• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fatigue Scale

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Design Analysis of Substructure for Offshore Wind Pile Excavation (해상풍력 파일 굴착직경 결정을 위한 하부구조물 설계해석)

  • Lee, Gi-Ok;Sun, Min-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2019
  • With recent rapid increases in the power generation capacity of offshore wind power generators, reliable structural analysis of the large-scale infrastructure needed to install wind power generators at sea is required. Therefore, technology for heavy marine equipment such as barges and excavation equipment is needed. Under submarine conditions, rock drilling technology to install the substructure for offshore wind pile excavation is a very important factor in supporting a wind farm safely under dynamic loads over periods of at least 20 years. After investigating the marine environment and on-site ground excavation for the Saemangeum offshore wind farm, in this study we suggest.

A Study for Development of Ratio Beale Measuring Pain Using Korean Pain Tersm (통증어휘를 이용한 통증비율척도의 개발연구)

  • 이은옥;윤순녕;송미순
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.93-111
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    • 1984
  • The main purpose of this study is to develop a ratio scale measuring level of pain using Korean pain terms. The specific purposes of this study are to identify the degree of pain of each pain term in each subclass: to classify each subclass in terms of dimensions of pain; and to analyze factors of the Korean pain ratio scale clustering together. One hundred an4 fifty eight pain terms which were originally identified as representative terms and their synonyms were used for data collection. Fifty eight nursing professors ana sixty one medical doctors who have contacted with patients having pain were asked to rate the weight of each pain term on a visual analogue scale. Subclasses in which ranks of pain terms were same f s findings in two previous studies were 1) thermal 3 am 2) cavity pressure, 3) single stimulating pain, 4) radiation pain. and 5) chemical pain. Subclasses in which ranks of pain terms were confused were 1) incisive pressure, and 2) cold pain. Subclasses in which one new pain term was added were 1) inflammatory-repeated pain, 2) punctuate pressure, 3) constrictive pressure, 4) fatigue-related pressure, and 5) suffering-relate4 pain. Subclasses in which two new pain terms were added were 1) traction pressure, 2) peripheral nerve pain, 3) dull pain, 4) pulsation-related pain, 5) digestion-related pain, 6) tract pain, and 7) punishment-related pain. Subclass in which 3 new pain terms were included was fear-related pain. Rating scores of 5 words in 4 subclasses were significantly different between the normal group and the extreme group of subjects in terms of subjective rating. Only one word among 6 words was that newly added to the scale. Rating scores of 12 words in 9 subclasses were significantly different between doctor group and nursing professor group. Among these 12 words, only 3 were those newly added to the scale. In comparison of these 12 words, mean scores of the nursing professors were always 7 to 16 points higher than those of the medical doctors. In the analysis of judgement of subjects in terms of dimensions of pain terms, subclasses of dull pain, cavity pressure, tract pain and cold pain were suggested to be included in the miscellaneous dimension. As a result of factor analysis of the ratings given to 96 pain words using principal components analysis without iteration and with varimax rotation limiting the number of factors to 4, factors of severe pain (factor I) mild-moderate pain (factor II) , causative pain (factor III) and temperature-related pain(factor IV) were extracted with the factor loading above 0.388. When the pain words were re-arranged on the bases of factor loading above 0.368, number of factors decreased to only first two factors. Maximum score of pain word in factor II was 46.17 and the minimum score of the factor I was 45.36. Further studies are needed to identify the validity, reliability, sensitivity and practicability of this ratio scale using patients having various sources of pain.

