• Title/Summary/Keyword: palette color

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An Analysis of the Color Palette using 3D Visual Presentation (3차원 프리젠테이션을 이용한 실내디자인 색채팔레트 분석)

  • 김은정;이현수
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2001
  • Usual1y, common color systems have been expressed with two dimensional method such as books. We think that the three dimensional presentation of color is very useful to know the characteristics of the color palette for interior design. And, it might be convenient far planning the colors of interior design. This paper deals with the method of 3D presentation. We used AutoCAD 2000 and 3dMax 4.0 in modeling the color system. By presenting which parts of the munsell color system used in the colors which have appeared in interior design three dimensionally, the guideline fur the interior designers can be suggested.

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Development of Assistive Software for color blind to Electronic Documents (전자문서용 색각 장애 보정 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Jang, Young-Gun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.5
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    • pp.535-542
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    • 2003
  • This study is concerned with an assistive technology which reduces color blinds´s confusion when they access electronic documents including color objects in their computers. In this study, 1 restrict the assistive technology would apply to windows operating system, 256 color mode and implement to minimize color distortion which occurs in multi window environments because of color approximation process. As a basic palette, I use a 216 colors web safe palette which the Christine proposed as a standard for color blind, expand it to 256 colors to apply all computer displays using Microsoft Windows as its operating system and implement it as windows application. To test its effectiveness, I use a simulator for dichromats, as results of the test, the developed color vision deficiency correction S/W is effective to reduce the confusion. It is more effective to use the implemented S/W in both of design and client process for electronic documents.

Retrieval of Identical Clothing Images Based on Non-Static Color Histogram Analysis

  • Choi, Yoo-Joo;Moon, Nam-Mee;Kim, Ku-Jin
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.397-408
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we present a non-static color histogram method to retrieve clothing images that are similar to a query clothing. Given clothing area, our method automatically extracts major colors by using the octree-based quantization approach[16]. Then, a color palette that is composed of the major colors is generated. The feature of each clothing, which can be either a query or a database clothing image, is represented as a color histogram based on its color palette. We define the match color bins between two possibly different color palettes, and unify the color palettes by merging or deleting some color bins if necessary. The similarity between two histograms is measured by using the weighted Euclidean distance between the match color bins, where the weight is derived from the frequency of each bin. We compare our method with previous histogram matching methods through experiments. Compared to HSV cumulative histogram-based approach, our method improves the retrieval precision by 13.7 % with less number of color bins.

Purpose, curriculum, and results of ${\ulcorner}$color and Materials${\lrcorner}$ course - chiefly focusing on basic course of color theory - (교과목 "실내 마감과 색채"의 목적, 과정, 결과물 - 색채이론의 기초과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.255-256
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    • 2005
  • For the students who specialize in interior design irrespective of their color susceptibility, it is prerequisite to precede a systematic curriculum in the first place on how to put the color theory to practical use. Therefore, this curriculum has its purpose to let the students study on how to put to practical use of their understanding of color as one of the finishing materials for interior design. The 16-weekschool days has been segmented into a theoretical study and practical training, This thesis has summed up the basic instance of the color theory, the first of the three basicpractical courses and presented its results to the students. In due course of this curriculum, the students were recommended to pick up one photo image of their selection out of which they could make out color palette based on their analysis of the photo image, so that they could study on how to apply their color palette to a three dimensional space. Firstly, through this course, they could experience the process for a color image that they had so far sensed subjectively and vaguely to become an objective inevitable result. Secondly, they studied on the process of how a two-dimensionalcolor image could be applied for a three-dimensional space. It is significant of this curriculum in the sense that the students become prepared through this study course with essential knowledge applicable to various interior designs in their future.

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A Study on the Formation of Dynamic Palette considering Viewpoint (시선영역을 고려한 동적팔래트 생성 방법에 관한연구)

  • Lim, Hun-Gyu;Yang, Hong-Taek;Paik, Doo-Won
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.772-774
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    • 2008
  • A navigation system for virtual environments using low-quality HMD(head mounted display)must quantize images when the system presents true-color image with restricted number of colors. Such navigation system quantizes an image by using fixed palette. If the system represents an image by using a variable palette which is made considering a region around the viewpoint then user can perceive a virtual environments more vividly because human visual system is sensitive to the colors variation in the region around the viewpoint. In this paper we propose a color quantization algorithm that quantize a region around the viewpoint more finely than other regions at each variation of viewpoint for virtual environments navigation system and compose virtual environments navigation system using proposed algorithm. The system quantizes an image at each variation of viewpoint and shows a quantized image to user through HMD. We tested user preferences for our proposed system and the results show that users preferred our system.

