Inaccurate localization exposes a robot to many dangerous conditions. It could make a robot be moved to wrong direction or damaged by collision with surrounding obstacles. There are numerous approaches to self-localization, and there are different modalities as well (vision, laser range finders, ultrasonic sonars). Since sensor information is generally uncertain and contains noise, there are many researches to reduce the noise. But, the correctness is limited because most researches are based on statistical approach. The goal of our research is to measure more exact robot location by matching between built VRML 3D model and real vision image. To determine the position of mobile robot, landmark-localization technique has been applied. Landmarks are any detectable structure in the physical environment. Some use vertical lines, others use specially designed markers, In this paper, specially designed markers are used as landmarks. Given known focal length and a single image of three landmarks it is possible to compute the angular separation between the lines of sight of the landmarks. The image-processing and neural network pattern matching techniques are employed to recognize landmarks placed in a robot working environment. After self-localization, the 2D scene of the vision is overlaid with the VRML scene.