INTRODUCTION: Local heat and cold application has been frequently used as means of muscle relaxation and blood circulation or reinforcing muscle strength, relaxing muscle tension in clinical situation. In particular, it has been known that long-term heat and cold application for relaxing muscle tension inhibits muscle spasticity or tension. But, it has been rarely reported that what influences of heat and cold application on activation of muscle action potential. Therefore, this study aims to analyze surface temperature and electromyography activities according to the heat and cold application. METHODE: Subjects of this research were 10 normal men and women (5 men, 5 women). Hot pack and cold pack was applied to vastus medialis muscle of thigh and rectus femoris muscle for 20 min. Surface temperature of vastus medialis muscle and rectus femoris muscle was measured, knee joint of subjects was in $45^{\circ}$ flexion, sitting on a chair, maximal isometric contraction was induced, surface electromyography (sEMG) signals were collected and root mean square (RMS) and median frequency (MOF) were analyzed. All measurements were conducted before and immediately after experiment, 10 min., 20 min. and 30 min. after experiment. Data were analyzed with SPSS 12.0 program, comparison of changes in superficial temperature and sEMG signals through repeated measurement was conducted with repeated measures ANOVA and significance level $\alpha$ was 0.05. RESULTS: Changes of surface temperature of vastus medialis muscle according to cold application were radically decreased immediately after application, but it was recovered after 30 min. of application and it showed significant difference (F4. 36=72.216, P<0.001). Surface temperature of rectus femoris also showed radical decrease immediately after application, but it was recovered after 30 min. of application and showed significant difference (F4. 36=88.930, P<0.001). Changes of surface temperature of vastus medialis muscle according to heat application were radically increased immediately after application, but it was recovered after 30 min. of application and it showed significant difference (F4. 36=27.267, P<0.001). Surface temperature of rectus femoris also showed radical decrease immediately after application, but it was recovered after 30 min. of application and showed significant difference (F4. 36=19.774, P<0.001). Changes of sEMG by heat and cold application were no statistical difference. Surface temperature of skeletal muscle after heat and cold application showed significant change for 30 min., but it was found that increase or decrease of surface temperature had not great influence on sEMG activities.