Journal of the Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology (대한임상전기생리학회지)
- Volume 5 Issue 2
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- Pages.61-72
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- 2007
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- 1738-0472(pISSN)
Changes of Surface Temperature and Electromyography Activities by Local Heat and Cold
온열과 냉의 국소적용에 의한 체표면 온도와 근전도 활동의 변화
- Choi, Seok-Ju (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Taegu Science College) ;
- Lim, Sang-Wan (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Pohang 1st College) ;
- Kim, Su-Hyon (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Gokseong Factory Kumho Tire) ;
- Mun, Dal-Ju (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Sooncheon Hyoja Geriatric Hospital)
- Published : 2007.10.31
INTRODUCTION: Local heat and cold application has been frequently used as means of muscle relaxation and blood circulation or reinforcing muscle strength, relaxing muscle tension in clinical situation. In particular, it has been known that long-term heat and cold application for relaxing muscle tension inhibits muscle spasticity or tension. But, it has been rarely reported that what influences of heat and cold application on activation of muscle action potential. Therefore, this study aims to analyze surface temperature and electromyography activities according to the heat and cold application. METHODE: Subjects of this research were 10 normal men and women (5 men, 5 women). Hot pack and cold pack was applied to vastus medialis muscle of thigh and rectus femoris muscle for 20 min. Surface temperature of vastus medialis muscle and rectus femoris muscle was measured, knee joint of subjects was in