• Title/Summary/Keyword: foster children

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Interactions between Infants of Different Temperament and Teachers at a Nursery (영아의 기질에 따른 영아-교사의 어린이집 일과 내 상호작용)

  • Cho, Soo Youn;Chun, Sook Young
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.101-128
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the interactions between infants of differing natures and teachers in a nursery, and to find the right way to foster the relationship. This study was carried out for 13 weeks, in a class consisting of eight children between one and two years old and with two teachers. The sources of data collection included observations, interviews with teachers, taking videos and voice recording. The results were as follows. (1) Infants with different natures show different reactions in the same situation and it affects the interaction between them and the teachers. (2) The types of interactions among infants with different natures are distinct and the interaction is influenced by factors other than just their nature. A constant interaction between infants and teachers based on the natures of infants and situational reacting strategies toward infants tremendously influence infants' development.

A Scheme to Diversify of Mathematics Olympiads Types (수학올림피아드 유형의 다변화 방안)

  • Nam, Seung-In
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2009
  • Mathematics Olympiad aims to identify and encourage students who have superior ability in mathematics, to enhance students' understanding in mathematics while stimulating interest and challenge, to increase learning motivation through self-reflection, and to speed up the development of mathematical talent. Participating mathematical competition, students are going to solve a variety of types of mathematical problems and will be able to enlarge their understanding in mathematics and foster mathematical thinking and creative problem solving ability with logic and reasoning. In addition, parents could have an opportunity valuable information on their children's mathematical talents and guidance of them. Although there should be presenting diversified mathematical problems in competitions, the real situations is that resent most mathematics Olympiads present mathematical problems which narrowly focus on types of solving problems. In order to diversifying types of problems in mathematics Olympiads and making mathematics popular, this study will discuss a Olympiad for problem solving ability, a Olympiad for exploring mathematics, a Olympiad for task solving ability, and a mathematics fair, etc.

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Ability of Recognizing and Representing the Relations between Two Quantities by Seven to Nine Years Old Students (7~9세 학생들의 관계 파악 및 표현 능력)

  • Pang, JeongSuk;Lee, YuJin
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.49-72
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    • 2017
  • Despite the importance and necessity of functional thinking in a primary school there has been lack of research in this area, specifically regarding young children. Given this, this study analyzed how students aged from 7 to 9 would figure out and represent the co-variational relationships in context-driven tasks. Semi-clinical interviews were conducted with a total of 12 students. Interview tasks included three types of functions: (a) y=x, (b) y=x+1, and (c) y=x+x. The results of this study showed that most students were able to figure out co-variational relationships in diverse ways. Some factors such as types of function or characteristics of tasks had an impact on how students recognized the relationships. The students also could represent the relationship in diverse ways such as gesture, picture, natural language, and variables. They usually used natural language, but had a trouble using variables when representing the relation between co-varying quantities. Based on these results, this study provides implications on how to foster functional thinking ability at the elementary school.

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Analysis of Convergence Factors of Preschool children's Parenting and Health Characteristics on Economic Participation (미취학 아동 어머니의 양육특성과 건강 특성이 경제활동 참가에 미치는 융합적 요인 분석)

  • Kim, Seong Min;Song, Hye-young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2021
  • This study is a second analysis of the 7th Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families. And, it is a descriptive survey research for comparing parental and health characteristics of 2 groups of workers and non-workers. For this, it has used crossover analysis and logistic regression analysis with the subjects of mothers of preschoolers - of 697 females in total, aged between 19 and 64. Based on the result of the logistic regression analysis, we have discovered a few factors inducing the females to participate in more economic activities. The factors are as follows : baby sitters available, the more number of child care centers, the more helps of baby sitting from the females' parents and in-law parents and physical activities less than 3 times a week. In contrast, however, the more preschoolers they have, the less likely they are to take an active part in the economy. Against the backdrop, the government should develop social service systems to encourage various child care services and to foster 'child raising mothers-friendly' environments not only in families but in workplaces. All this is to improve the health characteristics of preschoolers' mothers in a more healthy way' and to strike a balance between work and family.

Plans for Improvement of Laws and Systems to Promote Independent Living of Child Discharged from out-of-home Care (보호종료아동의 자립증진을 위한 법률 및 제도 개선방안)

  • Kim, Hyung Mo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.457-474
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is first to analyze domestic laws and systems related to independent living of child discharged from out-of-home care, second to conduct and analyze a survey on current status of child discharged from out-of-home care, and third to present plans for improvement of laws and systems to promote independent living of child discharged from out-of-home care. In this study, first, laws and systems related to independent living of child discharged from out-of-home care in Korea were analyzed. Second, a survey was conducted on the status of child discharged from out-of-home care, and the results were analyzed. With cooperation of Korea Child Welfare Association, Korea Child and Youth Group Home Council, and the Central Foster Support Center, a survey was conducted on 251 children discharged from out-of-home care, and the results were analyzed. Third, plans for improvement of laws and systems to promote independent living of child discharged from out-of-home care were presented.

