 제작하였다. 특히 달과 태양의 운행 원리를 파악하여 일식과 월식을 직접 추산하였다. 역법의 운용은 천체 운행의 원리를 이해하고 수학을 발전시키는데 큰 역할을 하였다. 이러한 천문 관측과 정확한 시각 체계를 유지하고 정밀한 역법을 사용하기 위해서는 끊임없이 천체를 정밀하게 관측할 필요성이 있다. 이를 위해 다양한 천문 관측기기를 개발하고 제작하였다. 천문 의기는 천체의 위치를 측정하고 천체의 운행을 이용하여 시각 체계를 유지 관리를 위해 필수불가결한 기기이다. 우리나라 천문학 발달의 네 가지 축인 천문(天文), 역법(曆法), 의상(儀象), 구루(晷漏)등은 조선 초기 세종시대 완성을 보게 되었다. 이는 단일 왕조가 이룬 업적으로 다른 문화권에서 볼 수 없을 정도의 우수한 과학 기술의 유산이다. 특히 칠정산내편과 외편의 완성은 중국의 역법에서 벗어나 독자적인 역법을 완성하려는 시도였다. 이 모든 것은 당시 이를 주도하던 세종대왕의 지도력과 천문학과 수학에 뛰어난 천문학자가 이룩한 업적이다. 그 후 조선 중기로 접어들면서 쇠퇴하다가 임진왜란과 병자호란을 겪으면서 거의 모든 과학기술의 유산이 파괴되거나 유실되었다. 조선 현종 이후에 세종시대의 유산을 복원하려는 노력 중에 중국을 통하여 서양의 천문학을 도입하게 되었다. 중국에 들어와 있던 서양 선교사들이 주도하여 중국의 역법 체계를 바꾸었다. 즉, 일식과 월식의 예측력이 뛰어난 시헌력을 만들어 사용하기 시작했다. 시헌력에는 서양의 대수학과 기하학을 이용한 다양한 수학적 기법이 사용되었다. 조선 후기에 이 시헌력을 익히기 위한 노력을 하는 과정에서 서양의 수학과 기하학을 접하게 되고 새로운 우주 체계를 도입하게 되었다. 특히 서양의 천문도와 지도 제작에 기하학의 투사법이 사용되어 복잡한 대수학적 계산을 단순화시켜 활용하였다. 조선 후기에 전문 수학자뿐만 아니라 많은 유학자들도 서양의 수학과 기하학에 깊은 관심을 갖고 연구하였다. 고천문학 전체를 조망해 볼 때 핵심은 현대의 천체물리학이 아니라 위치천문학이다. 따라서 고천문학을 연구하는데 필수적인 요소가 지구의 자전과 공전 운동에 의해서 일어나는 현상과 세차운동에 의한 효과를 정확하게 이해하고 있어야 한다. 그중에서도 구면천문학과 천체역학에 대한 원리를 알고 있는 상태에서 접근해야 한다. 고천문학의 중심인 천문(天文), 역법(曆法), 의상(儀象), 구루(晷漏) 등의 내용은 이러한 위치천문학이 그 기본 골격을 이루고 있다. 예를 들어 고려사의 천문 현상을 모아 놓은 천문지(天文志)와 일식과 월식 계산 원리가 들어있는 역지(曆志)를 연구하기 위해서는 위치천문학의 기본 개념 없이는 연구하는데 한계가 있다. 인문학을 전공하는 학자가 고천문을 연구하는데 가장 큰 걸림돌이 되는 점이 위치 천문학의 기본 개념 없이 접근하는 것이다. 심지어 조선시대 유학자들조차 저술한 많은 천문 관련 기록을 보면 상당부분 천체 운행 원리를 모르고 혼란스럽게 기록된 내용이 적지 않다. 우리나라 수학사를 연구할 경우 방정식 해법, 보간법, 삼각법, 일반 기하 원리에 대한 것을 연구하는데 큰 문제가 없다. 그러나 천문 현상이나 천문 의기 제작에 사용되는 수학은 천문 현상에 대한 원리를 모르면 접근하기 어렵게 된다. 수학사를 하더라고 기본적인 위치 천문학의 기본개념을 이해하고 있어야 폭 넓은 수학사 연구에 성과를 거둘 수 있다. 의외로 천문 현상 추산을 위해 사용되는 수학이나 기하학 원리가 수학사 연구에 중요한 요소가 된다. 더구나 한문으로 기록된 천문 내용을 한문 해독이 능숙한 학자라 하더라도 내용을 모르고 번역하면 도무지 무슨 내용인지 알아볼 수 없는 경우가 많다. 그래서 한문으로 된 천문 현상 기록이나 역법 관련 기록의 번역 내용 중에 많은 오역을 발견하게 된다. 문제는 한번 오역을 해 놓으면 몇 십 년이고 그대로 그 내용을 무비판적으로 인용하게 되고 사실로서 인정하는 오류를 범하게 된다. 이 때문에 우리 선조들이 남긴 고천문 관련 기록에 관한 이해는 우리 현대 천문학자의 역할이 대단히 크다.
Symbiotic stars are long-orbital-period interacting binaries characterized by extended emission over the whole electromagnetic range and by complex photometric and spectroscopic variability. In this contribution, I will present some high-cadence, long-term optical light curves of confirmed and candidate symbiotic stars in the Magellanic Clouds. By careful visual inspection and combined time series analysis techniques, we investigate for the first time in a systematic way the photometric properties of these astrophysical objects, trying in particular to distinguish the evolutionary status of the cool component, to provide its first-order pulsation ephemeris and to link all this information with the physical parameters of the binary system as a whole. Finally, I will discuss a new, promising photometric technique, potentially able to discover Symbiotic Stars in the Local Group of Galaxies without the recourse to costly spectroscopic follow-up.
별의 생성단계나 황혼기에는 성간운에 둘러싸여 있어 그 중심부에 별이 쌍을 이루고 있는지를 관측하기가 쉽지 않다. 항성계 통계 조사는 주로 별의 진화단계 상 장년기에 해당하는 주계열에서 이루어졌는데, 그 결과로 전체 항성계의 절반은 쌍성계 혹은 다성계임이 알려져있다. 한편, 대표적인 황혼기 현상인 행성상성운은 늙은 별 주변물질이 마지막 별빛을 받아 밝게 빛나는 것으로, 같은 종류의 천체 현상이라 믿기 어려울만큼 복잡다양한 모습들을 띄고 있다. 이와 같은 다양한 성운의 형태는 그 중심부 별이 하나 뿐일 경우로는 설명하기가 어렵다. 따라서 늙은 별 연구 커뮤니티는 최근 수 십년간 행성상성운을 바라보는 주 관점을 쌍성계로 돌리고 있다. 특히, 많은 행성상성운의 외각부분에 반복되는 고리 모양 구조(3차원으로는 나선구각구조)가 발견이 되었는데, 이를 분석하면 행성상성운에 이르기까지의 시기에 중심부 쌍성이 어떤 궤도운동을 해왔는지를 알아낼 수 있을 것으로 예상하고, 이론 및 관측으로 그 실효성을 따져보고 있다. 늙은별의 동반성을 직접 관측하고 그 궤도요소를 알아내는 것이 어려운 이유를 살펴보고, 나선구각구조를 이용함으로써 밝혀낼 수 있는 동반성의 범주를 알아본다.
The standard hierarchical galaxy formation scenario in the popular LCDM cosmogony has been very successful in explaining the large-scale distribution of galaxies. However, one of the failures of the theory is that it predicts too many satellite galaxies associated with massive galaxies compared to observations, which is called the missing satellite galaxy problem. Isolated groups of galaxies hosted by passively evolving massive early-type galaxies are ideal laboratories for finding the missing physics in the current theory. We discover through a deep spectroscopic survey of galactic satellite systems that bright isolated early-type galaxies have almost no satellite galaxies fainter than the r-band absolute magnitude of about Mr=-14. The cutoff is at somewhat brighter magnitude of about Mr=-15 when only early-type satellites are used. Such a cutoff is not observed in the luminosity function of galaxies in the field. Physical properties of the observed satellites depend sensitively on the host-centric distance. All these are strong evidence that galactic satellites can become invisible due to astrophysics of satellite-host galaxy interaction. A recent state-of-the-art hydrodynamic simulation of galaxy formation does not reproduce such a cutoff in the satellite galaxy luminosity function. But the past history of the simulated satellites shows that many satellite galaxies near or somewhat fainter than the cutoff magnitude have recently become extinct through fatal encounters with the host or other satellite galaxies. Our observation indicates that the missing satellite galaxy problem could be mitigated if the astrophysics of galaxy interaction is more elaborated in the theory.
Over the last decade, deep studies of nearby galaxies have led to the discovery of vast stellar envelopes that are often rich in substructure. These components are naturally predicted in models of hierarchical galaxy assembly, and their observed properties place important constraints on the amount, nature, and history of satellite accretion. One of the most effective ways of mapping the peripheral regions of galaxies is through resolved star studies. Using wide-field cameras equipped to 8 m class telescopes, it has recently become possible to extend these studies to systems beyond the Local Group. Located at a distance of 3.6 Mpc, M81 is a prime target for wide-field mapping of its resolved stellar content. In this talk, we present the detailed results from our deep wide-field imaging survey of the M81 group with the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), on the Subaru Telescope. We report on the analysis of the structures, stellar populations, and metallicities of old dwarf galaxies such as NGC3077, IKN, KDG061, as well as young stellar systems such as Arp's Loop and Holmberg IX. Several candidates for yet-undiscovered faint dwarf galaxies and young stellar clumps in the M81 group will also be introduced. The peculiar galaxy NGC3077 has been classified as the irregular galaxy. Okamoto et al. (2015, ApJ 809, L1) discovered an extended halo structure with S-shape elongated tails, obvious feature of tidal interaction. With a help of numerical simulation by Penarrubia et al. (2009, ApJ 698, 222), we will demonstrate that this tidal feature was formed during the latest close encounters between M81, M82, and NGC 3077, which induced star formation in tidally stripped gas far from the main bodies of galaxies. It is not clear whether the latest tidal interaction was the first close encounters of three galaxies. If NGC3077 is still surrounded by the dark matter halo, it implies that NGC3077 has undergone the first tidal stripping by larger companions. Kinematic studies of inter galactic globular clusters and planetary nebulae would tell us the past history of tidal interaction in this group of galaxies.
Ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) are an unusual galaxy population. They are ghostlike galaxies with fainter surface brightness than normal dwarf galaxies, but they are as large as MW-like galaxies. The key question on UDGs is whether they are 'failed' giant galaxies or 'extended' dwarf galaxies. To answer this question, we study UDGs in massive galaxy clusters. We find an amount of UDGs in deep HST images of three Hubble Frontier Fields clusters, Abell 2744 (z=0.308), Abell S1063 (z=0.347), and Abell 370 (z=0.374). These clusters are the farthest and most massive galaxy clusters in which UDGs have been discovered until now. The color-magnitude relations show that most UDGs have old stellar population with red colors, while a few of them show bluer colors implying the existence of young stars. The stellar masses of UDGs show that they have less massive stellar components than the bright red sequence galaxies. The radial number density profiles of UDGs exhibit a drop in the central region of clusters, suggesting some of them were disrupted by strong gravitational potential. Their spatial distributions are not homogeneous, which implies UDGs are not virialized enough in the clusters. With virial masses of UDGs estimated from the fundamental manifold, most UDGs have M_200 = 10^10 - 10^11 M_Sun indicating that they are dwarf galaxies. However, a few of UDGs more massive than 10^11 M_Sun indicate that they are close to failed giant galaxies.
Gobat, Raphael;Daddi, Emanuele;Magdis, Georgios;Bournaud, Frederic;Sargent, Mark;Martig, Marie;Jin, Shuowen;Hwang, Ho Seong 40.1
Massive early-type galaxies (ETG) have been spectroscopically confirmed up to z>3 which, together with their ages and abundances at z>1.5, implies that their progenitors must have converted gas into stars on short timescales. The termination of star formation in these galaxies can occur through several channels, but they remain largely conjectural, in part due to the current lack of direct measurements of the amount of residual gas in high redshift ETGs. Here I will present constraints on the star formation rate and dust/gas content of z=1.4-2.5 ETGs. These galaxies, close to their epoch of quenching, contained more than 2 orders of magnitude more dust than their local counterparts, which suggests the presence of substantial amounts of gas and a low star formation efficiency. -
Lee, Seong-Kook;Im, Myungshin;Hyun, Minhee;Park, Bomi;Kim, Jae-woo;Kim, Dohyung;Kim, Yongjung 40.2
At local, majority of galaxies in the dense environment, such as galaxy cluster, are red and quiescent with little star-formation (SF) activity. However, a different picture emerges as we go to high redshift: (1) there exist non-negligible fraction of galaxies still forming stars actively even in dense environment, and (2) there is a significant cluster-by-cluster variation in the SF properties, such as quiescent galaxy fraction. In this presentation, we show the results of our study about the variation of quiescent galaxy fraction among high-redshift (z~1) galaxy clusters, based on the multi-object spectroscopic (MOS) observation with IMACS on the Magellan telescope. Our main result is that galaxy clusters which are connected with significant large-scale structure (LSS), well beyond the cluster scale, are more active in their SF activity, i.e., the quiescent galaxy fraction for these clusters is lower compared to the clusters which are detached from LSS. -
We present weak-lensing analysis of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 115 at z=0.197 based on Subaru i and V band images. As merging clusters often show, Abell 115's merging signatures include radio relics, double X-ray peaks, and large offsets between the cluster member galaxies and the X-ray distributions. A weak-lensing study provides underlying dark matter distribution, the key information to determine the complex merging scenario of the cluster. In this work, we present 2D mass reconstruction of the cluster, which reveals two distinct mass peaks consistent with galaxy distributions. We measure the first weak-lensing mass of each subcluster. Our weak-lensing total mass estimate is a few factors lower than the published dynamical mass obtained from velocity dispersion. This large mass discrepancy may be attributed to a significant departure from dynamical equilibrium. We also re-analyze the archival chandra data and find that the result is consistent with weak-lensing mass.
Finner, Kyle;Jee, Myungkook James;Dawson, William;Golovich, Nathan;Gruen, Daniel;Lemaux, Brian;Wittman, David 41.2
Discovered as the second highest S/N detection of the Planck SZ survey, PLCK G287.0+32.9 is a massive galaxy cluster that belongs to a rare collection of merging clusters that exhibit two radio relics and a radio halo. A feature that makes this cluster even more unique is the separation of the radio relics with one $\sim 400$ kpc to the north-west of the X-ray peak and the other $\sim 2.8$ Mpc to the south-east. This asymmetric configuration requires a complex merging scenario. A key to gaining insight into the events that caused the formation of the merging features is to understand the dark matter mass distribution. Using a weak-lensing technique on deep Subaru and Hubble Space Telescope observations, we map the dark matter mass distribution of PLCK G287.0+32.9. Our investigation detects five significant mass structures. The mass is dominated by a primary structure that is centered near the X-ray peak of the intracluster medium. Four lesser mass structures are detected with two located within $\sim 1\arcmin$ of the primary mass structure, a third to the north-west, and a fourth near the south-east radio relic. Along with these detections, we estimate the mass of each structure and relate their distributions to the intracluster medium and galaxy distributions. In addition, we discuss the relation of the mass structures to the formation of the relics and plausible merging scenarios. -
The mass function of massive high-z clusters is extremely sensitive to the cosmological parameters. However, it is challenging to estimate their accurate masses. The "See Change" HST programme offers a rare opportunity to measure them using weak gravitational lensing. In this talk, we study SPT-CL J0205-5829 (z=1.322) and MOO1014+0038 (z=1.24) discovered in the SPT-SZ survey and MaDCoW Survey, respectively. We perform weak lensing analysis with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) images by carefully taking into account the instrumental effect. We successfully detect weak lensing signals which produce cluster masses consistent with those from non-lensing methods based on hydrostatic equilibrium.
We present the results from an extensive spectroscopic survey of the central region of the nearby galaxy cluster Abell 2199 (A2199) at z=0.03. By combining 775 new redshifts from the MMT/Hectospec observations with the data in the literature, we construct a large sample of 1624 galaxies with measured redshifts at R<30', which redsults in high spectroscopic completeness at
$r_{petro,0}$ <20.5 (77%). We use these data to study the kinematics and clustering of galaxies, focusing on the comparison with those of the intracluster medium (ICM) from Suzaku X-ray observations. We identify 406 member galaxies of A2199 at R<30' using the caustic technique. The velocity dispersion profile of cluster members appears smoothly connected to the stellar velocity dispersion profile of the cD galaxy. The luminosity function is well fitted with a Schechter function at$M_r$ <-15. The radial velocities of cluster galaxies generally agree well with those of the ICM, but there are some regions where the velocity difference between the two is about a few hundred kilometers per second. The cluster galaxies show a hint of global rotation at R<5' with$v_{rot}=300-600kms^{-1}$ , but the ICM in the same region does not show such rotation. We apply a friends-of-friends algorithm to the cluster galaxy sample at R<60' and identify 32 group candidates, and examine the spatial correlation between the galaxy groups and X-ray emission. This extensive survey in the central region of A2199 provides an important basis for future studies of interplay among the galaxies, the ICM, and the dark matter in the cluster. -
The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is a unique target to study the detail structures of molecular clouds and star-forming regions, due to its proximity and face-on orientation from us. Most part of the astrophysical subjects for the LMC have been investigated, but the magnetic field is still veiling despite its role in the evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM) and in the main force to influence the star formation process. Measuring polarization of the background stars behind interstellar medium allows us to describe the existence of magnetic fields through the polarization vector map. In this presentation, I introduce the near-infrared polarimetric results for the
$39^{\prime}{\times}69^{\prime}$ field of the northeastern region of the LMC and the N159/N160 star-forming complex therein. The polarimetric observations were conducted at IRSF/SIRPOL 1.4 m telescope. These results allow us to examine both the global geometry of the large-scale magnetic field in the northeastern region and the close structure of the magnetic field in the complex. Prominent patterns of polarization vectors mainly follow dust emission features in the mid-infrared bands, which imply that the large-scale magnetic fields are highly involved in the structure of the dust cloud in the LMC. In addition, local magnetic field structures in the N159/N160 star-forming complex are investigated with the comparison between polarization vectors and molecular cloud emissions, suggesting that the magnetic fields are resulted from the sequential formation history of this complex. I propose that ionizing radiation from massive stellar clusters and the expanding bubble of the ionized gas and dust in this complex probably affect the nascent magnetic field structure. -
A three-dimensional (3D)
$Ly{\alpha}$ radiative transfer code is developed to study the Wouthuysen-Field effect, which couples the 21 cm spin temperature of neutral hydrogen and the$Ly{\alpha}$ radiation field, and the escape fraction of$Ly{\alpha}$ from galaxies. The Monte Carlo code is capable of treating arbitrary 3D distributions of$Ly{\alpha}$ source, neutral hydrogen and dust densities, gas temperature, and velocity field. It is demonstrated that the resonance-line profile at the center approaches to the Boltzmann distribution with the gas temperature. A plane-parallel ISM model, which is appropriate for the neutral ISM of our Galaxy, is used to calculate the$Ly{\alpha}$ radiation field strength as a function of height above the galactic plane. We also use a two-phase, clumpy medium model which is composed of the cold and warm neutral media (WNM). It is found that the$Ly{\alpha}$ radiation field is strong enough to thermalize the 21 cm spin temperature in the WNM to the gas kinetic temperature. The escape fraction of$Ly{\alpha}$ is found to be a few percent, which is consistent with the$Ly{\alpha}$ observations of our Galaxy and external galaxies. -
We report our discovery of a significant population of CN-enhanced red clump stars in the classical bulge component of the Milky Way. Since CN-rich stars trace a population with enhanced Helium, Nitrogen, and Sodium originated in globular clusters (GCs), this is a direct evidence that proto-GCs were the major building blocks in the formation of the classical bulges and early-type galaxies in the hierarchical merging paradigm.
Lee, Hye-In;Oh, Heeyoung;Le, Huynh Anh N.;Pak, Soojong;Lee, Sungho;Mace, Gregory;Jaffe, Daniel T.;Nguyen-Luong, Quang;Tatematsu, Ken'ichi 43.3
NGC 6822 is a dwarf irregular galaxy in the Local Group and it is located in 500 kpc, further than the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic Cloud. Therefore, we can study star-forming processes by local condition in NGC 6822 instead of tidal force of the Galactic gravitational field. Hubble V is the brightest of several H II complexes in this galaxy. We observed Hubble V by using IGRINS attached on the 2.7 m telescope at the McDonald Observatory in Texas, US in May 2016. We performed a spectral mapping of$15^{{\prime}{\prime}}{\times} 7^{{\prime}{\prime}}$ area on H and K bands, and detected emission lines of bright$Br{\gamma}\;{\lambda}2.1661{\mu}m$ and weak He I${\lambda}2.0587{\mu}m$ . Molecular hydrogen lines of 1-0S(1)${\lambda}2.1218{\mu}m$ , 2-1 S(1)${\lambda}2.2477{\mu}m$ , and 1-0 S(0)${\lambda}2.2227{\mu}m$ was also detected. These emission lines show the structure of an ionized core and excited surface of clouds by far-ultraviolet photons, photodissociation region (PDR). We present three-dimensional maps of emission line distributions through multi slit scanning data and compare these results with the previous study. This presentation shows the physical structure of the star-forming regions and we discuss a PDR model and an evolution of Hubble V complex. -
Bar fractions depend on the properties of host galaxies. However, the observational studies did not provide consistent tendency. We investigated the bar fractions and their dependence on properties of host galaxies using three bar classifications: visual inspection, ellipse fitting method and Fourier analysis from a volume-limited sample of 1,698 disk galaxies brighter than Mr=-15.2 within z = 0.01 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7). We found two causes to make the discrepancy in previous studies. One is caused by the difficulty in automatically identifying bars for bulge-dominated galaxies. In particular, ellipse fitting methods could miss early-type barred galaxies when a large bulge weakens the transition between a bar and disk. The other is caused by the difference in the correlation between the bar types and host morphology for strong bars and weak bars. Strong bars are preponderant in early-type spirals which are red, bulge-dominated and highly concentrated, whereas weak bars are frequent in late-type spirals which are blue, disk-dominate and less-concentrated. Therefore, how much weak bars they contain affects the trend of bar fraction on host galaxy properties. We also discuss the effect of host properties on the formation, evolution, and destruction of bars.
