• Title/Summary/Keyword: 학교 성적

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Development of ASP-Based School Affairs Support System Using UML (UML을 활용한 ASP 기반의 학사지원시스템 개발)

  • 정화영;송영재
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2001.10b
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    • pp.574-576
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    • 2001
  • 인터넷의 발달과 함께 많은 부분에서 이를 응용하려는 노력이 지속되고 있다. 이에 학사행정업무에서도 이를 응용하여, 원거리의 학생에 관한 학교업무에 편리성과 효율성을 주고 있다. 본 논문에서는 전체 학사행정업무 중에서 성적조회와 수강신청 및 변경에 관한 업무를 온라인 상에서 할 수 있도록 하는 학사지원시스템을 설계 및 구현하였다. 이는, 크게 학생모드와 관리자 모드로 나누었으며, 학생모드에서는 성적조회와 수강신청을 하도록 하고 관리자모드에서는 수강기간을 입력 및 변경할 수 있도록 하였다. 이를 위하여, 본 시스템분석에서는 UML을 이용하였고, 시스템 개발에서는 ASP를 이용하였으며 데이터베이스는 MS-ACCESS를 이용하였다. 또한, 웹 문서의 효율적인 활용을 위하여 Java Script 언어를 사용하였다.

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The effects of coping strategy on academic burnout and school adjustment in Chinese adolescents (중국 청소년의 스트레스 대처 방식이 학업소진 및 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Ma, Yuanyuan;Go, Min-Sun;Jung, In-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the effects from stress coping strategies on the school adjustment and burnouts with the Chinese $9^{th}$ graders from an middle school in Shanghai. The survey results showed that Chinese youth spent the most of their after-school-hours with the various leisure activities such as computer gaming or watching TV, so on. In the results, the school adjustments and burnouts were negatively associated. The adopting the active coping skills(i.e., problem oriented strategy or seeking social supports) lowered the burnouts and increased the school adjustments whereas the negative coping skills showed the advert results. In conclusions, the authors of this study suggested the continuous educational efforts should be needed to promote Chinese youth's ability to cope the academic stress actively.

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Analysis of Current State of High School Achievement Evaluation for Enhancing English Class based on Achievement Assessment (성취평가중심 영어수업 활성화를 위한 고등학교 성취평가 현황 분석 연구)

  • Cho, Sung Jun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.550-566
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    • 2018
  • In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, enhancing achievement evaluation based on process oriented instruction is essential. It assists human growth both cognitively and mentally. The purpose of this study is to analyze current condition of high school achievement evaluation in Daejeon region for enhancing English class based on achievement Assessment. Analyzing high school achievement evaluation plans as well as analyzing items of paper and pencil test using TELL program was conducted. Reanalysis of global citizen theme-based English according to core achievement standard was performed. The questionnaire was analyzed using the SPSS Win 20.0 Program to figure out significant difference of instructional method, the rate of students' grade improvement, English class related to the state of career recognition. T-test, ANOVA was performed to determine if there was a difference between the individual instructional variables. The research result is designed to construct or develop English class based on achievement evaluation while providing each high school with the result of current state of high school achievement evaluation. Specific characteristics of individual achievement result was conducted in terms of analyzing distribution of answer sheet response in order to be used as information for managing each high school achievement evaluation.

The improvement plan of course education and the recognition about the course&vocation of General high school student (일반계 고등학생의 진로 및 직업에 대한 인식과 진로교육 개선방안)