Analyzing the Child Care Practicum Experience of Foreign Students: Exploring Challenges and Benefits (외국인 유학생의 보육실습 경험 분석: 어려움과 가치를 중심으로)

  • Jeongwon Kang;Soyoung Kook;Myungeum Park
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.19-39
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    • 2023
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the experiences of foreign students in childcare practicum, with a specific focus on identifying the difficulties they encountered and the values they derived from their practicum experiences. The aim was to gain insights that can contribute to improving practicum support for these students. Methods: A total of 6 foreign students were selected as participants for this study using snowball sampling. The data collection period spanned from May 2021 to March 2023, during which semi-structured interviews were conducted and qualitatively analyzed. Results: Foreign students faced challenges in securing practicum placements prior to the start of their program. Communication difficulties necessitated the use of interpreters to interact with children. Additionally, documenting information in a language other than their mother tongue posed a challenge. Consequently, there was a need for tailored training support to address the specific needs of foreign students in childcare practicum. Despite these challenges, the students reported rewarding and valuable experiences during their practicum. These experiences included discovering the teaching identity in Korea, learning about desirable practices in the field, recognizing and addressing personal shortcomings, and developing a sense of vocation for the advancement of infant education in their home countries. Conclusion/Implications: If we actively listen to and provide appropriate support for the specific needs of foreign students in their childcare practicum, they have the potential to become excellent childcare teachers who can foster a harmonious and inclusive environment within our multicultural society.

Awareness of Parents with Preschoolers on Multiple-intelligence Education Programs, the State of Multiple-intelligences Education and their Needs (다중지능 교육 프로그램에 대한 유아 학부모의 인식, 실태 및 요구)

  • Ha, Soon Ryun;Seo, Hyun Ah
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.331-355
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the awareness of parents with preschoolers about multiple-intelligence education programs, the state of their multiple-intelligence education and their needs. This was done in an effort to provide information on the successful utilization of early childhood multiple-intelligence programs, as parents exercise a great influence on the development of early childhood multiple intelligences. The subjects in this study were 350 parents of preschoolers in six different kindergartens located in the city of Busan, on whom a survey was conducted. The findings of the study were as follows: first, as for the awareness of the parents of the preschoolers on multiple-intelligence education, they placed an importance on that education in general. Second, concerning the state of their multiple-intelligence education, there was a strong tendency for them to rely on early childhood education institutions and study aids produced by relevant companies to foster the strength of their children. Third, regarding a time for early childhood multiple- intelligence education, they considered it advisable for preschoolers to start to receive that education at the Western age of 2 to 7, and they preferred teachers who had a good understanding of the psychology and needs of preschoolers. The parents wanted their children to receive that education, and hoped to receive parent education about it.

A Comparative Study on the Growth & Developmental Status of Premature and Full Term Infants During the First 3Years (미숙아와 정상아의 영유아기 성장발달상태 비교연구)

  • 박영애
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 1985
  • The problems of growth & development due to maladjustment are gradually increasing while need for the treatment of children's diseases is decreasing. The level of developmental deficiency or delay correlates with neonatal birth weight and also with gestational age, i.e. degrees of prematurity. There-fore, developmental defects and potential risk factors' are more Common in premature infants than in full term infants. The purpose of this study is to define the difference in the growth at developmental status between premature and full term infants, and to define the relation between the developmental status and the physical growth during the first 3 years' Data were collected from January 10, 1985 to April 6, 1985 at 3 hospitals including St. Mary's Hospital, and through home visiting. The subjects of this study consisted of 79 Premature infants (G.A. <37wks. & B.W. <2.5kg) and 94 full term infants (G.A.≥37 wks. & B.W.≥2.5kg). The study method used was a questionnaire, anthropometric assessment and DDST for normative data of growth & development. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test and t-test. The results of the study were as follows: Hypothesis: 1 : That the prematures will differ from the full term infants in the physical growth status during the first 3 years was partially supported (p<0.02) : The prematures reached up the full term infants in the physical growth status in the first 6 months. And, the first hypothesis was supported (P<0.01) : There are more cases which is below‘the Korean children's physical. growth standards’in prematures than in full term infants. Hypothesis 2 : That the prematures will differ from the full term infants in the developmental status during the first 3 years was supported (P< 0.001);‘Normal’developmental status due to DDST was less in prematures than in full term infants. And, the second hypothesis was Partially supported (P<0.02) : The developmental status of the pre-matures was different from that of the full term infants within the first 3 months by analysis of passed items in DDST, Hypothesis 3 : That the prematures' developmental status will relate to their physical growth during the first 3 years was supported (P<0.001) : If the prematures' developmental status is in delayed status, then, their physical growth status is also in delayed status. This study shows that the prematures differed significantly from the full term infants in the growth at developmental status during their infancy. This means that the nurse can foster the growth & development of the prematures by supportive care during their infancy. Further longitudinal study is needed to verify these findings for the environmental factors.

