• Title/Summary/Keyword: Digital Educational Tools

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The Analysis of Elementary School Teachers' Perception of Using Artificial Intelligence in Education (인공지능 활용 교육에 대한 초등교사 인식 분석)

  • Han, Hyeong-Jong;Kim, Keun-Jae;Kwon, Hye-Seong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to comprehensively analyze elementary school teachers' perceptions of the use of artificial intelligence in education. Recently, interest in the use of artificial intelligence has increased in the field of education. However, there is a lack of research on the perceptions of elementary school teachers using AI in education. Using descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression analysis, and semantic differential meaning scale, 69 elementary school teachers' perceptions of using AI in education were analyzed. As a results, artificial intelligence technology was perceived as most suitable method for assisting activities in class and for problem-based learning. Factors which influence the use of AI in education were learning contents, learning materials, and AI tools. AI in education had the features of personalized learning, promoting students' participation, and provoking students' interest. Further, instructional strategies or models that enable optimized educational operation should be developed.

The Effects of Writing Using Media on the Promotion of Creative Convergence Capacity (미디어를 활용한 글쓰기가 창의융합 역량 증진에 미치는 효과)

  • Bang, Sul-Yeong;Je, Nam-Joo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 2020
  • This was a single group pretest-protest pre-experimental study designed to find out whether writing using media enhances creative convergence capacity. Data were collected from 30 C university students in C city, from March 1st to July 15th, 2020. Analysis was done using IBM SPSS 25.0 for frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and paired t-test. Creative problem solving ability was enhanced by an average of 0,63 points (p<.001), critical thinking tendency by 1.06 points (p<.001), self-leadership by 0,53 points (p<.001), and self-control by an average of 0.51 points, so was statistically significant (p=.001). Writing using media had the effect of improving creativity and integration capabilities. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for the development of educational programs for creativity and integration enhancement at university-level. Also, follow-up studies on the effectiveness of writing education by utilizing web media as text and tools simultaneously and customized university-level writing education utilizing media are required.

The Perfectionist Tendencies of Middle and High School Students who Major in Dance Impact on Competitive Anxiety and Dance Immersion (무용전공 중·고등학생의 완벽주의 성향이 경쟁불안 및 무용몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Min, Yun-Mi;Yu, Young-Ju
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.289-301
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    • 2021
  • The purpose is to identify the impact of perfectionism among middle and high school students majoring in dance on competition anxiety and dance immersion. 279 people were collected by means of a significant collection and survey tools were used in questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted for t-test, one-way random analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. There was a significant difference between perfectionist tendencies and competitive anxiety. There was a significant difference in perfectionism in dance immersion. There is a causal relationship between perfectionist tendencies and competitive anxiety and dance immersion. In order to increase dance immersion among middle and high school students, it is important to identify factors that can increase dance immersion by exploring various psychological factors.

Open Digital Textbook for Smart Education (스마트교육을 위한 오픈 디지털교과서)

