• Title/Summary/Keyword: rational points

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A Historical Overview of Elliptic Curves (타원곡선의 역사 개관)

  • Koh, Youngmee;Ree, Sangwook
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.85-102
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    • 2015
  • Elliptic curves are a common theme among various fields of mathematics, such as number theory, algebraic geometry, complex analysis, cryptography, and mathematical physics. In the history of elliptic curves, we can find number theoretic problems on the one hand, and complex function theoretic ones on the other. The elliptic curve theory is a synthesis of those two indeed. As an overview of the history of elliptic curves, we survey the Diophantine equations of 3rd degree and the congruent number problem as some of number theoretic trails of elliptic curves. We discuss elliptic integrals and elliptic functions, from which we get a glimpse of idea where the name 'elliptic curve' came from. We explain how the solution of Diophantine equations of 3rd degree and elliptic functions are related. Finally we outline the BSD conjecture, one of the 7 millennium problems proposed by the Clay Math Institute, as an important problem concerning elliptic curves.


  • Choi, Joon-Soo;Cha, Young-Min;Heo, Jae-Wee;Ryu, Young-Soo;Kim, Choen;Oh, Seung-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2008
  • We present a technique for constructing a digital elevation model (DEM) from contours. The elevation of each ground point in DEM is computed by interpolating the heights of the two adjacent contours of the point. The technique decomposes each sub-domain between adjacent contours into a set of sub-regions. The decomposition is accomplished by constructing a medial axis of the sub-domain. Each sub-region in the decomposition is classified into a variety of terrain features like hillsides, valleys, ridges, etc. The elevations of points are interpolated with different methods according to terrain features they belong to. For a given point in hillside, an approximate gradient line passing through the point is determined and the elevation of the point is interpolated from the known elevations of the two adjacent contours along the approximate gradient line. The univariate monotone rational Hermite spline is used for the interpolation. The DEM constructed by the technique is to be used to orthorectify the high-resolution KOMPSAT3 imagery.

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Pollutant Removal Efficiency of Sedimentation Basin at Inlet of an Irrigation Reservoir (저수지 내 유입부 침강지의 수질정화 효율)

  • Jang, Jeong-Ryeol;Choi, Sun-Hwa;Kwun, Soon-Kuk
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2004
  • A sedimentation basin (SB) at the inlet of an irrigation reservoir which was constructed using an auxiliary dam was monitored to evaluate its pollutant removal efficiency. Water sampling at three points, i.e., inflow stream, upstream and downstream of the reservoir, were taken 5 times before and after the construction of the SB in 1999 and 2003, respectively. No significant water quality variations in inflow stream were observed during these periods. The COD, T-N, T-P and SS removal efficiencies were 38, 24, 35 and 49%, respectively. The results indicated that those removal efficiencies significantly increased during the rainy season and COD removal efficiency, especially, was higher than others studies. The scale of SB in this study was rational as aspects of pollutant removal efficiency and hydraulic detention time. And it is recommended that SB, at inlet of an reservoir, should be constructed as completely separated structure from reservoir water body and having SAR Index from 0.7% to 1.0%.

A Heuristic Approach to Budget-Mix Problems (여산믹스문제를 위한 발견적접근)

  • Lee Jae-Kwan
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 1980
  • An effectively designed budget system in the poor resources environment necessarily has three design criteria : (i) to be both planning-oriented and control-oriented, (ii) to be both rationalistic and realistic, (iii) to be sensitive to the variations of resources environment. PPB system is an extreme (planning-oriented and rationalistic) and conventional OEB/OUB system is the other extreme (control-oriented and incrementalistic). Generally, the merits of rationalism are limited because of the infeasibility of applications. Hence, mixtures of the two extremes such as MBO, ZBB, and RZBB have been examined and applied during the last decade. The classical mathematical models of capital budgeting are the starting points of the development of the Budget-Mix Model introduced in this paper. They are modified by the followings: (i) technological-resource constraints, (ii) bounded-variable constraint, (iii) the exchange rules. Special emphasis is laid on the above (iii), because we need more efficient interresource exchanges in the budget-mix process. The Budget-Mix Model is not based on optimization, but a heuristic approach which assures a satisficing solution. And the application fields of this model range between the incremental Nonzero-Base Budgeting and the rational Zero-Base Budgeting. In this thesis, the author suggests 'the budget- mix concept' and a budget-mix model. Budget-mix is a decision process of making program-mix and resource-mix together. For keeping this concept in the existing organization realistic, we need the development of quantitative models describing budget-mix situations.

