A Study on the Cyber Museum Organization System for Intangible Cultural Properties II Focused on the Information system and classification code anger - Focusing on the Exhibition Space, Exhibition Method and Expression Specialty -

무형문화재를 위한 사이버뮤지엄 구성체계에 관한 연구 II - 전시방법 및 표현특성을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2003.10.01


The findings of this study indicate that intangible cultural properties are worth preservation and transmission and should be considered as very important as tangible cultural properties. If the studies of intangible cultural properties are continued focusing on their characteristics and formational system, they can be expressed more properly by adding new interactive elements to database and expressive requisites. New techniques introduced in this study are believed to provide people with most reasonable and developmental motives for expression of the existing intangible cultural properties. Concerning Korea's cultural properties centered on intangible cultural properties, information construction should be made with a new idea of information based on database from the previous studies. The result will be able to set an important factor to give wide publicity to our cultural identity, which is currently shown in the process of background communication, and serve as a foothold to deliver exact information to our descendants. The intangible cultural properties are our people's mental cultural heritage resources. If museums or initiator groups, which are organized to spread cultural heritages, can use them as the subjects of exhibition through information construction and visualization, it will function to maximize the educational effect of transmitting our national mental world. The development of digital environment will provide the optimum conditions and tools making it possible to visualize intangible forms and ideas in a virtual cyber space. Given these viewpoints, steady studies and efforts for the improvement of Korea's cultural image should be made in the way of intangible cultural properties as well as tangible ones. They start from the country's accurate appreciation of cultural properties and are embodied in systematic adjustment and relationship between interdependent elements.



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