Objectives: In modern society, many people have low back pain (LBP) and spinal diseases. About 80% of them experience severe LBP more than once in their lifetime. We can find studies on many Korean medicine-based treatments, such as acupuncture treatment for LBP and exercise therapy, which are effective in reducing the symptoms. This study focuses on the combined effect of both Korean medicine and exercise therapy for treating LBP. Method: For this review, we searched for articles focusing on pain and disability recovery in pre-clinical and clinical studies of extension and flexion exercise therapy related to LBP. The search databases were as follows: PubMed, Google Scholar, and seven Korean electronic databases (Korea Citation Index (KCI), Korean studies Information Service System (KISS), Research Information Service System (RISS), Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS), DBPIA, National Digital Science Library (NDSL), and KOREAMED). The keywords were as follows: Korean Medicine, back pain, flexion exercise, extension exercise, McKenzie method, McKenzie exercise, Williams' flexion exercise, and Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. Results & Conclusions: This review shows the usefulness of flexion and extension exercises for LBP treatment and effective patient education, but further studies are necessary.