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Estimation of Suitable Methodology for Determining Weibull Parameters for the Vortex Shedding Analysis of Synovial Fluid

  • Singh, Nishant Kumar;Sarkar, A.;Deo, Anandita;Gautam, Kirti;Rai, S.K.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2016
  • Weibull distribution with two parameters, shape (k) and scale (s) parameters are used to model the fatigue failure analysis due to periodic vortex shedding of the synovial fluid in knee joints. In order to determine the later parameter, a suitable statistical model is required for velocity distribution of synovial fluid flow. Hence, wide applicability of Weibull distribution in life testing and reliability analysis can be applied to describe the probability distribution of synovial fluid flow velocity. In this work, comparisons of three most widely used methods for estimating Weibull parameters are carried out; i.e. the least square estimation method (LSEM), maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and the method of moment (MOM), to study fatigue failure of bone joint due to periodic vortex shedding of synovial fluid. The performances of these methods are compared through the analysis of computer generated synovial fluidflow velocity distribution in the physiological range. Significant values for the (k) and (s) parameters are obtained by comparing these methods. The criterions such as root mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of determination ($R^2$), maximum error between the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) or Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) and the chi square tests are used for the comparison of the suitability of these methods. The results show that maximum likelihood method performs well for most of the cases studied and hence recommended.

Clinical Outcomes after Modified Fasting Therapy Supplied with Gamrosu: A Retrospective Observational Study (감로수(甘露水)를 이용한 절식요법의 임상결과에 관한 후향적 관찰연구)

  • Shin, Seung-Uoo;Kim, Dong-Hwan;Shin, Hyun-Taeg;Oh, Dal-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.36-49
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: Two historical evidence supported the concept of Gamrosu. The first one was Jeho-tang, a selected thirst quencher in Chosun Dynasty and the second one was Saeng-Maek-san, Dongeuibogam's recommendation as one of the qi-vigorating summer beverages. Gamrosu is a modified fasting therapy beverage which is manufactured from those two prescriptions and the carbohydrates (420.6 kcal/d). A retrospective observational study was conducted to evaluate the clinical outcomes. Methods: Thirty-three cases were reviewed at three local Korean Medical clinics that each site's participant has finished the modified fasting for 10 consecutive days. Clinical outcomes were reviewed at pre- and post-fasting sessions by retrieving the changes of body composition, blood pressure, blood chemistries & urine tests, and subjective symptoms & fatigue scores. Results: Demographics of the observed participants were 17 of male and 16 of female. Post-Gamrosu session, -6.89% of body weight, -8.97% of body fat mass were reduced with the nutrition indices being improved (P<0.001). -8.72% of systolic blood pressure, -39.86% of serum triglyceride, -6.75% of fast blood sugar and -8.12% of waist circumference were improved (P<0.05). The levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (-58.34%), CRP (-43.55%) and eosinophil (-21.30%) showed the significant diminished profiles (P<0.05). Liver/kidney functions and the standard of electrolytes were maintained within normal range in stable manners. The fatigue scale scores indicated significant lower scores. Conclusions: Taken together, obesity-related clinical outcomes after a modified fasting therapy with Gamrosu were sufficiently feasible and the observed findings should be considered for further prospective clinical studies.

Treatment of Cancer of Unknown Primary Site Patient with Traditional Korean Medicine : A Case Report (원발부위 불명암 환자의 한의치험 1례)

  • Kim, JeeHye;Bae, KyeoRe;Park, JiHye;Park, SoJung;Cho, ChongKwan;Yoo, HwaSeung
    • Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2016
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to report the possibility of treatment of Cancer of Unknown Primary Site (CUPS) patient with Traditional Korean Medicine based Samchilchoongcho-jung and Gunchilgyebok-Jung following chemotherapy. Methods : The patient is a female, who was diagnosed with CUPS, suffering from left flank pain, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting and fatigue after chemotherapy. The patient was treated with acupuncture, pharmacoacupuncture, moxibution, herbal medicine and enema used with herbal decoction for 15 days. The clinical outcomes were measured by numeric rating scale(NRS). Results : After treatment, left flank pain had disappeared and nausea and vomiting was decreased from NRS 4 to NRS 1 respectively. Fatigue was also improved. Conclusion : This case study suggests that Traditional Korean Medicine is effective for treatment of CUPS patients and can improve the quality of life.

