• Title/Summary/Keyword: 행사패턴

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Inbreeding levels and effective population size of duroc populations of major swine breeding farms in Korea (국내 두록 품종의 근교수준 및 유효집단 크기 추정)

  • Hong, Joon Ki;Song, Na Rae;Kim, Du Wan;Kim, Si Dong;Kim, Young Hwa;Choi, Jae Gwan;Mun, Hyo Sik;Cho, Kyu Ho
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2014
  • The pedigree data of 86,639 heads from six major swine breeding farms were investigated to check levels of inbreeding and effective population size of breeding stocks. The average rate of inbreeding was 1.04%, 0.87%, 3.17%, 1.05%, 3.23% and 3.33% for farms A, B, C, D, E and F, respectively. The average inbreeding rate was highest for F farm and lowest for B farm. In farms D and E, there were quite large numbers of immigrant animals per generation compared to other farms. The effective population sizes calculated from the average rate of inbreeding were distributed between 83.0 and 814.8. Specific values were 282.3, 225.5, 83.0, 814.8, 302.9 and 175.7 for farms A, B, C, D, E and F, respectively. The results showed that there was no cause for concern over the current inbreeding level of major swine breeding farm populations and the inbreeding level was within an acceptable range. In addition, internal sharing rather than importing pig is necessary to strengthen seed sovereignty.

A Typology of Maritally Violent Men: Testing the Three Batterer Subtypes Derived from Theory (가정폭력 행위자의 유형: 이론에 따른 세 하위유형의 검증)

  • Chang, Hee-Suk;Kim, Ye-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.303-325
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    • 2004
  • This study investigated subtypes of men who batter, and explored the differences among them. It was based on 217 subjects from all around the nation who received legal punishment. In the analysis of the typology, we specifically tested whether the Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart proposed typology was verified. The results of the cluster analysis revealed support for their theoretical distinction for three types of abusers. These results imply that Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart's batterer typology is applicable to Korean batterers to some degree. Type 1 men demonstrated the lowest levels of physical and psychological abuse toward their wives and were the least likely to have had a history of child abuse or alcohol problems. These men had lower MCMI scores and did not show any extraordinary personality traits. Men in this category were violent only against their wives, had relatively liberal sex role attitudes and had the most satisfaction in their intimate relationships. Type 2 men were violent only at home, using a moderate level of violence. These men had very high levels of dependency on others and showed a borderline, avoident or passive-aggressive personality. The amount of alcohol consumption was similar to Type 1, but scores of jealousy, self-esteem, and attitudinal variables were similar to Type 3 men. They lacked assertiveness skills and reported the least marital satisfaction. Type 3 men used the most severe violence and were violent both inside and outside the home. These men showed signs of antisocial and aggressive personality. They had experienced frequent physical abuse during childhood, were the most likely to abuse alcohol and had lower self-control. Type 3 were the most traditional in their views of women's roles and had attitudes supporting violence. Based upon the study findings, practical implications of enhancing treatment efficacy were considered.

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The Articles Related to the Jinjak Process of Gichuk Jinchan Ceremony (1829년 기축진찬의례(己丑進饌儀禮)의 진작(進爵) 기물(器物) 연구)

  • Lee, A-Lum;Lee, Eun-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.64-81
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    • 2017
  • Among the royal ceremonies of the Joseon Dynasty era, the articles used in the Jinjak ceremony are symbolic icons of their value during the era. It is very important to identify the purpose of the articles whose usage is ambiguous, by referring to various historical records. Moreover, it should be possible to classify the characteristics and the special context of the article during this process. To accomplish this purpose, I examined the articles related to and used in the processes of Jinjak ceremonies of Outer Jinchan of Myeongjeongjeon and Inner Jinchan of Jagyeongjeon, which are part of the Gichuk Jinchan Ceremony performed in February of the 29th year of King Sunjo. Especially, the definition of Jinjak will not just be limited to the action of offering liquor, but will include the whole series of procedures in offering the liquor. This is because the specific action of offering the liquor expresses cultural concepts and values that have meaning within the historical situation and context in the specific action of offering the liquor. There are three characteristics of the articles related to the Jinjak process of Outer Jinchan and Inner Jinchan of Gichuk Jinchan Ceremony. First, the articles of Jinjak are ranked strictly exactly according to the social status rankings. Second, the Jinjak articles are arranged for their symbolic meanings rather than their purpose. Third, the articles of Jinjak are symbolic icons expressing the values inherent in the process of offering liquor. Recently, there are events reviving the royal court banquet and the increase of interest in the royal culture. It such a situation, the systematic examination of articles of royal court banquets will be a process needed to restore the royal ceremony correctly in the future, and will be the foundation for studying the royal culture of the Joseon dynasty era.