  • Koo, Young-Il;Park, Choong-Shik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.177-189
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    • 2013
  • In Smart Education, the roles of digital textbook is very important as face-to-face media to learners. The standardization of digital textbook will promote the industrialization of digital textbook for contents providers and distributers as well as learner and instructors. In this study, the following three objectives-oriented digital textbooks are looking for ways to standardize. (1) digital textbooks should undertake the role of the media for blended learning which supports on-off classes, should be operating on common EPUB viewer without special dedicated viewer, should utilize the existing framework of the e-learning learning contents and learning management. The reason to consider the EPUB as the standard for digital textbooks is that digital textbooks don't need to specify antoher standard for the form of books, and can take advantage od industrial base with EPUB standards-rich content and distribution structure (2) digital textbooks should provide a low-cost open market service that are currently available as the standard open software (3) To provide appropriate learning feedback information to students, digital textbooks should provide a foundation which accumulates and manages all the learning activity information according to standard infrastructure for educational Big Data processing. In this study, the digital textbook in a smart education environment was referred to open digital textbook. The components of open digital textbooks service framework are (1) digital textbook terminals such as smart pad, smart TVs, smart phones, PC, etc., (2) digital textbooks platform to show and perform digital contents on digital textbook terminals, (3) learning contents repository, which exist on the cloud, maintains accredited learning, (4) App Store providing and distributing secondary learning contents and learning tools by learning contents developing companies, and (5) LMS as a learning support/management tool which on-site class teacher use for creating classroom instruction materials. In addition, locating all of the hardware and software implement a smart education service within the cloud must have take advantage of the cloud computing for efficient management and reducing expense. The open digital textbooks of smart education is consdered as providing e-book style interface of LMS to learners. In open digital textbooks, the representation of text, image, audio, video, equations, etc. is basic function. But painting, writing, problem solving, etc are beyond the capabilities of a simple e-book. The Communication of teacher-to-student, learner-to-learnert, tems-to-team is required by using the open digital textbook. To represent student demographics, portfolio information, and class information, the standard used in e-learning is desirable. To process learner tracking information about the activities of the learner for LMS(Learning Management System), open digital textbook must have the recording function and the commnincating function with LMS. DRM is a function for protecting various copyright. Currently DRMs of e-boook are controlled by the corresponding book viewer. If open digital textbook admitt DRM that is used in a variety of different DRM standards of various e-book viewer, the implementation of redundant features can be avoided. Security/privacy functions are required to protect information about the study or instruction from a third party UDL (Universal Design for Learning) is learning support function for those with disabilities have difficulty in learning courses. The open digital textbook, which is based on E-book standard EPUB 3.0, must (1) record the learning activity log information, and (2) communicate with the server to support the learning activity. While the recording function and the communication function, which is not determined on current standards, is implemented as a JavaScript and is utilized in the current EPUB 3.0 viewer, ths strategy of proposing such recording and communication functions as the next generation of e-book standard, or special standard (EPUB 3.0 for education) is needed. Future research in this study will implement open source program with the proposed open digital textbook standard and present a new educational services including Big Data analysis.

The Spatial Composition for Animation Competency Education -By Focusing on the Studio Environment and Spatial Composition of Walt Disney (애니메이션 분야 역량기반 교육을 위한 공간구성 -Walt Disney스튜디오 작업환경과 공간구성 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyun-seok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.46
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2017
  • The practical learning requires the new paradigm in its content of education and environment along with the rapid development of information communication technology and the expansion of digital content industry. Especially, the animation education, core area of digital content industry, has attempted to improve the content and method of education by focusing on creativity, convergence and practical education. However, education environment in the previous form of computer laboratory has not been reflected the characteristics of animation education. In the light of this, this research would suggests the effective education environment implemented animation job competency and the characteristics of animation production. Firstly, the problem of previous educational environment will be explored through looking at computer rooms of domestic Universities. The characteristics of animation production consisted of Pre-production, Main-production, Post-production and elements of animation job competency will be reviewed by focusing on three phases of production, Pre-production, Main-production and Post-production, and six particular jobs, concept art, modeling & texturing, animating, lighting, VFX and compositing. Secondly, 6 types of space adapted from space syntax, possibly explored the embedded meaning of the structure of space and environment, will be reviewed by focusing on integration, separation and interaction. Thirdly, based on the characteristics of animation production, the element of animation job competency, 6 types of space, analytical tools about animation project education will be deducted, and the case study regarding animation studio, Walt Disney studio, will be processed by focusing on its production environment and spatial composition by focusing on Pre-production, Main-production, Post-production. Fifthly, the effective spatial composition for animation project education will be explored based on the interpretation of literature reviews and case study. In regard to this, the research addresses the spatial composition reflected the characteristics of practical learning and job competency in animation education, which differs from the previous form of standardized education spaces.