Modal and Stress Analysis of Spur Gear in DC Motor Gearhead using Finite Element Model

  • Pratama, Pandu Sandi;Supeno, Destiani;Jeong, Seongwon;Park, Cunsook;Woo, Jihee;Lee, Eunsook;Yoon, Woojin;Choi, Wonsik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.17-17
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    • 2017
  • In electric agricultural machine the gearhead is needed to convert the high speed low torque rotation motion generated by DC motor to lower speed high torque motion used by the vehicle. The gearhead consist of several spur gears works as reduction gears. Spur gear have straight tooth and are parallel to the axis of the wheel. Spur gears are the most easily visualized gears that transmit motion between two parallel shafts and easy to produce. The modeling and simulation of spur gears in DC motor gearhead is important to predict the actual motion behavior. A pair of spur gear tooth in action is generally subjected to two types of cyclic stress: contact stress and bending stress including bending fatigue. The stress may not attain their maximum values at the same point of contact fatigue. These types of failure can be minimized by analysis of the problem during the design stage and creating proper tooth surface profile with proper manufacturing methods. To improve its life expectation in this study modal and stress analysis of gearhead is simulated using ansys work bench software based on finite element method (FEM). The modal analysis was done to understand gearhead deformation behaviour when vibration occurs. FEM static stress analysis is also simulated on gearhead to simulate the gear teeth bending stress and contact stress behavior. This methodology serves as an approach for gearhead design evaluation, and the study of gear stress behavior in DC motor gearhead which is needed in the small workshop scale industries.

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Health Food Intake and Behavioral Intentions to Take Health Food on Male Workers by Practiced Health Behavior in Seoul (서울 남자 직장인의 건강행위실천별 건강식품 섭취 행동 의도 및 영향 요인)

  • Rhie, Seung-Gyo
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.243-257
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to search the health food intake behavioral intentions of male workers. The health-related behavior of 150 subjects were compared(smoke, alcohol drink, breakfast, BMI, sleep, exercise and health check). On the basis of the Theory of Planned Behavior, the factors health-food intake behavior were evaluated; there were normative beliefs, motivation for compliance, subjective norms, social influence factors, and barriers as perceived behavior control. The results were showed with five points by the Likert scale and Significance by t-test. The most frequently consumed health food was tea(3.40/4points) followed by healthy drinks(2.49/4). As behavioral beliefs, if consumption of 'nutritional supplements'(3.61/5) and 'fatigue recovery'(3.62/5) received the highest scores. As a result, the idea of 'nutritional supplements'(3.94/5) and 'fatigue recovery'(4.06/5) were the important aspects, but others were also positively evaluated. As a sub-factor of subjective norms on normative beliefs, The highest social groups to encourage consumption of health food were parents (3.93/5), and the lowest were doctors (3.02/5). The most influential people were doctors (3.67/5) and spouses (3.65/5). Barriers to consumption health food were side effects (1.09/5) and price (2.08/5). Taking Ginseng products and other processed foods (juice, honey, bamboo, etc.) were correlated with health concern (p<0.05). Taking traditional stamina foods was correlated with dietary habit recognition (p<0.05). Mineral intake was positively correlated with age. Healthy drinks was negative (p<0.05). Minerals and supplement consumption were correlated with the practice of healthy behavior (p<0.01).

