• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주상(酒傷)

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Characteristics of Indoor Particulate Matter Concentrations by Size at an Apartment House During Dusty-Day (황사 발생시 아파트 실내에서 미세먼지 크기별 농도 특성)

  • Joo, Sang-Woo;Ji, Jun-Ho
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • It is recommended for the public to stay at home and to close the doors and windows when a high-particulate-matter environment such as a yellow sand event occurs outside. However, there are lack of empirical studies describing how much outdoor PM infiltrates into a closed house and how much indoor PM an inhabitant is exposed to during the period. In this study, the $PM_{10}$ and $PM_{2.5}$ were measured at the kitchen in an apartment house by an optical particle counter for 3 days including a yellow sand event. The outdoor PMs and the outdoor wind speeds were referred from surrounding weather stations. We analyzed the penetration of $PM_{10-2.5}$ and $PM_{2.5}$ at the test house against the outdoor wind speed supposed corresponding to the change of air exchange rate. In addition, the effect of an indoor activity on change in the indoor PM was investigated. In result, the indoor $PM_{10-2.5}$ was very low even a yellow sand event occurred outside; rather, a contribution of indoor activities to increase in $PM_{10-2.5}$ was higher. In contrast, the indoor $PM_{2.5}$ fluctuated following the outdoor $PM_{2.5}$ trend at high wind speeds or remained almost constant at low wind speed.

Material Characteristics and Provenance Interpretation of Jade(Amazonite) from the Sijeonri Site at Asan, Korea (아산 시전리 유적 출토 옥기(천하석)의 재료과학적 특성과 산지해석)

  • Lee, Chan Hee;Kim, Jae Cheol;Na, Geon Ju;Kim, Myung Jin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.39
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    • pp.219-242
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    • 2006
  • Quantitative analysis and provenance interpretation of the raw materials for the jade (amazonite) excavated from the Asan Sijeonri site were studied. Geology of the Sijeonri site composed mainly of Precambrian metasedimentary rocks and the alluvium ranges extensively. In the site, amazonite jade was excavated in the Bronze Age No. 4 circular-shaped resident site. The jade has a comma-shaped and shows light green color with so much cracks. The jade is silicate mineral of columnar habits that is shown white streak, and has fine cleavages with vitreous luster. As the analytical results, this jade was identified as a feldspar-group mineral gemologically called amazonite that is mineralogically microcline formed to intergrowth of albite and orthoclase. Internal textures of the amazonite present Na-end member of albite coexisting with K-end member of orthoclase that are replaced each other along the cleavages and twin planes with several ${\mu}m$ scales. Therefore, the amazonite is one mineral phase combined with albite and orthoclase by substitution of $Na_2O$ and $K_2O$, respectively. The Danyang are is an unique producing site of amazonite in South Korea, and Gongju Janggimyeon was known as microcline provenance to the utmost area from the Sijeonri site. In the marginal area of southern coast in Korean Peninsula, Bronze Age amazonite has been excavated in several sites, where original provenance of the raw amazonite is not identified. The Sijeonri site does not show any facilities of producing and processing traces for amazonite jade. Also, only one jade was collected in the Sijeonri site. Therefore, there is not possibility that the provenance of raw jade is the Sijeonri area. To explain original provenance of the amazonite jade, migration path, manufacturing process and archaeological interpretation are required.

