Journal of the Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology (대한임상전기생리학회지)
- Volume 5 Issue 2
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- Pages.85-93
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- 2007
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- 1738-0472(pISSN)
The Effect of Cold Air Therapy in Release of Inflammation on Rheumatoid Arthritis
류머티스 관절염 환자에게 한랭치료가 염증완화에 미치는 효과
- Nam, Ki-San (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Yoo Surgery hospital) ;
- Han, Kyoung-Ju (Dept. of Physical Therapy, The Graduate School, Seonam Universty) ;
Lee, In-Hak
(Dept. of Physical Therapy, Taejon Health College) ;
- Moon, Sung-Ki (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Taejon Health College)
- Published : 2007.10.31
Summary of background data: It is researched until now and the researches against the effect of position cold treatment the effect which pain threshold, change of skin temperature, researches the effective stiffness, the coldness in the patient it applied and relax an inflammation do the researches against were insufficient. Purpose: This project was to see how much it gives effect by using the cold air therapy an inflammation relief of rheumatoid arthritis patient. Methods: The medical subjects were 10 people from standard to diagnosis category of American College of Rheumatology(ACR) who had rheumatoid arthritis and to inspect informations about inflammation relief, have inspected ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and WBC(white blood cells). The experiment method was to let the patient bend the joint and lay down flat and treat with cold air from 10 cm away from joint line repeating 5 minutes treatment 1 minute rest and 3 minutes treatment. ESR and WBC cold air therapy reported with 5 days gap and each patient has been applied for 3 times. Result: The 5th day and 10th days ESR and WBC value shows when using cold air therapy, there was a reduction on rejected group but didn't last long, but 15th day it showed only on WBC it had its attention. Conclusions: So the cold air therapy shows it has positive effects on inflammation relief of rheumatoid arthritis patient.
- rheumatoid arthritis(RA);
- cold air therapy;
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR);
- white blood cells(WBC);
- inflammation relief