Development and Operation of Marine Environmental Portal Service System (해양환경 포탈서비스시스템 구축과 운영)

  • 최현우;권순철
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.338-341
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    • 2003
  • According to a long-term master plan for the implementing of MOMAF's marine environmental informatization, we have developed marine environment portal web site which consists of 7 main-menu and 39 sub-menu including various types of contents (text, image and multimedia) based on RDBMS. This portal site was opened in Oct., 2002 (http://www.meps.info). Also, for the national institutions' distributed DB which is archived and managed respectively the marine chemical data and biological data, the integrated retrieval system was developed. This system is meaningful for the making collaborative use of real data and could be applied for data mining, marine research, marine environmental GIS and making-decisions.

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A Qualitative Study on the Social Well-being of Koreans: Focusing on Social Connectedness, Social Identity, and Social Comparison (한국인의 사회적 안녕감에 대한 질적 연구: 사회적 연결감, 사회정체성, 사회비교를 중심으로)

  • Yei-ji Seo;Jungmin Ahn;Taeyun Jung
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.541-572
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sociocultural context and condition of social connectedness, social identity and social comparison criteria that affect social well-being. Additionally, it examined qualitatively how people's social well-being is affected by the social comparison standards of the Korean society. For this, the FGI methodology was utilized. Adults in their 20s to 60s made up five age-based focus groups, each with seven participants, for a total of 35 people. Afterward, the data were coded by themes, and thematic analysis was conducted to identify patterns and draw conclusions. The following are the primary conclusions: First, social connection was experienced through things like other people's unwavering kindness, events evoking national solidarity, social security programs, and the exercise of civic rights like voting. Second, people's primary social identities in daily life are divided into three dimensions: material self, social self, and psychological self, while social identity as a Korean is reinforced by international contexts. In particular, the sociocultural contexts of experiencing the Korean identity were identified as differentiating themselves from other foreigners in the international community, feeling like an outsider in a strange setting, and feeling more engaged by national prestige events and sporting events. Third, perceptions of the Korean society through social comparison varied depending on the standard of comparison. Upward comparisons caused feelings of tension and frustration, while downward comparisons offered some relative comfort. The study's findings have important ramifications since they can serve as a basis for advancing social well-being. The study specifically showed a tendency for less frequent experiences of social connectedness. Thus, it implies that in order to make this connectedness a regular occurrence rather than a phenomenon reserved for special occasions, psychosocial and cultural interventions are required. Furthermore, by highlighting the sociocultural contexts in which Korean identity is experienced and the ways in which important social identities vary across generations, this study highlights the necessity of tailored methods for each generation to reinforce Korean identity. Last but not least, the study highlights the significance of taking into account the beneficial role of downward comparison in preserving balanced social views and fostering social well-being in Korean culture, where upward social comparison is common due to the development of SNS.

Mutiagent based on Attacker Traceback System using SOM (SOM을 이용한 멀티 에이전트 기반의 침입자 역 추적 시스템)

  • Choi Jinwoo;Woo Chong-Woo;Park Jaewoo
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2005
  • The rapid development of computer network technology has brought the Internet as the major infrastructure to our society. But the rapid increase in malicious computer intrusions using such technology causes urgent problems of protecting our information society. The recent trends of the intrusions reflect that the intruders do not break into victim host directly and do some malicious behaviors. Rather, they tend to use some automated intrusion tools to penetrate systems. Most of the unknown types of the intrusions are caused by using such tools, with some minor modifications. These tools are mostly similar to the Previous ones, and the results of using such tools remain the same as in common patterns. In this paper, we are describing design and implementation of attacker-traceback system, which traces the intruder based on the multi-agent architecture. The system first applied SOM to classify the unknown types of the intrusion into previous similar intrusion classes. And during the intrusion analysis stage, we formalized the patterns of the tools as a knowledge base. Based on the patterns, the agent system gets activated, and the automatic tracing of the intrusion routes begins through the previous attacked host, by finding some intrusion evidences on the attacked system.