In barred galaxies, gaseous structures such a nuclear ring and dust lanes are formed by a non-axisymmetric stellar bar potential, and the evolution of the stellar bar is influenced by mass inflows to the center and central star formation. To study how the presence of the gas affects the evolution of the stellar bar, we use the mesh-free hydrodynamics code GIZMO and run fully self-consistent three-dimensional simulations. To explore the evolution with differing initial conditions, we vary the fraction of the gas and stability of initial disks. In cases when the initial disk is stable with Q=1.2, the bar strength in the model with 5% gas is weaker than that in the gas-free model, while the bar with 10% gas does not form a bar. This suggests that the gaseous component is unfavorable to the bar formation dynamically. On the other hand, in models with relatively unstable disk with Q=1.0, the presence of gas helps form a bar: the bar forms more rapidly and strongly as the gas fraction increases. This is because the unable disks form stars vigorously, which in turn cools down the stellar disk by adding newly-created stars with low velocity dispersion. However, the central mass concentration also quickly increases as the bar grows in these unstable models, resulting in fast bar dissolution in gas rich models. We will discuss our results in comparison with previous work.
We obtained near-infrared spectra of 26 SDSS quasars at 0.7
${\sim}10^{{\wedge}{10}}M{\odot}$ to critically examine the systematic effects involved with their mass estimations. We find that active galactic nuclei (AGNs) heavier than $10^{{\wedge}{10}}M{\odot}$ often display double-peaked$H{\alpha}$ emission, extremely broad FeII complex emission around MgII, and highly blueshifted and broadened CIV emission. The weight of this evidence, combined with previous studies, cautions against the use of MBH values based on any emission line with a width over 8000 km/s. Also, the MBH estimations are not positively biased along the presence of ionized narrow line outflows, anisotropic radiation, or the use of line FWHM instead of${\sigma}$ for our sample, and unbiased with variability, scatter in broad line equivalent width, or obscuration for general type-1 quasars. Removing the systematically uncertain MBH values,${\sim}10^{{\wedge}{10}}M{\odot}$ BHs in 1${\sim}10^{{\wedge}{9.5}}M{\odot}$ BHs, although current observations support they are intrinsically most massive, and overmassive to the host's bulge mass. -
Kim, Yongjung;Im, Myungshin;Jeon, Yiseul;Kim, Minjin;Hyun, Minhee;Kim, Dohyeong;Kim, Jae-Woo;Taak, Yoon Chan;Yoon, Yongmin;Choi, Changsu;Hong, Jueun;Jun, Hyunsung David;Karouzos, Marios;Kim, Duho;Kim, Ji Hoon;Lee, Seong-Kook;Pak, Soojong;Park, Won-Kee 44.3
To date, luminous quasars at z ~ 6 have been found to be in maximal accretion with the Eddington ratios,${\lambda}Edd$ ~ 1, suggesting enhanced nuclear activities in the early universe. However, this may not be the whole picture of supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth since previous studies have not reached on faint quasars that are more likely to harbor SMBHs with low${\lambda}Edd$ . To understand the accretion activities in quasars at high redshift, we obtained the deep near-infrared (NIR) spectrum of a quasar, IMS J2204+0112, one of the few faintest quasars that have been identified at z ~ 6. From the NIR spectrum, we find that IMS J2204+0112 harbors a SMBH with about a billion solar mass, with${\log}({\lambda}Edd)=-0.91$ . This is the lowest accretion rate found so far for quasars at z ~ 6, but a common value among quasars at z ~ 2. The inclusion of this object in the${\lambda}Edd$ analysis gives the intrinsic${\lambda}Edd$ distribution of z ~ 6 quasars, which is lower than previous results that are based on bright quasars, but it is still higher than${\lambda}Edd$ of z ~ 2 quasars. Although the number statistics needs to be improved in future, the low peak${\lambda}Edd$ value is consistent with the SMBH growth from a massive black hole seed (~ 105 Msun) or from a stellar mass black hole through short-duration super-Eddington accretion events (${\lambda}Edd$ > 10). -
A Korean VLBI Network Key Science Program, the Interferometric Monitoring of Gamma-ray Bright AGNs (iMOGABA) program continues to aim at revealing the origins of the gamma-ray flares that are often detected in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Here in this presentation, we would like to present what we have learned about the Gamma-ray bright AGNs based on the recent results of the Korean VLBI Network Key Science Program: the iMGOABA. The results will include a) the source properties of the whole samples obtained from a single-epoch observation, and b) some of scientific highlights for the iMOGAGBA on specific sources. From those highlighted works, we find that the Gamma-ray bright AGNs become fainter at higher frequencies, yielding optically thin spectra at mm wavelengths. Based on the studies on specific sources, taking into account the synchrotron self-absorption model of the relativistic jet, we estimated the magnetic field strength in the mas emission region during the observing period.
Rhee, Jinsu;Smith, Rory;Choi, Hoseung;Yi, Sukyoung K.;Jaffe, Yara;Candlish, Graeme;Sanchez-Janssen, Ruben 45.2
Using the latest cosmological hydrodynamic N-body simulations of groups and clusters, we study how location in phase-space coordinates at z = 0 can provide information on environmental effects acting in clusters. We confirm the results of previous authors showing that galaxies tend to follow a typical path in phase-space as they settle into the cluster potential. As such, different regions of phase-space can be associated with different times since first infalling into the cluster. However, in addition, we see a clear trend between total mass loss due to cluster tides and time since infall. Thus, we find location in phase-space provides information on both infall time and tidal mass loss. We find the predictive power of phase-space diagrams remains even when projected quantities are used (i.e.,line of sight velocities, and projected distances from the cluster). We provide figures that can be directly compared with observed samples of cluster galaxies and we also provide the data used to make them as supplementary data to encourage the use of phase-space diagrams as a tool to understand cluster environmental effects. We find that our results depend very weakly on galaxy mass or host mass, so the predictions in our phase-space diagrams can be applied to groups or clusters alike, or to galaxy populations from dwarfs up to giants. -
Late-type galaxies falling into a cluster would evolve being influenced by the interactions with both the cluster and the nearby cluster member galaxies. Most numerical studies, however, tend to focus on the effects of the former with little work done on those of the later. We thus perform numerical study on the evolution of a late-type galaxy falling radially toward the cluster center interacting with neighbouring early-type galaxies, using N-body, hydrodynamical simulations. Based on the information about the typical galaxy encounters obtained by using the galaxy catalog of Coma cluster, we run the simulations for the cases where a Milky Way Galaxy-like late-type galaxy, flying either edge-on or face-on, experiences six consecutive collisions with twice more massive early-type galaxies having hot gas in their halos. Our simulations show that the evolution of the late-type galaxy can be significantly affected by the high-speed multiple collisions with the early-type galaxies, such as on the cold gas content and the star formation activity, particularly through the hydrodynamic interactions between the cold disk and the hot gas halos. By comparing our simulation results with those of others, we claim that the role of the galaxy-galaxy interactions on the evolution of late-type galaxies in clusters could be comparable with that of the galaxy-cluster interactions, depending on the dynamical history.
Sheen, Yun-Kyeong;Smith, Rory;Jaffe, Yara;Kim, Minjin;Duc, Pierre-Alain;Ree, Chang Hee;Nantais, Julie;Candlish, Graeme;Yi, Sukyoung;Demarco, Ricardo;Treister, Ezequiel 46.2
We will present a discovery of an elliptical jellyfish galaxy in Abell 2670 (Sheen et al. 2017, ApJL, 840, L7). Our MUSE IFU spectra revealed a rotating gas disk in the center of the galaxy and long ionised gas tails emanating from the disk. Its one-sided tails and a tadpole-like morphology of star-forming blobs around the galaxy suggested that the galaxy is experiencing strong ram-pressure stripping in the cluster environment. Stellar kinematics with stellar absorption lines in the MUSE spectra demonstrated that the galaxy is an elliptical galaxy without any hint of a stellar disk. Then, the primary question would be the origin of the rich gas component in the elliptical galaxy. A plausible scenario is a wet merger with a gas-rich companion. In order to investigate star formation history of the system (the galaxy and star-forming blobs), we derived star-formation rate and metallicity from the MUSE spectra. Photometric UV-Optica-IR SED fitting was also performed using GALEX, SDSS, 2MASS and WISE data, to estimate dust and gas masses in the system. For a better understanding of star formation history and environmental effect of this galaxy, FIR/sub-mm follow-up observations are proposed. -
Lee, Jaehyun;Kim, Suk;Jeong, Hyunjin;Smith, Rory;Choi, Hoseung;Lee, Youngdae;Joo, Seok-Joo;Kim, Hak-Sub;Yi, Sukyoung K. 46.3
We investigate the changes of galaxy spin orientation in dense environments using hydrodynamical cosmological zoom-in simulations for 17 galaxy clusters. This study reveals that the spin axes of satellite galaxies become more unstable when the satellites have lower initial$V/{\sigma}$ , orbits with smaller pericenter distance, and higher merger rates after infall into the model clusters. The satellite galaxies involved in mergers after infall experience twice larger angular changes of spin axes than those without mergers. We also find that perturbation exerted by environments or neighboring galaxies strongly correlates with the stability of spin orientation and final$V/{\sigma}$ . On the other hand, the size or stellar mass density of the satellites are not significantly affected by mergers or perturbation in cluster environments. -
Kim, Suk;Jeong, Hyunjin;Lee, Jaehyun;Lee, Youngdae;Joo, Seok-joo;kim, Hak-Sub;Rey, Soo-Chang 47.1
We study the alignment of kinematic position angles (PAkin) of early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster using Atlas3D data. The PAkin represent the direction of the angular momentum of the galaxies better than the photometric position angles. Therefore, the alignment of their PA$_{kin}$ is a useful tool to trace the momentum direction. The early-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster have been known to be distributed as filamentary structures inside the cluster. We found that their PAkin are aligned to two directions of 20degree and -80degree. This fact is confirmed using the bootstrap test, and that is, the two alignment angles are statistically significant. Besides, these two angles are surprisingly aligned parallel to the filamentary structures inside the cluster. These results suggest that early-type galaxies were formed by major merging in the filament structures and then fall into the Virgo cluster while maintaining their position angles. -
We investigate the environmental effects on galaxy spin using the sample of ~1100 galaxies from the first public data of MaNGA integral field unit survey. We determine the spin parameter
${\lambda}_{Re}$ of galaxies by analyzing the two-dimensional stellar kinematic measurements within the effective radius, and study its dependence on the large-scale (background mass density determined with 20 nearby galaxies) and small-scale (distance to and morphology of the nearest neighbor galaxy) environments. We first examine the mass dependence of galaxy spin, and find that the spin parameter decreases with stellar mass at log ($M_{\ast}/M_{\odot}$ ) > 10, consistent with previous studies. We then divide the galaxies into three subsamples using their stellar masses to minimize the mass effects on galaxy spin. The spin parameter of galaxies in each subsample does not change with the background density, but do change with the distance to and morphology of the nearest neighbor. The spin parameter increases when late-type neighbors are within the virial radius, and decreases when early-type neighbors are within the virial radius. These results suggest that the large-scale environments hardly affect the galaxy spin, but the effects of small-scale environments such as hydrodynamic galaxy-galaxy interactions are substantial. -
한국과 중국에는 오랜 천문 역사와 함께 많은 유물과 유적이 남아 있다. 한국은 삼국시대부터 천문학 전반에 걸쳐 중국 천문학의 영향을 받아왔다. 그러나 한국의 고대 천문학에 대한 연구가 부족한 탓에 역사시대 이전의 두 나라의 천문학 특징과 상호 교류에 대해서는 잘 알려지지 않았다. 다만, 청동기 시대 고인돌 덮개돌에 새겨진 별자리와 고구려 고분 벽화의 별자리와 삼국사기에 기록된 독자 천문 기록의 검증 등으로부터 고대부터 이어진 우리의 고유한 천문 지식과 문화에 대해 짐작할 수 있을 뿐이다. 한편, 중국은 고고천문 연구를 통해 중국 여러 지역에서 발굴된 천문유물과 유적의 내용과 특징을 밝히고 있다. 지금까지 알려진 중국의 고고천문 자료들은 역사시대 이전 고대의 문화 지역인 하모도문화(河姆渡文化), 앙소문화(仰韶文化), 대문구문화(大汶口文化) 그리고 홍산문화(紅山文化)와 하가점하층문화(夏家店下層文化) 지역을 중심으로 발견되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이들 문화지역에서 발견된 고고천문 자료를 지역별로 분류하여 그 특징을 살펴보고 한반도와 인접한 홍산문화와 하가점하층문화의 고고천문 유적을 중심으로 중국 다른 지역의 고고천문 유적과 비교하였다.
In the middle of
$19^{th}$ century, the Seong Gyeong 星鏡, which is a Korean historical astronomy book, was published by Nam Byeong-Gil(1820-1869). In this study, identification was conducted by considering the star catalogue recorded in the Yixiang Kaocheng Xubian 儀象考成續編. The Seong Gyeong 星鏡 recorded the information of 1,449 stars, and identified 1,413 stars among 1,449 stars, which is a rate of 97.5%. The positional error (angular distance) of the identified stars is$5.33{\pm}0.34$ arc-min. It was also confirmed that the magnitudes of the recorded stars have correlations with those of modern times. It was determined that the position error of the stars became larger as the magnitude of the stars became dimmer, or as the position of the stars came closer to the pole. Based on these analyses, the Seong Gyeong 星鏡 was confirmed that it is a result of correcting the precession of the selected stars from star catalogue of Yixiang Kaocheng Xubian 儀象考成續編. -
1669년 이민철(李敏哲, 1631~1715)은 천문시계를 제작하였다. 이민철의 천문시계는 2단의 수호(水壺)와 부차(浮車), 수차로 구성된 수격식 동력시스템에 의해 작동된다. 이 중 부차는 2단의 수호 중 아래쪽 단에 위치한 소호(小壺) 안에 설치되어 있다. 위쪽 단에 위치한 수호로부터 아래쪽 단에 위치한 소호로 물이 차면 부차가 떠오른다. 부력에 의해 떠오른 부차는 수차를 회전시킨다. 수차로부터 발생된 동력은 기륜을 통해 전달되어 태양운행장치와 달운행장치, 시보장치를 작동시켜 시간을 알려준다. 이민철 천문시계의 수격식 동력시스템은 부력으로 부차를 움직여 수차가 일정하게 회전도록 하였다. 이와 같이 수차운행에서 부력을 활용하는 방식은 조선 중기에 제작된 천문시계에서만 적용된 방식이다. 우리는 이민철 천문시계의 수격식 동력시스템에 관한 연구를 수행하여 전체적인 형태과 작동메커니즘에 대해 추정하였다. 아울러 연구 결과를 바탕으로 개념설계를 진행하였다.
우리는 문화재청에서 제공한 보물 840호의 3D 스캔 자료를 이용하여 이 해시계의 위도와, 영침의 길이와 형태, 그 위치에 대해 분석하였다. 국립고궁박물관에는 조선후기 돌널판에 제작된 지평일구가 남아있다. 보물로 지정된 두 유물 중 840호에 새겨진 신법지평일구라는 명문에 의거하여 이 해시계 명칭이 사용되었다. 서양의 구면천문학을 적용하여 제작된 이 지평일구는 단지 시각선과 절기선이 새겨져 있고, 그 밖에 핀 모양의 홈과 깊은 구멍 하나가 흔적으로 남아 있다. 우리는 지평일구의 시각선이 수렴하는 점을 직교좌표의 원점으로 삼았다. 3D 스캔 자료에서 시각선의 연장선은 한 점이 아닌 원점 근처에서 수 mm 이내에서 분산되었다. 각 시각선마다의 원점을 설정하여 계산한 해시계의 위도는 평균
$37^{\circ}\;15^{\prime}{\pm}26^{\prime}$ 을 보였고, 이는 보물 840호 명문의 37도 39분과 24'의 차이를 나타내었다. 우리의 분석에 따르면 시반의 구멍은 영표가 서있는 위치였으며, 영표의 길이는$43.7{\pm}0.7mm$ 로 핀 모양 홈의 길이인 43.1 mm에 근접하였다. 이를 통해 이지평일구는 북극을 지시하는 삼각영표가 아닌 수직의 핀 모양의 영침이 설치된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. -
Interplanetary space of the solar system contains a large number of dust particles, referred to as Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs) cloud complex. They are observable through meteors and zodiacal lights. The relative contribution of possible sources to the IDPs cloud complex was an controversial topic, however, recent research (Yang & Ishiguro, 2015 and references therein) suggested a dominance of cometary origin. In this study, we numerically investigated the orbital evolution of cometary dust particles, with special concerns on different evolutionary tracks and its consequences according to initial orbits, size and particle shape. The effect of dust particle density and initial size-frequency distribution (SFD) were not decisive in total cloud complex mass and mass supply rate, when these physical quantities are confined by observed zodiacal light brightness and dust particle SFD at 1 au. We noticed that, if we assume the existence of fluffy aggregates discovered in the Earth's stratosphere and the coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the required mass supply rate decreases significantly. We also found out that close encounters with planets (mostly Jupiter) are the dominating factor of the orbital evolution of dust particles, as the result, the lifetime of cometary dust particles are shorter than Poynting-Robertson lifetime (around 250 thousand years). As another consequence of severe close encounters, only a small fraction of cometary dust particles can be transferred into the orbit < 1 au. This effect is significant for large size particles of
${\beta}$ < 0.01. The exceptional cases are dust particles ejected from 2P/Encke and active asteroids. Because they rarely encounter with Jupiter, most dust particles ejected from those objects are governed by Poynting-Robertson effect and well transferred into the orbits of small semimajor axis. In consideration of the above effects, we directly estimated probability of mutual collisions between dust particles and concluded that mutual collisions in the IDPs cloud complex is mostly ignorable, except for the case of large sized particles from active asteroids. -
Kwon, Yuna Grace;Ishiguro, Masateru;Kuroda, Daisuke;Kawabata, Koji S.;Nakaoka, Tatsuya;Kawabata, Miho;Uemura, Makoto;Shinnaka, Yoshiharu;Akitaya, Hiroshi;collaboration, OISTER 49.1
Comets are one of the most primordial solar system objects that hold the information of the early days of solar system formation inside their nuclei. Orbiting the Sun, they spew such ancient materials that have been buried for many years, creating dust and gas comae. Cometary dust grains absorb and scatter sunlight radiating the continuous light, while gas molecules form the line emissions. Eachof the comets has its own light patterns, which depends on the physical and chemical properties of the dust and gas components. In this regard, spectropolarimetrycan be a powerful tool to study the properties of cometary constituents free from contamination of each other. This methodology offers a series of information on the polarization degrees of the dust and gas components as well as on wavelength dependence of the polarization degree and polarization angle of cometary dust simultaneously. Herein, we will report the results of the spectropolarimetric study of comet 2P/Encke, which is one of the well-known objects for its shortest orbital period and its prominent aging signals. We performed a spectropolarimetric observation of comet 2P/Encke in its inbound orbit using the Higashi-Hiroshima Optical and Near-Infrared Camera (HONIR) at the Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory, Japan, on UT 2017 February 21 at high phase angle of =75.7 deg. Ourstudy of this interesting comet is the first and only one done through spectropolarimetry in a referred publication. We will discuss the most recent polarimetric results of our study in terms of 2P/Encke' scurrent evolutionary status. -
With support from the K-GMT science program (PID: GN-2016B-Q-14), we conducted observations of active asteroid 354P/LINEAR (2010 A2) when it made its closest approach to Earth (i.e., the geocentric distance of 1.06 au on 2017 January 27-28). Taking advantage of the best observing geometry since the discovery, we obtained the first evidence for the rotational status of the largest fragment (~120 m in diameter), which was slowly rotating, that is, the rotational period of 11.36 hours. In addition, we succeed in direct imaging of 10 sub-fragments (~20 m in diameter or larger). Based on these new observational results, we conjecture that this active asteroid was created as a result of catastrophic collision among unknown asteroids. The details of this work are given in Astrophysical Journal Letters, 842, L23.