Evaluation of the usefulness of Bolus, which combines Step Bolus and 3D Bolus (Step Bolus와 3D Bolus를 combine 한 Bolus의 유용성 평가)

  • Lee, Chang-Suk;Chae, Moon-Ki;Park, Byung-Suk;Kim, Sung-Jin;Joo, Kyoo-Sang;Park, Chul-Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.33
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: Bolus, which combines 3D-bolus and Step-bolus, was produced and its usefulness is evaluated. Materials and Methods: A Bolus was manufactured with a thickness of 10mm and 5mm using a 3D printer (3D printer, USA), and a Step Bolus of 5mm was bonded to a 5mm thick bolus. In order to understand the characteristics of Step bolus and 3D bolus, the differences in relative electron density, HU value, and mass density of the two bolus were investigated. These two Bolus were applied to anthropomorpic phantom to confirm its effectiveness. After all contouring of the phantom, a treatment plan was established using the computed treatment planning system (Eclipse 16.1, Varian medical system, USA). Treatment plan was performed using electron beam 6MeV, nine dose measurement points were designated on the phantom chest, air-gap was measured at that point, and dose evaluation was performed at the same point for each bolus applied using a glass dosimeter (PLD). Results: Bolus, which combines 3D-bolus 5mm and Step-bolus 5mm, was manufactured and evaluated compared with 3D-bolus 1cm. The relative electron density of 3D Bolus was 1.0559 g/cm2 and the step Bolus was 1.0590 g/cm2, which was different by 0.01%, so the relative electron density was almost the same. In the lightweight measurement of air-gap, the combined bolus was reduced to 54.32% for all designated points compared to 3D-bolus. In the dose measurement using a glass dose meter (PLD), the consistency was high in phantom using combined bolus at most points except the slope point. Conclusion: Combined bolus made by combining 3D-bolus and Step-bolus has all the advantages of 3D-bolus and Step-bolus. In addition, by dose inaccuracy due to Air-gap, more improved dose distribution can be shown, and effective radiation therapy can be performed.

Characteristics of the construction process, the history of use and performed rituals of Gyeongungung Heungdeokjeon (경운궁 흥덕전의 조영 및 사용 연혁과 설행된 의례의 특징)

  • LIM, Cholong;JOO, Sanghun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.281-304
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    • 2022
  • Heungdeokjeon was the first pavilion built on the site of Sueocheong during the expansion of Gyeongungung. In this study, we tried to clarify the specific construction process of Heungdeokjeon, which was used for various purposes such as the copy location for Portraits of ancestors, temporary enshrinement site, and the funeral building for the rest of the body, which is Binjeon. In addition, we tried to confirm the historical value based on the characteristics derived by the history of the building and the rituals performed. Heungdeokjeon began to be built in the second half of 1899, and is estimated to have been completed between mid-February and mid-March 1900. It was a ritual facility equipped with waiting rooms for the emperor and royal ladies as an annex. The relocation work was planned in April 1901 and began in earnest after June, and it was closely linked to the construction of attached buildings of Seonwonjeon. In addition, comparing the records on the construction and relocation cost of Heungdeokjeon with those related to the reconstruction of Seonwonjeon, it was confirmed that annex buildings of Heungdeokjeon were relocated and used as annex buildings of Seonwonjeon. The characteristics identified in the process of Heungdeokjeon used as a place to copy portraits are as follows. First, it was used as a place to copy portraits twice in a short period of time. Second, it was the place where the first unprecedented works were carried out in relation to the copying of portraits. Third, the pavilion, which was specially built for imperial rituals, was used as a place to copy portraits. Since then, it has been used as a funeral building for the rest of the body, and features different from those of the previous period are identified. It was the building dedicated to rituals for use as Binjeon, and was also a multipurpose building for copying portraits. In other words, Heungdeokjeon, along with Gyeongbokgung Taewonjeon, is the building that shows the changes in the operation of Binjeon in the late Joseon Dynasty. Characteristics are also confirmed in portrait-related rituals performed at Heungdeokjeon. The first is that Jakheonlye was practiced frequently in a short period of time. The second is that the ancestral rites of Sokjeolje and Bunhyang in Sakmangil, which are mainly held in the provincial Jinjeon, were identified. This is a very rare case in Jinjeon of the palace. The last is that Jeonbae, jeonal, and Bongsim were implemented mutiple times. In conclusion, Heungdeokjeon can be said to be a very symbolic building that shows the intention of Gojong, who valued imperial rituals, and the characteristics of the reconstruction process of Gyeongungung.

