RC servos are electro-mechanical devices that respond to a control signal, which instructs them to move their output shaft to a certain position. A servo is normally plugged into a radio receiver with a three pin connector. The three wires are a power (usually 4.8V to 6.0V), a ground, and a signal wire. The signal wire carries a PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) signal consisting of a 1-2msec pulse repeated 50 times a second. A 1.5msec pulse will tell the servo to move to its output shaft to the center position, 0 degrees. For a servo with a 180 degree of motion, a 1msec pulse will move the servo to -90 degrees, and a 2msec pulse will move the servo to +90 degrees. In order to development a humanoid robot, mechanical design, fixtures design, analysis of kinematics, implementation moving program, selection of RC servo motor and controller are required. This study was performed to experimentally compare the rotation range of RC servo motors according to change of a periods.