• Title/Summary/Keyword: pricing strategy

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A Noise-Reduced Risk Aversion Index

  • Park, Beum-Jo;Cho, Hong Chong
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2018
  • We propose a noise reduced risk aversion index for measuring risk aversion through a laboratory experiment to overcome disadvantages of the multiple pricing list format developed by Holt and Laury (2002). We use randomized multiple list choices with coarser classification and reward weighting, supplement the rank of risk aversion with extra individual characteristics of risk attitude, and construct an index of risk aversion by standardizing the risk aversion ranking with quantile normalization. Our method reduces multiple switching problems that noisy decision makers mistakenly commit in experimental approaches, so that it is free of the framing effect which severely occurred in the HL. Furthermore, the index doesn't utilize any specific utility function or probability weighting, which allows researcher to hold the independence axiom. Since our noise reduced index of risk aversion has many good traits, it is widely used and applied to reveal fundamental characteristics of risk-related behaviors in economics and finance regardless of experimental environment.

A Study on the Qualitative Improvement of Private Security Industrial (민간경호업의 질적 발전 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2006
  • The suggestions that follow are about the Qualitative Improvement of private security Industrial. First, in legal and institutional policy, new establishment by law for private security and more support from government is asked. Moreover, the restructuring or M&A between petty companies and the pricing for security service should be performed. Second, in the structural aspect of private security industry, the professional education center for private security guards should be established and the terms of payment and welfare should be improved to the level above standard. In addition, it should be achieved to change the public to have a new and correct understanding of private security and develope the specialized parts suited to the characteristic and ability of each companies. Third, the construction of operating system for private security service should be achieved; recruit system for competent security guards, marketing strategy and enforcement system, widely known confidence to client, normal training system for security guards and post management system for client. This is also to be suited to the characteristic of each companies.

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    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.417-428
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    • 2015
  • Although, in general, the random fluctuation of interest rates gives a limited impact on portfolio optimization, their stochastic nature may exert a significant influence on the process of selecting the proportions of various assets to be held in a given portfolio when the stochastic volatility of risky assets is considered. The stochastic volatility covers a variety of known models to fit in with diverse economic environments. In this paper, an optimal strategy for portfolio selection as well as the smoothness properties of the relevant value function are studied with the dynamic programming method under a market model of both stochastic volatility and stochastic interest rates.

Incentive-Compatible Priority Pricing and Transfer Analysis in Database Services

  • Kim, Yong J.
    • The Journal of Information Technology and Database
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 1998
  • A primary concern of physical database design has been efficient retrieval and update of a record because predictable performance of a DBMS is indispensable to time-critical missions. To maintain such phenomenal performance, database manages often spends more than or as much as the goal of an organization can warrant. The motivation of this research stems from the fact that even predictable performance of a physical database can be hampered by stochastic query processing time, physical configurations of a database, and random arrival processes of queries. They all together affect the overall performance of a DBMS. In particular, if there are queuing delays due to limited capacity or during on-peak congestion, this paper suggest to prioritize database services. A surprising finding of this paper is that such a transition from a non-priority system to a corresponding priority-based system can be Pareto-improving in the sense that no users in the system will be worse off after the transition. Thus prioritizing database services can be a viable option for efficient database management.

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Asymmetric Regulation of Mobile Access Charges and Consumer Welfare with Price Regulation

  • Lee, Jong-Yong;Lee, Duk-Hee;Jung, Choong-Young
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.447-456
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    • 2010
  • Asymmetric regulation as applied to mobile termination rates refers to regulatory arrangements in which different mobile operators charge different termination rates, even though the services provided are essentially identical. The asymmetric regulation has been frequently used as a regulatory tool to support new entrants to a mobile market. This paper examines the economic effects of asymmetric regulation of mobile termination rates using a theoretical model and its simulation. The result shows that when there is no noticeable difference in brand loyalty between mobile operators with the high degree of substitutability between services provided by mobile operators, and the costs of new entrants are low, a reduction in the asymmetry of mobile access prices results in an enhancement of consumer welfare. These findings provide positive evidence for the argument that in certain situations asymmetric pricing of mobile access services may be counterproductive for consumer welfare.

