Using steady state aerodynamic theories, it has been claimed that insects and birds cannot fly. To make matters worse, insects and birds fly at low Reynolds numbers. Therefore, a recurring theme in the literature is the importance of understanding unsteady aerodynamic effect and how the vortices behave when they separate from the moving surface that created them. In flapping flight, birds and insects can modify wing beat amplitude, stroke angle, wing planform area, angle of attack, and to a lesser extent flapping frequency to optimize the generation of lift force. Some birds are thought to employ two different gaits(a vortex ring gait and a continuous vortex gait) and unsteady aerodynamic effect(Clap and fling, Delayed stall, Wake capture and Rotational Circulation) in flapping flight. Leading edge vortices may produce an increase in lift. The trailing edge vortex could be an important component in gliding flight. Tip vortices in hovering support the body weight of the hummingbirds. Thus, this study investigated how insects and birds generate lift at low Reynolds numbers. This research is written to further that as yet incomplete understanding.