Comparison of the Outcomes according to the Injury Type of the Short Radiolunate Ligament in Fracture-Dislocation of the Radiocarpal Joint (요수근 관절의 골절-탈구에서 단요월상인대의 손상 형태에 따른 치료 결과의 비교)

  • Heo, Youn Moo;Kim, Tae Gyun;Song, Jae Hwang;Jang, Min Gu;Lee, Seok Won
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Radiocarpal dislocation (RCD), which is caused by high-energy trauma, often involves radial styloid fractures and short radiolunate ligament (SRLL) injuries. Although SRLL injuries may occur as a simple rupture at the attachment site of radius, it may occur with a relatively large avulsed-fragment in the volar rim of the lunate facet of the radius. This study aimed to differentiate the injury type of SRLL and assess the differences in the treatment results depending on the treatment methods that have been applied in RCD with radial styloid fractures. Materials and Methods: Eighteen patients managed surgically with RCD were enrolled in this study. The patients were classified as Group 1 and Group 2 by using the Dumontier method. In this study, Group 2 was subdivided into 2A (purely ligamentous or small avulsion fracture of the volar rim of lunate facet) and 2B (large avulsed-fragment enough to internal fixation) according to the injury type of SRLL. Groups 2A and 2B were treated with direct repair and screw fixation, respectively. Pain, range of motion of the wrist joint, grip strength, and complications on final radiographs were examined. The outcomes were evaluated using patient-rated wrist evaluation (PRWE), and modified Mayo wrist score (MMWS). Results: All patients were Group 2 (six and twelve patients in 2A and 2B, respectively). The mean flexion to extension arch recovered 79%,and the mean grip strength was 72.9% of the uninjured side. Group 2A showed better recovery in extension, flexion and pronation than Group 2B, but there was no difference in radial deviation, ulnar deviation, supination, grip strength and pain. No differences in the PRWE and MMWS were observed between two groups. Complications included traumatic arthritis in seven patients and residual instability in five patients. Conclusion: When the SRLL was injured, the involvement of a large avulsion fracture on the anterior plane of the radiolunate did not affect the test results. On the other hand, it should be observed cautiously because avulsion fractures tend to disturb the joint's reduction through rotation or displacement. In addition, anatomical reduction and sturdy internal fixation are important for restoring the function of the SRLL.

Estimation of Dynamic Material Properties for Fill Dam : II. Nonlinear Deformation Characteristics (필댐 제체 재료의 동적 물성치 평가 : II. 비선형 동적 변형특성)

  • Lee, Sei-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Soo;Choo, Yun-Wook;Choo, Hyek-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.87-105
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    • 2009
  • Nonlinear dynamic deformation characteristics, expressed in terms of normalized shear modulus reduction curve (G/$G_{max}-\log\gamma$, G/$G_{max}$ curve) and damping curve (D-$\log\gamma$), are important input parameters with shear wave velocity profile ($V_s$-profile) in the seismic analysis of (new or existing) fill dam. In this paper, the reasonable and economical methods to evaluate the nonlinear dynamic deformation characteristics for core zone and rockfill zone respectively are presented. For the core zone, 111 G/$G_{max}$ curves and 98 damping curves which meet the requirements of core material were compiled and representative curves and ranges were proposed for the three ranges of confining pressure (0~100 kPa, 100 kPa~200 kPa, more than 200 kPa). The reliability of the proposed curves for the core zone were verified by comparing with the resonant column test results of two kinds of core materials. For the rockfill zone, 135 G/$G_{max}$ curves and 65 damping curves were compiled from the test results of gravelly materials using large scale testing equipments. The representative curves and ranges for G/$G_{max}$ were proposed for the three ranges of confining pressure (0~50 kPa, 50 kPa~100 kPa, more than 100 kPa) and those for damping were proposed independently of confining pressure. The reliability of the proposed curves for the rockfill zone were verified by comparing with the large scale triaxial test results of rockfill materials in the B-dam which is being constructed.

