Journal of the Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology (대한임상전기생리학회지)
- Volume 5 Issue 2
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- Pages.95-105
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- 2007
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- 1738-0472(pISSN)
Effect of Position Sense in Used Taping and Icing on Muscle Fatigue Occurred on Knee Joint
근피로 유발 후 테이핑과 냉 적용이 슬관절 위치감각에 미치는 영향
- Lee, Wook-Yo (Korea Orthopedic Surgery) ;
- Oh, Seung-Jun (Rusk Rehabilitation Medical Center) ;
- Choi, Bo-Kyung (Dept. of Physical Therapy, The Graduate School, Seonam Universty) ;
- Park, Hyung-Ki (Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Division of Health, Seonam Universty)
- Published : 2007.10.31
The purpose of this study is to define the effect of taping and icing on muscle fatigue at knee joint of ordinary adult. The 30 adults meeting research standard were chosen to be observed. The period of the research was 9 days and N-K table was used as equipment to measure position sense of knee joint. Heart rate monitor was also used to measure heart beat during both when in comfortable state and in exercises. For the method of this study, error in position sense of knee joint was measured right before fatigue occurs. Then volunteers were to be exercised for 10 minutes in treadmill aiming to raise the heart beat to 90%. If muscle fatigue occurs after the exercise, let the comparative group rest for 20 minutes while applying taping for group 1 and icing for group 2. For the icing, it was applied for 3 minutes followed by 1 minute rest. 5 sets of icing were applied on thighs and calf each, Then error of position sense of knee joint was measured same way it was done before muscle fatigue. As the result, there were similar differences among comparative group(p<.05), group 1 and group 2 before the muscle fatigue and after the muscle fatigue. There were similar differences in comparative group with muscle fatigue, group 1 and group 2 as the result of one-way ANOVA and with further examination, similar differences were only found in between comparative group and group 2(p<.05). With the result, we can see there wasn't clear effect of rest, icing or taping, however, group 2 with icing showed better condition compared to comparative group who have rested without any application.