There have been recent studies which revealed a tendency that thermal inertia decreases with the size of asteroidal bodies, and suggestions that thermal inertias of cometary bodies should be much smaller than those asteroidal counterparts, regardless of comets' nuclear sizes, which hints a way to differentiate cometary candidates from asteroids using thermal inertia information. We thus selected two comet-like objects from AKARI satellite of JAXA, namely, 107P/ (4015) Wilson-Harrington and P/2006 HR30 (Siding Spring), and applied simple thermophysical model to test the idea. Both targets did not show any comet-like activity during the observations. From the model, we found Wilson-Harrington to have size of 3.7-4.4 km, geometric albedo 0.040-0.055 and thermal inertia of 100-250 J m-2 K-1 s-0.5, which coincide with previous works, and HR30 to have size of 24-27 km, geomoetric albedo of 0.035-0.045 with thermal inertia of 250-1000 J m-2 K-1 s-0.5. HR30 is found to have the rotation pole near the ecliptic plane (the latitude between -20 and +60 deg). Based on the results, we conjecture that comet-like objects are not clearly distinguishable from asteroidal counterpart using thermal inertia.
Lee, Hee-Jae;Durech, Josef;Kim, Myung-Jin;Moon, Hong-Kyu;Kim, Chun-Hwey;Park, Jintae;Kim, Dong-Heun;Roh, Dong-Goo;Choi, Young-Jun;Yim, Hong-Suh;the DEEP-South Team 50.1
The Non-Principal Axis (NPA) rotators can be clues to spin evolutionary processes of asteroids because their excited spin states evolve due to either internal or external forces. The NPA rotation of (5247) Krylov was confirmed by Lee et al. (2017) based on KMTNet photometric observations during the 2016 apparition. We conducted follow-up observations in 2017 apparition using the 0.6-2.1m telescopes in the northern hemisphere to determine the spin state and shape model of this asteroid. We found that it is rotating in the Short Axis Mode (SAM) based on the determined rotation period ($P_{\psi}=374.6hr$ ) and precession period ($P_{\phi}=67.48hr$ ). The greatest and intermediate principal inertia moments are nearly the same as$I_b/I_c=0.94$ , but the smallest principal inertia moments are nearly half that of the others,$I_a/I_c=0.43$ . This ratio of principal inertia moments suggests that dynamically equivalent shape of this asteroid is close to that of a prolate ellipsoid. In this presentation, we will provide the physical model of (5247) Krylov to discuss its possible spin evolutionary processes that acted on its spin. -
Kim, Jooyeon;Ishiguro, Masateru;Bach, Yoonsoo P.;Kuroda, Daisuke;Naito, Hiroyuki;Kim, Yoonyoung;Kwon, Yuna G.;Imai, Masataka;Kuramoto, Kiyoshi;Watanabe, Makoto 50.2
Spatial distribution of atmosphereless bodies in the solar system provides an important clue as to their origins, namely asteroids from Mainbelt or comets from outer solar system. It is, however, difficult to distinguish asteroids and dormant comets due to their similar appearances. In this study, we conducted a unique observation to differentiate asteroids and dormant comets in terms of 'polarimetry'. We observed (331471) 1984 QY1 (hereafter QY1) at large phase angles using the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) on the 1.6-m Pirka Telescope from UT 2016 May 25 to June 24. QY1 is a dormant comet candidate in terms of the dynamical properties (i.e. the Tisserand parameter with respect to Jupiter, TJ = 2.68). We analyzed the polarization degree of QY1 as a function of phase angle and found its maximum polarization degree,$Pmax=8.68{\pm}0.28%$ and$8.72{\pm}0.38%$ , in RC-and V-band, respectively, around the phase angle of${\alpha}=100^{\circ}$ . In addition, we obtained the geometric albedo,$pV=0.16{\pm}0.02$ by means of an empirical slope-albedo law. The polarimetric properties and the albedo value we acquired are similar to those of S-type asteroids rather than cometary nuclei. In this presentation, we introduce our observation and findings. In addition, we further discuss a dynamical transportation process from Mainbelt to the current orbit. -
We present the dependence of halo properties on two different Galactic potentials: the
$St{\ddot{a}}ckel$ potential and the Milky Way-like potential known as "Galpy". Making use of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12 (SDSS DR12), we find that the shape of the metallicity distribution and rotation velocity distribution abruptly changes at 15 kpc of$Z_{max}$ (the maximum distance of stellar orbit above or below the Galactic plane) and 32 kpc of$r_{max}$ (the maximum distance of an orbit from the Galactic center) in the$St{\ddot{a}}ckel$ , which indicates that the transition from the inner to outer halo occurs at those distances. When adopting the$St{\ddot{a}}ckel$ potential, stars with$Z_{max}$ > 15 kpc show a retrograde motion of$V_{\phi}=-60km\;s^{-1}$ , while stars with$r_{max}$ > 32 kpc show$V_{\phi}=-150km\;s^{-1}$ . If we impose$V_{\phi}$ <$-150km\;s^{-1}$ to the stars with$Z_{max}$ > 15 kpc or$r_{max}$ > 32, we obtain the peak of the metallicity distribution at [Fe/H] = -1.9 and -1.7 respectively. However, there is the transition of the metallicity distribution at$Z_{max}=2 5kpc$ , whereas there is no noticeable retrograde motion in the Galpy. The reason for this is that stars with high retrograde motion in the$St{\ddot{a}}ckel$ potential are unbound and stars with low rotation velocity reach to larger region of$Z_{max}$ and$r_{max}$ due to shallower potential in the Galpy. These results prove that as the adopted Galactic potential can affect the interpretation of the halo properties, it is required to have a more realistic Galactic potential for the thorough understanding of the dichotomy of the Galactic halo. -
As a result of our decade-long effort, we developed a new approach wherein small-aperture telescope powered by ingeniously designed narrow-band filter systems can have the capability to measure not only the heavy but also the lighter elemental abundances of the red-giant branch (RGB) and asymptotic-giant branch (AGB) stars in the globular clusters. Our novel approach can complement the intrinsic weakness of the results from the prestigious instruments, such as HST and the VLT. In our talk, we will present the multiple stellar populations of the RGB and the AGB stars in M5, as a pilot work.
We present a general N-body exoplanet simulator in anticipation of upcoming next generation telescopes. Illustrative examples are presented on P-type orbits in stellar binary stellar systems, that should be fairly common as in Kepler 16AB. Specific attention is paid to reduced orbital lfetimes of exoplanets in the habitable zone by the stellar binary, known from Dvorak (1986).
We present the derived kinematic characteristics of low-
${\alpha}$ thin-disk and high-${\alpha}$ thick-disk stars in the Milky Way, investigated with a sample of about 33,900 G- and K-type dwarfs from the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE). Based on the level of${\alpha}$ -element enhancement as a function of [Fe/H], we separate our sample into thin- and thick-disk stars and then derive mean velocity, velocity dispersion, and velocity gradients for the U, V and W velocity components, respectively, as well as the orbital eccentricity distribution. There are notable gradients in the V velocity over [Fe/H] in both populations: -23 km s-1 dex-1 for the thin disk and +44 km s-1 dex-1 for the thick disk. The velocity dispersion of the thick disk decrease with increasing [Fe/H], while the velocity. -
Kim, Chunglee;Ahn, Sang-Hyeon;Bae, Yeong-Bok;Kang, Gungwon;Kim, Whansun;Oh, John J.;Oh, Sang Hoon;Park, Chan;Son, Edwin J.;Lee, Yong Ho;Paik, Ho Jung 52.1
The discovery of GW150914, black hole - black hole merger via gravitational waves (GWs) opened a new window to observe the Universe. GW frequencies from heavenly bodies and early Universe are expected to span between sub-nHz up to kHz. At present, GW detectors on Earth (LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, LIGO-India) aims frequency ranges between 10-2000 Hz. The space-borne GW detector and Pulsar Timing Array targets mHz and nHz sources. Starting in March 2017, the KKN (KASI-KISTI-NIMS) collaboration launched a pilot study of SLGT (Superconducting Low-frequency Gravitational-wave Telescope). This project is funded by NST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology). The main detection bands expected for SLGT ranges between 0.1-10Hz, which is complementary of LIGO-type detectors and LISA for multi-band GW observation. We will present an overview of the SLGT project and report the status of the NST pilot study. We will also present prospective of GW astronomy with SLGT. -
Lee, Yong Ho;Ahn, Sang-Hyeon;Bae, Yeong-Bok;Kang, Gungwon;Kim, Chunglee;Kim, Whansun;Oh, John J.;Oh, Sang Hoon;Park, Chan;Son, Edwin J.;Paik, Ho Jung 52.2
Recent success of gravitational wave (GW) detection by LIGO opened a new window to expand our understanding of the Universe. In addition to LIGO, several other developments are going on or under planning. However, each of these detectors has a specific sensitive frequency range. There is a missing frequency band, 0.1-10 Hz, where detectors loose sensitivity significantly due to Newtonian noise on the Earth. We introduce a plan to develop a Superconducting Low-frequency Gravitational- wave Telescope (SLGT), which can observe massive black holes in 0.1-10 Hz. The SLGT system consists of magnetically levitated six test masses, superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), rigid support frame, cooling system, vibration isolation, and signal acquisition. By taking the advantage of nearly quantum-limited low-noise SQUIDs and capacitor bridge transducers, SLGT's detection sensitivity can be improved to allow astrophysical observation of black holes in cosmological distances. We present preliminary design study and expected sensitivity, and its technical feasibility. -
Im, Myungshin;Lee, Hyung Mok;Choi, Changsu;Kim, Joonho;Gu, Lim;Sung, Hyun-Il;Jeon, Yeong-Beom;Kim, Seung-Li;Lee, Chung-Uk;Pak, Soojong;Eghamberdiev, Shuhrat 52.3
Identification of gravitational wave (GW) sources in electromagnetic (EM) wave observations is important because it enables us to understand the property of the GW-emitting sources/mechanisms much better than the GW detection. For that reason, a large number of astronomers are working on observations to identify the position and the nature of GW sources. We give a short overview of the expected EM signals from GW sources and the current EM follow-up observations that have been undertaken in Korea and the world. -
Ahn, Sang-Hyeon;Bae, Yeong-Bok;Kang, Gungwon;Kim, Chunglee;Kim, Whansun;Oh, John J.;Oh, Sang Hoon;Park, Chan;Son, Edwin J.;Lee, Hyung Mok;Lee, Hyungwon;Lee, Hyunkyu;Lee, Chang-Hwan;Paik, Ho Jung 53.1
Gravitational wave (GW) is a probe to observe compact objects (WD, NS, and BHs) in the Universe. Compact binary coalescences (CBCs) were expected to be primary sources of LIGO, VIRGO, and KAGRA. Indeed GW150914 from BH-BH binary coalescence at 430 Mpc was discovered by LIGO between 25-350 Hz. The total system mass of GW150914 is${\sim}70M_{\odot}$ , and about$3M_{\odot}$ of energy is converted to GWs in 0.2s of the observation duration. In lower frequencies below 10 Hz, in addition to CBCs with$1-100M_{\odot}$ , more massive sources of${\sim}1,000-10,000M_{\odot}$ are observable for seconds up to days in time scale. We introduce GW astrophysics and present highlights of target sources for the proposed super conducting low-frequency gravitational-wave telescope (SLGT). -
Park, Chan;Ahn, Sang-Hyeon;Bae, Yeong-Bok;Kang, Gungwon;Kim, Chunglee;Kim, Whansun;Oh, John J.;Oh, Sang Hoon;Son, Edwin J.;Lee, Yong Ho 53.2
Stochasitc gravitational wave background (SGWB) is expected to be contributed by primordial sources (e.g. inflation signature) and astrophysical sources (e.g., incoherent superposition of a large numbers of compact binary inspirals throughout in the Universe). Theoretically, SGWB is predicted to span in a broad frequency range between less than nHz up to kHz. Many gravitational-wave (GW) detectors such as LIGO or LISA aim to detect or constrain SGWB in different frequency band that is most sensitive for each detector. In this talk, we focus on the prospectives of constraining the energy density of SGWB between 0.1-10 Hz. We introduce the characteristics of SGWB and representative models for primordial and astrophysical sources. Then, we propose a signal extraction scheme to detect SGWB using one or several omni-directional GW detectors such as SLGT(Superconducting Low-frequency Gravitational-wave Telescope). Considering SLGT sensitivity, we discuss how to observe SGWB in 0.1-10 Hz if we have SLGT network. Finally, we highlight interesting SGWB models that can be constrained in 0.1-10 Hz with SLGT. -
Bae, Yeong-Bok;Ahn, Sang-Hyeon;Kang, Gungwon;Kim, Chunglee;Kim, Whansun;Oh, John J.;Oh, Sang Hoon;Park, Chan;Son, Edwin J.;Lee, Yong Ho 53.3
The pilot study of SLGT (Superconducting Low-frequency Gravitational-wave Telescope) is being performed by KKN (KASI-KISTI-NIMS) collaboration. In this presentation, we discuss prospectives of detecting GWs in the low-frequency band (0.1-10 Hz), which is a target frequency band of SLGT, but can be hardly observed by advanced LIGO. IMBHBs (Intermediate Mass Black Hole Binaries) and IMRIs (Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals) with total masses of O(1000) up to O(10,000) solar masses are most probable sources between 0.1-10 Hz. We estimate horizon distances and signal to noise ratios of IMBHBs and IMRIs for different SLGT design sensitivities. Based on our calculations, detection rates for IMBHBs and IMRIs with SLGT will be discussed. -
Intrinsic alignments (IA), the coherent alignment of intrinsic galaxy orientations, can be a source of a systematic error of weak lensing surveys. The redshift evolution of IA also contains information about the physics of galaxy formation and evolution. We present the first measurement of IA at high redshift, z~1.4, using the spectroscopic catalog of blue star-forming galaxies of the FastSound redshift survey, with the galaxy shape information from the Canada-Hawaii-France telescope lensing survey. The IA signal is consistent with zero with power-law amplitudes fitted to the projected correlation functions for density-shape and shape-shape correlation components, $A_{\delta+}=-0.0040\pm 0.0754$ and $A_{++}=-0.0159\pm 0.0271$, respectively. These results are consistent with those obtained from blue galaxies at lower redshifts (e.g., $A_{\delta+}=0.0035_{-0.0389}^{+0.0387}$ and $A_{++}=0.0045_{-0.0168}^{+0.0166}$ at z=0.51 from the WiggleZ survey), suggesting no strong redshift evolution of IA. The upper limit of the constrained IA amplitude corresponds to a few percent contamination to the weak-lensing shear power spectrum, resulting in systematic uncertainties on the cosmological parameter estimations by $-0.035<\Delta \sigma_8<0.026$ and $-0.025<\Delta \Omega_{\mathrm m}<0.019$.
While quasars are sparse in number density, they reside at relatively high-redshift as compared to e.g. luminous red galaxies. Hence, they are likely to be less non-linearly evolved than the galaxy population, and thus have a distribution that more closely mirrors the primordial density field. Therefore, they offer an intriguing opportunity to search for Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO). To this end, the 3-point correlation function (3PCF) is an excellent statistical tool to detect BAO. In this work, we will make the first-ever measurement of the large-scale quasar 3PCF from the SDSS-IV DR14 quasar sample (spanning the largest volume to-date). This work will use the order N2-time 3PCF algorithmof Slepian & Eisenstein (2015), with N the number of objects.
The Deep Lens Survey (DLS), a precursor to the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), is a 20 deg2 survey carried out with NOAO's Blanco and Mayalltelescopes. DLS is unique in its depth reaching down to ~27th mags in BVRz bands. This enables a broad redshift baseline and is optimal for investigating cosmological evolution of the large scale structure. Galaxy-galaxylensing is a powerful tool to estimate averaged matter distribution around lensgalaxies by measuring shape distortions of background galaxies. The signal from galaxy-galaxy lensing is sensitive not only to galaxy halo properties, but also to cosmological environment at large scales. In this study, we measure galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering, which together put strong constraints on the cosmological parameters. We obtain significant galaxy-galaxy lensing signals out to ~20 Mpc while tightly controlling systematics. The B-mode signals are consistent with zero. Our lens-source flip test indicates that minimal systematic errors are present in DLS photometric redshifts. Shear calibration is performed using high-fidelity galaxy image simulations. We demonstrate that the overall shape of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal is well described by the halo model comprised of central and non-central halo contributions. Finally, we present our preliminary constraints on the matter density and the normalization parameters.
