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Analysis of the relationship between the empowerment, the job-related individual characteristics and the work performance of nurses (간호사의 임파워먼트업무관련개인적 특성업무성과관계)

  • Yang, Kil-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.39-61
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    • 1999
  • This thesis is attempted to ananlyze the relationship between the empowerment in the nursing work environment, the job-related personal charateristics and the nursing job performance according to the individual variables of hospital, age, experience, education, position, practice area, number of nurses in the practice area, number of beds. 'Opportunity', 'support', 'informantion', ,resource' are used as structural factors of empowerment suggested by Kanter's theory of structural power in organization, and 'self-efficacy', 'burnout', 'motivation', 'organizational commitment' are defined as four job-related personal charateristics. The ultimate goal of this study is to find out the work effectiveness of the structural factors of empowerment and the job-related personal charateristics. The basic data consists of two sets of questionaires. One is the self-reporting quetionaires for the staff nurses and the other one is questionaires answered by nursing managers. The latter is designed to objectively measure the job performance. A total of 523 items of data are collected randomly from nursing population of 7 different university teaching hospitals in Seoul metropolitan area. The data were analyzed mainly using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis. ANOVA, and Duncan test according to the various purposes of the analysis. The main results of this study are as follows : 1. The mean score of four structural empowerment factors are ranked by support, opportunity, resource, and information. And among the four job-related personal charateristics self-efficacy factor shows especially high score. 2. The results of the correlation analysis between the empowerment factors and the job-related personal charateristics are as follow: 1) The 'opportunity' factor is correlated with organizational commitment' (r=.37), 'motivation' (r=.36), 'burnout' (r=-.17), and (r=.09). 2) The 'information' factor is correlated with 'organizational commitment' (r=.44), 'motivation' (r=.39), 'burnout' (r=-.24), and 'self-efficacy' (r=.17), 3) The 'support' factor is correlated with 'organizational commitment' (r=.47). 'motivation' (r=.42), 'burnout' (r=-.24), and 'self-efficacy (r=.20), 4) The 'resource' factor is correlated with 'burnout' (r=-.28), 'organizational commitment' (r=.26), and 'motivation' (r=.26), 3. The job performance are correlated with 'motivation' (r=.24) , 'self-efficacy' (r=.16), 'burnout' (r=-.16) and 'organizational commitment' (r=.12), 4. The job performance are correlated with' support' (r=.17), 'information' (r=.12) 'opportunity' (r=.10), 5. The result of ANOVA for analysing the relationship between the structural factors of empowerment and individual variables shows that the level of empowerment are significantly different by the variables such as 'hospital' and 'the number of beds in the practice area'. In summary, there were several findings in this study, First, the structural factors of empowerment defined as opportunity, support, information are significantly correalted with the job-related personal charateristics that are supposed to relate to the level of job performance. These results support the basic hypothesis suggested by Kanter's theory and implies that for improving the job performance of nurses, hospital has to have more concern about the structural factors of nursing environment.

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An Exploratory Study of Factors Affecting Satisfaction of Medical School Life (의과대학생의 학교생활 만족도에 미치는 요인 탐색)

  • Jun, Soo Koung;Park, Kwi Hwa;Song, Phil Hyun;Bae, Young Kyung;Kim, Seong Yong
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.174-179
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence school life satisfaction based on personal variables, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, and perception of the educational environment at a medical school in Korea. The data were collected from 228 medical students who agreed to participate in the study at a medical school. The Dundee Ready Medical Environment Measure (DREEM) and the self-esteem scale by Rosenberg were used. Questions measuring satisfaction of medical school life and interpersonal relationships (with professors, with senior/junior students, and with friends) were asked using a 5 point Likert scale. The data were analyzed by t-test, analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The satisfaction of medical school life of male students was significantly higher than female students and increased with years of schooling. In DREEM, the students' perception of teachers decreased by school years. The relationship with senior and junior students of third year students was higher than other school years. The result of the regression analysis to determine the variables that affect satisfaction of medical school life showed that interpersonal relationships with senior and junior students, the students' social self-perception, and the students' perception of learning were significant. The results of this study will help medical schools in their plans to improve the level of satisfaction for the happiness and successful academic achievements of their students.

