• Title/Summary/Keyword: 중심 원리

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A Systematic Review on Sensory Integration Intervention in Korea: Focusing on Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI) (국내 감각통합치료 중재에 관한 체계적 고찰 - Ayres의 감각통합중재(ASI)를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Hyerim;Choi, Yeon-Woo;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2013
  • Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate how many studies for sensory integration intervention in Korea reflect the principle of Ayers' sensory integration through a systemic review. Methods : The systemic review was executes using RISS, NDSL, KISS, DBpia. The key words for search were 'sensory integration therapy', 'sensory integration intervention', 'sensory integration program', 'sensory integration training' to search the articles, published in 2000-2012. To analyze ASI fidelity of 49 studies included in the present study, the numbers of items were calculated if the study describe the ASI principle. Results : The IV was the most levels of evidence, and the subjects for the studies were mental intellectual disability (15), developmental disability (14) and autism spectrum disorders (13) etc. It was described the most that presenting sensory opportunities (43), challenging postural, ocular, oral and/or bilateral motor control (37) of ASI fidelity. The studies using more than 4 ASI principle were 26.5%(13), and 7 studies using 8 or more than 8 were studied in OT. Conclusion : In OT, 34 of 49 studies performed, and they used several principles of ASI. To have unity for sensory integration principle and to improve therapy professionalism the study using various data and systematic review study will be needed in the future.

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The structure of knowledge intended to 'you(游)': case on the 『Dohwaguenmungi』 and 『Limchungochi』 ('유(游)'의 원리로 구성되는 화의(畵意)의 구조 연구 서설 - 『도화견문지(圖畵見聞誌)』, 『임천고치(林泉高致)』를 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Bo Mee
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.41
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    • pp.445-476
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    • 2010
  • In this essay I aimed to analyze the concept of cultivation in east asian aesthetics. Most people regarded traditional asian paintings as an artwork that was obviously an artwork by artists. Moreover, they emphasized the cultivation of artists in their creation and used to accept the concept of cultivation which means cultivating one's mind. Generally speaking, to cultivate one's mind meant enlarging one's ethical behavior and he or she became a better person. And in creation, it meant considering all things more deeply. In this point of view, it was too vague to notice the meaning. What is an accurate meaning of cultivate artist's mind? What was the relation between creation and cultivation? In confucian philosophy, the concept of cultivation had two meanings. One was to enlarge one's ethical behavior and the other was to improve one's knowledge about things. The knowledge implied all of the one's experiences about things. Thus, the knowledge meant what he communicated with under his surroundings and created. In this perspective, to analyze the case of "Dohwaguenmungi" and "Limchungochi", cultivation was related to 'you(游)' and 'jing(精)'. It implied all of the artist's efforts to make communication with his objects deeper and wider, at last, he created his own meaning about object that he experienced. Therefore, I suggest that when we use the concept of cultivation in the context of creation, it should be used as the meaning related with improving one's knowledge about things.

A Comparative Study on the Influences that 3 Faces of Intellect of Guilford Interact to Mathematics Teaching Patterns of 5 Categories of Higgins in a Viewpoint of Constructivism (Guilford의 지능 이론이 Higgins의 수업 형식에 미치는 영향에 대한 구성주의적 비교 연구)

