The contaminatlon of soil and groundwater by leachate from impmperly managed landfills, or by cheiicals and gasoline leaked flu underground storage tanks has buou a serious urldwide environmental problei. Most of those contaminants are adsorptive and absorptive into soul, while they are hardly soluble in water. Thus, the rate of self purification is very slow, causing persistent problems in water use and environmental protection when the contamination is left untreated. Biological remediatlon technologies utilize the ertraordlnary caperbllity of microorganisms In degrading a tilde spectrum of organic compounds. Among them, an in situ bioremediation technology Involves injection of supplementary materials into the subsurfce in order to bring about a significant Increase in the microbial activity. The Increased microbial activity helps remove the pollutants in situ, that is, without digging out contaminants, soil, or water. This paper focused on the features, possibilities, and limitations of the bioremedition technology.