A Study on the Cyber Museum Organization System for Intangible Cultural Properties II Focused on the Information system and classification code anger - Focusing on the Exhibition Space, Exhibition Method and Expression Specialty - (무형문화재를 위한 사이버뮤지엄 구성체계에 관한 연구 II - 전시방법 및 표현특성을 중심으로 -)

  • 한영호;장중식;정용섭
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.40
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2003
  • The findings of this study indicate that intangible cultural properties are worth preservation and transmission and should be considered as very important as tangible cultural properties. If the studies of intangible cultural properties are continued focusing on their characteristics and formational system, they can be expressed more properly by adding new interactive elements to database and expressive requisites. New techniques introduced in this study are believed to provide people with most reasonable and developmental motives for expression of the existing intangible cultural properties. Concerning Korea's cultural properties centered on intangible cultural properties, information construction should be made with a new idea of information based on database from the previous studies. The result will be able to set an important factor to give wide publicity to our cultural identity, which is currently shown in the process of background communication, and serve as a foothold to deliver exact information to our descendants. The intangible cultural properties are our people's mental cultural heritage resources. If museums or initiator groups, which are organized to spread cultural heritages, can use them as the subjects of exhibition through information construction and visualization, it will function to maximize the educational effect of transmitting our national mental world. The development of digital environment will provide the optimum conditions and tools making it possible to visualize intangible forms and ideas in a virtual cyber space. Given these viewpoints, steady studies and efforts for the improvement of Korea's cultural image should be made in the way of intangible cultural properties as well as tangible ones. They start from the country's accurate appreciation of cultural properties and are embodied in systematic adjustment and relationship between interdependent elements.

A Study on the Cyber Museum Organization System for Intangible Cultural Properties III - Focused on the Chungnam Province - (무형문화재를 위한 사이버뮤지엄 구성체계에 관한 연구 III - 충남지역을 중심으로 -)

  • 한영호;장중식;정용섭
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2004
  • The findings of this study indicate that intangible cultural properties are worth preservation and transmission and should be considered as very important as tangible cultural properties. If the studies of intangible cultural properties are continued focusing on their characteristics and formational system, they can be expressed more properly by adding new interactive elements to database and expressive requisites. New techniques introduced in this study are believed to provide people with most reasonable and developmental motives for expression of the existing intangible cultural properties. Concerning Korea's cultural properties centered on intangible cultural properties, information construction should be made with a new idea of information based on database from the previous studies. The result will be able to set an important factor to give wide publicity to our cultural identity, which is currently shown in the process of background communication, and serve as a foothold to deliver exact information to our descendants. The intangible cultural properties are our people's mental cultural heritage resources. If museums or initiator groups, which are organized to spread cultural heritages, can use them as the subjects of exhibition through information construction and visualization, it will function to maximize the educational effect of transmitting our national mental world. The development of digital environment will provide the optimum conditions and tools making it possible to visualize intangible forms and ideas in a virtual cyber space. Given these viewpoints, steady studies and efforts for the improvement of Korea's cultural image should be made in the way of intangible cultural properties as well as tangible ones. They start from the country's accurate appreciation of cultural properties and are embodied in systematic adjustment and relationship between interdependent elements.

Effect of Toothbrushing Application for Kids on Dental Plaque Removal and Interest in Toothbrushing of Preschool Children

