• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정서적경험

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Escaping Uncertainty: Elementary Students' Emotional-Cognitive Rebuttals in the Argumentation of "Why Did the Kidney Beans not Germinate?" (불확실함에서 벗어나기까지: "왜 강낭콩이 싹트지 않았을까?" 논변 활동에서 초등학생들의 정서-인지적 반박)

  • Han, Moonhyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • In scientific argumentation, students can use rebuttals to escape uncertainty, which, in this case, can be defined as a vague and fuzzy feeling about other students' explanations. As rebuttals can play a critical role in the sophistication of arguments and the alleviation of uncertainty, this study aims to understand the dynamics of uncertainty and rebuttals by exploring the context of the uncertainty experienced by elementary school students in the argumentation of "Why did the kidney beans not germinate?" and to get insights based on the research results. Twenty fourth-grade students and their homeroom teacher in Kyong-Ki province, South Korea, took part in the research. Students engaged in argumentation in five small groups of four students. The researcher collected qualitative data through video transcriptions, student interviews, and field notes. In the data analysis, the researcher employed the constant comparative method to explore in what context students experienced uncertainty and how they used rebuttals. The results of this study were as follows: First, students tried to reduce their uncertainty through argumentation on why the kidney beans did not germinate. Second, students used elaboration-oriented rebuttals, personal opinion-oriented rebuttals, and blame-oriented rebuttals to reduce this uncertainty. However, when they used blame-oriented rebuttals, their uncertainty and negative emotions increased. Third, intervention by the teacher led students to stop using blame-oriented rebuttals. Instead, they employed elaboration-oriented rebuttals to explore why the kidney beans would not sprout, and finally, they escaped uncertainty by discovering an appropriate explanation. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher discussed how the interaction between uncertainty and elaboration-oriented rebuttals could shape and facilitate argument development in elementary school students.

A Study on the Influence of Organizational Devotion and Moderating Effect of Economic Stress on Emotional Self-Sufficiency among the Participants of Self-Sufficiency Program (자활사업 참여자의 조직헌신이 정서적 자활에 미치는 영향 및 경제적 스트레스의 조절효과에 관한 연구)

  • Um, Taeyoung;Lim, Jinseop
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.9-34
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    • 2013
  • This study explores the moderating effects of economic stress in the relationship between organizational devotion and emotional self-sufficiency of the self-sufficient program participants. 698 persons who lived in Taegu participated in this study. Multiple regression analysis was adopted. Results indicate that higher level of organizational devotion is positively related to the higher self-sufficiency. In addition, economic stress moderated the effect of organizational devotion on emotional self-sufficiency. Practical implications of this study are two folds; One is that in order to increase emotional self-sufficiency, sense of community should be put into consideration; The other is that approach for decreasing economic stress should be included in the program for self-sufficiency. Overall, this study lays a groundwork for the self-sufficiency of the participants in the self-sufficient program.

The experience of stress, coping, and social support of students and parents after the economic crisis: The indigenous psychology approach (IMF시대 이후 초, 중, 고, 대학생과 부모의 스트레스 경험과 대처양식 및 사회적 지원: 토착심리학적 접근)

  • Young-Shin Park;Uichol Kim;Myo-Sung Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.105-135
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the experience of stress, coping and social support among students and their parents after Korea recovered from the recent economic crisis. A total of 634 students(primary school=135, junior high school=118, senior high school=168, and university=213) and 842 parents (fathers=421, mothers= 421), for a total of 1,476 participants, completed an open-ended questionnaire developed by the present researchers. For students, the most painful experience was related to problems in academic life, followed by problems in relationship. For father, the most painful experience was financial problems and for mothers, it was conflicts in the family. In stress situations, self-regulation was the most frequently adopted coping style by both students and adults. The second most frequently reported coping style was avoidance. In terms of social support, students reported receiving most support from friends, and the importance of friends became greater for the older students. Parents reported receiving most social support from their spouse. As for the type of social support, around half of students and parents reported receiving emotional support. Emotional support was viewed as being very important in reducing the stress experience related to academic life, problems in relationships, family conflict, and financial difficulties. The results of the present study will be compared to similar studies conducted before and during the economic crisis and the implications of these studies, as well as the importance of the indigenous Korean psychology, will be discussed.