Natural Monument Cretaceous Stromatolite at the Daegu Catholic University, Gyeongsan: Occurrences, Natural Heritage Values, and Plan for Preservation and Utilization (천연기념물 경산 대구가톨릭대학교 백악기 스트로마톨라이트: 산상, 자연유산적 가치 및 보존·활용 방안)

  • KONG Dal-Yong;LEE Seong-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.214-232
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    • 2023
  • Stromatolite at the Daegu Catholic University, Gyeongsan was designated as a natural monument in December 2009 because it was very excellent in terms of rarity, accessibility, preservation and scale. From the time of designation, the necessity of confirming the lateral extension of the stromatolite beds with the excavation of the surrounding area, and preparing a preservation plan was raised. Accordingly, the Cultural Heritage Administration conducted an investigation of the scale, production pattern, and weathering state of stromatolites with an excavation from April to December 2022, and based on this, suggested natural heritage values and conservation and use plans. The excavation was carried out in a 1,186m2 area surrounding the exposed hemispherical stromatolite (approximately 30m2). Stromatolites are continuously distributed over the entire excavation area, and hemispherical stromatolites predominate in the eastern region, and the distribution and size of hemispherical domes tend to decrease toward the west. These characteristics are interpreted as a result of long-term growth in large-scale lakes, where stratiform or small columnar domes continued to grow and connect with each other, finally forming large domes. Consequently, large and small domes were distributed on the bedding plane in clusters like coral reefs. The growth of plants and lichens, as well as small-scale faults and joints developed on the stromatolite bedding surface, is the main cause of accelerated weathering. However, preservation treatment with chemicals as with dinosaur footprints or dinosaur egg fossil sites is not suitable due to the characteristics of stromatolites, and preservation with the installation of closed protection facilities should be considered. This excavation confirmed that the distribution, size and value of stromatolites are much larger and higher than at the time of designation as a natural monument. Therefore, additional excavation of areas by experts that could not be excavated due to the discovery of buried cultural properties (stone chamber tombs) and reexamination of the expansion designation of natural monuments are required.

Gut Microbiome and Gut Immunity in Broiler Chickens Fed Allium hookeri Root Powder from Day 10 to 28 (육계 사료 내 삼채뿌리분말 첨가가 장내 미생물 및 장관면역에 미치는 영향)

  • Woonhak Ji;Inho Cho;Sang Seok Joo;Moongyeong Jung;Chae Won Lee;June Hyeok Yoon;Su Hyun An;Myunghoo Kim;Changsu Kong
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.171-185
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of supplementation of Allium hookeri (AH) root powder on the gut microbiome, immunity, and health in broiler chickens fed experimental diets from d 10 to 28. A total of 60 10-day-old Ross 308 broilers were weighed and assigned to two dietary treatments with 5 birds per cage in a randomized complete block design based on body weight. The two experimental diets consisted of a control diet based on corn-soybean meal and the control diet supplemented with 0.3% AH root powder. All birds were fed ad libitum with experimental diets and water for 18 d. At 28 d, two birds near the median weight from each cage were selected for cecal content and small intestinal tissue sample collection. The addition of AH changed the gut microbiome by increasing probiotic candidate beneficial bacteria such as Enterococcaceae, Lactobacillaceae, Limosilactobacillus, Cuneatibacter, and Ruminoccoides. Regarding gut immunity, the supplementation of AH resulted in changes in intestinal immune cells, including reduced CD3+CD4+ T cells, which are a type of helper T cell, in the small intestine of birds (P=0.049). Additionally, there was a tendency to increase the expression of antioxidant function-related gene such as GPX2 (P=0.060), but no significant changes were observed in cytokines such as IL1b, IL6, and IL10. Overall, the addition of AH root powder may have positive effects on the microbiome of the chickens. This may help promote gut health in broiler chickens at the age of d 10 to 28.