Hwang, Ho Seong;Geller, M.J.;Park, Changbom;Fabricant, D.G.;Kurtz, M.J.;Rines, K.J.;Kim, Juhan;Diaferio, A.;Zahid, H.J.;Berlind, P.;Calkins, M.;Tokarz, S.;Moran, S. 55.1
HectoMAP is a dense redshift survey of red galaxies covering a 53 square degree strip of the northern sky, and Horizon Run 4 is one of the densest and largest cosmological simulations based on the standard Lambda cold dark matter model. We use HectoMAP and Horizon Run 4 to compare the physical properties of observed large-scale structures with simulated ones in the redshift range 0.22We present a numerical code for the random scattering histories of Lyman alpha photons in the intergalactic medium. The numerical code calculates the radiative transfer under generic three dimensional density, ionization fraction, and peculiar velocity fields based on N-body + radiation transfer simulations of the epoch of reionization. The code is tested with models having analytical solutions, which have idealized geometry and simplified velocity fields. The emergent line profiles can give constraints to the ionization structure around Lyman alpha sources in the early universe.We present the preliminary result of our Lagrangian perturbation theory for the large-scale structure formation, in the presence of the cold dark matter (CDM) and the baryonic fluid. In the linear order, two mutually independent pseudo-particles can describe the evolution of density fluctuations and the accuracy of the calculation is better than the 4-mode (growing, decaying, streaming, compensated) Eulerian linear perturbation theory. In the$2^{nd}$ order, the separability of pseudo-particles is not as straightforward as in the linear order, and the related difficulty in developing the$2^{nd}$ order theory will also be presented.For modified gravity models with screening mechanisms, the signal of modified gravity is larger at low density areas. We could add a density weighted mark to galaxy correlation function and increase the signal to noise of modified gravity detection. Based on mock galaxy catalogs from modified gravity simulations, we try different mark functions and parameters to find the best choices for discreminating modified gravity from GR. In this talk I will present our marked correlation funciton results and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.Galaxy dynamics probes weak gravity at accelerations below the de Sitter scale of acceleration adS = cH, where c is the velocity of light and H is the Hubble parameter. Low and high redshift galaxies hereby offer a novel probe of weak gravity in an evolving cosmology, satisfying H(z) = H0(1 + A(6z + 12z^2 +12z^3+ 6z^4+ (6/5)z^5)/(1 + z) with baryonic matter content A sans tension to H0 in surveys of the Local Universe. Galaxy rotation curves show anomalous galaxy dynamics in weak gravity aN < adS across a transition radius r beyond about 5 kpc for galaxy mass of 1e11 solar mass. where aN is the Newtonian acceleration based on baryonic matter content. We identify this behavior with a holographic origin of inertia from entanglement entropy, that introduces a C0 onset across aN=adS with asymptotic behavior described by a Milgrom parameter satisfying a0=omega/(2pi), where omega=sqrt(1-q)H is a fundamental eigenfrequency of the cosmological horizon. Extending an earlier confrontation with data covering 0.003 < aN/adS < 1 at redshift z about zero in Lellie et al. (2016), the modest anomalous behavior in the Genzel et al. sample at redshifts 0.854 < z <2.282 is found to be mostly due to clustering 0.36 < aN/adS < 1 close to the C0 onset to weak gravity and an increase of up to 65% in a0.The distribution of gas on cosmological scales is vital to our understanding of galaxy formation. Using the RAMSES cosmological hydrodynamical simulation code we have explored the evolution of the gas properties in a cosmological volume. We have identified the effect of the maximum simulation force resolution, and the resolution of the initial conditions, on the gas density power spectrum, as well as artefacts due to the RAMSES algorithm. The RAMSES methodology can add spurious power on small scales, particularly in low resolution simulations. This effect can be expected to have a strong impact on the results of RAMSES simulations, because this additional power appears at specific epochs, implying a sudden change to the system.We in the Korea Institute for Advanced Study are preparing the fifth Horizon Run in a series of large-scale cosmological simulations. For the first time we will include full hydrodynamics and astrophysical processes using a RAMSES code. I will discuss the impact of large-scale structures on smaller scale properties in cosmological hydrodynamic simulation to justify our choice of simulation boxsize, whose one side length is up to 1 Gpc.The Breakthrough Starshot initiative aims to launch gram-scale spacecraft to a speed of v~0.2c, capable of reaching Alpha Centauri and seeing the Earth-like exoplanet, Proxima b, from close distance, in about 20 years. However, a critical challenge for the initiative is the effects of interstellar matter and magnetic field to the relativistic spacecraft during the journey. In this talk, I will first present our evaluation for the damage to the spacecraft by interstellar gas and dust based on a detailed analysis of the interaction of a relativistic spacecraft with the ISM. Second, I will discuss the deflection and oscillation of spacecraft by interstellar magnetic fields. Third, I will discuss the gas drag fore at high energy regime and quantify its effect on the slowing down of the relativistic lightsails. Finally, we will discuss practical strategies to mitigate the damage by interstellar dust and to maintain the spacecraft aiming at the intended target.Oh, Jae Sok;Park, Chan;Kim, Kang-Min;Chun, Moo-Young;Yu, Young Sam;Lee, Sungho;Kim, Jihun;Szentgyorgyi, Andrew;Podgorski, William;Evans, Ian;Mueller, Mark;Uomoto, Alan;Crane, Jeffrey;Hare, Tyson 56.4
The GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) is the very first light instrument of the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) to be commissioned in 2022. The instrument is a fiber feed, optical band echelle spectrograph that is capable of extremely precise radial velocity measurement. Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) has been involved in the development of the G-CLEF as one member of the international consortium consisted of five astronomical institutes including Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO), Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington (OCIW). It is scheduled to have KASI side Critical Design Review in December 2017. In this presentation we will report the recent progress on the critical design activities for the G-CLEF Flexure Control Camera (FCC).Ji, Tae-Geun;Byeon, Seoyeon;Lee, Hye-In;Jung, Hyunsoo;Lee, Sang-Yun;Hwang, Sungyong;Choi, Changsu;Gibson, Coyne A.;Kuehne, John;Marshall, Jennifer;Im, Myungshin;Pak, Soojong 57.1
Automatic observing is the most efficient system for sky surveys that image many targets over large areas of the sky. Such a system requires the integrating control software that systematically manages astronomical instruments that are not connected to each other. In February of 2017, we installed a wide-field 10 inch telescope for Supernovae survey on the McDonald 30 inch telescope as a piggyback system. However, during the observations, information such as target coordinates could not be exchanged with the telescope mount. The reason is the program that controls the telescope control system (TCS) and the program that controls the imager operate on independent PCs. KAOS30 is an integrated observing software developed to improve this environment. The software is composed of four packages that are the Telescope Control Package (TCP), the Data Acquisition Package (DAP), the Auto Focus Package (AFP), and the Script Mode Package (SMP). The TCP communicates to the TCS and also communicates weather information. SMP supports automatic observing in a script mode, which improves the efficiency of the survey. KAOS30 was developed based on Visual C ++ and runs on the Windows operating system. It also supports the ASCOM driver platform for various manufacturers. The instruments that support ASCOM can be installed without modification of the program code. KAOS30 can be applied as software for many different telescopes in future projects.Byun, Do-Young;Lee, Sang-Sung;Jung, Taehyun;Wi, Seog Oh;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Cho, Se-Hyung;Minh, Young Chol;Han, Seog Tae 57.2
KVN is a millimeter VLBI array composed of three 21m-diameter radio telescopes at Seoul, Ulsan and Jeju island in Korea. KVN has unique simultaneous multi-frequency receiving systems, which enable us to correct phase fluctuation of troposphere by transferring phase solution of low frequency data to higher frequency data. Although KVN can achieve very high performance up to 130 GHz through multi-frequency technique, imaging capability is highly limited because of lack of the number of baselines. In order to enhance imaging capability and maximizing multi-frequency capability, we plan to extend KVN baselines from 3 to 10 (or more) by constructing new KVN stations. This talk introduce expected performances, science cases, required budgets and periods of the Extended-KVN.We report the detailed design of an unprecedented wideband(band7+8) corrugated feed horn in ASTE focal plane array aiming for future ALMA receiver. We have found that such design constraints as return loss, cross-polarization level, beam width and phase curvature can be controlled by optimizing critical corrugation parameters at the throat and flare region of the horn. The success of optimization manifest itself through simulated aperture effciency over 80 % at the entire frequency range. Physical implications of the resulting corrugation parameters are discussed.Jeong, Woong-Seob;Moon, Bongkon;Park, Sung-Joon;Lee, Dae-Hee;Pyo, Jeonghyun;Park, Won-Kee;Kim, Il-Joong;Park, Youngsik;Ko, Kyeongyeon;Kim, Mingyu;Kim, Minjin;Ko, Jongwan;Im, Myungshin;Lee, Hyung Mok;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Shin, Goo-Hwan;Chae, Jangsoo;Matsumoto, Toshio 58.1
The NISS (Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Star formation history) is the near-infrared spectro-photometric instrument optimized to the first Next Generation of small satellite (NEXTSat-1). The off-axis optics was developed to cover a wide field of view with 2 deg.${\times}$ 2 deg. as well as a wide wavelength range from 0.95 to$2.5{\mu}m$ . Considering the simple alignment scheme, afocal system was adapted in the optical components. The mechanical structures were tested under the space environment. We have obtained the accurate calibration data using our test facilities under the operational condition. After the final integration of flight model into the satellite, the communication with the satellite and the functional test were passed. The NISS will be launched in early 2018. During around 2-year operation, the spectro-photometric survey covering more than 100 square degree will be performed. To achieve the major scientific objectives for the study of the cosmic star formation in local and distant universe, the main observational targets will be nearby galaxies, galaxy clusters, star-forming regions and low background regions. Here, we report the final performance of the flight model of the NISS.The special session of the East Asian Observatory was prepared to let the Korean Astronomical Community know the current status and future prospect of the EAO, and to hear the opinion from the community. The East Asian Observatory (EAO) was formulated on September 5, 2014 by East Asian Core Observatories Associations (EACOA) as a non-profit company registered in the State of Hawaii. As a first mission of the EAO, it has successfully operated the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) since March 2015. The Submillimeter Array (SMA) has been available to the East Asian astronomers from 2017A season through the EAO, and the Subaru and the East Asian VLBI Network (EAVN) are the possible facilities to be available in near future.The JCMT is now in its third year of operations under EAO management. During this past year, we continued with calls for regular PI programs as well as the second call for Large Programs. The performance of SCUBA-2 has been improved by replacing internal optical filters. The 230GHz Receiver A is in the process of being replaced by a new closed-cycle system. The SCUBA-2 polarimeter, POL-2, commissioned during the past year, has been working very well in measuring the magnetic field structures in molecular clouds. The JCMT successfully participated in the Event Horizon Telescope experiment during April 2017, which utilized the phased-up ALMA for the first time. The first round of Large Programs are nearing completion, with first publications beginning to be published. The JCMT continues to welcome inputs from the community, and the next users meeting will be held in Seoul in January 2018.The Subaru telescope is a 8.2m optical-infrared telescope operated by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan since 2000. Its wide field observation capability with good image quality makes the telescope one of the best astronomical facilities. We Subaru Telescope is seeking for international partners for the telescope operation to share science observations, future strategy and development. In the course of this effort, EAO and us exchanged a letter of intent on the planning of collaboration on the Subaru operation in this June. I introduce the contents of the Subaru-EAO LOI and the basic concepts of the Subaru international partnership in addition to a brief report of the current status of the observatory.The Submillimeter Array (SMA) has provided forefront capabilities for high spatial and spectral resolution observations at submillimeter wavelengths from its excellent site on Mauna Kea, Hawaii since 2004. The SMA has continuously enhanced its capability. It is now equipped with two receivers in the 1.3 mm band (Rx230/Rx240) and two in the 0.85 mm band (Rx345/Rx400). The total bandwidth available is 8+8 GHz (per receiver) in the dual band or polarization mode. To maintain a leading role in the ALMA era, the SMA project is now upgrading its receivers, IF signal transport and correlator system. The new wideband SMA - the wSMA - will provide the instantaneous coverage of 56 GHz. In this presentation, I will introduce the latest status of the SMA, upgrade plan to the w-SMA, the possible science cases with the w-SMA, and the roles of the w-SMA in the ALMA era.Kobayashi, Hideyuki;Wajima, Kiyoaki;Hada, Yasuhiro;Shen, Zhiqiang;Honma, Mareki;Fujisawa, Kenta;Byon, Do-Young;Matsushita, Satoki 59.3
We will present the activities of East Asian VLBI Network, EAVN, which consists of around 20 radio telescopes in Japan, Korea, and China with 6,500 km extend. It is a most sensitive and highest VLBI array in the world. We have conducted science verification observations at mainly 8 and 22 GHz. And Japanese VLBI array, VERA, and Korean VLBI array, KVN have combined as KaVA, Korean and VERA Array, and started science observations with open use at 22 and 43 GHz. We will presents some commissioning and science results based on it. Moreover Taiwan is constructing the Greenland telescope to be a millimeter and submillimeter VLBI station, which will be a very powerful station in Global millimeter and submillimeter VLBI array. These activities will be introduced as well.We present a way of quantitatively characterizing solar active regions on the basis of their evolutionary paths. To determine characteristic properties of active regions with different sizes and configurations, we use a physics-based model to derive a relation between emerged magnetic flux and injected magnetic helicity (Flux-Helicity relation), the former of which gives scale information while the latter represents the magnetic field configuration of an active region. We demonstrate how this relation provides evolutionary paths of active regions and determines their characteristic properties, through a comparison with modeled active regions obtained from magnetohydrodynamic simulations.We present the relationship between vector magnetic field parameters and solar major flare occurrence rate. Based on this, we are developing a forecast model of major flare (M and X-class) occurrence rate within a day using hourly vector magnetic field data of Space-weather HMI Active Region Patch (SHARP) from May 2010 to April 2017. In order to reduce the projection effect, we use SHARP data whose longitudes are within${\pm}60$ degrees. We consider six SHARP magnetic parameters (the total unsigned current helicity, the total photospheric magnetic free energy density, the total unsigned vertical current, the absolute value of the net current helicity, the sum of the net current emanating from each polarity, and the total unsigned magnetic flux) with high F-scores as useful predictors of flaring activity from Bobra and Couvidat (2015). We have considered two cases. In case 1, we have divided the data into two sets separated in chronological order. 75% of the data before a given day are used for setting up a flare model and 25% of the data after that day are used for test. In case 2, the data are divided into two sets every year in order to reduce the solar cycle (SC) phase effect. All magnetic parameters are divided into 100 groups to estimate the corresponding flare occurrence rates. The flare identification is determined by using LMSAL flare locations, giving more numbers of flares than the NGDC flare list. Major results are as follows. First, major flare occurrence rates are well correlated with six magnetic parameters. Second, the occurrence rate ranges from 0.001 to 1 for M and X-class flares. Third, the logarithmic values of flaring rates are well approximated by two linear equations with different slopes: steeper one at lower values and lower one at higher values. Fourth, the sum of the net current emanating from each polarity gives the minimum RMS error between observed flare rates and predicted ones. Fifth, the RMS error for case 2, which is taken to reduce SC phase effect, are smaller than those for case 1.In this study we apply Convolution Neural Network(CNN) to solar flare occurrence prediction with various parameter options using the 00:00 UT MDI images from 1996 to 2010 (total 4962 images). We assume that only X, M and C class flares correspond to "flare occurrence" and the others to "non-flare". We have attempted to look for the best options for the models with two CNN pre-trained models (AlexNet and GoogLeNet), by modifying training images and changing hyper parameters. Our major results from this study are as follows. First, the flare occurrence predictions are relatively good with about 80 % accuracies. Second, both flare prediction models based on AlexNet and GoogLeNet have similar results but AlexNet is faster than GoogLeNet. Third, modifying the training images to reduce the projection effect is not effective. Fourth, skill scores of our flare occurrence model are mostly better than those of the previous models.A Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) is one of the well-known deep-learning methods in image processing and computer vision area. In this study, we apply CNN to two kinds of flare forecasting models: flare classification and occurrence. For this, we consider several pre-trained models (e.g., AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and ResNet) and customize them by changing several options such as the number of layers, activation function, and optimizer. Our inputs are the same number of SOHO)/MDI images for each flare class (None, C, M and X) at 00:00 UT from Jan 1996 to Dec 2010 (total 1600 images). Outputs are the results of daily flare forecasting for flare class and occurrence. We build, train, and test the models on TensorFlow, which is well-known machine learning software library developed by Google. Our major results from this study are as follows. First, most of the models have accuracies more than 0.7. Second, ResNet developed by Microsoft has the best accuracies : 0.77 for flare classification and 0.83 for flare occurrence. Third, the accuracies of these models vary greatly with changing parameters. We discuss several possibilities to improve the models.As the application of deep-learning methods has been succeeded in various fields, they have a high potential to be applied to space weather forecasting. Convolutional neural network, one of deep learning methods, is specialized in image recognition. In this study, we apply the AlexNet architecture, which is a winner of Imagenet Large Scale Virtual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2012, to the forecast of daily solar flare occurrence using the MatConvNet software of MATLAB. Our input images are SOHO/MDI, EIT$195{\AA}$ , and$304{\AA}$ from January 1996 to December 2010, and output ones are yes or no of flare occurrence. We consider other input images which consist of last two images and their difference image. We select training dataset from Jan 1996 to Dec 2000 and from Jan 2003 to Dec 2008. Testing dataset is chosen from Jan 2001 to Dec 2002 and from Jan 2009 to Dec 2010 in order to consider the solar cycle effect. In training dataset, we randomly select one fifth of training data for validation dataset to avoid the over-fitting problem. Our model successfully forecasts the flare occurrence with about 0.90 probability of detection (POD) for common flares (C-, M-, and X-class). While POD of major flares (M- and X-class) forecasting is 0.96, false alarm rate (FAR) also scores relatively high(0.60). We also present several statistical parameters such as critical success index (CSI) and true skill statistics (TSS). All statistical parameters do not strongly depend on the number of input data sets. Our model can immediately be applied to automatic forecasting service when image data are available.We report a fine scale transient brightening event near a pore boundary with the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) of the 1.6m Goode Solar Telescope (GST), the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) aboard SDO. The event appears in all AIA extreme ultraviolet bands, also in the two FISS lines,$H{\alpha}$ and Ca II$8542{\AA}$ , and lasted for a minute. The brightening occurred at a footpoint of a loop. The conjugate brightening occurred at the other foot point outside the