A Comparative Study of Korean and Chinese Consumer Perceptions of Hanbang Cosmetics: A Topic Modeling Analysis of Sulwhasoo Reviews

  • Soo Kyung Kim (School of International Studies, Dankook University) ;
  • Jung Seung Lee (School of Business, Hoseo University)
  • Received : 2024.08.02
  • Accepted : 2024.08.20
  • Published : 2024.08.30


This study analyzes Korean and Chinese consumer perceptions of Hanbang (traditional Korean herbal) cosmetics, specifically focusing on Sulwhasoo's Jaum two-piece set. Using topic modeling, 7,000 consumer reviews from Naver (Korea) and Baidu (China) were examined to uncover the key themes that influence consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The results reveal significant similarities and differences between the two markets. In both countries, the product is frequently purchased as a gift, and price sensitivity is a major concern. However, Korean consumers prioritize delivery experiences and product functionality, while Chinese consumers focus more on product quality and effectiveness. These findings highlight the need for targeted strategies in each market. For success in Korea, competitive pricing and improved logistics are crucial, whereas in China, maintaining high product quality and capitalizing on the gifting culture are essential. Additionally, global expansion requires educating consumers on the benefits of Hanbang cosmetics, ensuring product consistency, and adapting to regional preferences. This research provides valuable insights for cosmetic companies aiming to enhance their market presence both locally and internationally.



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