• Title/Summary/Keyword: 기술 융합

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A Study on the Work Process of Creating AI SORA Videos (AI SORA 동영상 생성 제작의 작업 과정에 관한 고찰)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.827-832
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    • 2024
  • The AI program Sora is a video production model that can be used innovatively and is the starting point of a major paradigm shift in video planning and production in the future. In this paper, through consideration of the characteristics, application, and process of the AI video production program, the characteristics of the AI design video production method were understood, and the production algorithm was considered. The detailed consideration and characteristics of the work creation process for the video graphic AI video generation program that will be intensified every year were examined. Next, the method of generating a customized video with a text prompt and the process of innovative production results different from the previous production method were considered. In addition, the design direction through the generation of AI images was studied through the review of the strengths and weaknesses of the image details of the recently announced AI music video results. By considering the security of the AI generation video Sora and looking at the internal process of the actual AI process, it will be possible to present indicators for the future direction of AI video model production and education along with the direction of the design designer and education system. In the text and conclusion, we analyzed the strengths and weaknesses and future status of OpenAI Sora image, concluded how to apply the Sora model's capabilities, limitations, quality, and human creativity, and presented problems and alternatives through examples of the Sora model's capabilities and limitations to increase human creativity.

A Study on Extraction of Main Indexes for the Development of Safety and Health Level Evaluation in Korea Post (공영우편업 안전보건 수준평가 체계 개발을 위한 주요 지표 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Hyungoo Lee;Jaeyun Lee;Taekeun Oh
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.681-686
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    • 2024
  • Korea Post service provides public services to the public, including mail, deposits, and insurance. The work of the postal activities is labor-intensive and physically intensive. Postal workers are exposed to the risk of injury and musculoskeletal disorders, and delivery workers are exposed to the risk of traffic accidents. The Postal Service Headquarters has strengthened safety and health activities to improve hazardous risk factors in the field. In addition, we are promoting activities to spread safety culture continuously. However, it is difficult to determine whether these activities were applied well to the site of the affiliated institution, and it is not known whether they were effective in preventing safety accidents. In addition, there is no objective evaluation system, so the current level of safety and health and problems related to workplace safety and health cannot be identified. Therefore, in this study, we tried to prepare basic data to propose an evaluation system, standard, and evaluation index suitable for the postal business so that the safety level of the public postal business can be evaluated efficiently and objectively. In other words, it was intended to analyze the characteristics of the public postal business and prepare the basis for the development of evaluation indicators considering it, and through this, an effective level evaluation can be performed and problems in safety and health management by institution can be identified.

Introduction of new contradiction concepts and case analysis for creative innovation in TRIZ (트리즈에서 창의 혁신을 위한 새로운 모순 개념 도입과 사례 분석)

  • Chang Yong Song
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.619-629
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    • 2024
  • Innovation means the creation of new value by changing existing things. Dyson's Cyclone vacuum cleaner, a representative innovative product, eliminated the dust filter that had existed in vacuum cleaners for over 100 years. Instead of directly improving the dust filter that reduces suction power, this product was invented by asking the essential question, 'How do we separate dust in the air?' Creative innovation happens when the essence of the problem is properly understood. TRIZ(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) analyzed numerous invention patents and discovered that innovative results in problem solving appear depending on the existence of contradictions in the problem and how to creatively overcome the contradictions. Based on this, it was systematized into a methodology along with other powerful principles of problem solving. Therefore, TRIZ is a powerful tool for creative and innovative problem solving. However, for creative innovation, it is not easy to properly identify the contradictions in the problem and apply them to solve the problem. However, for creative innovation, it is not easy to properly identify the contradictions in the problem and apply them to solve the problem. In addition, depending on which contradiction is selected, not only the direction of problem solving but also the final solution varies, but researches on this are very lacking. To overcome these difficulties, this study first introduced the concepts of existence contradiction and state contradiction, presented a new problem-solving process, and verified its validity by applying it to toothbrush patent cases. Although there are limitations in applying it to various cases, we hope that the new concept of contradiction presented for the first time in this study and the problem-solving process through it will contribute to producing innovative results.