FISS field of view. The brightening near the pore exhibit a redshift of 4.3 km s-1 in the$H{\alpha}$ and about 2.3 km s-1 in Ca II line. Differential emission measure derived from 6 AIA EUV passbands and cloud model fitting of the two FISS lines indicate the temperature increase of between 10,000 and 20 MK at the main event. After the brightening, the upward mass motion appears in the AIA images. We discuss the physical implication of this brightening in the context of magnetic reconnection and coronal heating.We have studied the high-resolution$H{\alpha}$ and Ca II$8542{\AA}$ line profiles of Ellerman Bombs (EBs) obtained with the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) installed on the 1.6m Goode Solar Telescope (GST) in Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). The FISS spectra of EBs are compared with synthetic profiles computed using RH non-LTE radiative transfer code and a set of 1D atmospheric models with local transient heating, the latter of which is modeled by varying local temperature enhancement in magnitude and height. We could reproduce each of the observed$H{\alpha}$ and Ca II line profiles separately with different atmospheric models, but not with a single atmospheric model. To fit the observed$H{\alpha}$ lines we often need much higher temperature enhancements than those needed for fitting Ca II lines. Possible causes for this temperature mismatch are briefly discussed.In this study we have made a statistical investigation on the kinematic classification of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using about 4,000 SOHO/LASCO CMEs from 1996 to 2015. For this we use their SOHO/LASCO C3 data and exclude all poor events. Using the constant acceleration model, we classify these CMEs into three groups: Acceleration group, Constant Velocity group, and Deceleration group. For classification we adopt four different methods: Acceleration method, Velocity Variation method, Height Contribution method, and Visual Inspection method. Our major results are as follows. First, the fractions of three groups depend on the method used. Second, the results of the Height Contribution method are most consistent with those of the Visual Inspection method, which is thought to be most promising. Third, the fractions of different kinematic groups for the Height contribution method are: Acceleration (35%), Constant speed (47%), and Deceleration (18%). Fourth, the fraction strongly depend on CME speed; the fraction of Acceleration decreases from 0.6 to 0.05 with CME speed; the fraction of Constant increases from 0.3 to 0.7; the fraction of Deceleration increases from 0.1 to 0.3. Finally we present dozens of CMEs with non-constant accelerations. It is found that about 40 % of these CMEs show quasi-periodic oscillations.In space weather forecast, it is important to determine three-dimensional properties of CMEs. Using 29 limb CMEs, we examine which cone type is close to a CME three-dimensional structure. We find that most CMEs have near full ice-cream cone structure which is a symmetrical circular cone combined with a hemisphere. We develop a full ice-cream cone model based on a new methodology that the full ice-cream cone consists of many flat cones with different heights and angular widths. By applying this model to 12 SOHO/LASCO halo CMEs, we find that 3D parameters from our method are similar to those from other stereoscopic methods (i.e., a triangulation method and a Graduated Cylindrical Shell model). In addition, we derive CME mean density (${\bar{\rho}_{CME}}={\frac{M_{total}}{V_{cone}}}$ ) based on the full ice-cream cone structure. For several limb events, we determine CME mass by applying the Solarsoft procedure (e.g., to SOHO/LASCO C3 images. CME volumes are estimated from the full ice-cream cone structure. For the first time, we derive average CME densities as a function of CME height for several CMEs, which are well fitted to power-law functions. We will compare densities (front and average) of geoeffective CMEs and their corresponding ICME ones.We have made an investigation on the radial and azimuthal wave modes of full halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs). For this, we consider 24 HCMEs which are simultaneously observed by SOHO and STEREO A & B from August 2010 to August 2012 when they were roughly in quadrature. Using the SOHO/LASCO C3 and STEREO COR2 A & B running difference images, we estimate the instantaneous apparent speeds of the HCMEs at 24 different position angles. Major results from this study are as follows. First, there are quasi-periodic variations of the instantaneous radial velocity with the periods ranging from 24 to 48 mins. Second, the amplitudes of instant speed variations are about a third of the projected speeds. Third, the amplitudes are found to have a weak anti-correlation with period. Our preliminary identification from SOHO observations shows that there are several distinct radial and azimuthal wave modes: m=0 (radial) for five events, m=1 for eleven events, m=2 for three events, and unclear for the other events. In addition, we are making a statistical investigation on the oscillation of 733 CMEs to understand their physical origins.The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile (MAVEN) mission has been providing valuable information on the atmospheric loss of Mars since its launch in November 2013. The Neutral Gass and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) onboard MAVEN, was developed to analyze the composition of the Martian upper atmospheric neutrals and ions depending on various space weather conditions. We investigate a variation of upper atmospheric ion densities depending on the interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). It is known that the Mars has a very weak global magnetic field, so upper atmosphere of Mars has been strongly affected by the solar activities. Meanwhile, a strong crustal magnetic field exists on local surfaces, so they also have a compensating effect on the upper atmospheric loss outside the Mars. The weak crustal field has an influence up to 200km altitude, but on a strong field region, especially east longitude of$180^{\circ}$ and latitude of$-50^{\circ}$ , they have an influence over 1,400km altitude. In this paper, we investigated which is more dominant between the crustal field effect and the ICME effect to the atmospheric loss. At 400km altitude, the ion density over the strong crustal field region did not show a significant variation despite of ICME event. However, over the other areas, the variation associated with ICME event is far more overwhelming.We present the preliminary results obtained from the search of variable stars in the fields of open clusters located in the direction of the Galactic disk. The current study is based on J, H and Ks photometric data obtained in the near-infrared (NIR) VVV Survey. A first classification of the newly found variable stars is performed based on their light curves, periods and amplitudes. We also show the (Ks, J-Ks) color-magnitud decontaminated diagrams of the selected open clusters and examine the location of the variable stars in these diagrams. Available proper motion data are also used to analyze the possible membership of the discovered variable stars to the corresponding clusters, as well as to redetermine with more accuracy the parameters of the poorly studied clusters.우리 은하에 있는 618개 이심궤도 식쌍성의 카타로그를 제작하였다. 그 이심 식쌍성들은 우리의 극심시각 database에 수록된, 또는 여러 전천 탐사 자료에서 수집된 측광 자료로부터 새롭게 결정된, 또는 우리가 직접 관측하여 얻은 약 13만개의 극심시각 자료의 식시각도 분석을 통하여 편집된 것이다. 618개의 이심 식쌍성 중에서 근성점 운동을 보이는 시스템은 모두 170개이며, 이중에서 30개의 쌍성이 근성점 운동과 광시간 효과가 동시에 일어난다. 근성점 운동을 보이는 별들의 근성점 운동 변수들을 일관된 방식으로 산출하여 카타로그에 수록하였다. 우리가 작성한 최신의 카타로그는 기존 카타로그에 비해 양과 내용에 있어 가장 방대하다. 우리 은하 근성점 운동 쌍성들과 소마제란 성운과 대마젤란 성운에서 발견된 근성점 운동 쌍성들을 모아 근성점 운동 변수들의 통계적 분포를 살펴 보았고, 그 결과들을 논의한다.KIC6118779 is an over-contact binary system having a short orbital period of about 0.36 days. The photometric data for this system are acquired by the observations of Kepler mission in the long cadence mode having a time resolution of about 30 minutes. It means that the Kepler light curves of the system may be strongly affected by phase smearing effect and the analysis of them without consideration of the phase smearing effect may result in wrong stellar properties. Additionally, this system also shows dynamical variation of light curve resulting from spot activity. For all those reasons, it is difficult to investigate KIC6118779, and the investigation should be carried out carefully. In this presentation, we introduce the phase smearing effect and carry out the light curve modeling with the 2015 version of the Wilson-Devinney binary code considering the phase smearing effect. Our results show that the system is a deep over contact binary system and has extremely low mass ratio of about 0.12. Moreover our spot modeling implies the cyclic migration of a big cool spot on the massive component.접촉쌍성 EK Com은 0.2667일의 짧은 주기를 가진 만기형 식쌍성으로 광도곡선의 변화로 인해 연구자마다 이계의 하위 유형을 다르게 언급하여 하위유형의 혼동이 있는 천체이다. 우리는 소백산천문대에서 2009년 5월 VR 필터로, 2013년 2 ~ 5월 사이 BVRI 필터로, 2016년 1 ~ 4월 사이 R 필터로 CCD 측광 관측하여 3개의 새로운 광도곡선을 획득하였다. 우리의 관측 자료와 SuperWASP의 공개된 자료로부터 40개의 새로운 극심시각을 산출하였다. 이 극심시각을 포함하여 155개의 극심시각을 여러 문헌에서 수집하여 주기 연구를 수행한 결과, EK Com의 공전주기는 영년 주기 증가와 더불어 8.2년의 주기적인 변화가 겹쳐 변화함을 발견하였다. 이러한 주기 변화 원인에 대하여 살펴본 결과, 영년주기변화는 질량이 작은 별에서 큰 별로의 질량이동에 의하여 일어나고, 주기적인 변화는 질량이 큰 주성의 자기 활동에 의해 발생할 수 있음을 보였다. Wilson-Devinney code를 이용한 광도곡선 분석을 통하여 EK Com은 개기식이 부식에 있는 하위 유형 A라기 보다 주식에 있는 W형에 속하며, 모든 광도곡선에서 1개의 Hot spot과 1개의 Cool spot을 가진 모형이 가장 관측치를 잘 설명한다. W UMa형 별들의 HR도, 온도비, 질량의 그래프에서 EK Com은 W형 Group들이 있는 위치에 존재한다. 이는 광도곡선에서 유추한 EK Com의 하위 유형과도 일치한다.The Population III (Pop III) stars are thought to be massive. If massive Pop III stars form binary system and they experience mass transfer via the Roche lobe overflow, this may significantly change the properties of the system. For example, mass transfer in such system may shorten the period of the system, forming short period binary black hole (BBH) system, which is the most promising candidate for recently detected gravitational wave radiation sources. Also, there is an expectation that due to the stripped envelope of donor star by mass transfer, this system can play a significant role in the cosmic reionization by emitting more UV photons. However, this outcome highly depends on the initial properties of the system. We perform grid calculation on Pop III binary models with various initial primary masses (20 ~ 100 solar mass), initial separations, and initial mass ratios (q = 0.5 ~ 0.9). We find that 1) in most cases binary models show no increase in the number of ionizing photons and 2) formation of short period BBH system via mass transfer is highly unlikely.For the detection of transient sources in optical wide field surveys like KMTNet Supernova Project, difference imaging technique is commonly used. As this method produces a fair amount of false positives, it is also common to utilize machine learning algorithms to screen likely true positives. While deep learning methods such as a convolutional neural network has been successfully applied recently, its application can be limited if the size of the training sample is small. I will discuss a variation of more conventional method that adopts the wavelet transform for feature engineering and its performance.We present the high-resolution spectroscopic study of the red-giant branch (RGB) stars in the peculiar globular cluster M22 (NGC 6656). We obtained high-resolution spectra of 55 RGB stars using the CTIO 4-m telescope and the HYDRA multi-object spectrograph. By employing an improved LTE analysis method, we measured accurate elemental abundances. In this talk, we will discuss the differences in the chemical composition between the two stellar populations in the context of the formation of M22.현재까지의 구상성단들에 대한 측/분광학적 관측 결과들은 우리은하 내 대부분의 구상성단들이 다중항성종족을 갖고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 구상성단 형성에 대한 이러한 패러다임의 변화는 우리은하 뿐만 아니라 외부은하 형성에 기여하는 building block이 무엇인지 밝히게 될 것이다. 특히 금속이 풍부한 47 Tuc (NGC104)은 무거운 구상성단들의 화학적 진화를 조사하기에 이상적인 천체이다. 우리는 CTIO 4-m 망원경과 다중천체분광기인 HYDRA를 사용하여 획득한 47 Tuc의 적색거성에 대한 분광자료들의 LTE 분석을 수행하였다. 이 측정 결과로부터 구상성단 47 Tuc의 화학조성의 특징과, 더 나아가, 형성에 관해 논의하고자 한다.With the advent of high energy/power lasers, extreme conditions, such as those found in astrophysical environments, can be reproduced in laboratory. The scaling between laboratory and astrophysical environments, especially for viscosity and resistivity that govern dissipation processes, is not perfect. Yet, the similarity is close enough to make laboratory experiments relevant for astrophysics. The results have been encouraging, in the sense of suggesting the possibility of exploring fundamental physical processes at play in astrophysical phenomena. In this talk, I will review a few successfully performed and ongoing experiments, such as those for turbulence and magnetic field generation in fluid regime and collisionless shock wave in plasma regime.The laboratory astrophysics is a new emerging field of basic sciences, and has tremendous discovery potentials. The laboratory astrophysics investigates the basic physical phenomena in the astrophysical objects in controlled and reproducible manners, which has become possible only recently due to the newly-established intense photon and ion beam facilities worldwide. In this presentation, we will introduce several promising ideas for laboratory astrophysics programs that might be readily incorporated in the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory X-ray Free Electron Laser (PAL-XFEL). For example, precise spectroscopic measurements using Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) and intense X-ray photons from the PAL-XFEL can be performed to explore the fundamental processes in high energy X-ray phenomena in the visible universe. Besides, in many violent astrophysical events, the energy density of matter becomes so high that the traditional plasma physics description becomes inapplicable. Generation of such high-energy density states can be also be achieved by using the intense photon beams available from the PAL-XFEL.In the history of astronomy, observed data were interpreted very frequently based upon data measured at laboratories. For example, all the spectroscopic observations were understood via spectroscopic measurements on nuclei, atoms, and molecules. Recently, computational astrophysics plays a role of bridging experimental data to observations, in particular via numerical modeling of complex astronomical phenomena. This presentation focuses on computational nuclear astrophysics that connects experimental data on nuclei to high-energy observation data obtained by X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes. As an example case, X-ray burst will be discussed. In this phenomenon, observed X-ray light curves and spectra can be modeled by stellar evolution calculations that take nuclear reactions of rare isotopes as input information. This presentation also works as an introduction to the following presentation that will provide more detailed discussion on the experimental aspect of X-ray burst.Nuclear reactions in explosive stars such as novae, X-ray bursts, and supernovae are responsible for producing many of the elements that make up our world. Exotic nuclei not normally found on earth can play an important role in these events due to the extreme conditions that occur in the explosion. A frontier area of research involves utilizing beams of radioactive nuclei to improve our understanding of these explosions and the implications on cosmic element production. At the future radioactive ion beam facility of Korea, RAON, we will measure astrophysically important reactions using exotic beams to probe the details of cosmic events. Details of RAON and possible day-1 experiments at the facility will be presented.Cho, Kyungsuk;Bong, Suchan;Choi, Seonghwan;Yang, Heesu;Kim, Jihun;Baek, Jihye;Park, Jongyeob;Lim, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Rok-Soon;Kim, Sujin;Kim, Yeon-Han;Park, Young-Deuk;Clarke, S.W.;Davila, J.M.;Gopalswamy, N.;Nakariakov, V.M.;Li, B.;Pinto, R.F. 66.2
The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute plans to develop a coronagraph in collaboration with National Aeronautics and Space Administrative (NASA) and install it on the International Space Station (ISS). The coronagraph is an externally occulted one stage coronagraph with a field of view from 2.5 to 15 solar radii. The observation wavelength is approximately 400 nm where strong Fraunhofer absorption lines from the photosphere are scattered by coronal electrons. Photometric filter observation around this band enables the estimation of 2D electron temperature and electron velocity distribution in the corona. Together with the high time cadence (< 12 min) of corona images to determine the geometric and kinematic parameters of coronal mass ejections, the coronagraph will yield the spatial distribution of electron density by measuring the polarized brightness. For the purpose of technical demonstration, we intend to observe the total solar eclipse in 2017 August for the filter system and to perform a stratospheric balloon experiment in 2019 for the engineering model of the coronagraph. The coronagraph is planned to be installed on the ISS in 2021 for addressing a number of questions (e.g. coronal heating and solar wind acceleration) that are both fundamental and practically important in the physics of the solar corona and of the heliosphere.Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is developing a coronagraph in collaboration with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) which will be installed on the International Space Station (ISS). The coronagraph can measure speed and temperature by using four filters approximately 400 nm and polarization filter in three different angles, differently with older coronagraphs. For the successful mission, it has development and experiment progress in three phases; total solar eclipse experiment in 2017, balloon experiment in 2019, and the ISS installation in 2021. As a first experiment, we developed a coronagraph without an occulter named with Diagnostic Coronagraph Experiment (DICE) for experiment for filter system and imaging sensor. We designed optics with a field of view from 2.5 to 15 solar radii. It has four filters approximately 400 nm and polarizer to measure speed and velocity of the solar corona. For the selection of filter or polarization angle, it has two mechanism parts; filter wheel assembly and a polarizer wheel assembly. Especially we used Core Flight System (CFS) platform which was developed by NASA, when we develop the coronagraph operation software. It provides us stability, reusability, and compatibility.Yang, Heesu;Cho, Kyungsuk;Bong, Suchan;Choi, Sunghwan;Kim, Jihun;Baek, Jihye;Park, Jongyeob 67.1
태양의 코로나를 관측하기 위한 코로나그래프의 가장 중요한 부분은 태양 원반으로부터의 빛을 차단하기 위한 차폐기다. 태양 원반 밝기의 1e-6 - 1e-10에 이르는 어두운 외부 코로나(>2Rs)를 관측하기 위해서는 외부차폐기에서 발생하는 회절광을 최소화 하는 것이 중요하다. 우리는 수치실험과 실험실 실험을 통해 원통형 차폐기의 성능을 조사하였다. 수치실험 결과 2.5Rs영역을 가리는 원통형 차폐기의 경우 0.4um의 파장대역에 대해서 그 벽면 각도가 0.39도일 때 차폐기에 의한 회절광이 1e-10Is로 최소가 되었다. 우리는 중국 산동대학교 암터널 실험실에서 시뮬레이션과 일치하는 실험결과를 얻었는데 그 회절광량은 이상적인 경우보다는 조금 더 밝은 1e-9Is 수준이었다. 1e-9Is의 회절광량은 일정 간격으로 배치된9장을 겹쳐놓은 차폐기의 이론적인 성능과 비슷한 값으로 외부차폐기/내부차폐기/리오트 스탑/리오트 스팟 등으로 복잡하고 긴 구조의 코로나그래프가 아닌 외부차폐기만을 이용한 짧은 광학계의 소형 코로나그래프로 외부 코로나 관측이 가능함을 보여준다.Bong, Su-Chan;Choi, Seonghwan;Kim, Jihun;Park, Jongyeob;Jang, Bi-Ho;Park, Young-Deuk;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Cho, Kyuhyoun;Chae, Jongchul 67.2
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) plans to develop a coronagraph to measure the coronal electron density, temperature, and speed using four different filters around 400 nm, where strong Fraunhofer lines from the photosphere are scattered by coronal electrons. During the total solar eclipse occurring on August 21 across USA, KASI will organize an expedition team to demonstrate the coronagraph measurement scheme and the instrumental technology. The observation site is in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA. We plan to build two coronagraphs without occulter to improve signal to noise ratio. In addition, images of white light corona, wide field background, and all sky are planned to be taken with DSLR cameras. We will present the preliminary results of the expedition.Bright rays are often observed after coronal mass ejections (CMEs) erupt. These rays are dynamical structures along which plasmas move outward. We investigated the outflows along the post-CME rays observed by the COR2 on board STEREO Behind on 2013 September 21 and 22. We tracked two CMEs, two ray tips, and seven blobs using the NAVE optical flow technique. As a result, we found that the departure times of blobs and ray tips from the optimally chosen starting height of 0.5$R{\odot}$ coincided with the occurrence times of the corresponding recurrent small flares within 10 minutes. These small flares took place many hours after the major flares. This result supports a magnetic reconnection origin of the outward flows along the post-CME ray and the importance of magnetic islands for understanding the process of magnetic reconnection. The total energy of magnetic reconnection maintaining the outflows for 40 hr is estimated at 1.4' 1030 erg. Further investigations of plasma outflows along post-CME rays will shed much light on the physical properties of magnetic reconnection occurring in the solar corona.According to structure formation simulations, weak shocks with typical Mach number, M<3, are expected to form in merging galaxy clusters. The presence of such shocks has been indicated by X-ray and radio observations of many merging clusters. In particular, diffuse radio sources known as radio relics could be explained by synchrotron-emitting electrons accelerated via diffusive shock acceleration (Fermi I) at quasi-perpendicular shocks. Here we also consider possible roles of stochastic acceleration (Fermi II) by compressive MHD turbulence downstream of the shock. Then we explore a puzzling discrepancy that for some radio relics, the shock Mach number inferred from the radio spectral index is substantially larger than that estimated from X-ray observations. This problem could be understood, if shock surfaces associated with radio relics consist of multiple shocks with different strengths. In that case, X-ray observations tend to pick up the part of shocks with lower Mach numbers and higher kinetic energy flux, while radio emissions come preferentially from the part of shocks with higher Mach numbers and higher cosmic ray (CR) production. We also show that the Fermi I reacceleration model with preexisting fossil electrons supplemented by Fermi II acceleration due to postshock turbulence could reproduce observed profiles of radio flux densities and integrated radio spectra of two giant radio relics. This study demonstrates the CR electrons can be accelerated at collisionless shocks in galaxy clusters just like supernova remnant shock in the interstellar medium and interplanetary shocks in the solar wind.Kim, Sang Hyuk;Yun, Yong-Hyun;Mihn, Byeong-Hee;Ham, Seon Young;Lee, Kyung Ha;Yoon, Dae-Sik;Choi, Go-Eun;Ki, Ho-Chul;Yoon, Myung-Kyoon 69.2