The Determinants of Internet Retailers′Pricing Behavior - An Exploratory Empirical Study- (인터넷 소매상의 가격 결정 요인: 총구매비용 관점에서의 탐색적 실증 연구)

  • 고석하;김주성;홍정유;경원현
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 2002
  • This paper shows that internet retailers adjust the total expenses of their customer's purchase by the nominal price of each product and the delivery fee of the purchase. This paper compares the total expenses of purchasing a bundle of goods in the internet market against the total expenses of purchasing the same bundle of goods in the traditional market. The results show that the type of goods and the total expenses of a purchase, together with their interaction, determine up to 60% or 80% of the variance of the difference between the expenses up the same purchase in the two markets. The results also show that neither the expenses of a purchase nor its interaction with the product type affects the dispersion of total purchase expenses in the internet market.

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A Nash Bargaining Solution of Electric Power Transactions Reflecting Transmission Pricing in the Competitive Electricity Market (송전선이용료를 반영한 전력거래의 내쉬협상게임 해법)

  • Gang, Dong-Ju;Kim, Bal-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.311-316
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    • 2002
  • It has been a basic model for the present electric power industry that more than two generators compete, and thereby the market clearing price and the generation schedules are determined through the bid process. In order for this paradigm to be applicable to real electric power systems and markets, it is necessary to reflect many physical and economic constraints related to frequency and transmission in the dispatching schedule. The paper presents an approach to deriving a Nash bargaining solution in a competitive electricity market where multiple generators are playing with the system operator who mitigates the transmission congestion to minimize the total transaction cost. In this study, we take the effect of the line flows and the role of system operator into the Game. Finally, a case study has been demonstrated to verify the proposed cooperative game.

A Strategy Based on Revenue Management for Revenue Increase in Hospital Health Promotion Center (수익경영 기반 종합건강검진센터 수익 증대 전략)

  • Han, Yun;Lee, Jae-June
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2010
  • A Health Promotion Center (HPC) whose capacity is partially idle causes inefficiency in resource usage of a country as well as the hospital itself. Meanwhile, Increased demand in HPC would lead to increased revenue for the HPC as well as reduced national expenditures on healthcare. We introduced a way to enhance revenue by Revenue Management (RM) on HPC services, in which demand forecasting and pricing strategies are considered. In addition, a real data analysis had been performed to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed approach.

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Analysis of Pricing and Efficiency Control Strategy between Online and Offline Marketing Channels (Online 과 Offline 마케팅 채널 간의 가격경쟁 및 효율성 통제전략 분석)

  • Cho, Hyung-Rae;Yu, Jung-Sub;Cha, Chun-Nam;Lim, Sang-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2001
  • The proliferation of the Internet and related technologies and applications has led to a new form of market place known as the electronic store. In this paper, we study competition between two shopping channels, an electronic store and traditional retailers. Based on the circular spatial market model, we derive the Nash and Stackelberg equilibria as a function of the efficiency of the electronic store. The result shows that the Stackelberg equilibrium is always superior to the Nash equilibrium for both channels. It is also shown that, in some cases, the electronic store has incentive to decrease its efficiency to gain more profit.

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A Comparative Study of Korean and Chinese Consumer Perceptions of Hanbang Cosmetics: A Topic Modeling Analysis of Sulwhasoo Reviews

  • Soo Kyung Kim;Jung Seung Lee
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzes Korean and Chinese consumer perceptions of Hanbang (traditional Korean herbal) cosmetics, specifically focusing on Sulwhasoo's Jaum two-piece set. Using topic modeling, 7,000 consumer reviews from Naver (Korea) and Baidu (China) were examined to uncover the key themes that influence consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The results reveal significant similarities and differences between the two markets. In both countries, the product is frequently purchased as a gift, and price sensitivity is a major concern. However, Korean consumers prioritize delivery experiences and product functionality, while Chinese consumers focus more on product quality and effectiveness. These findings highlight the need for targeted strategies in each market. For success in Korea, competitive pricing and improved logistics are crucial, whereas in China, maintaining high product quality and capitalizing on the gifting culture are essential. Additionally, global expansion requires educating consumers on the benefits of Hanbang cosmetics, ensuring product consistency, and adapting to regional preferences. This research provides valuable insights for cosmetic companies aiming to enhance their market presence both locally and internationally.