  • Chae-Ha Hwang;Hyeon-Ju Song;Min-Ji Jung;Yeon-Jae Choi;Young Sun Hwang
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.208-215
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    • 2023
  • Background: Dental caries in preschool children can cause early loss of teeth, reduced masticatory function, malocclusion, and speech disorders, making oral care for preschool children essential. However, because children have a poor ability to perform oral hygiene by themselves, educational tools that help establish correct oral health behaviors are required. This study evaluated the effect of toothbrushing application for kids on dental plaque removal and toothbrushing interest in preschool children. Methods: Seven 5-year-old children enrolled in a daycare center participated in the evaluation, and the same children participated in the experiment twice a week. The Pokémon Smile application (App) was used as an auxiliary application for tooth brushing, and the degree of dental plaque removal on the tooth surface was evaluated by quantitative light-induced fluorescence-digital imaging. After the experiment, children's toothbrushing preferences were investigated through interviews. Results: The levels of AREA R30 and AREA R70 measured after the children's toothbrushing as usual decreased compared to those before toothbrushing; however, the change was not significant. The levels of AREA R30 and AREA R70 measured after using the Pokémon Smile App were significantly reduced compared to those before toothbrushing. Children's interest in brushing their teeth increased by 28.59% after using the Pokémon Smile App. Conclusion: The toothbrushing application for kids effectively removes dental plaque by helping preschool children brush their teeth. It also increased preschool children's interest in tooth brushing. Therefore, an oral health education application would be useful for children who need to develop correct oral care methods and habits.

Case Study of the Image Generative AI Hands-on for UN SDGs Global Citizenship Education (UN SDGs 세계시민교육을 위한 이미지 생성AI 활용사례 연구)

  • Hanjin Lee;Ye-eun Lee;Juwon Yun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.263-269
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    • 2024
  • Amidst the global challenges of climate crisis, warfare, and escalating inequality, the pursuit of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has become increasingly imperative. Consequently, research into effective pedagogical methodologies from the student perspective continues to gain momentum. Particularly, with the advancement of generative AI technologies, the potential for leveraging such tools in providing global citizenship education to the youth is garnering attention. This study implemented and emphatically analyzed an artificial intelligence educational program focused on the creation of sustainable urban spaces under the UN Academic Impact(UNAI). The findings indicated a high level of literacy pertaining to global citizen AI education, evidenced by increased interest, satisfaction, and recommendation intention. Furthermore, the study observed an enhancement in digital interactions through the processes of posting, viewing, and real-time discussions of the created works with Generative AI such as the ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion. Through these instances, the study proposes the development of HTHT curricula that enhance creative thinking, collaborative growth, and analytical capabilities.

Virtual Dissection System of Cadaver Heart Using 3-Dimensional Image

  • Chung, Min-Suk;Lee, Je-Man;Kim, Min-Koo;Park, Seung-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.11
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    • pp.357-360
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    • 1997
  • For medical students and doctors, knowledge of the 3-dimensional (3D) structure of the heart is very important in diagnosis and treatment of the heart diseases. 2-dimensional (2D) tools (e.g. anatomy book) or classical 3D tools (e.g. plastic model) are not sufficient or understanding the complex structures of the heart. Moreover, it is not always guaranteed to dissect the heart of cadaver when it is necessary. To overcome this problem, virtual dissection systems of the heart have been developed. But these systems are not satisfactory since they are made of radiographs; they are not true 3D images; they can not be used to dissect freely; or they can only be operated on the workstation. It is also necessary to make the dissection systems incorporating the various races and tribes because of the organ's difference according to race and tribe. This study was intended to make the 3D image of the heart from a Korean cadaver, and to establish a virtual dissection system of the heart with a personal computer. The procedures or manufacturing this system were as follows. 1. The heart from a Korean adult cadaver was embedded with gelatin solution, and serially cross-sectioned at 1mm-thickness on a meat slicer. Pictures or 153 cross-sectioned specimens were inputted into the computer using a digital camera ($756{\times}504$ resolution, true color). 2. The alignment system was established by means of the language of IDL, and applied to align 2D images of the heart. In each of 2D images, closed curves lining clean and dirty blood pathways were drawn manually on the CorelDRAW program. 3. Using the language of IDL, the 3D image and the virtual dissection system of the heart were constructed. The virtual dissection system of the heart allowed or ree rotation, any-directional sectioning, and selected visualization of the heart's structure. This system is expected to become more advanced, and to be used widely through Internet or CD-title as an educational tool for medical students and doctors.

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