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The Influence of College Students' Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectations on Career Exploration (대학생의 자기효능감과 결과기대가 진로 탐색에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-ran;Lee, Sang-jik
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to empirically analyze the factors influencing the career search intention of college students. The research model was derived based on the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), considering the unique characteristics of university students. Self-efficacy and outcome expectations were investigated as independent variables, while mastery experience, verbal persuasion, vicarious learning, and positive emotions were considered as antecedent variables. A survey was conducted among college students in the metropolitan area, resulting in 217 valid responses for analysis. Empirical analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling with AMOS 24. The findings revealed that mastery experience, vicarious learning, and positive emotions had a significant positive effect on self-efficacy. Furthermore, verbal persuasion and positive emotions significantly influenced outcome expectations. However, the impact of verbal persuasion on self-efficacy was not found to be significant, and the relationship between mastery experience, vicarious learning, and outcome expectations was not examined. Both self-efficacy and outcome expectations were found to have a significant positive effect on career search intention, with outcome expectations exhibiting a stronger influence. The empirical results contribute to the understanding of college students' career exploration and provide implications for academic and practical contexts.

Neural correlates of the aesthetic experience using the fractal images : an fMRI study (프랙탈 이미지를 이용하여 본 미적 경험의 뇌 활성화: 기능적 자기공명영상 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Bok;Jung, Woo-Hyun;Son, Jung-Woo;Jo, Seong-Woo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.403-414
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    • 2011
  • The current study examined brain regions associated with aesthetic experience to fractal images using functional MRI. The aesthetic estimations of the images showed that there is a general consensus regarding the perception of beautiful images. Out of 270 fractal images, fifty images rated highest(beautiful images) and fifty images rated lowest(non-beautiful images) were selected and presented to the participants. The two conditions were presented using the block design. Frontal lobes, cingulate gyri, and insula, the areas related to the cognitive and emotional processing in aesthetic experience, were activated when beautiful images were presented. In contrast, the middle occipital gyri and precuneus, the areas associated with experience of negative emotions, were activated when non-beautiful images were presented. The conjunction analysis showed activations in temporal areas in response to beautiful images and activations in parietal areas in response to non-beautiful images. These results indicate that beautiful images elicit semantic interpretations whereas non-beautiful images facilitate abstract processes.

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Mother's Personal Variables in Multicultural Family on Home Environment (다문화가족 자녀 어머니의 개인변인에 따른 가정환경)

  • Oh, Seong-Sook;Lee, Eun-Kyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.714-725
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate language receptive characteristics of children with multicultural families in according to living areas. The subjects were 132 mother with children for living multicultural families 3 to 6 years old. The results were as follows. First, the differences of home environment on nationality, all variables were significant differences on emotional atmosphere, experience's variety, and play data in statistically. Second, the differences of home environment on age all variables were significant differences on permission, independent's upbringing emotional atmosphere, experience's variety and physical environment in statistically. Third, the differences of home environment on educational background, all variables were significant differences on predictable environments, developmental stimulation, quality of language environments, permission, independent's upbringing emotional atmosphere, experience's variety, physical environment and play data in statistically. Fourth, the differences of home environment on communication method in home, all variables were significant differences in statistically as communication(general korean) they use in home. Fifth, the differences of home environment on occupation existence, all variables were not significant differences in statistically.