A Study on the Development of University Life Design Course for New College Students: Focusing on N University in Chungnam (대학 신입생을 위한 대학생활설계 교과목 개발 연구 : 충남소재 N대학교를 중심으로)

  • Jung In Suk;Seung Min Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 2024
  • He reality is that the college life culture of college students is gradually changing as we enter the AI era. In addition, in the aftermath of the MZ generation's employment difficulties and unemployment difficulties, freshmen begin to worry about their future from college entrance. Therefore, it is necessary to design a college life that can lead to employment from a careful plan for an efficient life in college. This study attempted to suggest a direction for college freshmen to find their career direction, starting with self-exploration, and helping them settle down in college life. In addition, a program was developed with a focus on understanding others and communicating human relationships toward fostering communities, starting with self-understanding. Weeks 1 to 5 were composed of getting to know each other, weeks 6 to 10 were made up of me, we, and weeks 11 to 15 were made up of our future. First, a program was developed so that you can understand yourself and plan your own career path based on this, present your own vision, and specify your future to draw a blueprint.We expect that the research results will contribute to the maturation of career attitudes of students participating in college life planning classes, smooth communication, reduction of school and department dropout rates, and encouragement of satisfaction and pride in school.

Research on airway expansion guidance devices for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea patients (코골이 및 폐쇄성 수면무호흡환자의 치료를 위한 기도확장 유도장치의 연구)

  • IM Joong-jae;HAN Man-so
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.453-458
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    • 2024
  • If you are unable to get comfortable sleep to maintain and recover your health, it will cause a lot of disruption to your daily life. Among the intraoral devices used to resolve snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, bruxism, teeth clenching, and mouth breathing, which interfere with a comfortable sleep, devices that stabilize the lower jaw by moving it forward are a treatment that replaces surgical therapy and positive airway pressure. It is showing effect. During use of the device, a force is generated that causes the lower jaw to return to its original position, so a device that fixes it with screws, rubber bands, etc. is used. To see the effect of the device, you must bite your upper and lower teeth. In order to eliminate the inconvenience of having to stay closed while sleeping, the device is manufactured only in the upper jaw and creates a vertical guideway in the lingual embarasure of the lower jaw in the shape of a key & key way structure, allowing twisting movements and allowing forward and lateral movements. It is about the development of a device that has a blocking function that allows the mouth to be opened while wearing the device and has a function that solves sleep apnea by inducing airway expansion during sleep.

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the correct knot and the fisherman's knot in a rescue situation using ropes (로프를 활용한 구조상황에서 바른 매듭과 피셔맨 매듭의 효과성 비교 분석)

  • Jeon, Jai-In
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.767-773
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    • 2024
  • This study was limited to tying (connecting) knots using rescue ropes, and 5 subjects were selected for the experiment. After performing the correct knot, single-layer knot, figure-8 connecting knot, and fisherman's knot, the speed and convenience of each were analyzed. The results of analyzing the most convenient and fastest rope connecting method in rope tying are as follows. The correct knot and single-layer knot showed similar values of 11.80 seconds and 13.20 seconds, respectively. The figure-8 connecting knot showed significantly higher time of 19.00 seconds, which seems to be because the method of making a loop in the shape of a figure-8 and then inserting the rope along the figure-8 shape took some time to connect the rope. The fisherman's knot showed the lowest time of 9.80 seconds. This method overlaps the rope and forms a sling knot on the left and right, so it seems that the overall result is easy for the subjects to learn because it involves wrapping the rope once and pulling it out in the opposite direction. In an emergency rescue situation, the fisherman's knot is considered to be the most appropriate way to quickly and firmly connect ropes.

A Study on Marketing Strategies According to Changes in Domestic Fashion Jewelry Consumption Trends (국내 패션주얼리 소비 트랜드 변화에 따른 마케팅 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Jung-Jin Chun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2024
  • This study seeks to expand the jewelry market and overall development of the industry by understanding the fashion jewelry market and researching marketing strategies based on changes in market consumption. Looking at recent changes in the jewelry market, the number of new consumers (fashion jewelry buyers) has increased since 2014, leading to a recovery in purchases and strong sales. However, the decline in costs is prolonged, the focus on purchasing low-priced products is increasing, and there is a growing trend of purchasing products other than rings. Items are becoming more diverse, including bracelets and necklaces, and the popularity of imported products and brands is intensifying. Ultimately, the penetration of fashion jewelry and the growth of imported brands are expected to continue for a long time. The fashion jewelry market is a market that appears to have ample potential to grow into a larger market, filling the structural limitations of the jewelry market and providing consumer satisfaction in line with recent consumption trends. If so, We need to think about how to grow and develop this market, and We need to view it as a jewelry market in a broad sense, and it is a market that can serve as a bridgehead for the precious metal jewelry market to expand into the accessory market in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to create a jewelry market by utilizing the advantages of fashion jewelry, such as diversity of materials and expressions, price competitiveness, wide distribution channels and consumer accessibility, reflection of trends, and consumer awareness.

