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Global Comparison for Personal Asset Management by Old Age People in Korea (한국 노년기 자산관리의 국제비교)

  • Kim, Byoung Joon
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.221-243
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    • 2017
  • In this study, I examine overall conditions and problems of personal asset management processes by the old age people in Korea from the global perspectives. Major recommended policy implications for those are as follows.. First, the IRR (income replacement ratio) of public pensions in Korea is found to rank nearly the lowest among the OECD member countries. The relatively low fund performance compared to that of developed countries as well as this low IRR can be pointed out as major problems of public pension in Korea. It is recommended to reinforce specialty in fund management as a top priority to solve out these problems related with public pensions in Korea. Second, it is needed to set retirement pensions to be mandatory for almost all the firms in Korea to substitute for the above lower IRR of public pensions and to recover from the highest elderly poverty ratio among the OECD countries. Third, it is required to discuss about the expansion of tax refund policy application in the individual pension sector and many financial investment products under the correction of current budget control to motivate voluntary subscription for individual pension planning and to stabilize elderly lives of ordinary people in Korea. Fourth, it is required to induce market mechanism in controling price and longevity risk of reverse mortgages for the long-run sustainability.

Nutritional Status of the Long-lived Elderly People in Kyungpook Sung-Ju Area(I) -Estimation of Nutrients Intakes- (경북 성주지역 장수노인의 영양상태(I) -영양섭취상태-)

  • 이혜성
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.438-453
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    • 2000
  • The purposes of this study were to estimate nutritional intakes of the long-lived elderly and to obtain the data for establishing dietary guidelines that may be recommended for the general population for the sake of longevity. The subjects of the study were 300 elederly people of age over 85 years living in Kyungpook Sung-Ju area who had no problem in daily living. Four times of food consumption survey were carried out seasonally by the repeated 24-hr recall method for one year. Mean daily energy intakes and RDA percentage of energy intakes of the male and female subjects were estimated as 1222 kcal(67.9%) and 1047 kcal(65.4%) respectively. Mean daily intakes of nutrients were estimated as 38.3g for protein, 287mg for calcium, 5.8mg for iron, 314R.E. for vitamin A, 0.6mg for vitamin B1 and 0.43mg for vitamin B2 The mean RDA percentages of nutrients intake were 64.4% and 59.8% for protein in male and female, 39.8% for Ca, 48.3% for Fe, 44.9% for vitamin A, 60% for vitamin B1, and 35.8% for B2. The average PFC ratio of energy-yielding nutrients throughout the year in male and female were 15.1 : 15.2 : 69.7 and 13.8 : 13.2 : 73.0 respectively. The mean daily intakes of energy and most of nutreints were significantly high in winter season. The contribution of plant food sources to nutrient intakes were over 60% for protein and fat, 50% for calcium, and 70% for iron. Long-lived elderly people an Sung-Ju, Kyungpook showed considerably smaller physiques compared to the avergae Korean elderly, however their average BMI fell in normal range. The subjects were consuming much less energy and nutrients compared to the present Korean RDA for the elderly over age 75. The subject showed relatively good health state in spite of low intakes of energy and nutrients. Therefore it seems to be necessary to establish a set of new RDA for the elderly over age 8.5.

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Nutritional Status and Related Factors of Residents Aged Over 50 in Longevity AreasI. Anthropometric and Biochemical Nutritional Status (고령인구 비율이 높은 지역 장년, 노년층의 건강.영양상태 및 이에 영향을 미치는 인자에 관한 연구 I. 신체계측, 생화학적 영양상태 (혈청지질, 철분지표, 무기질 등))

  • Choe Jeone-Sook;Paik Hee-Young;Kwon Sung-Ok
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.37 no.9
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    • pp.825-837
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    • 2004
  • Studies on the health problems of the elderly have been increased with increasing life expectancy of Koreans. To assess the health status of people over 50 years old including the elderly (678 free-living people: men (168), women (510)), anthropometric measurements and biochemical nutritional status were analyzed. General characteristics and the prevalences of specific diseases were also examined. The mean anthropometric values for males and females were heights of 162 cm and 149 cm, respectively; and weights of 59 kg and 52 kg, respectively, which were much lower than the Korean standards established in the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances. The mean BMI, WHR (waist hip ratio), and body fat rate (%), which are obesity indices, were significantly higher in females than in males. As the age went up, height, weight, lean body mass, and mid-arm circumference decreased. Whereas, blood pressure (SBP) for women increased. Mean blood HDL-cholesterol levels of men and women were 46.0 mg/dl and 46.3 mg/dl, respectively; their triglyceride levels were 129.1 mg/d1 and 135.6 mg/dl, respectively, which were not significantly different. Total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels were significantly higher in females than in males. For man there were significantly different in γ-GTP, Na levels by age. As the age went up for women, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, HDL-cholesterol, γ-GTP and Ca2+ levels significantly decreased. Levels of total protein and albumin were above the lower normal limit for the majority of the participants. Prevalence of anemia, assessed by hemoglobin using World Health Organization (WHO) definition, was 43.9% for men and 42.1% for women. Also, many of the subjects were out of the normal range in total cholesterol (women), HDL-cholesterol, TAS (total antioxidant status), APase, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit levels. Therefore, measures to improve the biochemical nutritional status for the people in rural area are required.d.

Effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention and intention to stay in dental hygienists (치과위생사의 직무만족이 이직의도와 근속의사에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Ji-Hyeon;Cho, Young-Sik
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dental hygienists' job satisfaction on turnover intention and intention to stay. Methods: A survey was conducted targeting 273 dental hygienists in dental clinics. The study data were u analyzed using PASW Statistics 20.0 Results: The level of job satisfaction of dental hygienists was 3.30±0.50, and the highest ranked item in the survey was 'I am satisfied with my relationships with patients' 3.72±0.73. Job satisfaction according to general characteristics showed significant differences in age, marriage, education, career, current work experience, position, and schedule for future turnover. The turnover intention according to general characteristics showed significant difference in age and schedule for future turnover. The intention to stay according to general characteristics showed significant differences in age, marriage, education, career, current work experience, number of dentists, number of dental hygienists, and schedule for future turnover. The factors affecting turnover intention were schedule for future turnover, income, co-worker relation and professional time, while those affecting intention to stay were overall professional satisfaction, co-worker relation, schedule for future turnover, professional time, income, number of dental hygienists, patient relations and current work experience. Conclusions: Job satisfaction factors that had a common effect on turnover intention and intention to stay were schedule for future turnover, income, co-worker relation and professional time. To reduce turnover and encourage longevity, adequate pay and positive interpersonal relationships are necessary.

Gut Microbiota Community and Its Assembly Associated with Age and Diet in Chinese Centenarians

  • Wang, Fang;Yu, Ting;Huang, Guohong;Cai, Da;Liang, Xiaolin;Su, Haiyan;Zhu, Zhenjun;Li, Danlei;Yang, Yang;Shen, Peihong;Mao, Ruifeng;Yu, Lian;Zhao, Mouming;Li, Quanyang
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1195-1204
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    • 2015
  • Increasing evidence suggests that gut microbiota underpin the development of health and longevity. However, our understanding of what influences the composition of this community of the longevous has not been adequately described. Therefore, illumina sequencing analysis was performed on the gut microbiota of centenarians (aged 100-108 years; RC) and younger elderlies (aged 85-99 years; RE) living in Bama County, Guangxi, China and the elderlies (aged 80-92 years; CE) living in Nanning City, Guangxi, China. In addition, their diet was monitored using a semiquantitative dietary questionary (FFQ 23). The results revealed the abundance of Roseburia and Escherichia was significantly greater, whereas that of Lactobacillus, Faecalibacterium, Parabacteroides, Butyricimonas, Coprococcus, Megamonas, Mitsuokella, Sutterella, and Akkermansia was significantly less in centenarians at the genus level. Both clustering analysis and UniFraq distance analysis showed structural segregation with age and diet among the three populations. Using partial least square discriminate analysis and redundancy analysis, we identified 33 and 34 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) as key OTUs that were significantly associated with age and diet, respectively. Age-related OTUs were characterized as Ruminococcaceae, Clostridiaceae, and Lachnospiraceae, and the former two were increased in the centenarians; diet-related OTUs were classified as Bacteroidales, Lachnospiraceae, and Ruminococcaceae. The former two were deceased, whereas the later one was increased, in the high-fiber diet. The age and high-fiber diet were concomitant with changes in the gut microbiota of centenarians, suggesting that age and high-fiber diet can establish a new structurally balanced architecture of gut microbiota that may benefit the health of centenarians.