A Study on the Experiences Regarding the Healing of Job Performance Stress of Fire Fighting Officers (소방공무원의 직무수행 스트레스 치유에 관한 경험 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.520-531
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to understand in depth the experiences regarding the healing of stress that takes place in the process of the job performance of fire fighting officers. For this, by having seven incumbent fire fighting officers as the subjects of the research, the individual in-depth interviews had been conducted. As a result of analyzing their experiences based on the phenomenological research method of Colaizzi, the 17 topic bundles, 5 subcategories, and 3 categories were derived. Regarding the results of the research, firstly, it appeared that the stress resulting from the job performance in the diverse processes of solving the petitions experienced as the obsessive anxiety, feeling of depression and sleep disorder, etc. Secondly, it had appeared that fire fighting officers show the strong feeling of pride and sense of calling regarding the job performance, but their dread regarding the life after the retirement was high. Thirdly, it appeared that such stress were offset and healed through the positive experiences, including the professional vocation, companionship and support by the family, etc. Because the high job stress gets developed into the continuous and complex physical problems and the emotional and psychological problems, it shows that there is a limitation to the healing with only the professional calling, companionship and support by the family. As such, for the healing of stress that takes place in the job performance by fire fighting officers and not just for the environmental improvements that are related with the job, but for the psychological and emotional support, this research arrived at the point of the suggestion that the operations of the complex and systematized supporting programs, including the strengthening of vocation and companionship, emotional support by the family etc., must be carried out.

General Protocols for Hospital and Home Care in Hospice (호스피스 대상자의 신체 증상관리)

  • Han S I
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.26 no.5 s.143
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 1988
  • 이제까지 죽어가는 이들이 경험하는 일반적인 증상을 언급하였다. 어떤이들에게는 이런 증상이 거의 없고 어떤이에게는 증상이 심하다. 간호원은 좋은 환자/가족 간호를 위해 신체, 정서, 영적 증상 관리를 잘 해야 하나 우선적으로 신체 증상 관리가 이루어져야 하며 이를 도외시한 정서적, 영적 관리는 옳지 않다. 환자의 문제는 단순하지 않고 여러 원인이 복합될 수 있기에 주의 깊게 관찰하고 사정해야 좋은 간호중재를 계획하고 실천할 수 있으며 이를 통해 환자는 보다 편안하게 남은 생을 보낼 수 있게 된다. 간호원은 천국의 문턱을 장식하는 하느님의 부름받은 사자이다.

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Divorced Single Mothers'Experience of Self-Independence (이혼한 여성 한부모들의 자립경험)

  • Sung, JungHyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.137-152
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to explore life experience of divorced mothers' self-independence and to search for ways of helping their self-independence in social welfare practices. Researcher conducted in-depth interviews with 10 divorced mothers about life experience of psycho-social and economic spheres, child care, job experience, etc. The results of this study showed that the single mothers had experienced psychological distress of depression, feeling of reject and betrayal, difficulties in child care, and so on. They had experienced of various jobs to cope with economic difficulties. After divorce, they had explored informations and support resources to receive help for their children, and they endeavored to acquire a certificate of qualifications. They accepted their divorces in themselves and they rebuilt relationships with ex-husband, excised perceptions of self-control in finances and child discipline spheres. And they established of mid-to long-term life goals, and did not abandon their dreams and visions in despite of their poor qualities. Based on these results of this study, the ways of social welfare practices to help and support single mothers' self-independence were suggested in the conclusion part of this study.

A Qualitative Research on University Students who Experienced Closing Department in the Restructuring Process of University (대학의 구조조정 과정에서 폐과를 경험한 대학생에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Kim, Tack-ho;Choi, Min-hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.684-694
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    • 2019
  • This study deals with the university students who experienced closing department in the restructuring process of university. The purpose of this study is to examine what kind of experience university students have experienced and to understand the essence of the experience in depth. For this purpose, the subjects of the study conducted in - depth interviews with 6 students who expressed their intention to participate in the study. Results of the study were analyzed through the phenomenological study procedure of Giorgi, a qualitative research method. As a result, eight essential themes and sixteen sub themes were derived. The eight essential themes are 'an event of a psychological difficulty', 'deepening a negative emotions', 'anxiety about the future', 'desperation', 'discrimination', 'efforts to overcome difficulties', 'regret and sorriness' and 'acceptance'. Participants in this study suggested ways to reduce psychological difficulties for students who were in closing department condition. Participants said that they needed to provide accurate information about closing department, provide students with the right to know, prepare alternative plans, and emotional cares. The implications of these results are discussed.