This study was performed to evaluate basic characteristics of electron beam weldability for high strength aluminum alloys. The aluminum alloys used were A5083 and A6N01, and A7N01. The principal welding process parameters, such as accelerating voltage, beam current, welding speed and chamber pressure were investigated. The dimension and microstructure of welds were evaluated with OLM, and SEM (EDAX). In addition, weldability variation(cracking) due to process parameters was also evaluated. The degree of cracking in the EB fusion zone appears to be affected mainly by aspect ratio, such that as aspect ratio increases the cracking tendency also increases. The alloying element itself may also affect the hot cracking resistance, but its role is considered to be indirect effect such that the relatively higher vaporization pressure elements of Zn and Mg give deeper weld penetration and thus results in greater cracking tendency.