This study investigates significant factors regarding college freshman engineering students and analyses each factors influence on student satisfaction in the College of Engineering core curriculum. We carried out a survey targeting 505 students who completed their fundamental education for major course learning in the 2011 academic year while attending one college in Gwangju and ruled out inadequate respondents. A total sample size 437 students were analyzed. The seven independent variables are academic fees, academic term period, academic environment of the classroom, learning material content, time of lecture, student sincerity and student need for the program. The dependent variable is fundamental education satisfaction level. As a result of multiple regression analysis, the following factors were found to be significant in the following order: learning material content, time of lecture, student sincerity, student need for the program, academic fees and academic environment of the classroom. On the other side academic term period was not significant. For improving fundamental education satisfaction, there is a need for prudent consideration regarding learning material development and lecture times. Also further investigation should take place for policies necessary for increasing learner motivation and sincerity, and expand appropriate conditions for learners to become self-aware of the education they need within their major.