Effect of Psychological Well-being, Empathy Ability Scale and Job Efficiency on Teacher's Job Satisfaction (교사의 심리적안녕감, 공감능력, 직무효율성이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, In-Ho;Jang, Sung-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.232-242
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the multiple regression between the psychological well-being, Empathy ability Scale and Job Efficiency at relationship among on Teacher's job satisfaction among elementary, middle, high the whole country. It aims to find a method that can improve teacher's job satisfaction. The subjects for this study were 308 teacher's composed of 196 out of elementary school teachers, 62 out of middle school teachers and 50 out of high school nation wide. The result and discussion are as follows:First, if we take a look teacher's psychological well-being, Empathy ability Scale and Job Efficiency autonomy and school administration, compensation system, personal growth and school administration, compensation system, working environment, purpose of life and school administration, positive interpersonal relationships, self acceptance among subordinate variables of psychological well-being, empathy ability scale, job efficiency of teachers at are all relevant to of subordinate variables except compensation system. Second, as a result of the multiple regression analysis, the significant variables which affect teacher's job satisfaction are ranked in the order of human relationships, self acceptance, emotional factors. whole all variables are not significant.

Study on Hospital Environmental Causes Affected the Mother′s Comfort After Her Child Birth (산욕부 안위에 영향을 미치는 병원환경 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 변수자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1978
  • The Purpose of this study is to examine closely the causes influenced upon the comfort and recovery of the woman delivered of a child in the hospital at the same time to understand environmental status of hospitals in order to promote mother's health recovery, and to improve hospital environment by emphasizing the meaning of environment and health before the medical staff and hospital administrative authority. In the method of servery of the research, 165 post paestum patients have been randomly selected who were accommodated and delivered their babies at OB(obstetric ) & GY (Gynecologic) unit the 7 general hospitals for the period of 6 December 1976 through 17 December 1976. As for the survey, it has been used of Questionnaire where we have 65 items in the respect of personal environment in the hospital such as trusting nurse, ability, reliability, kindness and etiquette of nurse and tile character of nurse the relationship with patients the other respect of physical environment included 9f temperature, moisture. air-ventilation lightening noise, cleanness. facilities, and the third realm being of mother's hearth ground to have the following conclusion 1. The feature of the collected personnel they are from OB or GY sects of from OB unit of the other 5 hospitals except the two general hospitals of the college or school Otherwise the rate of the patients to nurses would be 9 : 1. As for the nurses'ground it would be appeared of 20-25 years of age as the 76%. either 3 year course or 4 year course in the education would be each 50% and less than 2 year experience case would record as of 60 %. In the respect of hospital physical environmental status, there we have two hospitals without any thermometers, on the other han4 nowhere there's hygrometer, otherwise, the lightening is normal or over than normal As for the structure of noise protection the corridors're, generally speaking worse than rooms, nerver hueless, there's no ventilating system in the hospitals. The rooms'repainted in white and yellow, light green white, or green color. The patient's clothing were in green pink blue, light green or in white co for. There're not anything special in both decoration and equipments. Most of them used tall beds except in one hospital 2. To the extent of perception of patient's hatch 9round and hospital environment it is presented that they perceived nurse's ability in highest in total human variable, though perceived kindness or etiquette in the lowest otherwise, comparatively high in total average. 3. In the respect of physical environment it is highest perceived of lightening terms, otherwise, lowest perceived of air ventilation and total average became lowest than the one of the original record 4. To ages, in the respect of hatch ground rather old aged mother than the younger one has perceived that nurse would be trusting, in good service character, able, at the same time, liable, Otherwise, in physical environment regardless of age, they perceived lightening in high and remarkably lower in ventilation As a result of the examination of the difference in hospital environment to each age it is appeared of statistical difference at 5% level of ability in the personal environment otherwise little difference as for physical environment 5. In the respect of perceiving level to educational standard it is highly perceived of personal environment for higher ranking group rather than lower group in the educational standard. In case of physical environment it is highly perceived for lower level group rather than higher level group in educational background. The variables which have statistical significance at 5% level are from trusting kindness, etiquette and total kindness, etiquette and total all significance at 5% level are from trusting, kindness, etiquette and total human environment variable in personal environment, otherwise, there's little difference in the physical environment. 6. The perceiving level due to times of admission and accommodation at the hospital would be cleared out as gradual higher perception both physical and personal environment in the hospital. At 5% significant level of the ventilation condition in physical environmental variable it is presented of meaningful difference otherwise, there we have little difference both in Personal variable and other one. 7. In accordance with living standard, the perception degree of personal environment in tee hospital would be inclined to increase to higher living standard on the other hand, in case of the physical environment, the perception level world increase to lower living standard At 5 % level, the trustuariable and total scores in the personal eicuironmectal variable there appeared a meaningful/ significant difference otherwise, there presented little difference both in physical environmental and other variable to the living standard 8. Pertaining to family unit, the mother of an independent family unit perceived highly in all respect of the personal and the physical environment in the hospital rather than the woman of succeeding family unit. At 5 % level there appeared a difference in the respect of kindness and etiquette both in personal environment variable, on the other hand, there hardly marked a difference between other variable and physical environmental one. 9. The degree of perception to comforting level has little connection with a statistical difference the age, educational level hospital admitting times, living standard or family unit. 10. The most effective variable to mother's comforting level will be nurse's ability, reliability, trusting manner, and total physical environment variable in order.

