This study aims to find basic data for using the quantitative assessment of the sustainability and establishing the systematic index of the planning for local cities to consider the environmentally sound and sustainable development. The research designs to review professional responding to surveys preceded by separate questionnaires and interviews from book reviews, and suggests to make an assessment model of the sustainability for local cities. The research found consequently as follows. Firstly, the research survey items were decides totally 52, grouped 9 assessmental issues and distributed under 4 assessmental domains for the sustainability from the references of book reviews. Secondly, the research result concentrated on the followings from the professional responding to surveys. 1. A most influent factor is the distribution of animals and plants in a nature domain. The next influent factors are the ratio of mass-transportation systems, the numbers of the species of animals and plants, the acreage of conservative forestry, the numbers of reused water resources, and the usage number of water supply, orderly in the nature domain. 2. A most influent factor is the usage number of synthetic detergents in a pollution domain. The next influent factors are the volume of waste water, the number of registered vehicles, the degree of soil pollution, and the charge of development imposition, orderly in the pollution domain. 3. A most influent factor is the acreage of athletic facilities, in an urban domain. the next influent factors are the acreage of recreational facilities, the number and acreage of cultural assets, the number of cultural facilities, the acreage of landscape conservation area, the charge of cultural asset management, orderly in the urban domain. 4. A most influent factor is the number of waste disposal facilities in a participation domain. The next influent factors are the capacity of reused waste, the usage of synthetic detergents, the ratio of waste water disposal, orderly in the participation domain. 5. A most contributed influent domain to the assessment of the sustainability for local cities is the urban domain. The next influent domains are nature domain, participation domain, and pollution domain, orderly in the contribution of the assessment of the sustainability. But, the pollution domain is little relationship with the sustainability. Therefore, it is clear that the abundant greens and the improved level of culture are dominant influences on the sustainabiligy, as like improving the ratio of roadside trees, the acreage of parks, and enlarging the number of cultural facilities.