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Characteristic Analysis of the Coefficient of Initial Abstraction and Development of its Formular in the Rural Watersheds - for the Small-Medium Watersheds in the Geum and Sapkyo River - (농촌유역에서의 초기강우손실 특성분석과 계수 산정식 개발 - 금강.삽교천 중소유역을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Tai-Cheol;Lee, Jeong-Seon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2008
  • It is important to estimate accurate effective rainfall to analyse flood flow and long-term runoff for the rational planning, design, and management of water resource. The initial abstraction is also important to estimate effective rainfall. The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) has developed a procedure and it has been most commonly applied to estimate effective rainfall. But the SCS method still has weak points, because of unnatural assumptions such as antecedent moisture conditions and initial abstraction. The coefficient of initial abstraction(K) is depending on the soil moisture condition and antecedent rainfall. The maximum storage capacity of Umax which is calibrated by stream flow data in the proposed watershed was derived from the DAWAST(DAily WAtershed STreamflow) model. The values of K obtained from 69 storm events at the five watersheds are ranging from 0.133 to 0.365 and its mean value is 0.207. Effective rainfall could be estimated more reasonably by introducing new concept of initial abstraction. The equation of $K=0.076Sa^{0.255}$ was recommended instead of 0.2 and it could be applicable to the small-medium rural watersheds.

A Study on the Development of Integrated Utilization Considering Multi Functions of Urban Estuarine Area (대도심 하구역 개발과 보전의 융합이용모형 개발 연구 -낙동강 하구역을 중심으로-)

  • Im, Jung-Hyeun;Choi, Jin-Hyu;Kim, Jun-Ho;Yoon, Han-Sam;Ryu, Cheong-Ro
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.589-603
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a integrated(fusion) utilization model aimed at maximizing the development/management functions of urban estuarine area and to present an integrated concept by analyzing the existing document and data. The main points of this study are as follows: 1) The integrated utilization model suggested in this paper goes beyond the existing idea of sustainable utilization and conservation, putting an emphasis on rational decision-making in estuary management and peaceful coexistence between human and nature. 2) Policies for utilization/development/conservation/regeneration of urban estuarine area include the establishment of communication system between human and nature and a safety net considering both human and nature, the support for environment-friendly community development and the importance of preserving valuable ecosystem and wetland habitat. 3) Lastly, this study suggested that the major tasks for the fusion utilization model development are the integrated management of estuary areas, the conservation and preservation of wetland ecosystem, proper utilization of estuary's productivity, and the introduction and action plans of the integrated management model including the best way to address contamination and disaster management.

Kinematic Comparative Analysis of Short Turns between Skilled and Unskilled Alpine Skiers

  • Jo, Hyun Dai
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of short turn mechanism by describing short turns after kinematic analysis and provide skiers and winter sports instructors with data through which they are able to analyze right postures for turns in skiing in a systematic, rational and scientific manner. Method: For this, a mean difference of kinematic variables (ski-hip angle, ski-shoulder twist angle, pole checking angle, the center of gravity (CG) displacement, trunk forward lean angle) was verified against a total of 12 skiers (skilled and unskilled, 6 persons each), regarding motions from the up-start to down-end points for short turns. Results: There was no difference in a ski-hip twist angle. The ski-shoulder twist angle was large at the up-start point while a pole-checking angle was high at the down-end point in skilled skiers. Concerning the horizontal displacement of CG, skilled skiers were positioned on the right side at the upstart point. No significant difference was observed in the trunk forward lean angle. Conclusion: According to the ski-shoulder twist angle and CG horizontal displacement results, the upper body should be kept leant toward the pole. In addition, big turns should be made via edging and angulation. During pole checking, the hand holding the pole should be thrown and released toward a vector direction of the forearm.

