• Title/Summary/Keyword: Engineering graduates

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A Study on the Relationship Between on-site Training During the School Year and Job Satisfaction after Employment: A Comparison between Short-term and Long-term on-site Training (재학 중 현장실습과 취업 후 직무만족 간의 관계에 관한 연구: 장·단기현장실습의 비교)

  • Kim, Sung-Hui;Lee, Sang Kon
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between post - employment job satisfaction and both short-term (4-12 weeks) and long-term (12+weeks) on-site training. For this purpose, 405 graduates who had completed on-site training (205 short-term, 200 long term) during the school year were surveyed. The results of the comparative analysis of both short-term and long-term on-site training participants are as follows: In both short-term and long-term on-site training, it was found that on-site performance during the school year did not directly affect post-employment job satisfaction. In the case of short-term on-site training participants, job match and organizational commitment were found to have no mediating effect on the correlation between on-site training performance and job satisfaction. On the other hand, in the case of long-term on-site training participants, the analysis showed that job match and organizational commitment had mediating effects on the correlation between on-site training performance and job satisfaction. These effects are not solely attributable to differences in duration of training; the differences in operating systems and the degree of preparation derived from these systems also affect the level of on-site training for students, businesses, and schools. This paper summarizes these findings and suggests the following improvement plans for on-site training in the future: First, short-term on-site training is required to establish a systematic basis in order to enhance students' preparedness level. Second, both short-term and long-term on-site training should improve the skills and field understanding for students' majors through systematic quality management during the training period. Third, it is necessary for universities to increase expectations and quality of short-term on-site training for all involved while simultaneously reducing the gap between educational goals and practice in this field.

Decoding Brain Patterns for Colored and Grayscale Images using Multivariate Pattern Analysis

  • Zafar, Raheel;Malik, Muhammad Noman;Hayat, Huma;Malik, Aamir Saeed
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1543-1561
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    • 2020
  • Taxonomy of human brain activity is a complicated rather challenging procedure. Due to its multifaceted aspects, including experiment design, stimuli selection and presentation of images other than feature extraction and selection techniques, foster its challenging nature. Although, researchers have focused various methods to create taxonomy of human brain activity, however use of multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) for image recognition to catalog the human brain activities is scarce. Moreover, experiment design is a complex procedure and selection of image type, color and order is challenging too. Thus, this research bridge the gap by using MVPA to create taxonomy of human brain activity for different categories of images, both colored and gray scale. In this regard, experiment is conducted through EEG testing technique, with feature extraction, selection and classification approaches to collect data from prequalified criteria of 25 graduates of University Technology PETRONAS (UTP). These participants are shown both colored and gray scale images to record accuracy and reaction time. The results showed that colored images produces better end result in terms of accuracy and response time using wavelet transform, t-test and support vector machine. This research resulted that MVPA is a better approach for the analysis of EEG data as more useful information can be extracted from the brain using colored images. This research discusses a detail behavior of human brain based on the color and gray scale images for the specific and unique task. This research contributes to further improve the decoding of human brain with increased accuracy. Besides, such experiment settings can be implemented and contribute to other areas of medical, military, business, lie detection and many others.

A Study on a Curriculum Based on the Demands of the Industry (산업체 수요지향적 교과과정에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Eun-Jee
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.136-142
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    • 2011
  • As the competition among college graduates in the job market keeps getting intense, the educators' role of preparing students to get well adapted to the job environments should be more emphasized. However, in reality, many firms admit that many entry-level employees out of college need to be reeducated in a variety of areas. To resolve this problem, the current paper aims to propose some suggestions for a better school curriculum that reflects the needs and demands of the industry. The present proposal is based on my empirical knowledge from the department of computer science of the college where I am teaching and can be applied to other colleges. The suggestions for restructuring of a curriculum are expected to help students actively deal with the trend of developing technology. This restructured curriculum should help colleges produce workers with a good balance of academy and industry who can be assigned to work without being reeducated in the field.