우리는 2016년 6월부터 세종시대 흠경각루 복원 프로젝트(사업명: 장영실 자동물시계 옥루의 전시융합콘텐츠 개발 및 활용 연구, 한국연구재단)를 진행하고 있다. 흠경각루는 세종대에 장영실이 제작한 보루각루의 제작(1434년)이후 4년여 만에 새롭게 제작(1438년)한 또 다른 자동물시계이다. 총 3년간의 연구를 통해 세종시대의 흠경각루('옥루'로도 부름)에 대한 상세 설계도면의 작성, 프로토타입(prototype) 제작, 전시융합콘텐츠와 과학교재 개발을 진행하게 된다. 현재 1차 년도 연구사업을 통해 내부구성에 따른 동력시스템에 대한 설계와 제작이 진행되었다. 물시계로부터 공급된 물이 수차를 움직이게 하고 회전 기륜을 작동시켜 각 층의 시보인형이 작동하는 동력을 발생시킨다. 가장 위층의 천륜은 혼천의를 구동시켜 태양의 일주운동 및 연주운동을 재현하여 보여주도록 했다. 향후 2차 년도의 연구를 통해 세부 시보인형에 대한 작동메커니즘을 실시설계하고, 흠경각루 외형에 해당되는 가산을 디자인하는 일들이 진행될 예정이다. 이 연구의 최종 단계에서는 흠경각루의 복원 모델을 제시하게 되며, 전시를 통한 체험 활동과 영상콘텐츠가 접목된 천문시계 전시물로 활용될 예정이다.음력은 양력과 함께 우리가 사용하고 있는 달력이다. 천문법은 양력인 그레고리력을 공식 달력으로 규정하는 한편 음력 또한 병행사용이 가능함을 명시하고 있다. 하지만 이 음력이 구체적으로 어떠한 방법으로 제정된 달력인지를 공식적으로 규정한 추가적인 근거는 있지 않다. 이 때문에 지금까지는 관습적으로 음력을 사용해왔다. 이에 국가 천문역법 업무를 수행하는 한국천문연구원에서는 최근 음력(태음태양력) 운용지침을 제정하고, 음력과 관련된 업무는 이 지침을 근거로 수행하고 있다. 이 발표에서는 음력의 생산과 공표절차와 같은 현재 우리나라의 음력 운용 체계를 소개하고, 음력 운용지침의 제정 배경과 절차, 그리고 상세내용을 설명하고자 한다.We reexamine the Goryeosa (History of the Goryeo Dynasty, A.D. 918-1392) account that Halley's Comet was seen during the daytime on September 9, 1222. To verify whether the referenced "daytime" refers to twilight or daylight (i.e., when the Sun is above horizon), we determine the absolute magnitude and heliocentric power-law exponent for Halley's Comet using observations made around the perihelion in 1986 and a formula considering the brightness enhancement by forward-scattering. We then apply the results to estimate the light curve of Halley's Comet in the 1222 event and find that the total visible magnitude could reach a maximum of -1.7 on September 8, one day before the Goryeosa's account. Therefore, we think that Halley's Comet with a coma of -1.7 mag and tail-length of about$20^{\circ}$ was actually observed during the day on September 9 because the observational conditions on that day were so good that Venus was visible in daylight. Furthermore, we think that the event might have been witnessed in the morning sky because the contents of Venus's culmination (occurred around September 9.07 TT) continue on the same day account.Transit event of exoplanet is a good example of observational studies with youth, because the event is geometrically simple and its analysis is essential to astronomical observation. Therefore, we developed the package of data reduction and aperture photometry in Python for educational purpose. In 27 July, we observed the transit event of TrES-3b with the students of "NYSC Space Science Club" program, and presented the Python package, PyPhotW for data reduction and aperture photometry. PyPhotW consists of simple functions for youth to understand the processes easier. Nonetheless, the photometric results of PyPhotW show a good agreement with those of Source Extractor,${\Delta}m{\sim}-0.01{\pm}0.03$ and$-0.04{\pm}0.08$ for TrES-3b and TrES-5b time-series observations in 27 - 28 July.맑은 날에도 엷은 상층운이나 난류의 방해로 관측 품질이 저해되는 등 천문 분야는 대기환경에 민감하나, 하층 대기 상태에 비중을 두는 동네예보만으로는 천문 분야의 기상정보에 대한 수요를 충족하기에는 한계가 있다. 이에 천문 관측 환경에 보다 특화된 별밤예보를 개발하여 천체 관측 가능성과 천문 관측 자료의 품질을 좌우하는 대기상태를 UM 국지모델 생산자료를 바탕으로 예보하고자 한다. 예보 요소는 하늘상태(운량), 시상(seeing), 투명도, 암도(darkness) 및 대기청명지수, 풍속, 기온, 습도이다. 대기청명지수는 일반인이 관찰하기 좋은지 여부를 한 눈에 알 수 있게 운량과 투명도, 암도를 종합한 지수로 10~100까지 10단계로 제공할 계획이다. 하늘상태와 풍속, 기온, 습도는$5{\times}5km$ 격자마다 제공되는 기상청 동네예보에서 천문대와 가장 가까운 격자의 예보치를 추출하였다. 시상은 대기의 난류 정도에 좌우된다. 그러나 충북의 고층기상 관측자료가 없어서, 시상 예보식을 만들기 위해 UM 국지모델에서 제공하는 각 등압면의 기온과 바람벡터로부터 정적 안정도(온위 경도)와 연직 바람시어를 유도한 뒤, 다중회귀분석으로 시상 예보식을 구하였다. 또한 대기청명지수는 청주기상지청에서 관측한 운량과 밤하늘 밝기 자료를 종속변수, 별의 개수를 독립변수로 하는 다중회귀예측식을 구하였다.Jang, Yeseul;Seo, Sehyuck;Jin, Sunho;Kim, MinYoung;Kim, Hyunji;Lee, Juhun;Park, Seunghyeon;choi, Woo rak;Kim, Hyunsik;Moon, Yong-Jae 71.1
WouldYouLike[우주라이크]는 2009년 천문학 전공 대학생들을 중심으로 탄생한 천문우주과학 대중화를 위해 활동하는 비영리 단체이다. 천문우주과학에 대한 정보를 얻기 힘든 사람들을 위해 쉽게 접할 수 있는 콘텐츠를 제작하여 이를 무료로 배포하고 있다. 2012년 무료 배포용 천문학 잡지 우주라이크 창간호를 시작으로 2017년 현재 11호까지 발간되었으며, 이 잡지는 전국 각지의 대학교 캠퍼스와 천문대 및 과학관의 협조를 통해 배포 중이다. 이러한 오프라인 활동과 더불어 SNS(인스타그램, 페이스북)와 홈페이지를 비롯해 현대인들에게 접근성이 높은 온라인 매체를 적극적으로 활용한 천문학 콘텐츠와 팟캐스트 등을 통해 대중에게 다가가고 있다. 특히 우주라이크 페이스북 페이지의 팔로워 수는 약 35,000명이며, 이는 한국천문연구원 페이스북 페이지의 약 6,000명보다 많은 수치이다. 이는 우주라이크 본연의 목적인 천문학 대중화에 우주라이크가 크게 기여하고 있음을 보여준다. 현재 우주라이크는 상기에 기술한 활동들과 함께 NASA에서 운영하는 APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day)의 한글판 서비스를 공식적으로 번역하여 제공하고 있다. 이 포스터는 국내에서 천문우주과학 대중화의 필요성을 역설하며, 이와 연계해서 우주라이크의 활동 내역과 현재 추진 중인 계획을 소개한다. 그리고 이에 대한 국내 천문학계의 다양한 목소리를 듣고 추후 활동에 반영하고자 한다.국립과천과학관은 상설전시관 외에 천체관측소, 천체투영관, 스페이스월드 등의 천문우주시설을 갖추고 있으며 이들 시설을 활용한 천문대중화 프로그램을 지속적으로 운영하고 있다. 그러나 학령인구 감소와 관람객의 요구수준 증대 및 계층의 다변화에 따라 더 이상 과학관 간의 경쟁이 아닌 문화센터, 놀이공원, 박물관 등 여러 유형의 놀이, 문화 시설과 경쟁해야 하는 현실에 직면하고 있다. 이로 인해 과학관을 방문하는 관람객수는 정체하거나 점차 줄어드는 추세를 보이고 있다. 따라서 일정한 수준의 관람객을 지속적으로 확보하기 위해서는 새로운 수요를 창출하는 것 못지않게 과학관 관람객층을 다변화하고 이들의 재방문율을 높이는 것이 중요하다. 2016년 1월부터 2017년 7월까지 국립과천과학관 천문우주시설의 비 상설 프로그램인 "공개관측회"와 "저자특강"에 참석한 관람객을 대상으로 재방문율 조사를 하였고 이를 이용해 관람객의 프로그램 참석 빈도, 특성, 고객충성도 등을 분석하였다. 충분한 표본 확보와 자료의 객관적인 분석을 위해 소수의 적극적인 관람객만 참여하는 설문조사 방식을 사용하지 않고 온라인에 등록된 모든 참석자의 목록을 추출하여 사용하였다. 조사기간 프로그램에 참여한 총 인원은 6,700명이었으며 2회 이상 방문을 한 관람객의 재방문율은 38.8%를 나타냈다. 총 4,755명이 참석했던 "공개관측회" 만을 대상으로 한 재방문율은 29.8%, 총 1,925명이 참석했던 "저자특강"만을 대상으로 한 재방문율 41.7%의 결과를 얻었다. 또한 두 프로그램을 모두 참석한 관람객은 전체 19.6%의 결과를 보였고 재방문자만을 대상으로 한 교차 프로그램 참석자의 비율은 50.4%를 나타냈다.Zeiss사에 의해 고안되어 제작된 최초의 근대식 천체투영기(Planetarium)는 1923년 독일박물관에 설치되었다. 세계 최초의 천체투영관은 큰 이목을 끌었고, 이 소식은 전세계로 전해져 유럽의 퍼지기 시작했고 1930년대에는 미국의 갑부들이 자기 도시에 천체투영관을 설립하였다. 우리나라는 재일동포 사업가 이현수에게 일본 GOTO사의 천체투영기를 기증받아 1967년 4월 29일 광화문 전화국 옥상에 최초의 천체투영관이 개관하였다. 이 투영기는 1970년 남산어린이회관으로 이전되었다가, 1975년 광진구에 있는 어린이회관으로 옮긴 후 2005년 퇴역하였다. 2017년은 천체투영관이 도입된 지 50주년이 해로, 2017년 10월 현재 우리나라에 88곳의 천체투영관이 운영중이며 연 200만명이 방문하는 중요한 천문교육시설이 되었다.국립청소년우주센터에서 캄보디아의 Xavier Jesuit School과 연계하여 지역 중등교사 18명을 대상으로 천문교육을 지원했다. 이번 교육지원은 한국천문학회 소속 천문교육프로그램지원단과 캄보디아와의 교류를 통해 이루어졌다. 2017년 4월 3일부터 7일까지 5일 동안 시간과 좌표, 간이 망원경 제작, 결상의 원리, 분광, 망원경의 조립과 분해 및 천체관측 등 천체관측과 관련된 내용을 위주로 교육을 진행하였다. 이번 천문교육을 계기로 지속적인 천문교육지원이 이뤄지길 바라며, 이를 통해 캄보디아를 비롯해 천문교육이 제대로 이루어지지 못하는 지역의 청소년이 우주에 관심을 가지고 자신의 꿈을 펼칠 수 있게 되길 기대한다.Energetic ionized gas outflows driven by active galactic nuclei (AGN) have been studied as a key phenomenon related to AGN feedback. To probe the kinematics of the gas in the narrow line region, [O III]${\lambda}5007$ has been utilized in a number of studies, showing non-virial kinematic properties due to AGN outflows. We statistically investigate whether the$H{\alpha}$ emission line is influenced by AGN driven outflows, by measuring the kinematic properties based on the$H{\alpha}$ line profile, and by comparing them with those of [O III]. Using the spatially integrated spectra of ~37,000 Type 2 AGNs at z < 0.3 selected from the SDSS DR7, we find a non-linear correlation between$H{\alpha}$ velocity dispersion and stellar velocity dispersion, which reveals the presence of the non-gravitational component, especially for AGNs with a wing component in$H{\alpha}$ . The large$H{\alpha}$ velocity dispersion and velocity shift of luminous AGNs are clear evidence of AGN outflow impacts on$H{\alpha}$ emitting gas, while relatively smaller kinematic properties compared to those of [O III] imply that the observed outflow effect on the$H{\alpha}$ line is weaker than the case of [O III].Kang, Jisu;Lee, Woong;Lee, Jeong Hwan;Yoo, Jaewon;Lee, Hye-Ran;Kim, Minbae;Gong, Intaek;Lee, Gwang-Ho 72.2
"We Love Galaxies" 워크샵은 국내 대학과 연구소에서 외부은하를 전공하는 대학원생들이 중심이 되어 진행하고 있는 학술 정기모임입니다. 2014년 여름부터 매 방학마다 워크샵을 개최하여 왔고, 지난 2017년 7월 17-19일에는 충남대학교 임해수련원에서 6번째 워크샵을 개최하였습니다. 2박 3일 동안 젊은 박사님들을 초청하여 천문학도로 살아가는 데에 도움이 되는 강연을 듣기도 하고, 포스터세션을 통해 서로의 연구 주제를 공유하고 활발히 토의하는 시간을 가졌습니다. 또한, 조별 토론을 통해 출판된 논문을 심사해보는 시간을 가져보았습니다. 본 포스터에서는 이번 워크샵의 성과와 참여 학생들의 피드백을 소개하고 앞으로의 계획에 대해 말씀드리고자 합니다.The spatial distribution of sub-halos in a large host halo is usually described as isotropic in the${\Lambda}CDM$ cosmology. Recent observations, however, show that satellite galaxies around massive galaxies are often located within a preferred plane. In order to understand the origin of such planar alignment, we investigate the spatial distribution of sub-halos around their hosts by using the hydrodynamic cosmological simulation, Illustris. In particular, we analyze the systems resembling the Milky Way (MW) and its satellites, i.e. consisting of MW-sized central galaxy and its at least 11 satellites. The result shows that ~10 % of MW-like systems have the anisotropic satellite galaxy distribution at z = 0. The satellites that are accreted more recently tend to form a flattened structure more frequently, indicating a link of satellite distribution to the surrounding environment. We discuss the physical origin of the anisotropic satellite distribution from the viewpoint of the${\Lambda}CDM$ paradigm.Reverberation mapping is one of the best way to investigate structure and kinematics of broad-line regions around central supermassive black holes of active galactic nuclei (AGN). It is usually used to estimate masses of supermassive black holes. So far, reverberation mapping studies have achieved good results for dozens of AGN by spectroscopic monitoring. However, spectroscopic monitoring is time consuming and high cost. Here, we present result of photometric reverberation mapping with medium-band observation. We monitored five nearby AGN which are already studied, have short time-lag, and show bright H-alpha emission lines. Observation has been performed for ~3 months with ~3 days cadence using three medium-band filters installed in LSGT (Lee Sang Gak Telescope). We found 0.01-0.06 magnitude variations by differential photometry. Also time-lags between continuum light-curves and H-alpha emission line light-curves are calculated using Javelin software. The result shows that our study and previous studies are consistent within uncertainty range. From verification of availability in this study, photometric reverberation mapping could be used as a powerful tool to measure central supermassive black holes for large samples and high-redshift AGN in the future.고적색편이의$Ly{\alpha}$ 방출은하($Ly{\alpha}$ emitter; LAE)는 UV 연속복사에 비해 강한$Ly{\alpha}$ 방출선을 내는 천체로서 매우 젊고, 낮은 금속함량을 가진 원시은하이다. LAE의 강한$Ly{\alpha}$ 방출선은 먼지가 매우 적기 때문에 소광이 거의 없이 은하에서 탈출하거나, 먼지의 국지적인 분포 때문에 나타나는 것으로 추정된다. 그러나 기존 전파관측 시설의 낮은 감도 때문에 LAE의 먼지성분은 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 우리는 Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA)에 의해 우연히 관측된 LAE을 찾아 먼지연속복사를 직접적으로 검출하는 시도를 해 보았다. COSMOS와 ECDFS 영역에서 발견된 약 954개의 LAE 중에서 총 38개가 ALMA로 관측된 영역에 우연히 위치한다는 것을 발견하였고, 이 중 18개의 LAE에 대해 ALMA 관측영상을 모두 더하는 방법(image stacking)을 이용하여, LAE에서 방출되는 먼지연속복사의 상한선을 결정하였다: S(0.50-0.67mm) <$63.2{\mu}Jy$ , S(0.21-0.38mm) <$46.7{\mu}Jy$ . 본 연구에서는 비록 직접적인 검출에는 실패하였으나, 주어진 LAE 샘플에 대한 ALMA archive 검색, 원자료 다운로드, 영상 만들기, 이미지 합침 과정을 자동화하는 Python 파이프라인을 완성하였다. 이 자동화된 과정을 이용하면, 앞으로 ALMA archive가 늘어남에 따라 감도가 높아진 실험을 쉽게 반복할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.Environment has a significant impact on the evolution of dark halo profiles. We used a cosmological N-body simulation based on WMAP5 cosmology to study environmental effects on halo profiles. Host haloes located in sparse regions are highly concentrated, and more massive haloes have higher concentration index. This is because mass accretion affects only the outer part of the halo and consequently increase the virial radius having no effect on the scale radius. Conversely, host haloes located in dense regions have low concentration index. This is because frequent mergers affect even the inner part of the halo. So, scale radius increases with the growth of virial radius. Evolutions of subhalo profiles are essentially different from those of host haloes because subhaloes undergo tidal stripping. The stripping begins once a subhalo approaches closer than ~3 virial radii of the host halo. During the stripping, the inner part of the subhalo keep following NFW profile, but the mass of the outer part gradually decreases. As a result, when the subhalo reaches the pericenter of its host, only about inner 30% of the subhalo follows the NFW profile.Baek, Junhyun;Chung, Aeree;Schawinski, Kevin;Oh, Kyuseok;Wong, Ivy;Ricci, Claudio;Koss, Michael;Mushotzky, Richard;Smith, Krista 73.4
We report preliminary results from our radio study of X-ray selected complete AGN sample in the Local Universe (z < 0.05), using the KVN/KaVA. The main goal is to probe the parsec-scale radio properties of the X-ray selected AGNs, which has not been done systematically before. The BASS (Burst Alert Telescope AGN spectroscopic survey) sample from the Swift-BAT hard X-ray all-sky survey is the least biased AGN sample against dense gas/torus obscurations compared to optically selected AGNs, providing ideal targets to study the general properties of local AGNs in radio wavelengths. Combining our radio data with BASS X-ray/optical measurements, we will probe the relations of radio powers with the fundamental quantities of black holes such as bolometric luminosity, black hole mass, and Eddington ratio. Using these relations, we will discuss our current understandings of how accretions and jets of local AGNs are linked together, and what they imply for the nature of our AGN sample.The two-halo conformity is that if a central galaxy in a dark matter halo is quenched in star formation, the central galaxies in other neighboring halos (within ~ 4 Mpc) even with no causal contact seem conformed to be quenched. The galactic similarity ranging far beyond the virial radius of each dark matter halo cannot be explained by known environmental effects (ram pressure, tidal interaction, etc.). Here, using a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation, we put forward new physical origins for the phenomenon; the back-splash galaxies scenario and the halo assembly bias scenario. We discuss the relative importance of the two explanations on a quantitative basis.Shin, Suhyun;Im, Myungshin;Kim, Yongjung;Hyun, Minhee;Jeon, Yiseul;Kim, Minjin;Kim, Dohyeong;Kim, Jae-Woo;Taak, Yoon Chan;Yoon, Yongmin;Choi, Changsu;Hong, Jueun;Jun, Hyunsung David;Karouzos, Marios;Kim, Duho;Kim, Ji Hoon;Lee, Seong-Kook;Pak, Soojong;Park, Won-Kee 74.2
Faint quasars are important to test the possibility that quasars are the main contributor to the cosmic reionization. However, it has been difficult to find faint quasars due to the lack of deep, wide-field imaging data. In this poster, we present our efforts to find faint quasars in the ELAIS-N1 field through the deep data (iAB ~ 25) obtained by the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Strategic Program survey. To select reliable quasar candidate, we also use the near-infrared (NIR) data of the Infrared Medium-deep Survey (IMS) and the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) - Deep Extragalactic Survey (DXS). Using multiple-band color cuts, we select high redshift quasar candidates. To confirm them as high redshift quasars, candidates are observed by the SED camera for QUasars in EArly uNiverse (SQUEAN) instrument in several medium band filters that can sample the redshifted Lyman break efficiency. The quasar sample will be used to study the growth of BH and stellar mass, the relation between the quasar activity and the host galaxy, and their contribution to the cosmic re-ionization.Considering the statistical redshift distribution of the known submillimeter galaxy (SMG) population, most of the significant optical emission lines such as [OII]${\lambda}3727$ ,$H{\beta}$ , [OIII]${\lambda}5007$ , and$H{\alpha}$ are redshifted into near-infrared. Using the 3D-HST grism data that provides low resolution NIR spectroscopy over the several deep fields covered by the JCMT large program S2CLS, I investigated the properties of the optical emission lines for submm galaxies which could be used as a proxy for future optical/NIR identification and follow up of the SMGs.Ram pressure due to the intracluster medium (ICM) is known to play a crucial role in removing the cool gas content of a galaxy on a short timescale, potentially driving a star forming galaxy to evolve into a red passive population. Although many HI imaging studies find clear evidence of diffuse atomic gas stripping from cluster galaxies, it is still debatable whether the ram pressure can also strip dense molecular gas. NGC 4522, a Virgo spiral, undergoing strong ram pressure stripping, is one of the few cases where extraplanar CO emission together with stripped HI gas and$H{\alpha}$ knots has been identified, providing an ideal laboratory to study the molecular gas stripping event and the extraplanar star formation activity. The aim of this work is to investigate the origin of extraplanar molecular clouds near NGC 4522 (e.g. stripped or forming in situ), and to probe a relation between the molecular gas surface density and the star formation rate (i.e. the Kennicutt-Schmidt law) at sub-kpc scale, especially in the extraplanar space, using ALMA Cycle 3 CO data and$H{\alpha}$ data of NGC 4522. We present the results from our ALMA observations, and discuss possible scenarios for the origin of extraplanar molecular clouds and to characterize the star formation activity associated with stripped gas outside the galactic disk.We Investigate dust stripping of Virgo cluster galaxies that are known to suffer HI gas stripping. The gas stripping phenomena of these galaxies may result from either ram pressure induced by the hot intracluster medium or gravitational tidal interactions between galaxies. While much efforts have been made to directly detect gas removed from cluster galaxies, the spatial distributions of dust, which should also be affected, are hardly known. Several previous studies have tried to directly detect the morphology of gas or dust using radio or infrared observations, but such approaches are hard to widely apply because of the limit of observational resolution and sensitivity. In this study, we try a different approach using optical data: measuring the background galaxy reddening by the dust stripped from the Virgo cluster members. Based on optical color excess maps of the background galaxies, we compare the ambient dust distribution with the HI morphology of the Virgo galaxies. We discuss how efficiently dust stripping can be detected with this method and how the stripped dust is associated with the removed gas according to HI gas stripping stage over the sample.We Investigate dust stripping of Virgo cluster galaxies that are known to suffer HI gas stripping. The gas stripping phenomena of these galaxies may result from either ram pressure induced by the hot intracluster medium or gravitational tidal interactions between galaxies. While much efforts have been made to directly detect gas removed from cluster galaxies, the spatial distributions of dust, which should also be affected, are hardly known. Several previous studies have tried to directly detect the morphology of gas or dust using radio or infrared observations, but such approaches are hard to widely apply because of the limit of observational resolution and sensitivity. In this study, we try a different approach using optical data: measuring the background galaxy reddening by the dust stripped from the Virgo cluster members. Based on optical color excess maps of the background galaxies, we compare the ambient dust distribution with the HI morphology of the Virgo galaxies. We discuss how efficiently dust stripping can be detected with this method and how the stripped dust is associated with the removed gas according to HI gas stripping stage over the sample.In cluster environments, most of the galaxies are found to be red and dead, but the origin of these passive galaxies is not yet clearly understood. Using a set of cosmological hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations, we study gas depletion process in and outside clusters. Our results are consistent with previous studies showing rapid stripping of a galactic cold gas reservoir during the first infall to the cluster center. Moreover, we found a fraction of galaxies that were already in the gas deficient state before reaching the cluster (i.e., pre-processed galaxies) is non-negligible. These findings lead to the idea that a complete understanding of passive galaxy population in clusters can not be achieved without a detailed understanding of gas stripping process in group size halos prior to the cluster infall.We present Subaru Near-Infrared (NIR) photometry for globular clusters (GCs) in the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4649 (M60) belonging to the Virgo cluster. NIR data are obtained in Ks-band with the Subaru/MOIRCS, and matching HST/ACS optical data available in literature are used to explore the origin of GC color bimodality. A clear bimodal color distribution is observed in the optical color (g-z), in which the ratio between blue and red GCs is 4:6. By contrast, the more metallicity-sensitive optical-NIR colors (g-Ks, z-Ks) show a considerably weakened bimodality in their distributions. The color-color relation of the optical and NIR colors for the GC system shows a nonlinear feature, supporting that the optical color bimodality observed in NGC 4649 GC system is caused by nonlinear color-metallicity relations (CMRs).We compare vertical profiles of the extraplanar$H{\alpha}$ emission to those of FUV and NUV emission for 39 nearby edge-on galaxies to investigate the origin of the extraplanar$H{\alpha}$ emission. A strong correlation between scale heights of the extraplanar$H{\alpha}$ and UV emissions is found. This may indicate that the diffuse extraplanar$H{\alpha}$ emission either co-exists with the extraplanar dust or originates from the similar mechanism as the diffuse extraplanar UV emission such as scattering of$H{\alpha}$ photons at diffuse extraplanar dust. The scale heights of the extraplanar$H{\alpha}$ and UV emissions are also compared with size, star formation rate, and star formation rate surface density of the host galaxies to figure out what is the most important parameter associated with the extraplanar emission.Cho, Wanjin;Woo, Jong-Hak;Son, Donghoon;Bae, Hyun-Jin;Jeon, Yiseul;Le, Huynh Anh;Park, Songyoun;Shin, Jaejin;Kim, Minjin;Park, Daeseong;Sung, Hyun-il;Gallo, Ellena;Hodges-Kluck, Edmund;Barth, Aaron;Treu, Tommaso;Malkan, Matt;Bennert, Vardha Nicola 76.4