Triptolide Mimics the Effect of Dietary Restriction on Lifespan and Retards Age-related Diseases in Caenorhabditis elegans (트립톨라이드가 식이제한에 의한 수명연장과 노화관련 질환에 미치는 영향)

  • Beak, Sun-Mi;Park, Sang-Kyu
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.8
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    • pp.931-937
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    • 2018
  • Triptolide is a compound found in Tripterygium wilfordii and reported to have an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities. A previous study shows that the dietary supplementation with triptolide increases resistance to environmental stressors, including oxidative stress, heat shock, and ultraviolet irradiation, and extends lifespan in C. elegans. Here, we investigated the underlying mechanisms involved in the lifespan-extending effect of triptolide. The effect of triptolide on age-related diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease, was also examined using animal disease models. The longevity phenotype conferred by triptolide was not observed in the eat-2 mutant, a well-known genetic model of dietary restriction, while there was an additional lifespan extension with triptolide in age-1 and clk-1 mutants. The long lifespan of age-1 mutant is resulted from a reduced insulin/IGF-1-like signaling and the clk-1 mutant lives longer than wild-type due to dysfunction of mitochondrial electron transport chain reaction. The effect of dietary restriction using bacterial dilution on lifespan also overlapped with that of triptolide. The toxicity of high glucose diet or transgenic human amyloid beta gene was significantly suppressed by the supplementation with triptolide. These findings suggest that triptolide can mimic the effect of dietary restriction on lifespan and onset of age-related diseases. We conclude that triptolide can be a strong candidate for the development of dietary restriction mimetics.

Seasonal Variation of Nutritional Intake and Quality in Adults in Longevity Areas (고령인구 비율이 높은 지역 성인 및 노인의 계절별 영양소 섭취실태)

  • 최정숙;백희영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.668-678
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate seasonal variation of nutritional intake and quality in adults in longevity areas. Dietary survey was given to 469 subjects over age 20 living Bukjeju-gun, Yecheon-gun, and Sunchang-gun of Korea, using 24-hour recall method every 4 seasons over one-year period. The mean daily intakes (%RDA) of 4 seasons were 1313.3 ㎉ (72.0%) for energy, 47.3 g (82.2%) for protein, 20.2 g for fat, 228.0 g for carbohydrate, 12.8 g for dietary fiber. The differences were hardly significant among the seasons. Mean daily intakes of most of the vitamins and minerals were lower than RDA except vitamin C and folate, especially %RDAs of Ca, vitamin D, vitamin B2, vitamin E were less than 60% of RDA. In general, nutrient intake were high in spring compared to other seasons except vitamin C which was high in fall and winter. Mean daily intakes of cholesterol were 151.7 mg and 124.3 mg in males and females, respectively. The differences was significant between the two sexes but not among the seasons. PUFA : MUFA : SFA ratio of the subject was 1.0 : 1.3 : 1.2. Average CPF ratio of energy intake was 72.7 : 14.4 : 12.9, and energy intake ratio from carbohydrate was low in spring, in contrast energy intake ratios from protein was significantly high in spring. Mean adequacy ratio (MAR), an index of overall nutritional quality was 0.64 for female and 0.71 for male. The indices of nutritional quality (INQ) were over 1 for most of nutrients except 0.73 of Ca, 0.87 of vitamin A, 0.69 of vitamin B2, and 0.65 of vitamin E. Both MAR and INQ were significantly different among sex and seasons, values were higher in males than in females and were higher in spring with the exception of vitamin C. In conclusion, subjects in longevity areas did not consume enough nutrients quantitatively as well as qualitatively, especially Ca, vitamin A, vitamin B2, and vitamin E. Also mean daily intakes of most of vitamins and minerals were insufficient in females, and were significantly different among season. Therefore we must consider a counterplan to augment nutrition intake for them. In addition, it seems to be essential to micro nutrients to the food composition database to estimate dietary intakes more accurately.

Anthropometric Index and Nutrient Intake in Korean Aged 50 Plus Years Living in Kugoksoondam Longevity-belt Region in Korea (전라도 구곡순담 장수벨트지역에 거주하는 중노년층의 체격지수와 영양소 섭취상태)