  • Lim, Byeong-Ung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.171-195
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is 1) to survey to identify how high school students think about career guidance and job and 2) to pursue effective career guidance. According to the survey result, first, most students have thought about their career. They chose friends as a counselor for their future. Among respondents, 39.84% of them said they did not consult with teachers. They said academic record is a stumbling block in choosing career. Second, many students responded career guidance should start at 'Junior High school'. 76.56% of respondents said they were lack of career guidance resources. With respect to career, an important subject was shown as the following order: social study, English, Korean, Science and Math. Third, students recognized the face that aptitude and ability should be the utmost important factors in choosing career. They chose mass media as a main source to gain information relative to career, which accounted for 52.34% and 20.31% for teachers. In the case of students who have rather 'poor'home background, teachers were the main sources for career information, whose proportion was relatively high. Forth, parents were the most influential people who helped students choose which high school to go(40.69%). In terms of scope of higher education, 65.63% said they wanted to graduate university. Students who has good academic records and good home environment wanted to pursue Master's or Doctor's degrees. 70.31% of respondents said they attended a high school just because they wanted to have a desired job.

The Significance of School Sports Club Activities: Focused on Middle School Students (학교스포츠클럽활동의 의미: 중학생들을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sang-min;Lee, Keun-Mo;Jang, Seung-Hyun
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2018
  • This study is aimed to examine what school sports club activities mean to middle school students. To attain this objective, this study first investigated what kinds of peer culture school sports club activities form, and second, what kind of time school sports club is for the students. For the research method, a qualitative research method was employed combining in-depth interview and participatory observation. The results showed that first, the students were creating the peer culture of games, communication, and relaxation through school sports club activities. Though fighting sometimes, the boy students were really enjoying sports games with their friends according to their own rules. On the other hand, girls were enjoying the relationship with friends, more focusing on communication and relaxation than on playing sports game itself. Second, the students thought of school sports club activities as an exit. Those students who lacked leisure time regarded school sports club activity as a time to play with friends, to escape from the pressure of good grades, and different from physical education.

A Study on the relation between Mathematical Scholastic Ability and Scholastic Aptitude Test (수학 기초학력과 대학수학능력시험 수리영역 성적의 관계 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Rye;Lee, Gyeoung-Hee
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.629-639
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    • 2011
  • Currently science and technology are changing so fast and college mathematics becomes more and more important. But the downturn of freshmen's scholastic performance has been intensified and this phenomenon leads to serious problems in managing college curriculums. During the recent years at a middle level engineering college, many freshmen had a lot of difficulties in their mathematics courses. In consequence, many of them had hard time to survive at their major curriculums. In this point of view, we analyse the situation of mathematical scholastic ability among engineering majored freshmen through the research on the actual state of mathematical background, mathematical scholastic ability test, college mathematics scores, and scholastic aptitude test scores. We study the relation between the mathematics score of scholastic aptitude test for the college entrance and mathematical scholastic ability of freshmen of a middle level engineering college. From this study we conclude that the essential reasons for the above situations are the curriculum of middle school mathematics and the system of scholastic aptitude test and the entrance examination of university. In order for improving mathematical accomplishment. we give suggestions such as a learning ability improvement program in mathematics.

Study on Blockchain Based University Public Records Management Service (블록체인 기반 대학 공공기록물 관리 서비스 설계 연구)

  • Hong, Gi Wan;Chang, Hang Bae
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 2021
  • The public records of universities shall be classified according to the Enforcement Decree of the Public Records Act and public records management activities shall be carried out accordingly. Among various kinds of public records of the university, the records of performance management are still managed as paper documents, such as attendance books, answer sheets, and assignments, and the management system and methods of each school are different, making it difficult for the management manager to manage them. In this paper, we propose a service model that can perform blockchain-based records management of records related to performance at universities currently kept in paper documents. The proposed service is expected to reduce resource consumption, such as the cost, time and effort spent on storing and managing paper documents.