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A Study on the Development and Effect of Korean Language Education Program Based on Multiple Intelligences (다중지능에 기초한 국어교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증)

  • Ku, Ji-Hye;Park, Seong-Ok
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.69-94
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and apply a Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences in a bid to foster the multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation of elementary schoolers in regular language arts class. It's basically meant to create the educational conditions for every child to exert his or her abilities. Two research questions were posed: 1. What should be the objectives, content and teaching-learning methods of a Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences? 2. What effect does a Korean education program based on multiple intelligences have on children's multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation? The subjects in this study were 58 Students in two different third-grade classes in M elementary school in the city of Daejeon. A Korean language education program based on multiple intelligences was implemented during a 4month period of time, and an inclusive approach of multiple intelligences and cooperative learning were applied. The major findings of the study were as follows: First, in order to develop a Korean education program based on multiple intelligences, the kinds of themes that could cover multiple intelligences in an inclusive way were selected in consideration of the learning objectives of the major units of a third-grade language arts textbook(second semester) of the 7th national elementary language arts curriculum. And then an inclusive Korean education program was prepared, which consisted of four stages: problem awareness, problem-solving planning, problem solving, and reflection/application/development. Second, the Korean education program based on multiple intelligences had a positive effect on the children's multiple intelligences, self-efficacy and achievement motivation and suggested some of new directions for school education that typically stressed linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences only.

Social Support and Quality of Life for the Elderly in Rural Areas (일 농촌지역 노인의 사회적 지지와 삶의 질)

  • Kang, Kyung-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the amount of social support and quality of life perceived by elderly people in rural areas and to examine the relationship between social support and quality of life in an effort to provide the basic data for effective nursing intervention to enhance quality of life among elderly people. Data were collected from a sample of 220 elderly people aged over 60 from a stratified probability method from one rural area in South Jeolla province from Aug. 15 to Sep. 15, 2002. For data collection, pre-educated researchers visited the participants' homes and surveyed them face-to-face. The statistical analysis was performed using the SAS program along with t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation. The findings were as follows: 1. The most socially supportive people they answered were Spouses (57.28%), followed by children, friends/neighbors, in descending order. In terms of satisfaction about social support, the subjects felt the most satisfaction from spouses, followed by friends/neighbors, children, in descending order. 2. The participants' perceived social support was 26.0 and the highest score was 108.0 out of 125. Also, the average score and average grade point was 81.7 and 3.35, respectively. A comparison of the average grade points per items within sub-areas of social support revealed financial aid(3.56), informative support(3.34), emotional support (3.27), and evaluation support(3.22). 3. Their perceived social support had statistically significant differences in terms of how much they earned (F=18.56, p= .00001) and whether they had family members living together (F=2.68, p= .0512), quality of life had statistically significant differences in terms of how much they earned (F=35.34, p= 0.00001). 4. The quality of life they perceived was the lowest score 47.0, the highest score 196.0, average score 145.7, and average grade points 3.28. A comparison of the average grade points per items within sub-areas of quality of life revealed neighbor relationships(3.97), self-esteem(3.49), family relationships(3.35), economic conditions 3.12), physical health (2.98), and psychological health(2.74). 5. The relationship between the amount of the subjects' social support and quality of life was significantly correlated (r=.696, p< .001). The findings revealed that social support for elderly people in rural areas was a greatly effective factor on their quality, of life. Also, it was shown that the larger the social support for the elderly, the greater the quality of life for them. Therefore, it is necessary to foster geriatric nurse specialists and develop nursing intervention programs connected with health care and social wellbeing in order to enhance the quality of life of elderly people in rural areas. Also, it is necessary to develop effective models for community and its applications, which will playa leading role for elderly people.

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