  • Seo Sung Bo;Park Gyeong Suk
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1999
  • What do our mathematics teachers now do in the classroom? What does it actually mean to teach mathematics? Every preparatory mathematics teacher is confronted with these questions since they have studied to become a teacher. Almost all in-service teachers are faced by of questions, too, as they evaluate their teaching in the light of that of their colleagues. In this sense, Jon L. Higgins has proposed mathematics teaching patterns of five categories, i. e., exploring, modeling, underlining, challenging, and practicing, for the sake of our all teachers. Next, J. P. Guilford has suggested three faces of intellect presented by a single solid model, which we call the 'structure of intellect' Each dimension represents one of the modes of variation of the factors. It is found that the various kinds of operations are in one of the dimensions, the various kinds of products are in another, and the various kinds of contents are in the other one. In order to provide a better basis for understanding this model and regarding it as a picture of human intellect, I've explored it systematically and shown some concrete examples for its tests. Each cell in the model stands for a certain kind of ability that can be described in terms of operation, content, and product, for each cell is at the intersection uniquely combined with kinds of ope- ration, content, and product. In conclusion, how could we use the teaching patterns of five categories, that is, exploring, modeling, underlining, challenging, and practicing, according to the given mathematics learning substances? And also, how could children constitute the learning sub- stances well in their mind with a viewpoint of constructivism if teachers would connect the mathematics teaching patterns of five categories with any factors among the three faces of intellect? I've made progress this study focusing on such problems.

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A Study on Development of a Curriculum for Teachers in Culture & Art Education: Focused on Cartoon & Animation Courses (문화예술교육을 위한 교사차원 교육과정 개발과정 연구 -만화 애니메이션 과목을 중심으로)

  • Park, Yoo Shin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.43
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    • pp.387-433
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    • 2016
  • The ability to develop curriculums is a crucial factor in evaluating the expertise of a teacher who teaches culture & art education. Establishing a one-year plan for classes is an effort to create a well-designed curriculum for the year and also to foresee the big picture of classes in the corresponding year. A curriculum should not be composed of merely educational content or a series of knowledge and skills. It should be well-designed, based on principles of a coherent plan. This study examines organizational principles on which common curriculums are based on and looks at how a curriculum can be designed, especially for cartoon & animation classes, as part of Culture & Art education, and which factors should be considered in planning. In the process of forming such a curriculum, these steps should be followed: considering educational standards for cartoon animation classes; determining the learning experience, organizing the learning experience; and, lastly, evaluating the level of learning. In addition, effective teaching strategies that reflect the characteristics of a class on cartoon animation should be formulated. This study suggests actual examples of an effective annual curriculum for cartoon animation classes based on all the factors presented above.

A Service Management Model as the New Business Administration (새로운 경영으로서의 현대 서비스경영 모델)

  • Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 2020
  • This study was performed to derive a modern service management model reflecting the philosophy of the new business administration. Service management as the modern business administration should be faithful to the spirit of modernity. In addition, service management must be faithful to the essence of service in service economy era. And since modern management is to manage organizations those are the central organizations of human society, it must be managed according to the common principles of the world. Management that satisfies these three management philosophy conditions is defined as modern service management. In this study, we analyzed that the existing service management framework does not meet these standards of modern management and derived an improved modern service management model. The modern service management model must be a management model that reflects the essence of intangible goods called service, it must be a management framework that reflects the modern spirit, and it must be a management model that reflects the common principles of the world required by the central organization of the modern economic society. Therefore, this study analyzed the modern spirit in addition to the service essence and the common principle of the world analyzed in the previous study, and presented a modern service management model with these three requirements. Also, examples of modern service management were presented. This study is a conceptual model, and analytical research is needed to demonstrate that this management model can consistently produce excellent management performance by strengthening empirical studies in the future.

A Study on Application of Teaching-Learning Program based on Constructivist Views for Mathematically gifted Students in Primary School (초등 영재 교육에서의 구성주의 교수.학습 모형 적용 연구 - 알고리즘 문제를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Keun-Bae;Kim, Hong-Seon
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.21 no.2 s.30
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    • pp.153-176
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze teaching-learning program which can be applied to mathematically gifted students in primary school, Our program is based on constructivist views on teaching and learning of mathematics. Mainly, we study the algorithmic thinking of mathematically gifted students in primary school in connection with the network problems; Eulerian graph problem, the minimum connector problem, and the shortest path problem, The above 3-subjects are not familiar with primary school mathematics, so that we adapt teaching-learning model based on the social constructivism. To achieve the purpose of this study, seventeen students in primary school participated in the study, and video type(observation) and student's mathematical note were used for collecting data while the students studied. The results of our study were summarized as follows: First, network problems based on teaching-learning model of constructivist views help students learn the algorithmic thinking. Second, the teaching-learning model based on constructivist views gives an opportunity of various mathematical thinking experience. Finally, the teaching-learning model based on constructivist views needs more the ability of teacher's research and the time of teaching for students than an ordinary teaching-learning model.