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Mediating Effect of Ego-Resilience and Mental Health between Psychological Home Environment and Adaptation to School of Early Adolescents in Schools with Educational Welfare Priority Project (교육복지우선지원사업 대상학교 초기 청소년의 심리적 가정환경과 학교생활적응의 관계에서 자아탄력성, 정신건강의 매개효과)

  • Kim, Jong-Un;Jang, In-Yeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to verify mediating effect of ego-resilience and mental health between psychological home environment and adaptation to school of early adolescents in schools with Educational Welfare Priority Project(EWPP). For this purpose, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted on the relationship between psychological home environment and adaptation to school, ego-resilience and metal health of 310 male and female students in fifth and sixth grade in four elementary schools on EWPP located in Busan area. As the result of analysis, three major variables affecting adaptation to school life turned out to be in the order of ego-resilience, home environment and mental health and both ego-resilience and mental health were confirmed to play partial mediating role in the relationship between home environment and adaptation to school life. Since home environment as a psychological variable of adolescents from poor families have an effect on adaptation to school in connection with ego-resilience and mental health as personal variables, this study can be used as base materials for the development of programs to strengthen psychological home environment, ego-resilience, and mental health. In addition, in terms of practical implications, educational welfare policies for alienated class can be practical policy alternative to mitigate social polarization.

Influence of Clinical Nurses' Work Environment and Emotional Labor on Happiness Index (임상간호사의 간호업무환경, 감정노동이 행복지수에 미치는 영향)

  • Ju, Eun Ju;Kwon, Young Chae;Nam, Mun Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.212-222
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify correlations in hospital nurses' work environment, emotional labor and happiness index to provide basic resources for nurses' happiness at work. Methods: Resources were gathered from 291 nurses who agreed to participate. Random sampling of nurses in nine hospitals in G-do was done between July 15 and August 14, 2014. Data were analyzed using χ2 tests, independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple hierarchical regression with SPSS/WIN 18.0. Results: Mean scores (scale of 5) were nurses' work environment, 2.81, emotional labor, 3.24, and happiness index, 2.94. There were significant differences on the happiness index for: age, marriage, children, clinical experience, position, payment, and future work plans and a negative correlation between work environment and emotional labor, emotional labor and happiness index but a positive correlation between happiness index and work environment. Happiness index was influenced by work environment, emotional labor, future work plans. Explanatory power of these variables was 26%. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, so it is necessary to improve the work environment and reduce the frequency of emotional labor in order to increase the happiness index of hospital nurses.

Child Health Behaviors and Health Education about Atopic Dermatitis in Ulsan Area (울산지역 초등학생들의 아토피 피부염과 천식 관련 생활습관과 보건교육 실태)

  • Moon, Ki-Nai;Jung, Jong-Hyeon;Pae, Hyang-Sun;Seo, Bo-Soon;Joo, Dong-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.135-148
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: In this study, knowledge of environmental disease, experience of environmental health education and necessity of environmental health education of elementary school pupils were compared and analyzed. Methods: The population of this study was from grade 1 to 6 elementary school pupils in Ulsan city, Korea. Five elementary schools were randomly selected from Ulsan City. Seven hundred and twenty-eight responses from the five schools were analyzed (seventy-two were excluded). A self-administered questionnaire measuring sociodemographic variables, Knowledge of environment related disease(atopic dermatitis, asthma etc), as well as educational experience and necessity of environmental health education was analyzed. The survey results were analyzed using SPSS-PC Program 12.0 and the following results by implementing Frequency Analysis, Cross-tabulation Analysis and ANOVA are as follows. Result: Pupils of lower grades more informed than those of higher grades about atopic dermatitis. Among asthma sufferers, many responded that symptoms occurred or improved during the lower grades of elementary school. In terms of the lifestyles of patients with atopic dermatitis or asthma, female pupils, especially those in the lower grades, tended to make changes in their daily habits based on their disease. Also, parents tended to intervene/mediate more in the dietary habits and personal hygiene habits of lower-grade pupils compared to their higher-grade counterparts. Personal hygiene education is currently not provided in schools, and upper-grade pupils have more experience with personal hygiene education compared to lower grade pupils. 430 (59.0%) of pupils replied that education about personal hygiene is necessary in their curriculum. 490 (67.3%) of elementary pupils are aware of the close connection between education in hygiene and human health. When asked if education in hygiene should also be undertaken by teachers and parents, 406 (55.7%) students said that it should be done. Conclusions: Developing a concrete health education program and raising instructors' awareness of the necessity for education in hygiene. Placement of professionals in the personal hygiene education field, is important to provide good health education for elementary school pupils.