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An Effcient Lossless Compression Algorithm using Arithmetic Coding for Indexed Color lmage (산술부호화를 이용한 인덱스 칼라 이미지에서의 효율적인 무손실 압축 방법)

  • You Kang-Soo;Lee Han-Jeong;Jang Euee S.;Kwak Hoon-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.1C
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2005
  • This paper introduces a new algorithm to improve compression performance of 256 color images called palette-based or indexed images. The proposed scheme counts each frequency of index values after present index value and determines each rank for every index value by sorting them in descending order. Then, the scheme makes ranked index image instead of original indexed image using the way to replace index values with ranks. In the ranked index image's distribution produced as a result of this algorithm, the higher ranked index value, the more present same values. Therefore, data redundancy will be raised and more efficient performance of compression can be expected. Simulation results verify that because of higher compression ratio by up to 22.5, this newly designed algorithm shows a much better performance of compression in comparison with the arithmetic coding, intensity-based JPEG-LS and palette-based GIF.

Suggestions for Color Palette Interface - focusing on Adobe's illustration - (컬러팔레트인터페이스에 관한 제안 -어도비사의 일러스트레이션을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Young-Ok
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2007
  • It is safe to say that color is among the most important elements in design. Thus, most designers give much thought about color while finishing their works. However, it is not easy to use the color interface of computer graphics programs, which makes it difficult for designers to apply the color theory and color scheme theory they've learned at school into the real design works. In fact, the same color systems as those of Adobe's first version of Photoshop or other illustration programs are still being used. Despite the advancement of digital equipment and development of printing technology, color palettes haven't changed accordingly, making it difficult to find a proper color coordination. Based on surveys and color scheme theories and taking designers' convenience into consideration, I will suggest in this paper a new color interface with which the color system and color scheme theories can be easily applied. However, its use in reality is not dealth with in this paper since it requires more practical discussions and studies.

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A Study on hospital color plan by color sensibility palette - Korea University Guro hospital new building in the object (색채 감성 팔레트를 이용한 병원의 색채계획 연구 - 고려대학교 구로병원 신사옥을 대상으로 -)

  • Moon, Eun-Bae
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.2 s.61
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2007
  • The use of colors plays an important role in the field of space design. The selection of proper colors influences on people who use space by making the most of the psychological and physical functions of colors. Especially, the medical space is relatively more important than other indoor spaces in the selection of colors. The medical space has to be something to do with diversity and functions, and at the same time with stability and quietude, as well as the space with general convenient facilities. Color is not only related to the expression but also to the distinction of things and the existence. It also functions as a visual language. Human beings depend heavily on the function of color as a visual language. According to previous studies, human beings depend on color by 80% of the whole range of eyesight. Thus, color is an important factor in recognizing things and space. For example, in hospital, it Is very important to apply proper colors to various medical treatment spaces for the sake of patients' rest and healing. Various colors which do not consider the function of patients' rest and healing may make the space confusing against the change of space and structure. It is also important to apply colors to the change of space and structure. Another key point that I would like to make is that color has visual, direct and physical influence on the human body. For example, the color red with long wavelength serves to regulate body temperature. Research on the color scheme for hospitals should consider both physical and psychological factors. That is why the research should be carried out in depth through continuous clinical demonstration. The present research aims to outline color planning.

Edge Based Dynamic Brush Stroke Generation for Painterly Rendering (회화적 렌더링을 위한 에지 기반 동적 브러시 스트로크 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Park Youngsup;Yoon Kyunghyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2005
  • Painterly rendering may bring various results through the parameters that determine the characteristics of brush strokes such as, color, orientation, size, and shape. In this paper, we propose the most adaptive brush stroke generation for source images, using reference data. Our algorithm used Colors formed by actual palette colors from artists. To create the palette, we have referred mostly to colors used in Van Gogh's works and determined the color of brush strokes by transferring it to the most similar one, through comparing colors used in source images and the palette colors. Also, In order to emulate a brush stroke with dynamic properties like Van Gogh styles we have applied a brush stroke orientation that surrounds the edges by referring to the edge orientation of source images. The sizes were determined depending on the different sizes of the objects from wide to narrow brushes. Finally, we applied spline curve shapes to simulate curves and swirls like Van Gogh styles. The brush strokes created in such method, were applied separately according to its segmented images, and composed after rendering.

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