The Serverith Leverls and Patterns of Perimenstrual symptoms among Korean Women in relation to their Ages (여성의 연령과월경 전후기 증상 정도 및 유형에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Joo
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.162-175
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    • 1999
  • The study was intended to investigate and explore the preimenstrual symptoms, their severity levels, their patterns and the relationships of the age to those symptoms and patterns among Korean women. The data were collected from 844 women in one highschool, one Nursing college and one Korea National Open University in Seoul, from Nov, 1997 to Jun. 1998. The instruments were the Menstrual Symptoms Questionnaire developed by Chesney and the Center for Epidemiologic studies Depression scale developed by Radloff. the data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple comparison test, $X^2$-test, simple regression analysis and logistic regression analysis using pc-SAS program. The results were as follows ; 1. Korean women had more symptoms of abdominal bloating, fatigue, abdominal discomfort and backache in perimenstrual period. There Teenages had more symptoms of depression and uterine cramps in the day before or the first day of menstruation. Women in their twenties had more symptoms of abdominal pain or abdominal discomfort, backache, abdominal bloating and the sensitiveness /discomforts in the lower back, abdomen and inner part of thighs. women in their thirties had more symptoms of abdominal bloating, fatigue, tension and nervousness before the menstruation, abdominal discomfort and backpain in the first day of menstruation. Women in their forties had more symptoms of backache, breast discomforts, abdominal pain and discomforts. 2. The severity levels of the perimenstrual symptoms showed the highest score(mean=2.73) in twenties and the lowest score)mean=1.96) in forties The perimenstrual symptom patterns were prevailed the spasmodic menstrual symptoms in teenage and twenties and the congestive menstrual symptoms in thirties and forties. The age was a determinant of perimenstrual symptom patterns and the precipitative equation was log[p(age)/(1-p(age)]=2.7356-0.0982 age. 3. The relationship of the age to perimenstrual symptoms was vanished or lessened, controlling for parity as a test factor. this finding supports the notion that parity is an extraneous variable.

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Aerodynamic and Structural Design for Medium Size Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor Blade with Composite Material (복합재를 이용한 수평축 풍력터빈 회전 날개의 공력 및 구조설계에 관한 연구)

  • 공창덕;방조혁;오동우;김기범;김학봉
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 1997
  • Nowadays, non-pollution energy sources have been strongly needed because of the exhaustion of fossil fuels and serious environmental problems. Because wind energy can be enormously obtained from natural atmosphere, this type of energy has lots of advantages in a economic and pollution point of view. This study has established the aerodynamic and structural design procedure of the rotor blade with an appropriate aerodynamic performance and structural strength for the 500㎾ medium class wind turbine system. The aerodynamic configuration of the rotor blade was determined by considering the wind condition in the typical local operation region, and based on this configuration aerodynamic performance analysis was performed. The rotor blade has the shell-spar structure based on glass/epoxy composite material and is composed of shank including metal joint parts and blade. Structural design was done by the developed design program in this study and structural analysis, for instance stress analysis, mode analysis and fatigue life estimation, was performed by the finite element method. As a result, a medium scale wind turbine rotor blade with starting characteristics of 4m/s wind speed, rated power of 500㎾ at 12m/s wind speed and over 20 years fatigue life has been designed.

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SHM-based probabilistic representation of wind properties: statistical analysis and bivariate modeling

  • Ye, X.W.;Yuan, L.;Xi, P.S.;Liu, H.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.591-600
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    • 2018
  • The probabilistic characterization of wind field characteristics is a significant task for fatigue reliability assessment of long-span railway bridges in wind-prone regions. In consideration of the effect of wind direction, the stochastic properties of wind field should be represented by a bivariate statistical model of wind speed and direction. This paper presents the construction of the bivariate model of wind speed and direction at the site of a railway arch bridge by use of the long-term structural health monitoring (SHM) data. The wind characteristics are derived by analyzing the real-time wind monitoring data, such as the mean wind speed and direction, turbulence intensity, turbulence integral scale, and power spectral density. A sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm-based finite mixture modeling method is proposed to formulate the joint distribution model of wind speed and direction. For the probability density function (PDF) of wind speed, a double-parameter Weibull distribution function is utilized, and a von Mises distribution function is applied to represent the PDF of wind direction. The SQP algorithm with multi-start points is used to estimate the parameters in the bivariate model, namely Weibull-von Mises mixture model. One-year wind monitoring data are selected to validate the effectiveness of the proposed modeling method. The optimal model is jointly evaluated by the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and coefficient of determination, $R^2$. The obtained results indicate that the proposed SQP algorithm-based finite mixture modeling method can effectively establish the bivariate model of wind speed and direction. The established bivariate model of wind speed and direction will facilitate the wind-induced fatigue reliability assessment of long-span bridges.