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A Case Study of Asian Colleges's Co-op Program for Successful Operations of IPP Program (장기현장실습 제도의 성공적인 운영을 위한 아시안 대학의 코업 프로그램 사례분석)

  • Cho, Jae-Soo;Ha, Jun-Hong;Om, Kiyoung;Oh, Chang-Heon;Kim, Namho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute for Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents several case studies of asian colleges's co-op program for successful operation of KOREATECH IPP(Industry Professional Practice) program. The IPP program is a new educational model that combines academic study and industrial work through university-industry cooperation. The IPP experience will lead the university graduates to improve their employment competencies and will be a key to solve the problems of the labor mismatch between university and industry. We will discuss and analyze the strengths and the weaknesses of the Co-op programs of the Kyoto sangyo university, the Hong Kong polytechnic university and the suranaree university in thailand. Based on these case studies, we summarized several benchmarking points for the successful operation of IPP program.

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Rapid Determination of Electroplating Solutions (1) -Copper from Copper Plating Solutions (각종 도금액의 신속분석법 (제 1 보))

  • 염희택
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 1967
  • Up to this date, numerous methods of analysis of electropling solutions are published. Some, however, need lots of works before reaching final results, or require high technique and special instruments, and also some are unaccurate due to unclearnes of end point. Like our undevelop countries, technicians of electroplating shops are most high school graduates or under, and have not much knowledge on chemistry. Furthermore, those technicians have to control their plating solutions by themselves without having enough analytical laboratory equipment . Therefore, in this paper the simplest, besides accurate method is investigated after comparing numerous methods published. Among the methods of copper determinations from acid and alkaline copper plating baths, EDTA titration method are chosen, due to these methods are the simpest and fastest for the evaluation of metal content, without requirng any special instrument. For acid copper solutions, chelate titrations were accurate enough. Since the end point of titration of chelate method is variable according to the kind of indicators and other metal's coexisitence as well as solution component, many difficulties were encountered from cyanide copper, on the contrary of acid copper bath. PAN , PV, and MX indicators were tried , but it is found that MX is the best. In chyanide solution ,due to cyanide is the masking reagent , elimination of this component is essential , and finally found that elimination CN-by precipitation with AgNO$_3$ solution was the simplest and the most accurate way among others. This method was very accurate for the new plating solutions even coexistence with organic brightners. However used solutions for long months running have to be predetermined the accurate copper value by thiosulfate method form time to time, before chelate titration by means of AgNO$_3$ precipitation. Always some constant deviations will be seen according to the solutions nature. Therefore those deviation values have to be compensated each time.

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A Study on Factors of Career Development in Scientist and Engineer Laborforce (과학기술인력의 경력개발 촉진 요인에 대한 분석)

  • Hong, Seong-Min;Chang, Sun-Mi
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.139-159
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the factors which promoting career development of scientist and engineer laborforce. We made up three logit analysis models to figure out the factors affecting the career of scientist and engineer laborforce. Dependent variables were composed of job attributes in 2011, current job attribute, changing of working conditions, efforts of job seeking, university education, and personal characters. Three analysis model were composed of demand side model which including job attributes factors, supply side model which focus on employment or university education characters and total model including the demand and the supply factors. The results showed a stable career to the development of scientist and engineer laborforce's job attributes on the demand side than the supply side, such as a college education even more important. After all, the initial stable jobs and good matching policy were the most important policies to be seated in the science and engineering professions.

A Case Study of SW Expert Training Platform Based on International Cooperation: HRD Center in Cambodia

  • Hong, Jaehyun;Oh, Nayoung;Lee, Junghwan
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, international cooperation has become important not only at the humanitarian level but also at the socio-economic level. As a result, major foreign countries are increasing capital-intensive international cooperation. In this environment, Korea needs to look for differentiated international cooperation plans centered on sustainable talent cultivation and move away from capital-based international cooperation. In this study, we analyzed the case of HRD (Human Resource Development) center in Cambodia as an international cooperation model between industry-academia-college for training software (SW) workforce. The HRD Center in Cambodia is an educational institution that fosters SW talent and can be viewed as an international cooperation model that can influence the ICT industry in Cambodia as an educational platform. In fact, 190 people who have been hired so far have entered various fields. 97% of graduates have been satisfied with HRD center and 90% of them are willing to recommend the center. In particular, as highlighted in the case study, the HRD Center has had a positive effect on not only cultivating self-initiated learning-based SW talent, but also formulating positive image of Korea and Korean companies thereby facilitating entry into the global market. The HRD Center in Cambodia has developed a virtuous cycle of fostering human resources, providing education, advancing industry and building a cooperative network. Korea has transformed into a platform for international cooperation and human resource development and education by providing active support and aid. This case study will be utilized as a new model of international cooperation with SW expert training platform for Korea.