We have been performing a long term AGN Monitoring project, to measure the time lag of H beta line with respect to AGN optical continuum based on the reverberation mapping method. From October 2015, 69 AGNs have been monitored with BVR band photometry, using the MDM 1.3m & 2.4m and LOAO 1m telescopes, and long-slit spectroscopy, using the Lick 3m and MDM 2.4m telescopes. In this poster, we report the preliminary results of the variability study of a subsample of 9 AGNs, particularly with a few of tentative time rag measurements between B band magnitude and H beta luminosity based on the 1st year data set from February 2016 - January 2017.Cho, Hojin;Woo, Jong-Hak;Son, Donghoon;Le, Huynh Anh;Bae, Hyun-Jin;Shin, Jaejin;Park, Songyoun;Cho, Wanjin;Hodges-Kluck, Edmund;Gallo, Ellena;Kim, Minjin;Park, Daeseong;Sung, Hyun-il;Kim, Taewoo;Kang, Wonseok 77.1
We present the preliminary results from our intensive monitoring campaign for measuring continuum and line variability of a low-mass Seyfert galaxy, NGC 4395, which host a smallest known AGN black hole in the reverberation mapping studies. We performed consecutive photometric observations during 5 nights in April 2017. Various telescopes in the world, including BOAO 1.8-m, NYSC 1-m, MDM 2.4-m, 1.3-m, etc, were dedicated for this campaign. Preliminary results show that the tentative time lag can be determined, which is approximately order of 1-2 hours.We investigate star formation activities of ~400 barred and unbarred faced-on late-type galaxies from the SDSS-IV MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO) IFU survey. We find the star formation activities in gas-poor, barred galaxies are considerably suppressed than gas-rich, barred galaxies, while there is no difference among unbarred galaxies regardless of their HI gas content. The gas-poor and barred galaxies show the steeper difference of gradient in metallicity and age with respect to the stellar mass than gas-rich or unbarred galaxies, in that their centre is more metal-rich and younger. The results suggest that, combined with the gas contents available, the bar structure plays a significant role in quenching star formation in a galaxy by transporting/mixing gas via gas inflow.We present some results of the spectral analysis for Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe in M101, which was discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory on August 24 2011 UT. We performed spectroscopic observations for SN 2011fe at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory with the high resolution echelle spectrograph BOES attached to 1.8-m reflector. Spectra of 18 epochs are obtained from September 6 2011 to April 1 2012 UT. Spectral feature variations for several significant lines and explosion mechanism will be discussed.The presence of double red clump (RC; metal-rich counterpart of horizontal-branch) in high latitude field of the Milky Way (MW) bulge is widely interpreted as evidence for an X-shaped structure originated from the bar instability. However, Lee et al. (2015) recently suggested an alternative model, according to which the double RC is metal-rich manifestation of multiple stellar population phenomenon observed in globular clusters (GCs). Here we show that stars in bright RC are enhanced in CN compared to those in faint RC from our low-resolution spectroscopy. CN traces N, and N-rich stars are also enhanced in Na and He in GCs. Since GCs are the only environment that produce second generation stars with enhanced N, Na, & He, this is a direct evidence that stars in the classical bulge component of the MW were mostly provided by proto-GCs.We present a noble method to determine BH mass of many AGNs directly through reverberation mapping using a small telescope with wide-field of view. In 2017 August we installed five medium-band filters to a 0.25m diameter$5deg^2$ FOV telescope at the McDonald observatory. The width of these filters (FWHM ~ 50nm) are matched to the broad line width of type-1 AGNs at various redshifts. From recently obtained data, about r ~ 19 magnitude AGNs can be detected in line component with 150s exposure. With this magnitude limit, about 20~30 AGNs can be studied in one field. We plan to carry out at one day cadence observation over 20~30 fields, enabling us to monitor up to ~1000 AGNs over a wide range of variability. This poster presents out plan and early results from test observation.Post-starburst (E+A) galaxies are thought to be in the green valley transition phase between star-forming blue galaxies and quiescent red galaxies. They are identified by their unusual spectra characterized by strong Balmer absorption lines and weak emission lines, indicating a period of starburst followed by abrupt quenching. However, the underlying mechanism that drives the formation of E+A galaxies still remains contradictory or inconclusive. Thus, in order to differentiate between the different formation scenarios of E+A galaxies, we perform a statistical analysis of the environments of E+A galaxies. We spectroscopically identify a large sample of post-starburst galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR7) using a selection criteria based on$H{\delta}$ equivalent width. We report our findings and discuss their implications in the context of post-starburst galaxy formation.The positions of galaxies in comoving Cartesian space varies under different cosmological parameter choices, inducing a redshift-dependent scaling in the galaxy distribution. The shape of the two-point correlation of galaxies exhibits a significant redshift evolution when the galaxy sample is analyzed under a cosmology differing from the true, simulated one. In our previous works, we can made use of this geometrical distortion to constrain the values of cosmological parameters governing the expansion history of the universe. This current work is a continuation of our previous works as a strategy to constrain cosmological parameters using redshift-invariant physical quantities. We now aim to understand the redshift evolution of the full shape of the small scale, anisotropic galaxy clustering and give a firmer theoretical footing to our previous works.Thermal inflation is an additional inflationary mechanism before the big bang nucleosynthesis, which solves the moduli problem and naturally provides a plausible dark matter candidate. Thermal inflation leaves a slight enhancement followed by huge suppression of a factor of ~50 in the curvature and matter power spectrum, which can be expressed in terms of a single characteristic scale$k_b$ . Here we describe the observability of the small-scale features of thermal inflation from various observations, such as CMB distortion, satellite galaxy abundance in the Milky-Way-sized galaxies, and 21-cm power spectrum before the epoch of reionization.The B-fields In STar-forming Region Observations (BISTRO) is the 3-year large program of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) using SCUBA-2 and POL-2, started in 2016. We aim to study the roles of magnetic fields in star formation by observing 16 fields of nearby star forming regions, e.g., Orion and Ophiuchus molecular clouds. The angular resolution and wavelength provided by JCMT (14 arcsecond at 850 micrometer) is ideal to investigate the intermediate scales of magnetic fields (1000-10000 au) associated in cold dense cores and filaments. This year, moreover, we were awarded JCMT time for additional 16 fields (BISTRO-2), which allows us to cover broader physical properties of star forming regions. We report the current status of BISTRO and introduce BISTRO-2.Kim, ShinYoung;Chung, Eun Jung;Lee, Chang Won;Myers, Philip C.;Caselli, Paola;Tafalla, Mario;Kim, Gwanjeong;Kim, Miryang;Soam, Archana;Gophinathan, Maheswar;Liu, Tie;Kim, Kyounghee;Kwon, Woojin;Kim, Jongsoo 79.2
To dynamically and chemically understand how filaments, dense cores, and stars form under different environments, we are conducting a systematic mapping survey of nearby molecular clouds using the TRAO 14 m telescope with high ($N_2H^+$ 1-0,$HCO^+$ 1-0, SO 32-21, and$NH_2D$ v=1-0) and low ($^{13}CO$ 1-0,$C^{18}O$ 1-0) density tracers. The goals of this survey are to obtain the velocity distribution of low dense filaments and their dense cores for the study of their origin of the formation, to understand whether the dense cores form from any radial accretion or inward motions toward dense cores from their surrounding filaments, and to study the chemical differentiation of the filaments and the dense cores. Until the 2017A season, the real OTF observation time is ~760 hours. We have almost completed mapping observation with four molecular lines ($^{13}CO$ 1-0,$C^{18}O$ 1-0,$N_2H^+$ 1-0, and$HCO^+$ 1-0) on the six regions of molecular clouds (L1251 of Cepheus, Perseus West, Polaris South, BISTRO region of Serpens, California, and Orion B). The cube data for$^3CO$ and$C^{18}O$ lines were obtained for a total of 6 targets, 57 tiles, 676 maps, and$7.1deg^2$ . And$N_2H^+$ and$HCO^+$ data were added for$2.2deg^2$ of dense regions. All OTF data were regridded to a cell size of 44 by 44 arcseconds. The$^{13}CO$ and$C^{18}O$ data show the RMS noise level of about (0.1-0.2) K and$N_2H^+$ and$HCO^+$ data show about (0.07-0.2) K at the velocity resolution of 0.06 km/s. Additional observations will be made on some regions that have not reached the noise level for analysis. To identify filaments, we are using and testing programs (DisPerSE, Dendrogram, FIVE) and visual inspection for 3D image of cube data. A basic analysis of the physical and chemical properties of each filament is underway.Yun, Hyeong-Sik;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Choi, Yunhee;Lee, Seokho;Baek, Giseon;Lee, Yong-Hee;Choi, Minho;Kang, Hyunwoo;Tatematsu, Ken'ichi;Offner, Stella S.R.;Gaches, Brandt A.L.;Heyer, Mark H.;Evans, Neal J. II;Yang, Yao-Lun 79.3
Molecular clouds are the sites of stellar birth. Turbulence is a natural phenomenon in molecular clouds, which largely determines the density and velocity fields. Additionally turbulent energy dissipation can affect the gas kinetic temperature via shocks. Turbulence thus controls the mode and tempo of star formation. However, despite its important role in star formation, the properties of turbulence remain poorly understood. As part of the Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory (TRAO) Key Science Program (KSP), "Mapping turbulent properties of star-forming molecular clouds down to the sonic scale (PI: Jeong-Eun Lee)", we have been mapping two star-forming clouds, the Orion A and the${\rho}$ Ophiuchus molecular clouds in 3 sets of lines (13CO 1-0/C18O 1-0, HCN 1-0/HCO+ 1-0, and CS 2-1/N2H+ 1-0) using the TRAO 14-m telescope. We apply a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which is an useful tool to represent turbulent power spectrum. We will present the preliminary results of our TRAO KSP toward two regions: OMC 1-4 in the Orion A cloud, and L1688 in the${\rho}$ Ophiuchus cloud.We present preliminary results of KVN single dish telescope observations of 80 dense cores in the Orion molecular cloud complex which contains the Orion A, B, and${\lambda}$ Orionis cloud. We investigate the behavior of the different molecular tracers and look for chemical variations of cores in the three clouds in order to systematically investigate the effects of stellar feedback. The most commonly detected molecular lines (with the detection rates higher than 50%) are N2H+, HCO+, H13CO+, C2H, HCN, and H2CO. The detection rates of dense gas tracers, N2H+, HCO+, H13CO+, and C2H show the lowest values in the${\lambda}$ Orionis cloud. We find difference between molecular D/H ratios and N2H+/H13CO+ abundance ratios towards different clouds, and between protostellar cores and starless cores. Eight starless cores in the Orion A and B clouds exhibit high deuterium fractionations, larger than 0.10, while in the${\lambda}$ Orionis cloud, no cores reveal the high ratio. These chemical properties could support that cores in the${\lambda}$ Orionis cloud are affected by the photo-dissociation and external heating from the nearby H II region, which is a hint of negative stellar feedback on core formation. The striking difference between the [N2H+]/[H13CO+] ratios leads us to suggest that there are significant evolutionary differences between the Orion A/B and${\lambda}$ Orionis clouds. In order to examine whether starless cores can be candidates of pre-stellar cores, we compared the core masses estimated from the 850 um emission to their Virial masses calculated from the N2H+ line data and find that most of them are not gravitationally bound in the three clouds.We present chemical and kinematic properties of the Milky Way's halo system investigated by carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars identified from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We first map out fractions of CEMP-no stars (those having no over-abundances of neutron-capture elements) and CEMP-s stars (those with over-enhancements of the s-process elements) in the inner- and outer-halo populations, separated by their spatial distribution of carbonicity ([C/Fe]). Among CEMP stars, the CEMP-no and CEMP-s objects are classified by different levels of absolute carbon abundances, A(C). We investigate characteristics of rotation velocity and orbital eccentric for these subclasses for each halo population. Any distinct kinematic features identified between the two categories in each halo region provide important clues on the origin of the dichotomy of the Galactic halo.Choi, Yunhee;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Green, Joel D.;Maret, Sebastien;Yang, Yau-Lun;Bergin, Edwin A.;Blake, Geoffrey A.;Boogert, Abraham. C.A.;Di Francesco, James;Evans, Neal J. II;Pontoppidan, Klaus M.;Sargent, Annelia I. 81.1
L1251B is an excellent example of a small group of pre- and protostellar objects in low-mass star-forming region. Previous interferometer data with a high angular resolution resolved the outflows associated with L1251B into a few components. To understand the physical conditions of the protostellar outflows in L1251B, we mapped this region spectroscopically with Spitzer/IRS and obtained spectral line data from Herschel/PACS. Spitzer/IRS provides the S(0)-S(7) pure rotational lines of H2 as well as fine-structure emissions produced in shocks such as S, [Si II], and [Fe II] and it is a powerful tool for studying shocked interstellar gas. In addition, [O I] lines observed with Herschel/PACS are described well by J-type shock models expected in the outflows from protostars. We will present an analysis of the L1251B protostellar outflow in the H2 pure rotational lines and fine-structure emissions.Polarized mid-infrared emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can provide a crucial test of basic physics of alignment of nanoparticles and opens a potential new window into studying magnetic fields. In this talk, I will present a new model of polarized PAH emission that takes into account the effect of PAH alignment with the magnetic field due to resonance paramagnetic relaxation. I will then present our predictions for the polarization level of the strong PAH emission features from the interstellar medium. I will present the first detection of polarization of PAH emission at 11.3micron which is consistent with our theoretical prediction. Finally, I will discuss important implications of this work for tracing magnetic fields via mid-IR PAH features and for constraining the polarization of anomalous microwave emission that is useful for the quest of CMB B-modes.In this paper, we report a small-scale emerging island and double arc loops, which are associated with a M6.5 flare, in Active Region 12371. We investigate the spatial and temporal changes of both photospheric magnetic fields using SDO/HMI data and coronal magnetic structures obtained from nonliner force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation. From the vector magnetograms, we find a small-scale emerging island near the main polarityy inversion line about three hours before the flare. The island has a strong shear angle, which is determined by difference between transverse component of observed field and potential field, of around 90 degrees. Furthermore, the NLFFF well reproduces a sigmoidal structure seen in SDO/AIA 94, which is consistent with the double arc loops configuration suggested by Ishiguro and Kusano (2017) who introduced a magnetic configuration showing the double arc instability. The observed emerging island is located among the double arc loops, which is also supproted by their model. Finally, there was an eruption (M6.5 flare) associated with the loops. We discuss a possible role of the double arc instability for the eruption.We investigate velocity oscillations in the active region plage by using the high-spatial, high-spectral and high-temporal resolution spectral data acquired by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). From the Mn I$2801.907{\AA}$ (lower chromosphere), C II (lower transition region) and Si IV (middle transition region) lines, we measure the line of sight Doppler velocity at different atmospheric layers, and present results of wavelet analysis of the plage region with a range of periods from 2 to 8 minutes. In addition, we present correlations of the oscillations from the lower chromosphere to the middle transition region. Finally, we will discuss the regional dependence of the oscillation properties on physical properties such as temperature and magnetic field inclination.After a coronal mass ejection occur, plasma blobs are often observed along the post-CME ray. Searching for features related to the plasma blobs would be important in understanding their origin. We investigated the morphology of solar flares at EUV wavelengths, around the estimated times when blobs were formed. We focused on three events - 2013 September 21 and 22, 2015 March 7 and 8, and 2017 July 13 and 14 - observed by Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO). Around the blob ejection times on 2013 September 21 and 22 and 2017 July 13 and14, we found regions with recurrent events of pronounced flux increase in EUV images. Around those of 2015 March 7 and 8, however, we could not observe such recurrent flux increase. This illustrates that even though blob ejections along different post-CME rays look similar in the high corona, the assocated features in the low corona may differ. We conclude that magnetic morphology and CME triggering process should be carefully examined in order to classify plasma blobs by their nature.BACH, Yoonsoo P.;YANG, Hongu;KWON, Yuna G.;LEE, Subin;KIM, Myung-Jin;CHOI, Young-Jun;Park, Jintae;ISHIGURO, Masateru;Moon, Hong-Kyu 82.2
Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) is one of powerful tools for investigating primordial objects in the inner solar system in that it covers a large area of the sky ($2{\times}2$ degree2) with a high observational cadence. The Deep Ecliptic Patrol of the Southern sky (DEEP-South) survey has been scanning the southern sky using KMTNet for non-bulge time (45 full nights per year) [1] since 2015 for examining color, albedo, rotation, and shape of the solar system bodies. Since 2017 January, we have launched a new collaborative group between Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and Seoul National University (SNU) with support from KASI to reinforce mutual collaboration among these institutes and further to enhance human resources development by utilizing the KMTNet/DEEP-South data. In particular, we focus on the detection of comets and asteroids spontaneously scanned in the DEEP-South for (1) investigating the secular changes in comet's activities and (2) analyzing precovery and recovery images of objects in the NASA's NEOWISE survey region. In this presentation, we will describe our scientific objectives and current status on using KMTNet data, which includes updating the accuracy of the world coordinate system (WCS) information, finding algorithm of solar system bodies in the image, and doing non-sidereal photometry.We investigate the relationships between the peak fluxes of 18 solar energetic particle (SEP) events and associated coronal mass ejection (CME) 3D parameters (speed, angular width, and separation angle) obtained from SOHO, STEREO-A and/or B for the period from 2010 August to 2013 June. We apply the STEREO CME Analysis Tool (StereoCAT) to the SEP-associated CMEs to obtain 3D speeds and 3D angular widths. The separation angles are determined as the longitudinal angle between flaring regions and magnetic footpoints of the spacecraft, which are calculated by the assumption of Parker spiral field. The main results are as follows. 1) We find that the dependence of the SEP peak fluxes on CME 3D speed from multi-spacecraft is similar to that on 2D CME speed. 2) There is a positive correlation between SEP peak flux and 3D angular width from multi-spacecraft, which is much more evident than the relationship between SEP peak flux and 2D angular width. 3) There is a noticeable anti-correlation (r=-0.62) between SEP peak flux and separation angle. 4) The multiple regression method between SEP peak fluxes and CME parameters shows that the longitudinal separation angle is the most important parameter, and the CME 3D speed is secondary on SEP peak flux.SDO/AIA와 STEREO/EUVI 두 태양 관측 위성의 193 파장에서의 실시간 영상 이미지를 이용하여 Stonyhurst Heliographic Map을 작성하고 각각의 위성 데이터 분석으로부터 얻어진 결과들을 종합적으로 재구성하여 태양 전면 및 후면의 활동 영역들을 동시에 표출하는 태양 활동성 지도 (Solar Activity Monitoring Map)를 작성하는 프로그램을 제작하였다. 태양 활동성 지도를 이용하여 태양 후면에서의 극자외선 밝기 분포를 경도에 따라 등간격으로 나눈 후 각 지역에서 얻은 극자외선량을 실시간으로 갱신하며 그래프를 작성하는 프로그램도 함께 제작하고 그로부터 태양 후면 영역의 활동성이 향후 지구에 어떠한 방식으로 영향을 미칠 것인지 사전에 예측 가능하도록 하였다. 또한 태양 후면에서 발생하는 활동 영역 (Active Region) 및 코로나홀들을 자동적으로 탐지한 후 실시간으로 변화 정도를 추적 및 기록하는 프로그램도 제작하였다. 태양 활동성 지도는 193 파장에서 뿐만 아니라 두 위성이 공유하는 세 개의 동일 혹은 유사한 파장대 (171,211,304)에서 얻어진 데이터들도 함께 이용하여 각 파장대에서 독립적으로 작성하였는데 이로 인해 각각의 에너지 영역의 특성에 해당하는 태양 활동성을 동시에 표출하는 것이 가능하게 되었다. 이러한 프로그램을 이용하여 태양 후면에서의 활동 영역의 발생 및 변화를 사전에 인식하고 그들이 태양 전면으로 나타나기 전에 대비할 수 있는 예보 장치가 마련되었다. 본 연구들과 더불어 극자외선 영역에서의 태양 활동성 조사로부터 플레어의 발생을 예측할 수 있을 것인지의 가능성 여부를 타진하기 위해 과거 극자외선 관측에서 얻어진 활동 영역들의 데이터와 연 X-선 관측으로부터 기록된 플레어 발생 여부의 상관관계를 조사하는 연구가 현재 진행 중이다. 이러한 연구로부터 긍정적인 결과가 도출되는 경우 극자외선 영역에서의 관측 데이터를 이용하여 플레어 발생 가능성을 예측하는 새로운 방법을 제시하는 것이 가능해질 것이다.We report observations of light bridge (LB) jets taken with the New Solar Telescope. Jets as dark, fine threads occurred lined along both edges of a LB of a sunspot, which is a bright and elongated structure that divides a sunspot's umbra into two or more parts. This LB jets are observed for about three hours with$H{\alpha}$ filtergraph at${\pm}0.4{\AA}$ ,${\pm}0.8{\AA}$ from the line center, TiO filtergraph, and near infra-red imaging spectropolarimeter (NIRIS). High resolution$H{\alpha}$ data revealed that subsequent ejection of LB jets were associated with subsequent brightening along the edge of the LB. Also, this subsequent brightening was spatially correlated with both photospheric flow and magnetic field change detected from the TiO and NIRIS data, respectively. Preliminary results of LB jet observation and discussions on its formation mechanism will be presented.On 2016 April$13^{th}$ the Jovian satellite Ganymede occulted a$7^{th}$ magnitude star. The predicted occultation track (occultation shadow) crossed the Northern Pacific Ocean, Japan, and South Korea. Hence, it was a very favorable event due to the star brightness in order to be accessible for small-aperture telescopes as well. While no other similar event is expected for the next 10 years, only two occultation events are reported in the literature in the past, from Earth in 1972 and from Voyager, in large disagreement in respect to the atmospheric detection. However, evidence of an exosphere around Ganymede was inferred through H Lyman alpha emission detected by Galileo UVS, through HST/GHRS detection of far-UV atomic O airglow emissions, signature of dissociated molecular oxygen. We organized a short-notice international coordinated occultation monitoring network with the aim to search for a signature of Ganymede's exosphere in the occultation light-curve by using facilities on Mauna Kea (NASA-IRTF) and Sobaeksan Optical Astronomy Observatory (SOAO) in South Korea.Kang, Gungwon;Ahn, Sang-Hyeon;Bae, Yeong-Bok;Kim, Chunglee;Kim, Whansun;Oh, John J.;Oh, Sang Hoon;Park, Chan;Son, Edwin J.;Jeong, Minjoong;Norton, Ronald S.;Paik, Ho Jung 84.1
