In this paper, we consider a spectrum access scenario which consists of two groups of users, namely Primary Users (PUs) and Secondary Users (SUs) in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks (CCRNs). SUs cooperatively relay PUs messages based on Amplify-and-Forward (AF) and Decode-and-Forward (DF) cooperative techniques, in exchange for accessing some of the spectrum for their secondary communications. From the literatures, we found that the Conventional Distributed Algorithm (CDA) and Pragmatic Distributed Algorithm (PDA) aim to maximize the PU sum-rate resulting in a lower sum-rate for the SU. In this contribution, we have investigated a suit of distributed matching algorithms. More specifically, we investigated SU-based CDA (CDA-SU) and SU-based PDA (PDA-SU) that maximize the SU sum-rate. We have also proposed the All User-based PDA (PDA-ALL), for maximizing the sum-rates of both PU and SU groups. A comparative study of CDA, PDA, CDA-SU, PDA-SU and PDA-ALL is conducted, and the strength of each scheme is highlighted. Different schemes may be suitable for different applications. All schemes are investigated under the idealistic scenario involving perfect coding and perfect modulation, as well as under practical scenario involving actual coding and actual modulation. Explicitly, our practical scenario considers the adaptive coded modulation based DF schemes for transmission flexibility and efficiency. More specifically, we have considered the Self-Concatenated Convolutional Code (SECCC), which exhibits low complexity, since it invokes only a single encoder and a single decoder. Furthermore, puncturing has been employed for enhancing the bandwidth efficiency of SECCC. As another enhancement, physical layer security has been applied to our system by introducing a unique Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) based puncturing to our SECCC scheme.