이 논문은 2024년도 광주대학교 대학연구비의 지원을 받아 수행됨
- Seoul Metropolitan Firefighting Academy, New Training Course Firefighting Tactics 2, (2022), p, 96.
- Kyeong-Soo Kim․Nam-Hun Kim․ Mu-Kyung Seo․Eun-Jeong Park․Do-Kyoun Kim․Hyeon-Ki Shin, Development of mooring rope using high density polyethylene, Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 4, (2018), p, 338.
- S. M. Song⋅M. S. Kim⋅D. Y. Shin⋅S. H. Lim⋅O. H. Kwon⋅W. R. Park, Analysis and Experimental Study of Strength Change according to Fixed Knot Method of Fiber Rope for High Altitude Work, Journal of the Korean Society of Safety Vol. 37, No. 3, (2022), p, 1.
- Kwon, Sun Tae, An Experimental Study on Resistant capacity of Concrete Beam Reinforced with Super Fiber Rope Instead of Rebar, Dept. of Safety Engineering Graduate School Seoul National University of Science and Technology, (2016), p, 6.
- Jeong-Il Hwang, Hee-Joon Lee, Kyoung-Hoon Lee, Kyoung-Woo Kim, A Development on the Eye Splice's Safety Standards of Synthetic Fibre Ropes for Towing Vessel, P, 30.
- Kang, Ho Kwon, A Study on the Operation of Crisis Management System for the Response of Complex Disaster in Korea, Public Administra tion Graduate School of The University of Suwon, (2020), p, 1.
- Jeon, Jai In, The Effect of Sudden Rise In Underwater Rescue Situation on the Human Safety of Rescueers, Graduate School of Woosuk University, (2021), p, 31.
- Choi, Kwon-Joong, A Studyt on Rescue of the Human Life against the Fire in the High-rise Building, Security Research Vol. 5, (2002), p, 314.
- Lee,Keun-jae, A study on the Optimal Disaster Reduction Program forIndustrial Disaster Early Response, Department of Disaster Science, The Graduate School University of Seoul, (2010), p, 3.
- Koung Jin, Kim, Study in the search in sumer ged districs during rescue, Graduate School of Urban Sciences University of Seoul, (2007), p, 7.
- Seoul Metropolitan Firefighting Academy, New Training Course Firefighting Tactics 2,(2022), p, 97.
- Seoul Metropolitan Firefighting Academy, New Training Course Firefighting Tactics 2,(2022), p, 49.