Paprika Damping-off Outbreak Caused by Fusarium oxysporum Contaminated Seeds in Cheorwon Province in 2023 (2023 파프리카 종자의 Fusarium oxysporum 오염에 의한 철원지역 파프리카 모잘록병 대발생)

  • Miah Bae;Namsuk Kim;Sang Woo Kim;Sangyeon Ju;Byungyeon Kim;Soo Man Hwang;MeeKyoung Kim;Mi-Ri Park
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 2024
  • In 2023, symptoms like damping-off disease were observed in 74 paprika growing in greenhouses in Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea. In this study, we tried to find the cause of the damping-off disease outbreak. We collected symptomatic seedlings and observed the typical crescent-shaped conidia of Fusarium oxysporum by microscope. To confirm the presence of F. oxysporum in the samples, polymerase chain reaction was performed using primers specific for F. oxysporum; the resulting sequence showed 99.11% identity with F. oxysporum. To confirm the pathogenicity of the F. oxysporum (CW) isolated from the samples, healthy paprika plants were inoculated with F. oxysporum CW and damping-off symptoms were observed 2 weeks later. To investigate whether the damping-off disease outbreak in Cheorwon-gun was caused by F. oxysporum-contaminated seeds, 100 paprika seeds were disinfected and placed in Murashige and Skoog medium. Typical pink F. oxysporum hyphae were found only in control non-disinfected seeds. An 18S rRNA-based and a TEF genebased phylogenetic analysis showed that the F. oxysporum CW isolate was not grouped with a F. oxysporum isolate reported from Cheorwon-gun in 2019. This study is the first report that an outbreak of damping-off disease in paprika in Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, was caused by contamination of F. oxysporum seeds.

A Study on How to Improve Local Government Ordinances to Promote Korean Heritage Information Management : Focusing on the relation aspect of Korean Heritage laws and ordinances (국가유산 정보 관리 활성화를 위한 광역자치단체 조례의 개선 방향 연구 : 국가유산 관련 법과 조례의 관계적 성격을 중심으로)

  • GANG Bobae;JOO Sanghun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.140-160
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    • 2024
  • The implementation of the "Basic Law on Korean Heritage" on May 17, 2024, brought about significant changes in the operation of Korean heritage-related ordinances in 17 local governments. This study specifically analyzes the production, collection, and information transfer of Korean heritage information between the Korean Heritage Service and local governments, focusing on the provisions of the law. Finally, in order to achieve the goal of revitalizing the management of Korean heritage information, the study suggests five directions for improvement of the local government ordinance from three perspectives. Firstly, in order to systematize the production of Korean heritage information, it is necessary to specify the entities that produce and manage information in Korean heritage, and to select important Korean heritage information from the information produced and manage it strategically. In today's complex Korean heritage management environment, it is impossible to manage all the Korean heritage information produced by various stakeholders. Secondly, in order to systematize the delivery of Korean heritage information, detailed procedures related to the information to be delivered to the Korean Heritage Service should be specified, and a clear plan for information delivery and management between local and basic local governments should be defined. In the Korean heritage information delivery system, local governments play various roles as direct information providers, managers, consumers, and transmitters. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the provisions of the ordinance so that local governments can systematically fulfill their various roles in the Korean heritage information delivery system. Thirdly, in order to activate the production of Korean heritage information, local governments should review the provisions of the Act to ensure that important Korean heritage information generated from directory provisions and non-mandatory provisions, in addition to the mandatory provisions of the Korean Heritage Act, is not omitted. In particular, Korean heritage information is not just administrative information, but also includes specialized information for the maintenance of the current state of Korean heritage. Therefore, if certain Korean heritage information is partially missing, there may be a gap in intergovernmental communication for Korean heritage management.