Mushroom consumption patterns in the capital area (수도권 도시가구의 버섯 소비양상)

  • Lee, Yun-Hae;Jeong, Gu-Hyoen;Kim, Yeon-Jin;Chi, Jeong-Hyun;Lee, Hae-Kil
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2017
  • Profitability of farmers has decreased mainly owing to low price while the gross amount of mushroom production has increased continuously in South Korea. In this regard, analyzing patterns of mushroom consumption is believed to be meaningful. We used a panel data set consisting of 667 families, from 2010 to 2015. Based on the panel data, mushroom consumption patterns of people living in city areas were examined. Multiple descriptive analysis methods and frequency analysis approaches were adopted in this study in terms of time and space dimensions, demographic properties, and purchase behaviors. The findings of this studyshow that mushroom purchase is highly dependent on seasonal events, which implies that the product consumption timing is predictable. In addition, yearly purchase amount patterns reflect that superstores have become the major mushroomtrading venues. This directly supports the need to establish supply chain capabilities for mushroom farmers so that they gain more bargaining power against enterprise-type groceries. Finally, functional features of mushroom can be linked with marketing promotion because purchase patterns demonstrate potential needs for healthcare food in mushroom categories. Based on the analyzed patterns, this paper provides insightful implications for policy makers who want to promote mushroom consumption.

The Yongsan Governor General Official Residence in Korean Landscape Architectural History (용산 총독관저 정원의 조경사적 의의)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Yu, Joo-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 2011
  • This study is about the governor general's official residence and its garden in Yongsan that were constructed during the Japanese occupational time. The garden design drawing was also made while planning such Neo-Baroque style building, and it contains particular information of the garden unlike the other existing landscape drawings. The content of garden translated and landscape historical value drawn out by analysis of garden drawings, press articles and literatures are as follows; First, such governor general's official residence garden in Yongsan is likely to be the Korean first western style landscape form. For, from the point that it was completely constructed together with such official residential building in 1909, its construction time should be before that of the garden of Seokjojeon, Deoksu Palace, which was constructed in 1911. Second, it shows the garden style and garden planting factors introduced together with the modern architecture then. Such garden planting factors are placed from the center axis of the garden that is connected to the center of the building and monument as well. Such style and factors cover and show the flower bed appearing in Baroque style gardens, the monument that forms Vista playing the center of audience's vision, water space that is placed symmetrically against the axis, planting pattern that emphasizes the plants' space, flower bed shape and axis, and what kinds of plants were introduced then. Third, it shows the using pattern of western style gardens. Western style garden parties used to take in place in this garden while official dinner and reception were held in the evening in the official residence. Fourth, it shows the historical value as a modern landscape drawing, which is the Korean first landscape drawing that shows the plants' names and planting techniques marking the current height and planned height for change of topography and water system as a water landscape factor. That is, this drawing has the value that it was upgraded from the other existing ones that expressed only simple plants' symbols or flower bed shapes. I, therefore, hope that the studies on the modern landscape would be getting wider by excavation of new historical records in the future.

A Study on the Development of the Traditional Design Content in health and longevity based on the Lucky Signs (길상(吉祥)을 상징하는 수복(壽福) 중심의 전통적인 디자인 콘텐츠 개발에 대한 방향성 연구 - 문화상품디자인 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Su-yeon;Hong, Dong-sik
    • Journal of Communication Design
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    • v.66
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    • pp.90-101
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    • 2019
  • South Korea had a hard time creating its own image of a nation that formed its identity due to 6.25, Japanese-style rule, division of South and North Korea, and military dictatorship. Recently, Korea has been searching and spreading its identity by creating a Korean wave such as various events and K-POPs. However, since there are still no images and cultural products representing Korea's identity, it is necessary to develop design contents related to native culture and professional cultural product design. Design powers such as France and Japan focus on design projects that can add value to their national design policy projects. Traditional Korean contents also need to be specialized and continuous in image design and research. In this study, five lucky-SubokGangnYeon(long life, happiness and peace), a representative of Korean culture, studied with the most interest in the old and the modern, namely, "Living healthy long." Through the development of cultural product design and the use of design content, I would look forward to presenting the diversity and direction in producing Korea's own design products and images that fit the trend of modern 'age of 100.' Based on images based on special exhibitions related to longevity of the National Folk Museum of Korea, the museum discovers key used features and meanings, studies patterns and patterns, and analyzes design cases applied to modern cultural product design. We also want to look at the direction available through design content, which is a symbol of llong life happiness and peace. First, cultural products have limitations that lack the development of design products, lack of public relations and sales outlets, and lack of awareness of traditional culture, which should precede policy support and awareness reform at the national level. Second, we need to streamline prices that meet the needs of the market. Third, cultural product design and contents related to tradition can be settled and disseminated more easily when traditional design is utilized and distributed mainly on practical stationery and household goods. Fourth, it is necessary to develop contents of various Korean images based on research on Korean cultural history and aesthetic consciousness. Research on the Korean culture of designers should be conducted, not just in the form of figurative images. Fifth, traditional manufacturing methods and materials should be respected by modern times, but modern production products should be developed with economy and durability.