SLGT (Superconducting Low-frequency Gravitational-wave Telescope) platform has three arms whose ends support six superconducting test masses. Therefore, any motion of the platform could cause noises on measuring the displacements of test masses which contain the effect of gravitational waves passing by. Thermal motions of the platform are the main noise source, and are related to resonant motions of the platform structure. We briefly report preliminary results of nodal analysis in finite element method performed for various platform configurations including 2-m, 30-m, 50-m and 100-m arm lengths. Platform designs giving resonant frequencies outside of the signal bandwidth (e.g., 0.1~10 Hz) have been identified.Oh, John J.;Ahn, Sang-Hyeon;Bae, Yeong-Bok;Kang, Gungwon;Kim, Chunglee;Kim, Whansun;Oh, Sang Hoon;Park, Chan;Son, Edwin J.;Harms, Jan;Paik, Ho Jung;Lee, Yong Ho 84.2
The pilot study of SLGT (Superconducting Low-frequency Gravitational-wave Telescope) is being performed by KKN (KASI-KISTI-NIMS) collaboration. Among environmental noise sources, Newtonian noise (NN) is one of the most challenging obstacles in order to achieve a good sensitivity in low frequency below 10Hz for terrestrial gravitational wave (GW) detectors. So we should mitigate them for operating the SLGT to detect GWs on the ground. In this poster, we discuss the NNs and its mitigation for SLGT.Kim, Jihun;Choi, Seonghwan;Park, Jongyeob;Bong, Su-Chan;Jang, Bi-Ho;Park, Sung-Joon;Yang, Heesu;Park, Young-Deuk;Cho, Kyungsuk 84.3
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) has been developing the Camera System for the Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) observation. In 2016 we have assembled a simple camera system consisting of a commercial camera lens, a polarizer, bandpass filters, and a Canon camera to observe the solar corona during the Total Solar Eclipse in Indonesia. For 2017 TSE observation, we have studied and adapted the compact coronagraph design proposed by NASA. The compact coronagraph design dramatically reduces the volume and weight, and used for TSE observation. The camera is used to test and verify key components including function of bandpass filter, polarizer, and CCD during observing the Total Solar Eclipse. In this poster we focus on optical engineering works including designing, analyzing, testing, and building for the TSE observation.Park, Jongyeob;Choi, Seonghwan;Kim, Jihun;Jang, Be-ho;Bong, Su-Chan;Baek, Ji-Hye;Yang, Heesu;Park, Young-Deuk;Cho, Kyung-Suk 85.1
We develop a coronagraph to measure the coronal electron density, temperature, and speed by observing the linearly polarized brightness of solar corona with 4 different wavelengths. Through the total solar eclipse on 21 August 2017, we test an operating software of a prototype coronagraph working with two sub-systems of two motorized filter wheels and a CCD camera that are controlled by a portable embedded computer. A Core Flight System (CFS) is a reusable software framework and set of reusable software applications which take advantage of a rich heritage of successful space mission of NASA. We use the CFS software framework to develop the operating software that can control the two sub-systems asynchronously in an observation scenario and communicate with a remote computer about commands, housekeeping data through Ethernet. The software works successfully and obtains about 160 images of 12 filter sets (4 bandpass filters and 3 polarization angles) during the total phase of the total solar eclipse. For the future, we can improve the software reliability by testing the software with a sufficient number of test cases using a testing framework COSMOS. The software will be integrated into the coronagraph for balloon-borne experiments in 2019.Lee, Jae-Ok;Lee, Kyung-Sun;Lee, Jin-Yi;Jang, Soojeong;Kim, Rok-Soon;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Moon, Yong-Jae 85.2
The coronal electron density is a fundamental and important physical quantity in solar physics for estimating coronal magnetic fields and analyzing solar radio bursts. To check a validation of coronal electron density distributions (CEDDs) from polarized brightness (pB) measurements with Van de Hulst inversions, we compare CEDDs derived from a polarized brightness (pB) observation [MLSO/MK4 coronameter] and one spectroscopic observation [SOHO/UVCS]. For this, we consider data observed in 2005 with the following conditions: (1) the observation time differences from each other are less than 1 minutes; and (2) O VI doublet (O VI$1031.9{\AA}$ and$1037.6{\AA}$ ) is well identified. In the pB observation, the CEDDs can be estimated by using Van de Hulst inversion methods. In the spectroscopic observation, we use the ratio of radiative and collisional components of the O VI doublet to estimate the CEDDs. We find that the CEDDs obtained from pB measurements are higher than those based on UVCS observations at the heights between 1.6 and 1.8 Rs (${\times}1.9$ for coronal streamer, 1.2 ~ 1.8 for background corona, and 1.5 for coronal hole), while they are lower than those based on UVCS at the heights between 1.9 and 2.6 Rs (${\times}0.1{\sim}0.6$ for coronal streamer, 0.5 ~ 0.7 for background corona, and 0.6 for coronal hole). The CEDDs of coronal streamers are higher than those of background corona at the between 1.6 and 2.0 Rs:${\times}1.2{\sim}2.4$ for MK4 and 1.5 ~ 1.9 for UVCS.We have developed a methodology to determine the coronal electron temperature and solar wind speed using a four filter coronagraph system. The method developed so far have been applied to total eclipse observation and have yielded plausible results. The current methodology starts from the assumption that 1) coronal free electrons are isothermal and 2) coronal free electrons have spherically symmetric distrubution. However, the actual solar corona differs significantly from the two assumptions above. The coronal electron density is not spherically symmetric due to streamers, plumes, and coronal loops, and the electron temperature is also expected to increase rapidly with distance from the sun. We will discuss how to determine the temperature and wind speed of the corona in the case of corona with thermal structures and non-spherical symmetric electron density.오리온 성운은 지구와 매우 가까이에 있고, 무거운 별이 포함된 성단과 성운이 밀접하게 연관되어 있어, 오리온 성운 성단은 가장 많이 연구된 천체 중 하나이다. 1993년 HST를 이용한 오리온 성운 성단의 관측으로 나이가 어린별을 둘러싼 물질의 실루엣을 처음으로 보았다. 이후 이러한 천체를 원시행성계원반(protoplanetary disk, Proplyd)이라 불렀으며, 그 형태와 구조, 물리적 과정에 대해 꾸준히 연구가 진행되고 있다. 이 연구에서는 지상관측에서 얻은 UBVI 및 Ha 측광 자료와 원시행성계원반을 상호 동정하고, 원시행성계원반의 형태학적 특징과 측광인자의 관련성을 조사하였다. 또한 Spitzer 중적외선 자료와 Natta et al.(2004)의 근적외선 자료를 통합하여, 현재 사용되고 있는 자외선 초과와 근적외선 방출선을 이용한 질량 강착률 등의 해석에서 주의해야 할 천체들이 있다는 것을 발견했다.Blue stragglers (BSs) are the objects that are brighter and bluer than the stars at main-sequence turn-off point. In this study, we present the Ca-by and VI photometry for Galactic dwarf spheroidal galaxies using Subaru/Suprime-Cam and investigate the spatial distribution characteristics of BS stars using the hk index as a photometric metallicity indicator. We compare the cumulative radial distribution of the BS stars with those of two groups of red-giant-branch (RGB) stars divided by the hk-index strength, and find that the spatial distribution of all BS stars is closer to that of hk-weak (i.e. metal-poor) RGB stars. We also find that the hk-strong BS stars are more centrally concentrated than the hk-weak ones. We will discuss the use of hk-index as a metallicity indicator for the hot BS stars and suggest possible explanations for the results in terms of the origin of BS stars in the dwarf gal.2개의 케플러 접촉쌍성인 KIC 8804824와 KIC 10229723의 초정밀 측광 자료를 가장 최신 버전의 윌슨-디비니 코드로 분석하여 정밀한 측광 해를 산출하고, 그 잔차들을 매우 자세하게 조사하였다. 두 개의 케플러 접촉 쌍성은 제2식이 편평한 광도곡선을 가지고 있어, 이 두 쌍성은 W UMa형 A sub-group에 속한다. 또한, 광도곡선의 모양이 매우 대칭이며, 시간에 따른 변화가 크지 않다. 두 별의 측광 해를 살펴 본 결과, 두 별은 모두 주성의 온도가 부성의 온도보다 높고, 0.2보다 작은 극단적인 질량비와 90도에 거의 가까운 궤도경사각을 갖고 있다. 무엇보다도, 두 별의 측광 해의 잔차에서 공통적으로 전 위상에 걸쳐 모형화 되지 않은 특이한 구조를 발견하였다. 이 구조는 phase smearing 효과를 고려하더라도 그 구조의 모습만이 약간 달라질 뿐, 구조의 진폭에는 크게 영향을 미치지 않는 것을 발견하였다. 흥미롭게도 이 현상은 두 별의 주기가 각각 다름에도 불구하고 공통적으로 나타나며, 관측된 전 쿼터에 대해 나타난다. 이 현상의 가능한 원인에 대해 논의한다.Symbiotic stars are binary systems composed of a hot white dwarf and a mass losing giant. Many symbiotic stars are known to exhibit broad wings around Balmer emission line. We show high resolution spectra of S-type symbiotic stars, Z Andromedae and AG Draconis, obtained with the ESPaDOnS and the 3.6 m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, in which we find prominent broad wings around Balmer lines. We adopt Monte-Carlo technique to consider two types of wing formation mechanisms, which are Thomson scattering by free electron in H II region and Raman scattering by atomic hydrogen in H I region. We find that Thomson wings of$H{\alpha}$ and$H{\beta}$ have the same widths in the Doppler space due to the cross section independent of wavelength. In contrast, Raman$H{\alpha}$ wings are 3 times broader widths than$H{\beta}$ counterparts, which is attributed to the different cross sections and branching ratios. Our CFHT data show that$H{\alpha}$ wings of Z Andromedae and AG Draconis are broader than$H{\beta}$ wings, lending strong support to the Raman scattering origin of Balmer wings in these objects.We present preliminary results of elemental abundances of six ultra-metal poor (UMP; [Fe/H] < -4.0) stars derived from high-resolution spectra obtained by Gemini/GRACES. The UMP candidates were selected for the high-resolution follow-up from the low-resolution spectra of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We investigate possible progenitors of the UMP objects by comparing the measured abundance patterns with yields that various supernova models predict. Our results can provide stringent constraints on the mass range of the first generation of stars, which are the progenitors of the UMP objects.RR~Telescopii is a symbiotic nova exhibiting accretion activities through gravitational capture of the slow stellar wind from a Mira variable. We present high resolution spectra of RR~Tel obtained with MIKE and the 6.5 m Magellan-Clay telescope, in which we find broad features with FWHM exceeding$10{\AA}$ at 6545, 6825, 7082, 7023 and$7053{\AA}$ . They are formed through Raman-scattering with atomic hydrogen of far-UV He II 1025, O~VI 1032,$1038{\AA}$ and C II 1036 and$1037{\AA}$ . We compute the Raman conversion efficiencies using the case B recombination theory for He II emissions, which are used in turn to infer the intrinsic line luminosities of O VI and C II. The Raman O~VI features are characterized by double-peaked profiles with a peak separation ~ 60km/s, pointing out the presence of an accretion disk with a physical size of ~ sub AU. In contrast, Raman C II features exhibit profiles with a simple peak and a narrower width ~40 km/s, indicating that C II is formed in a much more extended region. The weak C II multiplet at 1335,$1336{\AA}$ found in the IUE spectral archive and the absence of C II 1036,$1037{\AA}$ in the FUSE archive show that far-UV C II lines suffer heavy interstellar extinction consistent with the distance of ~ 2.5 kpc to RR Tel.Moon, Bongkon;Ko, Kyeongyeon;Lee, Duk-Hang;Jeong, Woong-seob;Park, Sung-Joon;Lee, Dae-Hee;Pyo, Jeonghyun;Park, Won-Kee;Kim, Il-Joong;Park, Youngsik;Kim, Mingyu;Nam, Ukwon;Kim, Minjin;Ko, Jongwan;Im, Myungshin;Lee, Hyung Mok;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Shin, Goo-Hwan;Chae, Jangsoo;Matsumoto, Toshio 87.3
한국천문연구원은 차세대소형위성 1호의 근적외선 영상분광기 NISS (Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Star formation history) 탑재체를 개발하여 2017년 6월 30일에 최종 비행모델을 납품하였고, 이 발표는 탑재체 NISS 구조체의 비행모델 개발 결과를 보고한다. NISS는 0.9 - 2.5um (R~20) 근적외선 파장에서 관측을 해야 하기 때문에, 구조체의 배경잡음을 없애기 위해서 200K까지 passive cooling으로 냉각되며, H2RG 검출기는 소형 냉동기에 의해 약 88K에서 운영된다. NISS 구조체의 passive cooling을 효율적으로 수행하기 위해서 방열판, Kevlar 지지대, MLI, 표면제어용 필름 등을 조립하였고, 실제 지상 시험을 통해서 그 성능을 확인하였다. NISS 구조체는 최종 시스템 조립 과정에서 전자부 하네스 조립을 함께 수행했으며, 온도 모니터링 센서를 부착하고 소형 냉동기 피드백 온도를 반복 시험을 통해서 결정하였다. NISS 구조체는 미러 및 렌즈를 지지하는 광기계부를 함께 포함하기 때문에 발사 및 우주환경에서 광학 성능을 유지하기 위한 설계를 거쳐서 제작 되었으며, 최종 시스템 검교정 시험, 진동 및 열진공 시험을 통해서 그 성능을 확인하였다. NISS를 탑재한 차세대소형위성 1호는 2018년 상반기에 미국의 Falcon 9 발사체에 실려서 발사될 예정이다.Park, Woojin;Pak, Soojong;Chang, Seunghyuk;Kim, Sanghyuk;Kim, Dae Wook;Lee, Hanshin;Lee, Kwangjo 88.1
We report a novel design of the "linear astigmatism-free" three mirror system (LAF-TMS). In general, the linear astigmatism is one of the most dominant aberration degrading image qualities in common off-axis systems. The proposed LAF-TMS is based on a confocal off-axis three mirror system, where higher order aberrations are minimized via our numerical optimization. The system comprises three pieces of aluminum-alloy freeform mirrors that are feasible to be fabricated with current single-point diamond turning (SPDT) machining technology. The surface figures, dimensions, and positions of mirrors are carefully optimized for a LAF performance. For higher precision-positioning mechanism, we also included alignment parts: shims (for tilting) and L-brackets (for decentering). Any possible mechanical deformation due to assembly process as well as 1-G gravity, and its influence on optical performances of the system are investigated via the finite element (FE) analysis. The LAF-TMS has low f-number and a wide field of view, which is promising for sky monitoring programs such as supernova surveys.Jung, Taehyun;Byun, Do-Young;Kim, Hyun Goo;Mihn, Young Chol;Cho, Se-Hyung;Lee, Sang-Sung;Sohn, Bong Won;Kim, Kee-Tae;Wi, Seog-Oh;Han, Seog-Tae 88.2
한국우주전파관측망(KVN: Korean VLBI Network)은 서울, 울산, 제주에 직경 21m 전파망원경 3기로 이루어진 우리나라 최초의 초장기선 전파간섭계(VLBI: Very Long Baseline Interferometry)이다. KVN은 밀리미터 파장의 22, 43, 86, 129 GHz 대역을 동시에 관측할 수 있는 수신시스템을 이용하여 독보적인 다파장 관측연구를 진행해오고 있으며, 뛰어난 위상보정 성능을 바탕으로 기존의 밀리미터 대역에서 검출되지 않았던 많은 천체들을 검출하고 있다. 하지만, KVN 3기 VLBI 관측으로부터 얻어지는 천체의 합성영상(synthesized image)은 초미세구조에서 발생하는 물리 기작을 연구하기에는 큰 한계를 지닌다. KVN을 활용한 연구 성과를 극대화하기 위한 최적의 방안을 도출하기 위하여, KVN 확장 기획연구를 진행하고 있다. 본 연구는 KVN 확장시 예상되는 성능을 분석하고, 영상 성능을 극대화하기 위한 최적의 사이트 조건을 알아본다.We present our experiences with open-source NoSQL database systems in analyzing spatial and temporal astronomical data. We conduct experiments of using Redis in-memory NoSQL database system by modifying and exploiting its support of geohash for astronmical spatial data. Our experiment focuses on performance, cost, difficulty, and scalability of the database system. We also test OpenTSDB as a possible NoSQL database system to process astronomical time-series data. Our experiments include ingesting, indexing, and querying millions or billions of astronomical time-series measurements. We choose our KMTNet data and the public VVV (VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea) catalogs as test data. We discuss issues in using these NoSQL database systems in astronomy.In this poster, we present standard calibration processes and results for photometry of$H-{\alpha}$ filter using broadband filters. We took data from a night in stable weather condition. And we derived parameters for band pass calibration including color terms. The corrected photometry results from broadband filters like V and R filters showed high correlation enough to replace instrumental$H-{\alpha}$ magnitude. We plan to extend these standardizing processes to another narrowband filters and flux calibration of narrowband filters from photometry of PNe.Jin, Ho;Kim, Khan-Hyuck;Son, Derac;Lee, Seongwhan;Lee, Hyojeong;Lee, Jung-Kyu;Lee, Mangyu;Lee, Seungah;Shin, Jehyuck;Garrick-Bethell, Ian 89.2
Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) is a first Korean Lunar exploration mission. KPLO is equipped with four payloads in Korea and one payload in United States. KMAG is one of Korean payloads to measure the Moon's magnetic field. Moon has a no dipole magnetic field such as earth's global magnetic field. But there are many curious crustal magnetic anomalies. these features still do not well understood. This is a main scientific objective of KMAG payload and the study of space environment around moon is a second objective. KMAG has three magnetometers which are mounted in the edge of the 1.2 meter boom. This paper shows a KMAG's requirements, instrument description, and a preliminary function test results.Recent interferometric observations toward embedded protostellar systems show a clear offset between the emission peaks of N2D+ and N2H+. However, the chemical model that con-siders solely freeze-out and desorption from the dust grains could not reproduce the ob-servations. This difference between two spe-cies in the depletion zone might be caused by the reduction of the deuterated molecules, due to the reactions on grain surfaces. We present that the abundance offset between N2H+ and N2D+ can be explained if the chemi-cal model includes the surface chemistry, especially for the deuterated.
- 본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나 그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며, 이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
- [게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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- 제 1 조 (목적) 이 이용약관은 KoreaScience 홈페이지(이하 “당 사이트”)에서 제공하는 인터넷 서비스(이하 '서비스')의 가입조건 및 이용에 관한 제반 사항과 기타 필요한 사항을 구체적으로 규정함을 목적으로 합니다.
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- 제 5 조 (이용계약의 성립 등) ① 이용계약은 이용고객이 당 사이트가 정한 약관에 「동의합니다」를 선택하고, 당 사이트가 정한 온라인신청양식을 작성하여 서비스 이용을 신청한 후, 당 사이트가 이를 승낙함으로써 성립합니다. ② 제1항의 승낙은 당 사이트가 제공하는 과학기술정보검색, 맞춤정보, 서지정보 등 다른 서비스의 이용승낙을 포함합니다.
- 제 6 조 (회원가입) 서비스를 이용하고자 하는 고객은 당 사이트에서 정한 회원가입양식에 개인정보를 기재하여 가입을 하여야 합니다.
- 제 7 조 (개인정보의 보호 및 사용) 당 사이트는 관계법령이 정하는 바에 따라 회원 등록정보를 포함한 회원의 개인정보를 보호하기 위해 노력합니다. 회원 개인정보의 보호 및 사용에 대해서는 관련법령 및 당 사이트의 개인정보 보호정책이 적용됩니다.
- 제 8 조 (이용 신청의 승낙과 제한) ① 당 사이트는 제6조의 규정에 의한 이용신청고객에 대하여 서비스 이용을 승낙합니다. ② 당 사이트는 아래사항에 해당하는 경우에 대해서 승낙하지 아니 합니다. - 이용계약 신청서의 내용을 허위로 기재한 경우 - 기타 규정한 제반사항을 위반하며 신청하는 경우
- 제 9 조 (회원 ID 부여 및 변경 등) ① 당 사이트는 이용고객에 대하여 약관에 정하는 바에 따라 자신이 선정한 회원 ID를 부여합니다. ② 회원 ID는 원칙적으로 변경이 불가하며 부득이한 사유로 인하여 변경 하고자 하는 경우에는 해당 ID를 해지하고 재가입해야 합니다. ③ 기타 회원 개인정보 관리 및 변경 등에 관한 사항은 서비스별 안내에 정하는 바에 의합니다.
제 3 장 계약 당사자의 의무
- 제 10 조 (KISTI의 의무) ① 당 사이트는 이용고객이 희망한 서비스 제공 개시일에 특별한 사정이 없는 한 서비스를 이용할 수 있도록 하여야 합니다. ② 당 사이트는 개인정보 보호를 위해 보안시스템을 구축하며 개인정보 보호정책을 공시하고 준수합니다. ③ 당 사이트는 회원으로부터 제기되는 의견이나 불만이 정당하다고 객관적으로 인정될 경우에는 적절한 절차를 거쳐 즉시 처리하여야 합니다. 다만, 즉시 처리가 곤란한 경우는 회원에게 그 사유와 처리일정을 통보하여야 합니다.
- 제 11 조 (회원의 의무) ① 이용자는 회원가입 신청 또는 회원정보 변경 시 실명으로 모든 사항을 사실에 근거하여 작성하여야 하며, 허위 또는 타인의 정보를 등록할 경우 일체의 권리를 주장할 수 없습니다. ② 당 사이트가 관계법령 및 개인정보 보호정책에 의거하여 그 책임을 지는 경우를 제외하고 회원에게 부여된 ID의 비밀번호 관리소홀, 부정사용에 의하여 발생하는 모든 결과에 대한 책임은 회원에게 있습니다. ③ 회원은 당 사이트 및 제 3자의 지적 재산권을 침해해서는 안 됩니다.
제 4 장 서비스의 이용
- 제 12 조 (서비스 이용 시간) ① 서비스 이용은 당 사이트의 업무상 또는 기술상 특별한 지장이 없는 한 연중무휴, 1일 24시간 운영을 원칙으로 합니다. 단, 당 사이트는 시스템 정기점검, 증설 및 교체를 위해 당 사이트가 정한 날이나 시간에 서비스를 일시 중단할 수 있으며, 예정되어 있는 작업으로 인한 서비스 일시중단은 당 사이트 홈페이지를 통해 사전에 공지합니다. ② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만 이 경우 그 내용을 공지합니다.
- 제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권) ① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고 있습니다. ② NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 상업적 및 기타 영리목적으로 복제/배포/전송할 경우 사전에 KISTI의 허락을 받아야 합니다. ③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에 합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다. ④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우 저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
- 제 14 조 (유료서비스) ① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에 당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다. ② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
- 제 15 조 (계약 해지) 회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
- 제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한) ① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는 경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다. - 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우 - 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우 ② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의 일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
- 제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지) 회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
- 제 18 조 (손해배상) 당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
- 제 19 조 (관할 법원) 서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
- [부 칙] 1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.