Development of Simultaneous Analysis Method for Dimenhydrinate Containing Complex Pharmaceuticals Using RP-HPLC (고성능 역상 액체 크로마토그래피(RP-HPLC)를 이용한 Dimenhydrinate 함유 복합제제의 동시분석법 개발)

  • Keun-Sik Shin;Jin-Young Park;Jae-Ho Sim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.775-780
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a simultaneous analysis method was developed using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography(RP-HPLC) for the main components of motion sickness medication: Dimenhydrinate, Caffeine, Methyl Paraben, and Propyl Paraben. The analysis was conducted after pretreating the four components, utilizing a C18 column with Acetonitrile and H2O as the mobile phase. UV detection was carried out at a wavelength of 254nm. As a result of the experiment, the values of Resolution(Rs) was well over Rs > 1.5, which indicates that the separation of the four components was efficient. Additionally, the symmetry factor of the components was 0.989, 1.120, 1.256, and 1.280, respectively, showing their symmetrical stability. In the stability assessment, the calibration curves for the four components showed excellent linearity with R2 > 0.9991 to 0.9998. Furthermore, the limit of detection(LOD) ranged between 0.017 to 3.060㎍/ml, while the limit of quantification(LOQ) ranged between 0.050 to 9.180 ㎍/ml. The recovery rates range from 98.28% to 101.71%, and repeatability showed precision within the range of 0.447 to 0.550, and robustness confirmed values with %RSD < 2. The quantitative analysis results of this study demonstrated the effectiveness of a simultaneous analysis method for motion sickness medication components.

The Effects of Shift Work Nurses' Job Stress, Job Involvement, and Goal Orientation on Work-Life Balance (교대근무간호사의 직무스트레스, 직무몰입, 목표지향성이 일과 삶의 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Su Mi Choi;Nam Joo Je
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2024
  • This study attempted to determine the effect of job stress, job involvement, and goal orientation on work-life balance for shift nurses. The subjects of the study were 128 shift nurses working at a hospital in city C of province G. Date were conducted from April 01 to April 15, 2024 using a Google questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by correlation and multiple regression analysis. The total explanatory power was 28.0%. The results of this study showed significant differences in job stress(β=.405, p<.001), goal orientation(β=-265, p=.002), and job involvement(β=.174, p=.037) as factors affecting the work-life balance of shift nurses. Therefore, it is expected to have a positive impact on patient health by contributing to the improvement of the quality of nursing services by forming an organizational culture that avoids excessive goal setting and allows employees to concentrate on their work with appropriate stress management. This suggests that nurses are not only individuals but also professional medical practitioners, and that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for the country's human resources, which requires institutional support at the government level.

A Study on Conflict Prevention in the Site Selection of National Defense Facility Relocation Projects (중대재해 처벌 법의 실효성 제고를 위한 법적 쟁점 분석 및 경영자 안전보건관리 전략에 대한 연구)

  • Hoon Han
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to analyze the key legal issues of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act (SAPA), which came into effect on 2022, in South Korea, and to propose practical occupational safety and health management strategies for business executives. The SAPA was introduced to prevent serious industrial accidents and protect workers' lives and safety. However, its effectiveness has been controversial due to the ambiguity of the law and uncertainty in its application. The study first provides an overview of the SAPA's main provisions and analyzes legal issues focusing on the punishment of business executives and the punitive damages system. Key issues identified include the ambiguity of "safety and health obligations," difficulties in proving causality, and unclear criteria for determining intent or gross negligence. Recent cases of serious accidents are examined to illustrate practical challenges in applying the law. Furthermore, the study compares the punitive damages system under the SAPA with that of the Product Liability Act and similar systems in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany. This comparative analysis highlights the characteristics and problems of the Korean system, such as the unclear punitive nature, controversy over excessive compensation, and potential for abuse of litigation. Finally, the study proposes practical occupational safety and health management strategies for business executives to effectively respond to the SAPA and create safer workplaces. Key strategies include establishing a safety and health management system, conducting risk assessments, implementing safety education, managing subcontractor safety, and investing in safety and health.