A Study on the Relationship between Professional Self-concept, Interpersonal Relationship, Coping, Clinical Practice Satisfaction of Nursing College Students (간호대학생의 대인관계, 대처 및 임상실습만족도가 전문직 자아개념에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Jang-Hak;Choi, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.553-561
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the relationship between professional self-concept, interpersonal relationship, coping, and clinical practice satisfaction of nursing college students. This was a descriptive study. The survey participants were 355 students in M city and I city. The data were collected from May 29 to June 16, 2017 and self-report questionnaires, including the Professional Self-concept Scale, Interpersonal Relationship Scale, Coping Scale, and Clinical Practice Satisfaction Scale. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent-samples t-test, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. Professional self-concept showed significant differences according to religion, income, and school records. Interpersonal relationships showed significant differences according to gender, income, and school records. Coping showed significant differences according to the school records. Professional self-concept had a statistically positive correlation with interpersonal relationship, clinical practice satisfaction, and approach coping. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that the predictor of professional self-concept was interpersonal relationships, approach coping, religion, school records, and avoidant coping, which accounted for 45.2% of the variance. These results highlight the need for enhancement programs of nursing college students' professional self-concept that consider their interpersonal relationships, coping, religion, and school records.

Analysis of the Current Status of Elementary School Students' Computer Game Addiction and its Causes (초등학생의 컴퓨터 게임 중독 실태와 원인 분석)

  • Jang, Gwan-Young;Jo, Mi-Heon
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.08a
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2007
  • 최근 과학기술의 발달에 따른 컴퓨터 산업의 대중화로 각 가정마다 컴퓨터 1대씩은 필수로 보유하고 있다. 이러한 추세에 따라 초등학교 교육과정에도 재량활동으로 ICT 교육을 체계 있게 실시할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 하지만 컴퓨터를 가지고 정보를 활용하는 순기능을 잃어버리고 역기능이 학습지도와 생활지도의 문제로 등장했으며 컴퓨터 게임으로 인해 수많은 부정적인 영향을 끼치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 전국 여러 곳에서 초등학교의 고학년 학생들의 자료를 수집한 다음 이것을 특별시 광역시지역, 중 소도시지역, 읍 면지역으로 구분한 후 학생들의 컴퓨터 게임 사용 실태를 알아보고, 컴퓨터 게임 중독 측정도구를 사용하여 컴퓨터 게임 중독의 유무를 파악하며, 컴퓨터 게임 중독에 영향을 미치는 여러 요인들을 찾아보았다. 중독이 되는 요인으로는 남학생일수록, 학교 성적이 낮을수록, 게임 사용 경력이 오랠수록, 게임 사용 빈도가 높을수록, 게임 사용 시간이 많을수록, 공격성과 충동성이 높을수록, 자기통제가 안 될수록, 부모로부터 존중을 받지 못할수록, 공부스트레스가 많을수록, 대인불안이 높을수록, 친구 따라서 게임할수록 중독이 잘되는 것으로 나타났다. 소속감과 재미와 성취감이 관련이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 중독의 실태 및 요인을 알아 본 바에 따르면, 컴퓨터 중독을 비방하는 가장 큰 방법은 가정에서 부모가 자녀를 존중해주고, 바른 인성을 길러 공격성과 충동성이 높지 않고, 게임을 많이 좋아하지 않는 친구를 사귀는 것이 중요하다고 하겠다. 그리하여 가정과 학교와 사회가 올바로 역할을 수행한다면 정보화의 역기능인 컴퓨터 중독을 예방하고 정보 활용의 본래의 기능을 되살릴 수 있으리라 본다.

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A Study on After-School Learning Activities and Students' Academic Achievement of Mathematics in Middle School (중학생의 방과후 수학교과 학습활동과 학업성취도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Youn-Ja;Kim, Yung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.323-340
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    • 2007
  • This study set out to analyze the learning types that most students were engaged in after school, to review the efficiency of private education through academic institutions or tutoring, and to examine the directions in the after-school learning in math under the current system. It also aimed to analyze the impacts of those after-school learning activities on school classes and to suggest some plans to help public education get back on the track. In the study the after-school learning activities in the math subject were categorized into taking classes at academic institutions, tutoring, and autonomous learning. The grades of the subject students were compared and analyzed for three semesters to find the directions right for the school classes.

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