  • Kwak, Chung-Shil;Yon, Mi-Yong;Lee, Mee-Sook;Oh, Se-In;Park, Sang-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.308-328
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    • 2010
  • As the older adult period (65y) is increasing, it is needed to investigate the trend of aging-dependent anthropomeric index and nutrient intake, and establish the more specific dietary guide for the different stages of aging period. To find the difference in nutrient intake among the Koreans aged 50-64, 65-74 and 75 years and older, and also any characteristics of dwellers in longevity area, we recruited 1,083 subjects (385 male and 698 female) aged 50-95 years (mean age, 71.3 yrs) living in Kugoksoondam area (Kurye, Goksung, Soonchang and Damyang counties), known as a longevity-belt region in Jeonlaprovince, Korea. We measured some anthropometric index and collected 2 day-dietary record. Nutrient intakes were analyzed by using DW24 program. The mean height and weight of subjects aged 75 years and older were lower than Korean national reference. BMI and obesity (25kg/m2) prevalence were significantly decreasing with aging. Underweight $(BMI<18.5kg/m^2)$ prevalence was also increasing with aging, especially in males, and it was slightly higher than national average, but similar to that in some other rural area. Obesity prevalence of male subjects was lower compared to national prevalence, but abdominal obesity prevalence (waist80cm) was very high in females (about 89%). In both genders, the average proportional contribution of carbohydrate, protein and fat to energy intake was not different between 65-74 years and 75 years and older. On overall, nutrient intake and quality of diet of females were inferior to those of males so that many of females aged 75 years and older assumed to be at risk of malnourished status. Fiber, folate and vitamin E intakes were substantially higher compared to those in 2007 KNHNES and other some studies in rural area. While almost nutrient %EAR was significantly decreased with aging in females, there was no significant difference in %EAR for protein, vitamin A, B1, B6, B12, niacin, Ca and Zn between 65-74 years and 75 years and older in males. Vitamin B2 for male aged 50-64 years, vitamin B2 and Ca for male aged 65 years and over and female aged 50-74 years, and vitamin B2, vitamin C, Ca and folate intake for female aged 75 years and older were assessed to be at risk to undernutrition based on the prevalence of intake below EAR. MAR of 13 nutrients and the number of nutrients consuming below EAR were significantly decreasing with aging in both genders, however, the number of nutrients of INQ < 1 and the average mini-nutritional assessment score were not significantly different between 65-74 years and 75 years and older. Taken together, decreasing tendency of nutrients intake and the quality of diet with aging was more evident in females than in males, and it is unique that our subjects consumed substantially higher fiber, folate and vitamin E compared to not only urban but also some other rural areas.

Highly functional materials for Electric power (초전도 전력용 재료)

  • Lee, Sang-Heon;Koo, Kyoung-Whan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.2152-2153
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    • 2011
  • According to a sharp increase in demand for electricity supply secure, and CO2 regulation in accordance with global environmental problems and to solve problems, etc. These factor less pollution, higher energy conversion hyoyulin way that the new electrical equipment, nano-composites The rapid degeneration of the unit study utilizing the power that is required is Free. Accordingly, cables, transformers and switchgear (GIS)-capacity of power equipment, such as, high-voltage high-density along with the miniaturization of equipment have made angry the reliability of these devices is becoming a very important issue. Insulation materials used in electrical equipment for high voltage withstand, power equipment, power equipment due to aging and overloading caused by a weakening of the insulation failure and replacement in accordance with the age due to increased costs because of the reliability of electrical equipment should be secured should. Therefore, improved performance and longevity of insulation material is recognized as an important challenge. In this study, power isolation and degeneration of the unit for use in various parts of the molding epoxy resin to improve the insulation performance of the epoxy resin by varying the added amount of nano-SiO2 nanocomposites made epoxy/SiO2 analysis and breakdown properties of the experiment want to improve the electrical properties through the geometry.

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  • Shrestha, N.P.;Oli, K.P.;Gatenby, R.M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.261-264
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    • 1994
  • The lactation milk yields of 209 buffaloes and cattle were measured on farms in Taplejung and Dhankuta Districts in East Nepal. This includes local and crossbred buffaloes and cows. The average milk yield (±SD) of 97 local buffaloes was 833±94.6kg whereas that for 83 local cows was only 455±61.5kg. The milk yield of buffaloes decreased with number of calvings, but that for the cows increased. The milk yields of 18 Murrah crossbreds were on average 215 kg higher than the yields of local buffaloes, and the yields of 11 Jersey crossbred cows averaged 247 kg more than the local cows. Lactation length (±SD) which averaged 326±100 days for the buffaloes and 292±98 days for the cows, was not affected by crossbreeding. The milk yields of the crossbreds were more variable than the local buffaloes and cows. In addition to milk yield the overall productivity of a milking animal depends on calf mortality, age at first calving, calving interval, longevity, food intake, the work performance of male cattle and the meat production of male buffaloes. Among these parameters, the work performance of Jersey crossbred and local male cattle was studied later. However, other factors could not be measured.