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A Study on Factors Affecting the Intention of Using IoT-Based Fitness Tracker (IoT기반 피트니스 트래커의 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Dug Yun;Han, Kyeong Seok
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.1717-1726
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    • 2018
  • This study is for looking into Factors affecting the Intention of using about Fitness Tracker based on IoT by Flow Theory and UTAUT Model. The independent variables of the IoT-based fitness tracker have been selected as Challenge, Skill Factors used in the Flow experience theory and selected the personal characteristics of health perception, enjoyment, Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions. In addition UTAUT theory was used as parameter of Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy and intention of Use behavior was selected as a dependent variable. For verifying research hypothesis, This study collected 126 surveys data and carried out a statistical analysis by Smart PLS. The result shows that new Flow Experience and Personal Characteristic Factors with key variables in the UTAUT Model affect significantly to Intention of using about Fitness Wearable environment based IoT.

The Effects of Pandemic(COVID 19) on Service Providers' Motivation, Ambidexterity, and Service Performanc: Focusing on Cabin Crew Case

  • KIM, Young Hee;PARK, Sang Beom
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of COVID 19. The effects of COVID 19 are grouped into 5; economic stress, mental stress, health stress, task concern, self-confidence. We introduce the concept of personal ambidexterity that is necessary power for cabin crews to provide appropriate and efficient service to passengers. Ambidexterity consists of exploiting existing resources to sustain and exploring the new including method of performing task, customer, market etc. The former is necessary to maintain present condition while the latter is necessary to prepare for the future. Also motive is considered as a stimulating factor for task. Previous studies show that motive affects ambidexterity and we try to analyze whether COVID 19 effects influence this relationship. Research design, data, and methodology: Considering the relationship between the variables, we designed to measure the influence of the effects of COVID 19 by analyzing the moderating effects of them. For empirical analysis we distributed survey questionnaire and collected. Total of 361 samples are used fo the analysis. For analysis program, SPSS version 23 was used. Regression analysis and moderating effect analysis were conducted. Results: Study results show that first, the variables of economic stress, mental stress, health stress, task concern, self confidence affects personal ambidexterity and service provision. Also ambidexterity affects service provision significantly. Among COVID 19 effects, economic stress, task concern, and self confidence has moderating effects. On the other hand, new work environment does not have moderating effect. Conclusions: In conclusion, the effects of COVID 19 are wide and various. Among them the most serious effect is that COVID 19 is depriving workers of self confidence and passion toward the work. To remedy stresses and restore self confidence and passion, each worker should make his/her own efforts, such as, learning more to become more competitive, also firms should do make efforts to protect employees and to rebuild trust between firm and employees in every respect. Especially firms should realize that economic stress can be treated by economic compensation as the situation turns to normal but trust as well as self confidence and passion is not easy to restore.

Nurses' Happiness: Integrative Literature Review and Meta-analysis (간호사의 행복: 통합적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석)

  • Kim, Eun Joo;Kim, Seong Kwang
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.243-255
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to explore research trends on hospital nurses' happiness. Methods: Studies published from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2020 were searched. At the first search, 1,898 articles were extracted from academic databases. Twenty-eight articles were used in the systematic review, and 20 included meta-analysis. Results: There were 38 variables explored in relation to nurses' happiness. The variables with the highest meta-analysis value were resilience, positive psychological capabilities, quality of nursing work life, and perceived stress on nursing performance measurement. Among the areas classified based on the nurses' happiness theoretical framework, personal factors (r=.60) and work environment factors (r=.51) showed high meta-correlation values. Conclusion: The relationship between the hospital nurses' happiness and work-related factor in various dimensions has been confirmed. Considering variables related to hospital nurses' happiness in the future, various programs at the individual level and organizational level should be developed.