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Designing and Evaluating Convergence Education by Applying Crayon Physics to Strength and Motion (크레용 피직스를 힘과 운동에 적용한 융합교육 설계 및 평가)

  • Kim, Mi-yeon;Jeon, Mi-yeon;Kim, Eui-jeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.417-420
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    • 2013
  • Teaching and learning through games which arouses interest in learning not only lessens a burden of a learner but also labors for Academic Achievement. and for the sake of enhancing convergence of thinking and problem solving abilities as well as raising interest and understanding in science and technology, Steam teaching which is mainly made of research and experimental activities is emphasized on. This paper which makes use of crayon physics has developed Steam program it was mainly applied to science for the first year of junior high school [strength and motion] which for learners of each team is made of four steps eight time in total. At each step learners can understand principle of strength and motion, especially at the step of finding principle of science through games can personally solve the game in cooperation with the leaners of a team and find principle of strength and motion which is to be applied to solving the game. By personally designing and making new games learners can enhance the ability of convergence of thinking. It is expected that the program developed in this paper can enhance imaginativeness of thinking and interest in science which lead to affirmative changes.

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Design Edrcation of Elementary School in the Unite States-Design Principles, Color, and Design Related Area- (미술 교과서에 나타난 미국 초등학교 디자인 교육에 관한 고찰-조형 원리, 색채 및 분야별 디자인 교육을 중심으로-)

  • 박은덕
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 1996
  • To analyze the design education of elementary school in the united states, the content of Discover art, one of the popular art textbooks for elementary school student, has been examined. Focusing on the developmental stage and sequential curriculum across all grades, design principles, color and criteria of design are investigated. The subjects studied are as follows: an introduction of new word or concept of design principles and color, repetition of the learning, the number of color taught, looking at products of design and making design at each grade level. The curriculum of design principles is well composed, but line, shape and form parts are redundant throughout all grades. The learning order of the color at one grade is well organized but the repetition is too much. The portion of design part is too small. It is adequate that the history of design is introduced at grade 5 where children start to learn history. However, it should be more strengthened for the continuous development of design ability. Looking at product design is introduced before grade 4, and making product design is taught just once at grade 4, although sequential learning is necessary in late elementary grades.

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A Study of Art Forms Using an Optical illusion - Focusing on op Art and Animation - (착시를 이용한 예술형태에 관한 연구 - 옵아트와 애니메이션을 중심으로 -)

  • Bang Woo-Song
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2006
  • When a human-being gets a wrong perception about any object is a misunderstanding and what they feel through sense of sight is an optical illusion. The study about those illusions have been given out to not only the fields of fine art, design, and animation but also psychology First, this paper puts in order an op art, influenced in fine art and design, and animation using persistence of vision, relating an optical illusion. Second, it analyses the theory of art form using an optical illusion about brightness, saturation, contrast and luminosity of color. Finally, it makes an experiment of standard of perception on students. The study of art form using an optical illusion is another way to represent fine art comparisons and visual image including animation.

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The Study on the Development of the Binary System Teaching Contents for the Characters (문자의 이진체계 교육 콘텐츠 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Go, Hyungchul;Kim, Chongwoo
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2016
  • Unplugged has been widely used as an instrument for teaching the basic principles of Computer Science. We'll present 'the binary system teaching contents for the characters' developed for the elementary. And they will successfully guide the student to understand the characters using in computer system. The activity-based learning is provided for describing characters with coding and decoding rules, and the using will be found out in everyday life. To check the adequacy of these materials they were tested to the elementary classroom, and the results showed effectively at Knowledge, Attitude, Generalization levels.