Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences Conference (한국통신학회:학술대회논문집)
The Korean Institute of Commucations and Information Sciences (KICS)
- 기타
Data acquisition system is needed in signal analysis and processing by using computer. This paper realizes the high speed data acquisition system by using 8bit, 20MHZ refresh A/D converter and 18 x 64 Byte high speed memory. The high speed data acquisition system provides converted data to IBM-PC XT micro computer.
This paper represents a graphical design technique of the symmetrical dielectric waveguids couplers. Once the phase constants are given by a approzimate model analysis, coupling lengths are easily calculated for each coupler. These method give some new insight of the codirectional couplers.
In this paper, The loss spectra between 1.1um and 1.7um were measured by cut-back method using tungsten-halogen lamp, a grating monochramator and an InGaAs detector. Typical fiber lengths measured were 30 meter. This result represent a further contribution to monomode fiber design and has been applied to come common profimes that are under study to optimize the fiber performance. It is very important that the parameter a. were designed more exactly and transmission of LPol mode in 1.55um. Therefore, Fiber designer have to be aware of the fact that this coupling loss and bending loss.
The frequency synthesizer for Fast Frequency Hopping System musy be capable of a fast tuning with a small step frequency over wide band. The most conventional frequency synthesizer that uses the phase locked loop (PLL) enables the wide band problem but have a poor side of the low resolution and the transient response. In this paper, we have discussed the experimental results of a direct digital frequency synthesizer which can be applicable to the Fast Frequency Hopping System, using digital-to-analoq (D/A)conversion techniques. With this system we can find the merits of a fine resolution and the possibility of a fast tuning leaving the problems of transent frequency.
The cassegrain antenna, 32metor , diameter, is designed for the satellite earth station at Boun. It is fed by a beam waveguide of type. The results of measurements G/T (Gain to Noise Temperature ratio) is 40.86dB/K at the elevation elevation angle 5˚ for 4GHz. And the average transmit and receive gain are 64.62dB and 61.3dB, respectively. They satisfy the values designed for the antenna. The sidelobe levels of the pattern also are in good accord with the recommendation of C.C.I.R.
This paper presents an experimental model-based vision system which can identify and locate object in scenes containing multiple occluded parts. The objent are assumed to be regid, planar parta. In any recognition system the type of object that might appear in the image dictates the type of knowledge that is needed to recognize the object. The data is reduced to a seguential list of points or pixel that appear on the boundary of the objects. Next the boundary of the object is smoothed using a polygonal approximation algorithm. Recognition consists in finding the prototype that matches model to image. The best match is obtained by optimising some similarity measure.
The edge detection system makes use or 3*3 compass gradient masks, which are well suited for digital implementation. Edge angles are quantized to eight equally spaced directions, suitable for chain coding of contours. Use of edge direction msp improves the simple thresholding of gradient modulus image. The concept of local connectivity of the edge direction map is useful improving the performance of this method as well as other edge operators such as Kirsch and Sobel.
This paper propose a conversion method to reduce prediction error produced when PRA(Pel Recursive Algorithm) motion estimation method is used in real image. The method is th get a spatial difference image from a given raw image and then to apply any PRA method to the difference image. The algorithm proposed in this paper is compared with several algorithm including the ubiquitious Netravali and Robbins` based on the performance and the hardware complexity. Computer simulation shows that the difference image conversion method is about 4.5dB better than the other algorithm with regard to prediction error power.
This paper presents a basic planning of CMDSS(Centrallized Maintenance Decision Support System)for future operation and maintenance of telecommunication network, the main components of CMDSS are MDB, MMB, DSDB, MDBMS, MMAMS, and IGMS. ANd the efficiency and the effectiveness depend on the adequate design of the decision procedure to assisy operation and maintenance persinnels.
A new circuit configuration for charge-balancing successive approximation Analog-to-Digital converters is described. This consists of a improved successive approximation register(SAR) and a weighted capacitor Digital-to-Analog converter (WCDAC). Due to the inherent conversion property of the WCDAC, the A/D converter using the WCDAC can be simply implemented by successive approximation conversion method, and 4bit monotonicity conversion with differential nonlinearity less 1/2LSB is completed in 80 US.
In this paper a fst block matching algorithm using integral projection is peoposed to fing the motion vector. In this case we can reduce the computation time greatly. Especially when we apply the integral projection to the OTS method, the averagr ratio of the computational savings is about 4.
For the purpose of error correcting, a concatenated coding system has been proposed by cascading two codes-(7, 3) Reed-Solomon and (2, 1, 6) convolutional codes. As a result of the result of the computer simulation and the experiment, the (98.21) concatenated code has been show to be able to correct 12 randome error and 16 bust errors. When the channel error is about 1.2x10, this system indicats most efficient.
In this paper, we propose the new color image segmentation algorithm using clustering method in the normalized r,g,b coordinates. The number of intrinsic clusters which are included in color image is estimated by the clustering quality measure and the initial centers of clusters are calculated by a hierarchical way. The proposed algorithm was varified by the computer simulation.
In this paper, a servo motor control IC for VTR is developed using standard cell library. All the cells are designed by single metal and the 3um design rule. A desinged circuit consists of circuits which generates a switching pulse and a control reference signal in VTR. The operation of VTR chip is verified by COSMOS simulator. Finally, layout is drawn by YOSELA.
In this paper, Modular cell approach was applied to custom IC design or RS decoder. For the design of RS decoder by modular cells, 3 basic cells and one extra circuit are designed, these are, SYN cell for syndrome calculation, AL cell for error locator polynomial calculation, and REM cell for remaining error transform calculation. RS decoder design by these basic cells is very simple and regular, and naturally suitable for VLSI RS decoder design.
In this paper, the four algorithm which obtain 2D displacement vector are proposed. In corwocutive difference pictures, the characteristics of up DP boundary and region are discussed and we estimate displacement vector using the DP boundary and region, Finally, the performance of proposed algorithm for gaussian noisy image which generated by computer are discussed.
This paper describes a way of implementing the segmentation of 128*128 pixel images to be used as the inputs. to a real-time automatic video tracker. The suggested method uses the lowest valley-value of the computed intensity historgram with 16 levels. This method improves smoothing effects and also significantly reduces hardware requirements. Entire segmentation process is caried out in 10msec thus making a real time application possible.
This paper presents a methodology for the design and test of software by using. Decision Table. We believe that this methodology can be used in improving software Environment in the future.
In this paper, for the curvature correction on the scanning plane in laser scanning system, aberration correction method using holographic optical element is suggested. Holoens is selected as a type of holographic zone plate which has aberration correction property. And hologram recording condition is analyzed to find fo property. This hololens is implemented by computer-generated hologram technique. Laser scanning system is organized using desinged hololens and scanning properties of this system are investigated. Using this method optical system structure in laser scanning system can be simplified satisfying both scan linearity and field flatness.
In this paper, the optical modem for data link realization is designed with the advantages of optical fiber : large handwidth, no electromagnetic interference, high speed and long-haul communications. Biphase cording format is used for the sync, and async, transmissions. Modem interface conform to the CCITT V.24 standard for the compatibility with existing systems. 0/E and E/0 converters are designed using LED-APD pair for long wave length and LD-APD for short wave length, respectively. As a result, the system is capable of transmitting at any bps within dc to 200Kbps in async, and at 1200bps up to 57.6Kbps in sync. transmission.