A Planar Curve Intersection Algorithm : The Mix-and-Match of Curve Characterization, Subdivision , Approximation, Implicitization, and Newton iteration (평면 곡선의 교점 계산에 있어 곡선 특성화, 분할, 근사, 음함수화 및 뉴턴 방법을 이용한 Mix-and-Mntch알고리즘)

  • 김덕수;이순웅;유중형;조영송
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 1998
  • There are many available algorithms based on the different approaches to solve the intersection problems between two curves. Among them, the implicitization method is frequently used since it computes precise solutions fast and is robust in lower degrees. However, once the degrees of curves to be intersected are higher than cubics, its computation time increases rapidly and the numerical stability gets worse. From this observation, it is natural to transform the original problem into a set of easier ones. Therefore, curves are subdivided appropriately depending on their geometric behavior and approximated by a set of rational quadratic Bezier cures. Then, the implicitization method is applied to compute the intersections between approximated ones. Since the solutions of the implicitization method are intersections between approximated curves, a numerical process such as Newton-Raphson iteration should be employed to find true intersection points. As the seeds of numerical process are close to a true solution through the mix-and-match process, the experimental results illustrates that the proposed algorithm is superior to other algorithms.

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Field Investigation of Composite Behavior in High-speed Railway PSC Box Girder Bridge (고속전철 PSC 박스거더교 합성거동의 현장 계측에 관한 연구)

  • 김영진;김병석;강재윤
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2000.10b
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    • pp.995-1000
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    • 2000
  • Segmentally erected prestressed concrete box girder bridges have been widely used in Korean high speed railway. Segmental erection has been accomplished along the longitudinal direction and across the depth of cross section. The cross section is similar to a composite cross section, composed of old and new segments. Because these segments have different time-dependent creep and shrinkage properties, a stress redistribution takes place during the construction period. It is the main objective in this research to investigate this behavior. An actual bridge was instrumented with 96 vibrating wire embedded type strain gauges, 6 electronic type steel strain gauges, and 75 thermocouples. Two span continuous high speed railway bridge was selected. Two points of importance, such as the midpoint of the first span and the point of interior support, along the span of the girder were chosen to monitor the time dependent behaviors for an extended period of time. The data collection was starting just after concrete girder were cast and is still going on. According to the measured results, the strain distributions across the depth of the section at midspan and interior support were not continuous and the important redistribution of stresses takes place. Thus, rational design of prestressed concrete composite box girder bridges need.

Study on Parental Intelligence Scale Development in Parent at Childhood (유아기 부모를 위한 부모역할지능척도(PIS)의 개발)

  • Hyon, Mi Sook
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.15-34
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    • 2004
  • This study is an attempt to develop the 'Parental Intelligence Scale', which can be applied in the parent education and counselling and provide more useful information for more appropriate interventions by evaluating the characteristics of parent's roles and strong/weak points of the parent's roles under the special situation and environments. In developing the scales, this study reviews of numbers of existing literatures, analysis of scales and tools on parent's role or attitude, collection of episodes on parent's role, validity check processes by field experts, and 2 rounds of factor analysis. The outcomes of the study are as follows; In regard of the development of Parental Intelligence Scale, 3 factors of care-giving role, management role, nurturing role were derived from the conceptual and measurement model. From these 3 factors, 8 sub-factors of empathy, encourage, enhancement, rational authoritativeness, flexibility, rejection, acceptance, control were constructed. 39 question items were derived in order to measure these sub-factors. Especially through the two rounds of factor analysis, the question items with enhanced internal consistency were derived and total cumulative variance was increased, which made theoretical model into the generalized model possible.

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