A Study on the Improvement of Engineer Rating System in the Age of 4th Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명시대 엔지니어링 기술자 등급체계의 개선전략 탐구)

  • Yoon, Sang Pil;Kim, Beop Yeon;Choi, Jeong Min;Yoon, Ki Chan;Kim, Mi Ryang;Kwon, Hun Yeong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.53-74
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    • 2018
  • This study theoretically examines the essence of the competencies, qualifications and grades newly required in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, points out that the engineer rating system does not reflect the new talent and practical capability, and conducts theoretical and empirical analyzes on improvement of the rating system. The current rating system need to be improved because it is not possible for graduates and experience workers to upgrade. Also, it is reasonable that the current highest grade of engineer, the Professional Engineer, which is a sort of qualification, is not a grade but a function of calculating the grade. Based on this theoretical background, empirical analysis of the question investigation and focus group interview shows that the rating system should be improved to four grades or return to the previous system in 2013. And if it is reduced to four grade, it should go in the way that the professional engineer and the qualified engineer combined. In the industry, the future skills of engineers are as follows : qualification, ability to use emerging technology, problem solving, understanding and utilization of major, and data management, etc. These can be summarized as qualification, education (degree) and career. In particular, the engineering industry considers qualifications, degrees, and career experience, and career experience as the most important elements of the rating system. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce a method that accurately reflects the career experience in the improvement of the engineer rating system.

The Minnesota Project - Rebuilding Seoul National University's Architectural Engineering Department and the Formation of U.S.-Oriented Architectural Academia, 1954-1962 - (미네소타 프로젝트 - 서울대학교 건축공학과의 재건과 미국 지향 건축학계의 형성, 1954-1962 -)

  • Park, Dongmin
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2018
  • The United States understood the fostering of pro-U.S. elites in "free world" countries as an important Cold War weapon. From 1954 to 1962, the U.S provided considerable assistance to Seoul National University (SNU) for its postwar rehabilitation and future development in terms of repair and construction of campus buildings, equipment and book purchases, and faculty exchanges. With the aid of this educational assistance project widely known as the Minnesota Project, SNU was reborn with an academic orientation to the U.S., separating itself from the Japanese education that was its origin. This study argues that the Minnesota Project played an important role in crafting SNU's architecture program and the exchange program's recipients as key "knowledge brokers." For individual trainees, experience in the U.S., as opposed to a backwards situation in their homeland, had allowed them to recognize the U.S. as an ideal source of knowledge. Since the Minnesota Project, SNU's Architectural Engineering Department was filled with faculty members who had trained or studied in the U.S., which became a significant distinction of SNU's architecture program in sharp contrast to its counterparts at Hanyang University and Hongik University where most of the faculty members studied in Japan during the Japanese colonial period. As many graduates of SNU had been appointed as faculty members in newly-founded architecture programs in South Korea, a hierarchical diffusion path had emerged in architectural education that led from SNU to other school's architecture programs, with the U.S. at the apex. The legacy of the Minnesota Project extended over the next few decades, in which studying architecture in the U.S. was recognized as a shortcut to success in the field.

How Science-Engineering Graduates Become so Powerful Elites in China? (중국의 이공계 강세 현상에 대한 고찰)

  • ;Bak Hee-Je
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.4 no.2 s.8
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2004
  • Korean scientific community has recently argued that, in order to attract talented young people to the science and engineering fields, more ranking positions in the governmental office should be filled in by science and engineering majors. In this context, a special attention has been paid to the Chinese case where science and engineering majors have taken the highest places in Chinese political hierarchy. This paper examines historical and social background of the salience of science and engineering fields in modem China. A closer examination shows that the salience of science and engineering fields was resulted by the distinct historical experiences of China-the socialist reform of higher education system and Cultural Revolution. The former shaped the social conviction that humanities and social sciences are less useful than science and engineering fields. The latter even spread the idea that majoring in humanities or social sciences run the risk of political oppressions. Thus, the salience of science and engineering in China is a social phenomenon reflecting an academic hierarchy forced by the radical politics of modem China. Also, the higher proportion of science and engineering majors in the raking governmental officers has been resulted by a unique Chinese political system, in particular the personnel management system of the Chinese Communist Party that emphasizes practical experiences after college graduation. The comparison of the social position of science and engineering majors in China and Korea without taking account of such historical and social background may therefore mislead our understanding of the cause of and counterplan to the decreasing popularity of science and engineering fields in Korean universities.

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